You wont hear about this on Fox News

my wife works for dpss and the overwhelming number of "food" stamp recipients are white...
It's because the overwhelming number of poor in America are White.

There's 43 million Americans collecting SNAP benefits. Almost half of them are either black, Hispanic, some other minority. So that means that approx. 25 million white Americans are collecting SNAP benefits. That's about 10% of the white population. However, blacks make up only 13% of the population yet they collect 28% of the total benefits. There are 39 million blacks in America but 12 million of them are receiving food stamps, and if they were in the program like whites only 3.9 million of them would be in the program.

Seems to me that blacks are getting more than their share.
my wife works for dpss and the overwhelming number of "food" stamp recipients are white...
It's because the overwhelming number of poor in America are White.

There's 43 million Americans collecting SNAP benefits. Almost half of them are either black, Hispanic, some other minority. So that means that approx. 25 million white Americans are collecting SNAP benefits. That's about 10% of the white population. However, blacks make up only 13% of the population yet they collect 28% of the total benefits. There are 39 million blacks in America but 12 million of them are receiving food stamps, and if they were in the program like whites only 3.9 million of them would be in the program.

Seems to me that blacks are getting more than their share.
You forgot to mention that Blacks also have a higher unemployment rate. When thats factored in then we see that whites actually spend more time trying to figure out how to scam the system. I see it all the time on Dr. Phil.
Addicting Info 30 People Arrested For Food Stamp Fraud Guess How Many Were Black

More than 30 people have been nabbed for food stamp fraud in the North Country.

Investigators say over the past couple month’s people used their food stamps to get food or alcohol at the Old Time Butcher Block store in Brushton.

Police also say it’s not the first time the owner of that store, Dennis Sauve, has been charged with allowing such fraud.

Police say more arrests are expected.

Now here’s the kicker: they’re all white. Brushton, New York, where this bust happened, has a population of roughly 480 people. Approximately 99.83% of the population is white, and 0.42% are black. These demographics are eerily similar to the food stamp capital of the country, Owsley Country, Kentucky, which is 99.22% white and 95% Republican. Maybe we should investigate them.

The store owner, Denis Sauve (also white), has been charged with third-degree grand larceny and misuse of food stamps.

This really isn’t a racial issue so much as it is an, “I told you so,” issue. While the food stamp program has one of the lowest rates of abuse than any other welfare program, a lot of people buy into this misconception that it is the “lazy blacks” who account for all the fraud and woes of government assistance. Well, here we are, a major food stamp “bust” and every criminal involved is white.

It might be time to rethink today’ stereotypes.
+ 0.42

Somebody must have had one in the over, eh? You know when you go into an ALL WHITE town or one with 99% plus white people you'll always find white people cheating, white people not cheating, white people paying taxes, white people not paying taxes, white Christians, white Jews, white Italians but you seldom ever find black people abusing the food stamp program in an ALL WHITE town.

This is not only NOT a racial's not even an issue worthy of proof of anything. Except there is a crook running the grocery store in Brushton, N.Y.

GEESUS...get a life.
best rationalization so far
Addicting Info 30 People Arrested For Food Stamp Fraud Guess How Many Were Black

More than 30 people have been nabbed for food stamp fraud in the North Country.

Investigators say over the past couple month’s people used their food stamps to get food or alcohol at the Old Time Butcher Block store in Brushton.

Police also say it’s not the first time the owner of that store, Dennis Sauve, has been charged with allowing such fraud.

Police say more arrests are expected.

Now here’s the kicker: they’re all white. Brushton, New York, where this bust happened, has a population of roughly 480 people. Approximately 99.83% of the population is white, and 0.42% are black. These demographics are eerily similar to the food stamp capital of the country, Owsley Country, Kentucky, which is 99.22% white and 95% Republican. Maybe we should investigate them.

The store owner, Denis Sauve (also white), has been charged with third-degree grand larceny and misuse of food stamps.

This really isn’t a racial issue so much as it is an, “I told you so,” issue. While the food stamp program has one of the lowest rates of abuse than any other welfare program, a lot of people buy into this misconception that it is the “lazy blacks” who account for all the fraud and woes of government assistance. Well, here we are, a major food stamp “bust” and every criminal involved is white.

It might be time to rethink today’ stereotypes.
+ 0.42

Somebody must have had one in the over, eh? You know when you go into an ALL WHITE town or one with 99% plus white people you'll always find white people cheating, white people not cheating, white people paying taxes, white people not paying taxes, white Christians, white Jews, white Italians but you seldom ever find black people abusing the food stamp program in an ALL WHITE town.

This is not only NOT a racial's not even an issue worthy of proof of anything. Except there is a crook running the grocery store in Brushton, N.Y.

GEESUS...get a life.

They have to keep stretching harder to explain their lack of initiative. Think if they took all this angst and applied it to a JOB.
wrong as always ...there has to be jobs to look for and have angst over first...
my guess is you've never had to look for work...
Congratulations, you found a needle in a haystack!
It wasnt a needle in a haystack. It was white people scamming the system. You can find these whites by going outside and throwing a rock. The first one it hits is most likely a white person on welfare or scamming welfare.
Not surprised you would use a "rock throwing" analogy.
so white people never throw rocks?
Addicting Info 30 People Arrested For Food Stamp Fraud Guess How Many Were Black

More than 30 people have been nabbed for food stamp fraud in the North Country.

