You wouldn't be caught dead where?

Fuck you Immie. That's the most hateful thing anyone has ever said to me in my lifetime. Nice going Mr Holy Man.

I'm sorry, but it is true.


The truth is how you hate me by calling me pitiful. Enjoy it. Think of how superior you are. Pity is for those wretched creatures beneath you.

Pity is for those who are suffering and it appears to me that you are truly suffering.

Learn the meaning of the word.

pity: Definition, Synonyms from

(pĭt'ē) pronunciation
n., pl., -ies.

1. Sympathy and sorrow aroused by the misfortune or suffering of another.
2. A matter of regret: It's a pity she can't attend the reception.

It says nothing at all about you being below me.

Edit: and in fact, I have always thought that Buddhist were supposed to be cognizant of the misfortunes and sufferings of others. I am surprised that you do not understand the meaning of the word, but then I am pretty sure you are a make believe Buddhist, so maybe that answers the question there.

Last edited:
Would say a gay bar...

... but on second thought if I was dead...

... as my body decomposed...

... it would stink up the place...

... an' mebbe the health dept. would have to shut it down.
Bullshit. Your comment was a compliment to him.

That asshole has set himself up as the monitor for all of Sky's posts. To make sure I never say a negative word about Christians on this forum for the rest of my life.

I surrender. I'm ok with the fact that I don't like Christian posters at USMB. They seem to consider USMB the universe. I accept that.

My wife who has known me for 26 years thinks it's ridiculous that posters here think I hate ALL Christians. She laughs and laughs. Oh honey, she says. You don't hate all Christians you just have a problem with some of them.

Of course, I make the mistake of getting caught up in this world of posting as if it were real and I start thinking AllieBaba or Immie knows me better than I know myself. Why? Because of trauma reenactment. I seek out beings who will reject me as a habit.

I know why this happens like this. But I'm not really friends or real to you as a human being so there is no point in explaining it.

My views and presence are unwanted here. I need to get the message.


If you think its bullshit, then there is not much i can do to change your mind. But it is as say it is. Take it or leave it as you will. Do try and look at it in a more buddhist light.

Does it matter if he has "set himself up as your monitor?" I would think just about anyone could call you on talking about christinas again since you made such a fuss about NEVER talking about them again.

The thing is, I don't care what people are. I poke at each religion equally and am willing to take pokes in return. You cant throw stones and not expect to be stoned in return. Blast away at christians if that is what makes you feel better in dealing with your past, just know that you will get blasted back in return.

Your wife is right, laugh with her and relax down. It is the way in which you present your opinions that puts what you say in the light of hating ALL christians.

I understand what you are doing. I told you before what it was and you didn't like it. Granted it may be trauma reenactment, but it is also passive aggressive behavior as well.

Your feelings are real, so all of this is just as real. You are as real to any of us as we are to you. Just something to think about.

Something you need to understand about message boards is that is one bit tweet. The only difference is that you get feedback. It doesn't matter if anyone listens to you. The point is that you are saying what YOU want to say.
I have to say that I believe she is doing this intentionally. There is absolutely no other reason for it.


If she is doing it intentionally, then she is lying.

I just don't think so though.

Who cares? When you hate someone you think the worst of them. Immie and company hate me.

I have told you before and i will say it again. I don't hate you. Stop projecting and assuming to know what other people think or feel.

I have to say that I believe she is doing this intentionally. There is absolutely no other reason for it.


If she is doing it intentionally, then she is lying.

I just don't think so though.

I'd like one good reason for her to be making up these accusations.

I invite anyone on site to share any pm's I have had with them in regards to Sky Dancer. There is not one.

I will say that I am not perfect. I had a similar fight with Care4all a while back when she said that I had revealed something that we had discussed privately a long time ago. The issue there was that I believe she had made those statements publicly and she swears up and down that they were private. They had been said years before the argument and on another board so I could not prove it.

In this case though, Sky is accusing me of having done it deliberately and for stupid rep points. Could she get anymore inane?

I have not revealed anything that was said between Sky and myself, not publicly nor privately. For her to continue to insist that I have, is nothing but a lie.


I have said the say way back. Mods are more then welcome to access my PM's and read them. If they need a password....just ask. I do however wish she would say WHY why she thinks you told anyone anything..and who it is she things you told. Again..if she thinks you said something to me, she is very very mistaken.

I also dont get the crap about rep.
Bullshit. Your comment was a compliment to him.

That asshole has set himself up as the monitor for all of Sky's posts. To make sure I never say a negative word about Christians on this forum for the rest of my life.

I surrender. I'm ok with the fact that I don't like Christian posters at USMB. They seem to consider USMB the universe. I accept that.

