You would never know a US Senator was on trial

The OP asked if this standard was being applied.

Blog: Did anyone in the media hear that a US senator is on trial?

unless of course the Senator in question happened to be a Republican then it would be covered like it was the end of the world. And the board left wingers would be all over it like flies on sh**. But we hear crickets since its a liberal democrat.

So, is it being covered as if it were the end of the world? You see, he has a point. A half-inch on page 35, or 20 seconds on TV is not the standard that would be used if it were a Republican. It would be multiple articles, above the fold, front page or it would dominate the TV news to the order of 15 minutes as a lead, and at least five minutes at the end of the program.

Is that being done?


I don't accept bullshit self-serving hypotheticals as "standards".
Oh, so you could have just ignored the entire thread, but instead chose to impose your own bullshit, self-serving hypothetical as a standard.

There's a reason why I respect

Looks like every single major media outlet is covering it in detail.
Have you looked at the link you just shared?

Not Found
Error 404

Works for me just fine.

But if you'd like to see for yourself, go to Google News, and search for it. You'll find hundreds of stories.
I'm really not that interested. Like shootings in Chicago, it's just another democrat getting caught abusing the trust others had.


If you weren't interested, why did you whine about not being able to go to my link?
The OP asked if this standard was being applied.

Blog: Did anyone in the media hear that a US senator is on trial?

unless of course the Senator in question happened to be a Republican then it would be covered like it was the end of the world. And the board left wingers would be all over it like flies on sh**. But we hear crickets since its a liberal democrat.

So, is it being covered as if it were the end of the world? You see, he has a point. A half-inch on page 35, or 20 seconds on TV is not the standard that would be used if it were a Republican. It would be multiple articles, above the fold, front page or it would dominate the TV news to the order of 15 minutes as a lead, and at least five minutes at the end of the program.

Is that being done?


I don't accept bullshit self-serving hypotheticals as "standards".
Oh, so you could have just ignored the entire thread, but instead chose to impose your own bullshit, self-serving hypothetical as a standard.


I didn't offer a hypothetical, moron, I offered reality.

You should invest in a dictionary.

The link in the OP claims there was "absolute silence". Of course you have to consider that that link was to another RWNJ site.
The OP asked if this standard was being applied.

Blog: Did anyone in the media hear that a US senator is on trial?

unless of course the Senator in question happened to be a Republican then it would be covered like it was the end of the world. And the board left wingers would be all over it like flies on sh**. But we hear crickets since its a liberal democrat.

So, is it being covered as if it were the end of the world? You see, he has a point. A half-inch on page 35, or 20 seconds on TV is not the standard that would be used if it were a Republican. It would be multiple articles, above the fold, front page or it would dominate the TV news to the order of 15 minutes as a lead, and at least five minutes at the end of the program.

Is that being done?

Is that a butthurt speculation fallacy?

Why yes it is.
Actually he might really be the "Russian connection"....

The link in the OP claims there was "absolute silence". Of course you have to consider that that link was to another RWNJ site.

Gotta love the irony of how the OP link whines, "nobody in the media seems to care about it! And to prove it, look at this link from the media that seems to care about it!" :crybaby:

Thread creators reeeealy oughta vet their own topics before somebody else does.
Blog: Did anyone in the media hear that a US senator is on trial?

unless of course the Senator in question happened to be a Republican then it would be covered like it was the end of the world. And the board left wingers would be all over it like flies on sh**. But we hear crickets since its a liberal democrat.

Its all over the news - TV, radio, internet and print.

Does that count?

Ya wanna try again?

It's the first time a sitting United States senator has faced a federal bribery trial in 36 years, but CBS, ABC and NBC News did not devote any time to the trial in their Thursday night newscasts

Sure genius.
Blog: Did anyone in the media hear that a US senator is on trial?

unless of course the Senator in question happened to be a Republican then it would be covered like it was the end of the world. And the board left wingers would be all over it like flies on sh**. But we hear crickets since its a liberal democrat.
Its all over CNN. You do realize we just had a hurricane hit FL right?

Menendez trial: fiery judge reprimands attorneys - CNNPolitics

From the piece I posted.

It's the first time a sitting United States senator has faced a federal bribery trial in 36 years, but CBS, ABC and NBC News did not devote any time to the trial in their Thursday night newscasts
Blog: Did anyone in the media hear that a US senator is on trial?

unless of course the Senator in question happened to be a Republican then it would be covered like it was the end of the world. And the board left wingers would be all over it like flies on sh**. But we hear crickets since its a liberal democrat.
Its all over CNN. You do realize we just had a hurricane hit FL right?

Menendez trial: fiery judge reprimands attorneys - CNNPolitics

From the piece I posted.

It's the first time a sitting United States senator has faced a federal bribery trial in 36 years, but CBS, ABC and NBC News did not devote any time to the trial in their Thursday night newscasts
did they devote any time to Drumpfs Russian connections or did they focus on the hurricane?
Blog: Did anyone in the media hear that a US senator is on trial?

unless of course the Senator in question happened to be a Republican then it would be covered like it was the end of the world. And the board left wingers would be all over it like flies on sh**. But we hear crickets since its a liberal democrat.
Its all over CNN. You do realize we just had a hurricane hit FL right?

Menendez trial: fiery judge reprimands attorneys - CNNPolitics

From the piece I posted.

It's the first time a sitting United States senator has faced a federal bribery trial in 36 years, but CBS, ABC and NBC News did not devote any time to the trial in their Thursday night newscasts

Yes.and we all know that if it wasn't mentioned Thursday night, it has never been mentioned before, and will never be mentioned again.
Blog: Did anyone in the media hear that a US senator is on trial?

unless of course the Senator in question happened to be a Republican then it would be covered like it was the end of the world. And the board left wingers would be all over it like flies on sh**. But we hear crickets since its a liberal democrat.
Its all over CNN. You do realize we just had a hurricane hit FL right?

Menendez trial: fiery judge reprimands attorneys - CNNPolitics

From the piece I posted.

It's the first time a sitting United States senator has faced a federal bribery trial in 36 years, but CBS, ABC and NBC News did not devote any time to the trial in their Thursday night newscasts

Yes.and we all know that if it wasn't mentioned Thursday night, it has never been mentioned before, and will never be mentioned again.
Do these guys use search engines before they comment?

Menendez aide: never asked to do anything illegal - CNNPolitics

By Sarah Jorgensen, CNN

Updated 5:31 PM ET, Thu September 7, 2017
There's a reason why I respect

Looks like every single major media outlet is covering it in detail.
Have you looked at the link you just shared?

Not Found
Error 404

Works for me just fine.

But if you'd like to see for yourself, go to Google News, and search for it. You'll find hundreds of stories.
I'm really not that interested. Like shootings in Chicago, it's just another democrat getting caught abusing the trust others had.


If you weren't interested, why did you whine about not being able to go to my link?
I made the mistake of thinking I could gain some insight from you.
You could learn a few things from Coyote. Just saying.

She was able to offer me some insight into things I normally wouldn't understand. Insight that's helped me better understand people like you.

It's just one of the many reasons why I adore her. :)

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