Investigators say over the past couple month’s people used their food stamps to get food or alcohol at the Old Time Butcher Block store in Brushton.

Police also say it’s not the first time the owner of that store, Dennis Sauve, has been charged with allowing such fraud.

Police say more arrests are expected.

Now here’s the kicker: they’re all white. Brushton, New York, where this bust happened, has a population of roughly 480 people. Approximately 99.83% of the population is white, and 0.42% are black. These demographics are eerily similar to the food stamp capital of the country, Owsley Country, Kentucky, which is 99.22% white and 95% Republican. Maybe we should investigate them.

The store owner, Denis Sauve (also white), has been charged with third-degree grand larceny and misuse of food stamps.

This really isn’t a racial issue so much as it is an, “I told you so,” issue. While the food stamp program has one of the lowest rates of abuse than any other welfare program, a lot of people buy into this misconception that it is the “lazy blacks” who account for all the fraud and woes of government assistance. Well, here we are, a major food stamp “bust” and every criminal involved is white.

It might be time to rethink today’ stereotypes.
+ 0.42

Somebody must have had one in the over, eh? You know when you go into an ALL WHITE town or one with 99% plus white people you'll always find white people cheating, white people not cheating, white people paying taxes, white people not paying taxes, white Christians, white Jews, white Italians but you seldom ever find black people abusing the food stamp program in an ALL WHITE town.

This is not only NOT a racial's not even an issue worthy of proof of anything. Except there is a crook running the grocery store in Brushton, N.Y.

GEESUS...get a life.
A white crook and a white people scamming the SNAP system. The real welfare queen is white single and uneducated.
Addicting Info 30 People Arrested For Food Stamp Fraud Guess How Many Were Black

More than 30 people have been nabbed for food stamp fraud in the North Country.

Investigators say over the past couple month’s people used their food stamps to get food or alcohol at the Old Time Butcher Block store in Brushton.

Police also say it’s not the first time the owner of that store, Dennis Sauve, has been charged with allowing such fraud.

Police say more arrests are expected.

Now here’s the kicker: they’re all white. Brushton, New York, where this bust happened, has a population of roughly 480 people. Approximately 99.83% of the population is white, and 0.42% are black. These demographics are eerily similar to the food stamp capital of the country, Owsley Country, Kentucky, which is 99.22% white and 95% Republican. Maybe we should investigate them.

The store owner, Denis Sauve (also white), has been charged with third-degree grand larceny and misuse of food stamps.

This really isn’t a racial issue so much as it is an, “I told you so,” issue. While the food stamp program has one of the lowest rates of abuse than any other welfare program, a lot of people buy into this misconception that it is the “lazy blacks” who account for all the fraud and woes of government assistance. Well, here we are, a major food stamp “bust” and every criminal involved is white.

It might be time to rethink today’ stereotypes.
+ 0.42

Somebody must have had one in the over, eh? You know when you go into an ALL WHITE town or one with 99% plus white people you'll always find white people cheating, white people not cheating, white people paying taxes, white people not paying taxes, white Christians, white Jews, white Italians but you seldom ever find black people abusing the food stamp program in an ALL WHITE town.

This is not only NOT a racial's not even an issue worthy of proof of anything. Except there is a crook running the grocery store in Brushton, N.Y.

GEESUS...get a life.

They have to keep stretching harder to explain their lack of initiative. Think if they took all this angst and applied it to a JOB.

How did you come into a thread about white people on welfare scamming and say that blacks on welfare lack initiative and never mention whites at all?


It's a race baiting thread. Bad numbers meant to camouflage the fact that statistically, there are more black people on welfare, and statistically, more blacks are criminal.
my wife works for dpss and the overwhelming number of "food" stamp recipients are white...
It's because the overwhelming number of poor in America are White.

There's 43 million Americans collecting SNAP benefits. Almost half of them are either black, Hispanic, some other minority. So that means that approx. 25 million white Americans are collecting SNAP benefits. That's about 10% of the white population. However, blacks make up only 13% of the population yet they collect 28% of the total benefits. There are 39 million blacks in America but 12 million of them are receiving food stamps, and if they were in the program like whites only 3.9 million of them would be in the program.

Seems to me that blacks are getting more than their share.
You forgot to mention that Blacks also have a higher unemployment rate. When thats factored in then we see that whites actually spend more time trying to figure out how to scam the system. I see it all the time on Dr. Phil.
Bullshit. Blacks do it in much larger percentages. Collecting food stamps doesn't mean you're scamming the system.