My wife who has known me for 26 years thinks it's ridiculous that posters here think I hate ALL Christians. She laughs and laughs. Oh honey, she says. You don't hate all Christians you just have a problem with some of them.

Of course, I make the mistake of getting caught up in this world of posting as if it were real and I start thinking AllieBaba or Immie knows me better than I know myself. Why? Because of trauma reenactment. I seek out beings who will reject me as a habit.

I know why this happens like this. But I'm not really friends or real to you as a human being so there is no point in explaining it.

My views and presence are unwanted here. I need to get the message.


If you think its bullshit, then there is not much i can do to change your mind. But it is as say it is. Take it or leave it as you will. Do try and look at it in a more buddhist light.

Does it matter if he has "set himself up as your monitor?" I would think just about anyone could call you on talking about christinas again since you made such a fuss about NEVER talking about them again.

The thing is, I don't care what people are. I poke at each religion equally and am willing to take pokes in return. You cant throw stones and not expect to be stoned in return. Blast away at christians if that is what makes you feel better in dealing with your past, just know that you will get blasted back in return.

Your wife is right, laugh with her and relax down. It is the way in which you present your opinions that puts what you say in the light of hating ALL christians.

I understand what you are doing. I told you before what it was and you didn't like it. Granted it may be trauma reenactment, but it is also passive aggressive behavior as well.

Your feelings are real, so all of this is just as real. You are as real to any of us as we are to you. Just something to think about.

Something you need to understand about message boards is that is one bit tweet. The only difference is that you get feedback. It doesn't matter if anyone listens to you. The point is that you are saying what YOU want to say.

I have to question your assesment that this is real because people have feelings about it.
I guess you could claim it is real like a reality show is real but emotions are a pretty wierd thing to base reality on. Just because you emotionally sense something is no guarantee it is real.
Keep it up Immie. I'm a hypocrite. I'm a liar. I'm no counselor, no Buddhist. Keep going. You hate my fucking guts. Admit it. We're no friends. I exist only for you to glorify yourself as Mr Superior Christian. Why don't you wish for my eternal damnation.

To be completely honest with you, I thought about telling you to go to hell 45 minutes ago. I simply could not bring myself to doing so, because I would not wish that upon anyone.


Yes you do you fucking liar. Christians believe in eternal hell. You hope I go there.

Not very buddhist of you. For someone who cares so much about getting her feelings sure don't seem to care about hurting others. He just said her would not wish that fate on anyone, including you, and you tell him that is where you want him to go. Damn.
If she is doing it intentionally, then she is lying.

I just don't think so though.

I'd like one good reason for her to be making up these accusations.

I invite anyone on site to share any pm's I have had with them in regards to Sky Dancer. There is not one.

I will say that I am not perfect. I had a similar fight with Care4all a while back when she said that I had revealed something that we had discussed privately a long time ago. The issue there was that I believe she had made those statements publicly and she swears up and down that they were private. They had been said years before the argument and on another board so I could not prove it.

In this case though, Sky is accusing me of having done it deliberately and for stupid rep points. Could she get anymore inane?

I have not revealed anything that was said between Sky and myself, not publicly nor privately. For her to continue to insist that I have, is nothing but a lie.


Care4all was right about you. You get off on revealing personal information and acting like you are big fucking Christian know it all.

I trust Care4all.

I don't trust you.

Good. I trust her too. Have her read my pm's.
Bullshit. Your comment was a compliment to him.

That asshole has set himself up as the monitor for all of Sky's posts. To make sure I never say a negative word about Christians on this forum for the rest of my life.

I surrender. I'm ok with the fact that I don't like Christian posters at USMB. They seem to consider USMB the universe. I accept that.

My wife who has known me for 26 years thinks it's ridiculous that posters here think I hate ALL Christians. She laughs and laughs. Oh honey, she says. You don't hate all Christians you just have a problem with some of them.

Of course, I make the mistake of getting caught up in this world of posting as if it were real and I start thinking AllieBaba or Immie knows me better than I know myself. Why? Because of trauma reenactment. I seek out beings who will reject me as a habit.

I know why this happens like this. But I'm not really friends or real to you as a human being so there is no point in explaining it.

My views and presence are unwanted here. I need to get the message.


If you think its bullshit, then there is not much i can do to change your mind. But it is as say it is. Take it or leave it as you will. Do try and look at it in a more buddhist light.

Does it matter if he has "set himself up as your monitor?" I would think just about anyone could call you on talking about christinas again since you made such a fuss about NEVER talking about them again.

