You would never know a US Senator was on trial

Not really. Just smart enough to stay out of this....:scared1:

You're smart enough to stay out of this because there no way to spin it. That's why you maintain a respect from some of us who disagree with you.

The dickheadisin does not rate any respect because he is just as big a dumbfuck as deanturd.

Looks like every single major media outlet is covering it in detail.
Have you looked at the link you just shared?

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Works for me just fine.

But if you'd like to see for yourself, go to Google News, and search for it. You'll find hundreds of stories.
I'm really not that interested. Like shootings in Chicago, it's just another democrat getting caught abusing the trust of others.

That's a stupid thing to say because its not just Dems who commit crimes.

Quite true, but when a Republican is on trial its bigger news for the most part and on this board as well. When its a Dem, the silence for the most part is deafening.

Looks like every single major media outlet is covering it in detail.
Have you looked at the link you just shared?

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Error 404

Works for me just fine.

But if you'd like to see for yourself, go to Google News, and search for it. You'll find hundreds of stories.
I'm really not that interested. Like shootings in Chicago, it's just another democrat getting caught abusing the trust of others.

That's a stupid thing to say because its not just Dems who commit crimes.

Quite true, but when a Republican is on trial its bigger news for the most part and on this board as well. When its a Dem, the silence for the most part is deafening.

You keep making that claim, yet you offer nothing to support it.
It's the first time a sitting United States senator has faced a federal bribery trial in 36 years...

Alaska Sen. Ted Stevens, Republican ring a bell?

I didn't check out if the 36 year representation was accurate or not, but if you were interested in being genuine and candid...and make a contribution to the Facts, you might have mentioned that Ted Stevens had his conviction reversed and was exonerated.....but not before he got beat for reelection. Innocent, but the Democrats got their scalp.

Er, He was convicted by a jury of his peers -- and I'm pretty damn fucking sure when the trial took place, it was the BUSH Justice Department.


Yes it was.
He can do it somewhere else, if he wants.

I've done so multiple times on many threads. As much of a delusional bed wetter as the doc is, he has no illusions about my opinions.

Now to address the topic, I don't believe "the media" has been on top of this trial the same way they would be if a republicrat was on trial. When a republicrat is accused of having a closeted gay lifestyle he is made out to be a sick pervert beyond the scope of any acceptable behavior. When democrooks are accused of anything, the media isn't in too much of a hurry to get the story out there.

Are Three Democratic Senators Confirmed Pedophiles?
He can do it somewhere else, if he wants.

I've done so multiple times on many threads. As much of a delusional bed wetter as the doc is, he has no illusions about my opinions.

Now to address the topic, I don't believe "the media" has been on top of this trial the same way they would be if a republicrat was on trial. When a republicrat is accused of having a closeted gay lifestyle he is made out to be a sick pervert beyond the scope of any acceptable behavior. When democrooks are accused of anything, the media isn't in too much of a hurry to get the story out there.

Are Three Democratic Senators Confirmed Pedophiles?

Feel better now?

Sidebar: Hey Doc. Love your avatar pic.

Breakfast of Champions was one of my favorite books. :)

Thanks! Although it's probably about time to mix it up, I've had that avatar for a few years now. I try to rotate them, every now and then.

I love everything Vonnegutt ever wrote, but I think that Bluebeard is my favorite of his novels.
Coyote seems smarter than you, theDoctorisIn.
Both Coyote and Doc seem smarter than you.
I'm not here to measure my accomplishments.

Is this where you pretend to have ever benefited others?

Coyote seems smarter than you, theDoctorisIn.
Both Coyote and Doc seem smarter than you.
I'm not here to measure my accomplishments.

Is this where you pretend to have ever benefited others?

I didnt remark on what you measure. I just made the observation and alerted you. If it benefits you good. If not then thats your issue.
Alerted me to what?
its not important. Move on.
Coyote seems smarter than you, theDoctorisIn.
Both Coyote and Doc seem smarter than you.
I'm not here to measure my accomplishments.

Is this where you pretend to have ever benefited others?

I didnt remark on what you measure. I just made the observation and alerted you. If it benefits you good. If not then thats your issue.
Alerted me to what?
its not important. Move on.
Are you thinking about the generous donations I've made over the past 11 years?

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