Unemployment for blacks is higher. Who's fault is that? Could it be because more are abusing the system? Or is it because they live in big cities where high unemployment is a constant? Or could it be that so many of them are unemployable? Who really knows. I think it's a little of everything. Blacks in rural areas are a different kind of people. They own farms and they tend to get along with everyone. Blacks in cities like Ferguson are like Palestinians, running around with nothing better to do than get in trouble. Welfare recipients with no future and no desire to improve their own lives. In Western Kentucky whites aren't a lot different. They're drunks and drug addicts. Practically worthless.

All this discussion proves is that there are more whites living in poverty in America than blacks.....but blacks are living in poverty in higher percentages. And the government literally encourages them to stay that way.
Addicting Info 30 People Arrested For Food Stamp Fraud Guess How Many Were Black

More than 30 people have been nabbed for food stamp fraud in the North Country.

Investigators say over the past couple month’s people used their food stamps to get food or alcohol at the Old Time Butcher Block store in Brushton.

Police also say it’s not the first time the owner of that store, Dennis Sauve, has been charged with allowing such fraud.

Police say more arrests are expected.

Now here’s the kicker: they’re all white. Brushton, New York, where this bust happened, has a population of roughly 480 people. Approximately 99.83% of the population is white, and 0.42% are black. These demographics are eerily similar to the food stamp capital of the country, Owsley Country, Kentucky, which is 99.22% white and 95% Republican. Maybe we should investigate them.

The store owner, Denis Sauve (also white), has been charged with third-degree grand larceny and misuse of food stamps.

This really isn’t a racial issue so much as it is an, “I told you so,” issue. While the food stamp program has one of the lowest rates of abuse than any other welfare program, a lot of people buy into this misconception that it is the “lazy blacks” who account for all the fraud and woes of government assistance. Well, here we are, a major food stamp “bust” and every criminal involved is white.

It might be time to rethink today’ stereotypes.
+ 0.42

Somebody must have had one in the over, eh? You know when you go into an ALL WHITE town or one with 99% plus white people you'll always find white people cheating, white people not cheating, white people paying taxes, white people not paying taxes, white Christians, white Jews, white Italians but you seldom ever find black people abusing the food stamp program in an ALL WHITE town.

This is not only NOT a racial's not even an issue worthy of proof of anything. Except there is a crook running the grocery store in Brushton, N.Y.

GEESUS...get a life.
A white crook and a white people scamming the SNAP system. The real welfare queen is white single and uneducated.
Addicting Info 30 People Arrested For Food Stamp Fraud Guess How Many Were Black

More than 30 people have been nabbed for food stamp fraud in the North Country.

Investigators say over the past couple month’s people used their food stamps to get food or alcohol at the Old Time Butcher Block store in Brushton.

Police also say it’s not the first time the owner of that store, Dennis Sauve, has been charged with allowing such fraud.

Police say more arrests are expected.

Now here’s the kicker: they’re all white. Brushton, New York, where this bust happened, has a population of roughly 480 people. Approximately 99.83% of the population is white, and 0.42% are black. These demographics are eerily similar to the food stamp capital of the country, Owsley Country, Kentucky, which is 99.22% white and 95% Republican. Maybe we should investigate them.

The store owner, Denis Sauve (also white), has been charged with third-degree grand larceny and misuse of food stamps.

This really isn’t a racial issue so much as it is an, “I told you so,” issue. While the food stamp program has one of the lowest rates of abuse than any other welfare program, a lot of people buy into this misconception that it is the “lazy blacks” who account for all the fraud and woes of government assistance. Well, here we are, a major food stamp “bust” and every criminal involved is white.

It might be time to rethink today’ stereotypes.
+ 0.42

Somebody must have had one in the over, eh? You know when you go into an ALL WHITE town or one with 99% plus white people you'll always find white people cheating, white people not cheating, white people paying taxes, white people not paying taxes, white Christians, white Jews, white Italians but you seldom ever find black people abusing the food stamp program in an ALL WHITE town.

This is not only NOT a racial's not even an issue worthy of proof of anything. Except there is a crook running the grocery store in Brushton, N.Y.

GEESUS...get a life.

They have to keep stretching harder to explain their lack of initiative. Think if they took all this angst and applied it to a JOB.

How did you come into a thread about white people on welfare scamming and say that blacks on welfare lack initiative and never mention whites at all?


It's a race baiting thread. Bad numbers meant to camouflage the fact that statistically, there are more black people on welfare, and statistically, more blacks are criminal.
Statiscally more whites are criminals and on welfare.
Congratulations, you found a needle in a haystack!
It wasnt a needle in a haystack. It was white people scamming the system. You can find these whites by going outside and throwing a rock. The first one it hits is most likely a white person on welfare or scamming welfare.
Not surprised you would use a "rock throwing" analogy.
so white people never throw rocks?
No.....mostly snowballs.
Addicting Info 30 People Arrested For Food Stamp Fraud Guess How Many Were Black

More than 30 people have been nabbed for food stamp fraud in the North Country.

Investigators say over the past couple month’s people used their food stamps to get food or alcohol at the Old Time Butcher Block store in Brushton.

Police also say it’s not the first time the owner of that store, Dennis Sauve, has been charged with allowing such fraud.

Police say more arrests are expected.