The thing is, I don't care what people are. I poke at each religion equally and am willing to take pokes in return. You cant throw stones and not expect to be stoned in return. Blast away at christians if that is what makes you feel better in dealing with your past, just know that you will get blasted back in return.

Your wife is right, laugh with her and relax down. It is the way in which you present your opinions that puts what you say in the light of hating ALL christians.

I understand what you are doing. I told you before what it was and you didn't like it. Granted it may be trauma reenactment, but it is also passive aggressive behavior as well.

Your feelings are real, so all of this is just as real. You are as real to any of us as we are to you. Just something to think about.

Something you need to understand about message boards is that is one bit tweet. The only difference is that you get feedback. It doesn't matter if anyone listens to you. The point is that you are saying what YOU want to say.

I have to question your assesment that this is real because people have feelings about it.
I guess you could claim it is real like a reality show is real but emotions are a pretty wierd thing to base reality on. Just because you emotionally sense something is no guarantee it is real.

You need to learn a thing or to about "reality"

What she feels is real. That makes all of this real.

If you think its bullshit, then there is not much i can do to change your mind. But it is as say it is. Take it or leave it as you will. Do try and look at it in a more buddhist light.

Does it matter if he has "set himself up as your monitor?" I would think just about anyone could call you on talking about christinas again since you made such a fuss about NEVER talking about them again.

The thing is, I don't care what people are. I poke at each religion equally and am willing to take pokes in return. You cant throw stones and not expect to be stoned in return. Blast away at christians if that is what makes you feel better in dealing with your past, just know that you will get blasted back in return.

Your wife is right, laugh with her and relax down. It is the way in which you present your opinions that puts what you say in the light of hating ALL christians.

I understand what you are doing. I told you before what it was and you didn't like it. Granted it may be trauma reenactment, but it is also passive aggressive behavior as well.

Your feelings are real, so all of this is just as real. You are as real to any of us as we are to you. Just something to think about.

Something you need to understand about message boards is that is one bit tweet. The only difference is that you get feedback. It doesn't matter if anyone listens to you. The point is that you are saying what YOU want to say.

I have to question your assesment that this is real because people have feelings about it.
I guess you could claim it is real like a reality show is real but emotions are a pretty wierd thing to base reality on. Just because you emotionally sense something is no guarantee it is real.

You need to learn a thing or to about "reality"

What she feels is real. That makes all of this real.

Wrong------feelings can be based on irrational thinking and belief systems.
You are free to pretend that this board is real somehow but I wouldn't recommend telling anyone how popular you are because of rep points or number of friends on your contact list.
If I feel like you are lying to me doesn't make you a liar.
I have to question your assesment that this is real because people have feelings about it.
I guess you could claim it is real like a reality show is real but emotions are a pretty wierd thing to base reality on. Just because you emotionally sense something is no guarantee it is real.

You need to learn a thing or to about "reality"

What she feels is real. That makes all of this real.

Wrong------feelings can be based on irrational thinking and belief systems.
You are free to pretend that this board is real somehow but I wouldn't recommend telling anyone how popular you are because of rep points or number of friends on your contact list.
If I feel like you are lying to me doesn't make you a liar.

I KNOW all of that. Every take Psychology?

It still does not change what people feel. Those feeling are real to them. Which makes all of this "real"

And what is this hang up you have with rep? :lol:

You need to learn a thing or to about "reality"

What she feels is real. That makes all of this real.

Wrong------feelings can be based on irrational thinking and belief systems.
You are free to pretend that this board is real somehow but I wouldn't recommend telling anyone how popular you are because of rep points or number of friends on your contact list.
If I feel like you are lying to me doesn't make you a liar.

I KNOW all of that. Every take Psychology?

It still does not change what people feel. Those feeling are real to them. Which makes all of this "real"

And what is this hang up you have with rep? :lol:

I've seen all the drama that gets played out here and it can be pretty fun until someone starts to mistake it for reality. Rep is just one of the things people get all wacky about.
Feelings only seem real because we make them up in our head. We can create scenarios in our heads that in turn will cause chemical reactions to take place in our bodies. Most of our lives consist of the role we choose to play and the drama we create for ourselves.
yes--I have taken psychology but that's hardly a factor. Some people with doctorates in it are looney as hell.
Wrong------feelings can be based on irrational thinking and belief systems.
You are free to pretend that this board is real somehow but I wouldn't recommend telling anyone how popular you are because of rep points or number of friends on your contact list.
If I feel like you are lying to me doesn't make you a liar.

I KNOW all of that. Every take Psychology?