Now here’s the kicker: they’re all white. Brushton, New York, where this bust happened, has a population of roughly 480 people. Approximately 99.83% of the population is white, and 0.42% are black. These demographics are eerily similar to the food stamp capital of the country, Owsley Country, Kentucky, which is 99.22% white and 95% Republican. Maybe we should investigate them.

The store owner, Denis Sauve (also white), has been charged with third-degree grand larceny and misuse of food stamps.

This really isn’t a racial issue so much as it is an, “I told you so,” issue. While the food stamp program has one of the lowest rates of abuse than any other welfare program, a lot of people buy into this misconception that it is the “lazy blacks” who account for all the fraud and woes of government assistance. Well, here we are, a major food stamp “bust” and every criminal involved is white.

It might be time to rethink today’ stereotypes.
+ 0.42

Somebody must have had one in the over, eh? You know when you go into an ALL WHITE town or one with 99% plus white people you'll always find white people cheating, white people not cheating, white people paying taxes, white people not paying taxes, white Christians, white Jews, white Italians but you seldom ever find black people abusing the food stamp program in an ALL WHITE town.

This is not only NOT a racial's not even an issue worthy of proof of anything. Except there is a crook running the grocery store in Brushton, N.Y.

GEESUS...get a life.
A white crook and a white people scamming the SNAP system. The real welfare queen is white single and uneducated.
Addicting Info 30 People Arrested For Food Stamp Fraud Guess How Many Were Black

More than 30 people have been nabbed for food stamp fraud in the North Country.

Investigators say over the past couple month’s people used their food stamps to get food or alcohol at the Old Time Butcher Block store in Brushton.

Police also say it’s not the first time the owner of that store, Dennis Sauve, has been charged with allowing such fraud.

Police say more arrests are expected.

Now here’s the kicker: they’re all white. Brushton, New York, where this bust happened, has a population of roughly 480 people. Approximately 99.83% of the population is white, and 0.42% are black. These demographics are eerily similar to the food stamp capital of the country, Owsley Country, Kentucky, which is 99.22% white and 95% Republican. Maybe we should investigate them.

The store owner, Denis Sauve (also white), has been charged with third-degree grand larceny and misuse of food stamps.

This really isn’t a racial issue so much as it is an, “I told you so,” issue. While the food stamp program has one of the lowest rates of abuse than any other welfare program, a lot of people buy into this misconception that it is the “lazy blacks” who account for all the fraud and woes of government assistance. Well, here we are, a major food stamp “bust” and every criminal involved is white.

It might be time to rethink today’ stereotypes.
+ 0.42

Somebody must have had one in the over, eh? You know when you go into an ALL WHITE town or one with 99% plus white people you'll always find white people cheating, white people not cheating, white people paying taxes, white people not paying taxes, white Christians, white Jews, white Italians but you seldom ever find black people abusing the food stamp program in an ALL WHITE town.

This is not only NOT a racial's not even an issue worthy of proof of anything. Except there is a crook running the grocery store in Brushton, N.Y.

GEESUS...get a life.

They have to keep stretching harder to explain their lack of initiative. Think if they took all this angst and applied it to a JOB.

How did you come into a thread about white people on welfare scamming and say that blacks on welfare lack initiative and never mention whites at all?


It's a race baiting thread. Bad numbers meant to camouflage the fact that statistically, there are more black people on welfare, and statistically, more blacks are criminal.
Statiscally more whites are criminals and on welfare.
Yet over half of all violent crimes are committed by blacks.

So what's your point?
my wife works for dpss and the overwhelming number of "food" stamp recipients are white...
It's because the overwhelming number of poor in America are White.

There's 43 million Americans collecting SNAP benefits. Almost half of them are either black, Hispanic, some other minority. So that means that approx. 25 million white Americans are collecting SNAP benefits. That's about 10% of the white population. However, blacks make up only 13% of the population yet they collect 28% of the total benefits. There are 39 million blacks in America but 12 million of them are receiving food stamps, and if they were in the program like whites only 3.9 million of them would be in the program.

Seems to me that blacks are getting more than their share.
You forgot to mention that Blacks also have a higher unemployment rate. When thats factored in then we see that whites actually spend more time trying to figure out how to scam the system. I see it all the time on Dr. Phil.
Bullshit. Blacks do it in much larger percentages. Collecting food stamps doesn't mean you're scamming the system.

Unemployment for blacks is higher. Who's fault is that? Could it be because more are abusing the system? Or is it because they live in big cities where high unemployment is a constant? Or could it be that so many of them are unemployable? Who really knows. I think it's a little of everything. Blacks in rural areas are a different kind of people. They own farms and they tend to get along with everyone. Blacks in cities like Ferguson are like Palestinians, running around with nothing better to do than get in trouble. Welfare recipients with no future and no desire to improve their own lives. In Western Kentucky whites aren't a lot different. They're drunks and drug addicts. Practically worthless.