It still does not change what people feel. Those feeling are real to them. Which makes all of this "real"

And what is this hang up you have with rep? :lol:

I've seen all the drama that gets played out here and it can be pretty fun until someone starts to mistake it for reality. Rep is just one of the things people get all wacky about.
Feelings only seem real because we make them up in our head. We can create scenarios in our heads that in turn will cause chemical reactions to take place in our bodies. Most of our lives consist of the role we choose to play and the drama we create for ourselves.
yes--I have taken psychology but that's hardly a factor. Some people with doctorates in it are looney as hell.

Then there is no explaining it to you. I am not even going to try. :eusa_whistle:

I KNOW all of that. Every take Psychology?

It still does not change what people feel. Those feeling are real to them. Which makes all of this "real"

And what is this hang up you have with rep? :lol:

I've seen all the drama that gets played out here and it can be pretty fun until someone starts to mistake it for reality. Rep is just one of the things people get all wacky about.
Feelings only seem real because we make them up in our head. We can create scenarios in our heads that in turn will cause chemical reactions to take place in our bodies. Most of our lives consist of the role we choose to play and the drama we create for ourselves.
yes--I have taken psychology but that's hardly a factor. Some people with doctorates in it are looney as hell.

Then there is no explaining it to you. I am not even going to try. :eusa_whistle:

What condition or factor makes you unable to explain it to me ?
Wrong------feelings can be based on irrational thinking and belief systems.
You are free to pretend that this board is real somehow but I wouldn't recommend telling anyone how popular you are because of rep points or number of friends on your contact list.
If I feel like you are lying to me doesn't make you a liar.

I KNOW all of that. Every take Psychology?

It still does not change what people feel. Those feeling are real to them. Which makes all of this "real"

And what is this hang up you have with rep? :lol:

I've seen all the drama that gets played out here and it can be pretty fun until someone starts to mistake it for reality. Rep is just one of the things people get all wacky about.
Feelings only seem real because we make them up in our head. We can create scenarios in our heads that in turn will cause chemical reactions to take place in our bodies. Most of our lives consist of the role we choose to play and the drama we create for ourselves.

yes--I have taken psychology but that's hardly a factor. Some people with doctorates in it are looney as hell.

Thats pretty much what Sky is doing, Syrenn is just pointing it out.
I've seen all the drama that gets played out here and it can be pretty fun until someone starts to mistake it for reality. Rep is just one of the things people get all wacky about.
Feelings only seem real because we make them up in our head. We can create scenarios in our heads that in turn will cause chemical reactions to take place in our bodies. Most of our lives consist of the role we choose to play and the drama we create for ourselves.
yes--I have taken psychology but that's hardly a factor. Some people with doctorates in it are looney as hell.

Then there is no explaining it to you. I am not even going to try. :eusa_whistle:

What condition or factor makes you unable to explain it to me ?

Your rigidity in thinking and lack of understanding of basic psychology. That is not a ding, it just is. There is no explaining something to you if you are not willing to except a deferent view other then your own. :)

Just look at sky. You can tell from her posts that she "feels" hurt. You can tell from her posts that this is "real" to her. You cant deny what other people feel. You do not live in their skins or their heads.
I wouldn't be caught dead in the icey cold beach waters up here in 'Downeast Maine'...

I don't look good in 'blue'
Then there is no explaining it to you. I am not even going to try. :eusa_whistle:

What condition or factor makes you unable to explain it to me ?

Your rigidity in thinking and lack of understanding of basic psychology. That is not a ding, it just is. There is no explaining something to you if you are not willing to except a deferent view other then your own. :)

Just look at sky. You can tell from her posts that she "feels" hurt. You can tell from her posts that this is "real" to her. You cant deny what other people feel. You do not live in their skins or their heads.

Psychology is a science with many theories and opinions. Don't try to pull this "more educated" shit on me. I could easily make a string of posts on here and convince some that I was hurt too while I was sitting at my keyboard laughing my ass off. I can call bullshit on anything I choose.
What condition or factor makes you unable to explain it to me ?

Your rigidity in thinking and lack of understanding of basic psychology. That is not a ding, it just is. There is no explaining something to you if you are not willing to except a deferent view other then your own. :)

Just look at sky. You can tell from her posts that she "feels" hurt. You can tell from her posts that this is "real" to her. You cant deny what other people feel. You do not live in their skins or their heads.

Psychology is a science with many theories and opinions. Don't try to pull this "more educated" shit on me. I could easily make a string of posts on here and convince some that I was hurt too while I was sitting at my keyboard laughing my ass off. I can call bullshit on anything I choose.

I never said you couldn't, nor am i trying to pull anything on you. And pulling any of that above would only make you liar and a troll. So which is sky? A liar and a troll or someone who's feelings are hurt?

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