All this discussion proves is that there are more whites living in poverty in America than blacks.....but blacks are living in poverty in higher percentages. And the government literally encourages them to stay that way.
Sorry but youre wrong. Whites not only scam welfare, they also commit more white collar crime by a whopping margin. No matter how you look at it more whites are criminals or on welfare and scamming the system making them criminals to boot.
Addicting Info 30 People Arrested For Food Stamp Fraud Guess How Many Were Black

More than 30 people have been nabbed for food stamp fraud in the North Country.

Investigators say over the past couple month’s people used their food stamps to get food or alcohol at the Old Time Butcher Block store in Brushton.

Police also say it’s not the first time the owner of that store, Dennis Sauve, has been charged with allowing such fraud.

Police say more arrests are expected.

Now here’s the kicker: they’re all white. Brushton, New York, where this bust happened, has a population of roughly 480 people. Approximately 99.83% of the population is white, and 0.42% are black. These demographics are eerily similar to the food stamp capital of the country, Owsley Country, Kentucky, which is 99.22% white and 95% Republican. Maybe we should investigate them.

The store owner, Denis Sauve (also white), has been charged with third-degree grand larceny and misuse of food stamps.

This really isn’t a racial issue so much as it is an, “I told you so,” issue. While the food stamp program has one of the lowest rates of abuse than any other welfare program, a lot of people buy into this misconception that it is the “lazy blacks” who account for all the fraud and woes of government assistance. Well, here we are, a major food stamp “bust” and every criminal involved is white.

It might be time to rethink today’ stereotypes.
+ 0.42

Somebody must have had one in the over, eh? You know when you go into an ALL WHITE town or one with 99% plus white people you'll always find white people cheating, white people not cheating, white people paying taxes, white people not paying taxes, white Christians, white Jews, white Italians but you seldom ever find black people abusing the food stamp program in an ALL WHITE town.

This is not only NOT a racial's not even an issue worthy of proof of anything. Except there is a crook running the grocery store in Brushton, N.Y.

GEESUS...get a life.
A white crook and a white people scamming the SNAP system. The real welfare queen is white single and uneducated.
+ 0.42

Somebody must have had one in the over, eh? You know when you go into an ALL WHITE town or one with 99% plus white people you'll always find white people cheating, white people not cheating, white people paying taxes, white people not paying taxes, white Christians, white Jews, white Italians but you seldom ever find black people abusing the food stamp program in an ALL WHITE town.

This is not only NOT a racial's not even an issue worthy of proof of anything. Except there is a crook running the grocery store in Brushton, N.Y.

GEESUS...get a life.

They have to keep stretching harder to explain their lack of initiative. Think if they took all this angst and applied it to a JOB.

How did you come into a thread about white people on welfare scamming and say that blacks on welfare lack initiative and never mention whites at all?


It's a race baiting thread. Bad numbers meant to camouflage the fact that statistically, there are more black people on welfare, and statistically, more blacks are criminal.
Statiscally more whites are criminals and on welfare.
Yet over half of all violent crimes are committed by blacks.

So what's your point?
Whats your point?
Addicting Info 30 People Arrested For Food Stamp Fraud Guess How Many Were Black

More than 30 people have been nabbed for food stamp fraud in the North Country.

Investigators say over the past couple month’s people used their food stamps to get food or alcohol at the Old Time Butcher Block store in Brushton.

Police also say it’s not the first time the owner of that store, Dennis Sauve, has been charged with allowing such fraud.

Police say more arrests are expected.

Now here’s the kicker: they’re all white. Brushton, New York, where this bust happened, has a population of roughly 480 people. Approximately 99.83% of the population is white, and 0.42% are black. These demographics are eerily similar to the food stamp capital of the country, Owsley Country, Kentucky, which is 99.22% white and 95% Republican. Maybe we should investigate them.

The store owner, Denis Sauve (also white), has been charged with third-degree grand larceny and misuse of food stamps.

This really isn’t a racial issue so much as it is an, “I told you so,” issue. While the food stamp program has one of the lowest rates of abuse than any other welfare program, a lot of people buy into this misconception that it is the “lazy blacks” who account for all the fraud and woes of government assistance. Well, here we are, a major food stamp “bust” and every criminal involved is white.

It might be time to rethink today’ stereotypes.
Weird.....a city that is 99% white only has whites getting nabbed for food stamp fraud.

That's so strange.

Course if you went to Ferguson just about all of them would be black.

Really strange. Huh?
Stop with the excuses. Makes you look pathetic.

That is not an excuse it's a fact.
Majority of whites live there so the whites were busted on food stamp fraud.
Majority of Blacks live in Ferguson so the majority are getting arrested.
Majority of Hispanics are crossing into American illegally and they are getting arrested.
None of this is racial profiling.
my wife works for dpss and the overwhelming number of "food" stamp recipients are white...
It's because the overwhelming number of poor in America are White.

There's 43 million Americans collecting SNAP benefits. Almost half of them are either black, Hispanic, some other minority. So that means that approx. 25 million white Americans are collecting SNAP benefits. That's about 10% of the white population. However, blacks make up only 13% of the population yet they collect 28% of the total benefits. There are 39 million blacks in America but 12 million of them are receiving food stamps, and if they were in the program like whites only 3.9 million of them would be in the program.

Seems to me that blacks are getting more than their share.
You forgot to mention that Blacks also have a higher unemployment rate. When thats factored in then we see that whites actually spend more time trying to figure out how to scam the system. I see it all the time on Dr. Phil.
Bullshit. Blacks do it in much larger percentages. Collecting food stamps doesn't mean you're scamming the system.

Unemployment for blacks is higher. Who's fault is that? Could it be because more are abusing the system? Or is it because they live in big cities where high unemployment is a constant? Or could it be that so many of them are unemployable? Who really knows. I think it's a little of everything. Blacks in rural areas are a different kind of people. They own farms and they tend to get along with everyone. Blacks in cities like Ferguson are like Palestinians, running around with nothing better to do than get in trouble. Welfare recipients with no future and no desire to improve their own lives. In Western Kentucky whites aren't a lot different. They're drunks and drug addicts. Practically worthless.

All this discussion proves is that there are more whites living in poverty in America than blacks.....but blacks are living in poverty in higher percentages. And the government literally encourages them to stay that way.
Sorry but youre wrong. Whites not only scam welfare, they also commit more white collar crime by a whopping margin. No matter how you look at it more whites are criminals or on welfare and scamming the system making them criminals to boot.

That's because the vast Majority of this Nation is white.
Addicting Info 30 People Arrested For Food Stamp Fraud Guess How Many Were Black

More than 30 people have been nabbed for food stamp fraud in the North Country.

Investigators say over the past couple month’s people used their food stamps to get food or alcohol at the Old Time Butcher Block store in Brushton.

Police also say it’s not the first time the owner of that store, Dennis Sauve, has been charged with allowing such fraud.

Police say more arrests are expected.

Now here’s the kicker: they’re all white. Brushton, New York, where this bust happened, has a population of roughly 480 people. Approximately 99.83% of the population is white, and 0.42% are black. These demographics are eerily similar to the food stamp capital of the country, Owsley Country, Kentucky, which is 99.22% white and 95% Republican. Maybe we should investigate them.

The store owner, Denis Sauve (also white), has been charged with third-degree grand larceny and misuse of food stamps.

This really isn’t a racial issue so much as it is an, “I told you so,” issue. While the food stamp program has one of the lowest rates of abuse than any other welfare program, a lot of people buy into this misconception that it is the “lazy blacks” who account for all the fraud and woes of government assistance. Well, here we are, a major food stamp “bust” and every criminal involved is white.

It might be time to rethink today’ stereotypes.
+ 0.42

Somebody must have had one in the over, eh? You know when you go into an ALL WHITE town or one with 99% plus white people you'll always find white people cheating, white people not cheating, white people paying taxes, white people not paying taxes, white Christians, white Jews, white Italians but you seldom ever find black people abusing the food stamp program in an ALL WHITE town.

This is not only NOT a racial's not even an issue worthy of proof of anything. Except there is a crook running the grocery store in Brushton, N.Y.

GEESUS...get a life.
A white crook and a white people scamming the SNAP system. The real welfare queen is white single and uneducated.
Addicting Info 30 People Arrested For Food Stamp Fraud Guess How Many Were Black

More than 30 people have been nabbed for food stamp fraud in the North Country.

Investigators say over the past couple month’s people used their food stamps to get food or alcohol at the Old Time Butcher Block store in Brushton.

Police also say it’s not the first time the owner of that store, Dennis Sauve, has been charged with allowing such fraud.

Police say more arrests are expected.

Now here’s the kicker: they’re all white. Brushton, New York, where this bust happened, has a population of roughly 480 people. Approximately 99.83% of the population is white, and 0.42% are black. These demographics are eerily similar to the food stamp capital of the country, Owsley Country, Kentucky, which is 99.22% white and 95% Republican. Maybe we should investigate them.

The store owner, Denis Sauve (also white), has been charged with third-degree grand larceny and misuse of food stamps.

This really isn’t a racial issue so much as it is an, “I told you so,” issue. While the food stamp program has one of the lowest rates of abuse than any other welfare program, a lot of people buy into this misconception that it is the “lazy blacks” who account for all the fraud and woes of government assistance. Well, here we are, a major food stamp “bust” and every criminal involved is white.

It might be time to rethink today’ stereotypes.
+ 0.42

Somebody must have had one in the over, eh? You know when you go into an ALL WHITE town or one with 99% plus white people you'll always find white people cheating, white people not cheating, white people paying taxes, white people not paying taxes, white Christians, white Jews, white Italians but you seldom ever find black people abusing the food stamp program in an ALL WHITE town.

This is not only NOT a racial's not even an issue worthy of proof of anything. Except there is a crook running the grocery store in Brushton, N.Y.

GEESUS...get a life.

They have to keep stretching harder to explain their lack of initiative. Think if they took all this angst and applied it to a JOB.

How did you come into a thread about white people on welfare scamming and say that blacks on welfare lack initiative and never mention whites at all?


It's a race baiting thread. Bad numbers meant to camouflage the fact that statistically, there are more black people on welfare, and statistically, more blacks are criminal.
absolute bullshit

Welfare Statistics

Statistic Verification
Source: US Department of Health and Human Services, U.S. Department of Commerce, CATO Institute
Research Date: January 14th, 2015
Welfare is the organized public or private social services for the assistance of disadvantaged groups. Aid could include general Welfare payments, health care through Medicaid, food stamps, special payments for pregnant women and young mothers, and federal and state housing benefits. The Welfare system in the United States began in the 1930s, during the Great Depression. Opponents of Welfare argue that it affects work incentives.

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Welfare Statistics
Total number of Americans on welfare 11,400,000
Total number of Americans on food stamps 41,700,000
Total number of Americans on unemployment insurance 10,200,000
Percent of the US population on welfare 4.1 %
Total government spending on welfare annually (not including food stamps or unemployment) $131.9 billion
Welfare Demographics
Percent of recipients who are white 38.8 %
Percent of recipients who are black 39.8 %
Percent of recipients who are Hispanic 15.7 %
Percent of recipients who are Asian 2.4 %
Percent of recipients who are Other 3.3 %
Welfare Statistics
Total amount of money you can make monthly and still receive Welfare $1000
Total Number of U.S. States where Welfare pays more than an $8 per hour job 39
Number of U.S. States where Welfare pays more than a $12 per hour job 6
Number of U.S. States where Welfare pays more than the average salary of a U.S. Teacher 8
Average Time on AFCD (Aid to Families with Dependent Children)
Time on AFDC
Percent of Recipients
Less than 7 months 19%
7 to 12 months 15.2%
1 to 2 years 19.3%
2 to 5 years 26.9%
Over 5 years 19.6%
Top 10 Hourly Wage Equivalent Welfare States in U.S.
Hourly Wage Equivalent
Hawaii $17.50
Alaska $15.48
Massachusetts $14.66
Connecticut $14.23
Washington, D.C. $13.99
New York $13.13
New Jersey $12.55
Rhode Island $12.55
California $11.59
Virginia $11.11
Related Statistics
Food Stamp Statistics
Unemployment Statistics
Home Foreclosure Statistics
Can't find the statistic you're looking for? Search our partner Statista - The Statistics Portal

less than one percentage separates whites from blacks for all practical purposes they are the same...
but since whites makeup most of the us population by sheer numbers they collect more.
epic fail
Addicting Info 30 People Arrested For Food Stamp Fraud Guess How Many Were Black

More than 30 people have been nabbed for food stamp fraud in the North Country.

Investigators say over the past couple month’s people used their food stamps to get food or alcohol at the Old Time Butcher Block store in Brushton.

Police also say it’s not the first time the owner of that store, Dennis Sauve, has been charged with allowing such fraud.

Police say more arrests are expected.

Now here’s the kicker: they’re all white. Brushton, New York, where this bust happened, has a population of roughly 480 people. Approximately 99.83% of the population is white, and 0.42% are black. These demographics are eerily similar to the food stamp capital of the country, Owsley Country, Kentucky, which is 99.22% white and 95% Republican. Maybe we should investigate them.

The store owner, Denis Sauve (also white), has been charged with third-degree grand larceny and misuse of food stamps.

This really isn’t a racial issue so much as it is an, “I told you so,” issue. While the food stamp program has one of the lowest rates of abuse than any other welfare program, a lot of people buy into this misconception that it is the “lazy blacks” who account for all the fraud and woes of government assistance. Well, here we are, a major food stamp “bust” and every criminal involved is white.

It might be time to rethink today’ stereotypes.
Weird.....a city that is 99% white only has whites getting nabbed for food stamp fraud.

That's so strange.

Course if you went to Ferguson just about all of them would be black.

Really strange. Huh?
Stop with the excuses. Makes you look pathetic.

That is not an excuse it's a fact.
Majority of whites live there so the whites were busted on food stamp fraud.
Majority of Blacks live in Ferguson so the majority are getting arrested.
Majority of Hispanics are crossing into American illegally and they are getting arrested.
None of this is racial profiling.
You forgot the part where they intentionally went after Blacks in Ferguson and changed policy to reflect that. So no its not a fact.
Addicting Info 30 People Arrested For Food Stamp Fraud Guess How Many Were Black

More than 30 people have been nabbed for food stamp fraud in the North Country.

Investigators say over the past couple month’s people used their food stamps to get food or alcohol at the Old Time Butcher Block store in Brushton.

Police also say it’s not the first time the owner of that store, Dennis Sauve, has been charged with allowing such fraud.

Police say more arrests are expected.

Now here’s the kicker: they’re all white. Brushton, New York, where this bust happened, has a population of roughly 480 people. Approximately 99.83% of the population is white, and 0.42% are black. These demographics are eerily similar to the food stamp capital of the country, Owsley Country, Kentucky, which is 99.22% white and 95% Republican. Maybe we should investigate them.

The store owner, Denis Sauve (also white), has been charged with third-degree grand larceny and misuse of food stamps.

This really isn’t a racial issue so much as it is an, “I told you so,” issue. While the food stamp program has one of the lowest rates of abuse than any other welfare program, a lot of people buy into this misconception that it is the “lazy blacks” who account for all the fraud and woes of government assistance. Well, here we are, a major food stamp “bust” and every criminal involved is white.

It might be time to rethink today’ stereotypes.
+ 0.42

Somebody must have had one in the over, eh? You know when you go into an ALL WHITE town or one with 99% plus white people you'll always find white people cheating, white people not cheating, white people paying taxes, white people not paying taxes, white Christians, white Jews, white Italians but you seldom ever find black people abusing the food stamp program in an ALL WHITE town.

This is not only NOT a racial's not even an issue worthy of proof of anything. Except there is a crook running the grocery store in Brushton, N.Y.

GEESUS...get a life.
A white crook and a white people scamming the SNAP system. The real welfare queen is white single and uneducated.
Addicting Info 30 People Arrested For Food Stamp Fraud Guess How Many Were Black

More than 30 people have been nabbed for food stamp fraud in the North Country.

Investigators say over the past couple month’s people used their food stamps to get food or alcohol at the Old Time Butcher Block store in Brushton.

Police also say it’s not the first time the owner of that store, Dennis Sauve, has been charged with allowing such fraud.

Police say more arrests are expected.

Now here’s the kicker: they’re all white. Brushton, New York, where this bust happened, has a population of roughly 480 people. Approximately 99.83% of the population is white, and 0.42% are black. These demographics are eerily similar to the food stamp capital of the country, Owsley Country, Kentucky, which is 99.22% white and 95% Republican. Maybe we should investigate them.

The store owner, Denis Sauve (also white), has been charged with third-degree grand larceny and misuse of food stamps.

This really isn’t a racial issue so much as it is an, “I told you so,” issue. While the food stamp program has one of the lowest rates of abuse than any other welfare program, a lot of people buy into this misconception that it is the “lazy blacks” who account for all the fraud and woes of government assistance. Well, here we are, a major food stamp “bust” and every criminal involved is white.

It might be time to rethink today’ stereotypes.
+ 0.42

Somebody must have had one in the over, eh? You know when you go into an ALL WHITE town or one with 99% plus white people you'll always find white people cheating, white people not cheating, white people paying taxes, white people not paying taxes, white Christians, white Jews, white Italians but you seldom ever find black people abusing the food stamp program in an ALL WHITE town.

This is not only NOT a racial's not even an issue worthy of proof of anything. Except there is a crook running the grocery store in Brushton, N.Y.

GEESUS...get a life.

They have to keep stretching harder to explain their lack of initiative. Think if they took all this angst and applied it to a JOB.

How did you come into a thread about white people on welfare scamming and say that blacks on welfare lack initiative and never mention whites at all?


It's a race baiting thread. Bad numbers meant to camouflage the fact that statistically, there are more black people on welfare, and statistically, more blacks are criminal.
Statiscally more whites are criminals and on welfare.


"Democrats are about twice as likely as Republicans to have received food stamps at some point in their lives..."

"Blacks are about twice as likely as whites to have used this benefit during their lives (31% vs. 15%)."

The politics and demographics of food stamp recipients Pew Research Center
my wife works for dpss and the overwhelming number of "food" stamp recipients are white...
It's because the overwhelming number of poor in America are White.

There's 43 million Americans collecting SNAP benefits. Almost half of them are either black, Hispanic, some other minority. So that means that approx. 25 million white Americans are collecting SNAP benefits. That's about 10% of the white population. However, blacks make up only 13% of the population yet they collect 28% of the total benefits. There are 39 million blacks in America but 12 million of them are receiving food stamps, and if they were in the program like whites only 3.9 million of them would be in the program.

Seems to me that blacks are getting more than their share.
You forgot to mention that Blacks also have a higher unemployment rate. When thats factored in then we see that whites actually spend more time trying to figure out how to scam the system. I see it all the time on Dr. Phil.
Bullshit. Blacks do it in much larger percentages. Collecting food stamps doesn't mean you're scamming the system.

Unemployment for blacks is higher. Who's fault is that? Could it be because more are abusing the system? Or is it because they live in big cities where high unemployment is a constant? Or could it be that so many of them are unemployable? Who really knows. I think it's a little of everything. Blacks in rural areas are a different kind of people. They own farms and they tend to get along with everyone. Blacks in cities like Ferguson are like Palestinians, running around with nothing better to do than get in trouble. Welfare recipients with no future and no desire to improve their own lives. In Western Kentucky whites aren't a lot different. They're drunks and drug addicts. Practically worthless.

All this discussion proves is that there are more whites living in poverty in America than blacks.....but blacks are living in poverty in higher percentages. And the government literally encourages them to stay that way.
Sorry but youre wrong. Whites not only scam welfare, they also commit more white collar crime by a whopping margin. No matter how you look at it more whites are criminals or on welfare and scamming the system making them criminals to boot.

That's because the vast Majority of this Nation is white.
What does that have to do with more whites being criminal or on welfare? The narrative is that its Black people when the complete opposite is true.

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