Young GOP Congressman schools Andrea Mitchell on Obamacare!

This is fucking awesome! Enjoy!

GOP Rep. Sean Duffy Demands Andrea Mitchell Defend Democrats Keeping Obamacare Perks - YouTube

FINALLY someone on the GOP with both brains and stones.
I'm guessing in 5 years, when O-care is the most popular thimg in America, that people will not remember the 1st week glitches, or your bs brainwashed arguments...

In five years there won't be an America.
He did not school anyone.

The President has insurance. If you have insurance that meets the Obamacare standards, you do not have to ( nor can you ) go to the exchange.

The only reason that this dummy is going to the exchange is because one of his nutter bosses introduced a fake amendment that forces Congress to go to the exchange even though they have insurance. It passed......and then nutters in Congress cried about it.....and tried to sell the lie that it is an exemption. You lemming.

Andrea Mitchell was not prepared to be interviewed by that she did not come up with that point on the spot. She could have done better.

Obamacare standards,

I have heard quite a few reports of people getting dropped from their current plans because they don't meet one or more of the ten requirements of Obama Care.

One guy said he was dropped because his plan did not provide maternity coverage...
The guy is over 60 years old.

Libs will not give an inch on this that this Obamacare is a mess on many levels...
Andrea Mitchel is a shill for Obama and the democrat party.

she is supposedly a seasoned journalist and she was IGNORANT on the topic - that's why she was schooled. THAT was the most amazing - and we marvel our board leftard idiots who can't think outside the preset talking points :rolleyes:
Today's so called "journalists" are a disgrace.

A typical interview from someone on MSNBC...

MSNBC interviewer: congressman MR X why is the GOP in favor of banning popcorn in movie theaters.

MR X: We are not!

MSNBC interviewer: Don't you think that is not the right thing to do?

Mr.X: I don't know where you are getting this.We are not banning popcorn in movie theaters.

MSNBC interviewer: Aren't you worried about a backlash against the GOP for banning popcorn?

MR X: I can't make it any clearer.We have no intention to ban this favorite of the American movie goer.

MSNBC Interviewer: What about the children who go to the movies and look forward to popcorn how do you feel about denying this treat to little children..?

MR X: I'm sorry Andrea I need to cut this short I have to get back to the House to cast my vote on....(whatever vote is on the floor that day)

Andrea:Well there it is folks, the GOP is holding firm on their position that they want to ban popcorn for all Americans.

We will be right back after the break...
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Today's so called "journalists" are a disgrace.

A typical interview from someone on MSNBC...

MSNBC interviewer: congressman MR X why is the GOP in favor of banning popcorn in movie theaters.

MR X: We are not!

MSNBC interviewer: Don't you think that is not the right thing to do?

Mr.X: I don't know where you are getting this.We are not banning popcorn in movie theaters.

MSNBC interviewer: Aren't you worried about a backlash against the GOP for banning popcorn?

MR X: I can't make it any clearer.We have no intention to ban this favorite of the American movie goer.

MSNBC Interviewer: What about the children who go to the movies and look forward to popcorn how do you feel about denying this treat to little children..?

MR X: I'm sorry Andrea I need to cut this short I have to back to the House to cast my vote.

Andrea:Well there it is folks, the GOP is holding firm on their position that they want to ban popcorn for all Americans.

We will be right back after the break...
Today's so called "journalists" are a disgrace.

A typical interview from someone on MSNBC...

MSNBC interviewer: congressman MR X why is the GOP in favor of banning popcorn in movie theaters.

MR X: We are not!

MSNBC interviewer: Don't you think that is not the right thing to do?

Mr.X: I don't know where you are getting this.We are not banning popcorn in movie theaters.

MSNBC interviewer: Aren't you worried about a backlash against the GOP for banning popcorn?

MR X: I can't make it any clearer.We have no intention to ban this favorite of the American movie goer.

MSNBC Interviewer: What about the children who go to the movies and look forward to popcorn how do you feel about denying this treat to little children..?

MR X: I'm sorry Andrea I need to cut this short I have to get back to the House to cast my vote on....(whatever vote is on the floor that day)

Andrea:Well there it is folks, the GOP is holding firm on their position that they want to ban popcorn for all Americans.

We will be right back after the break...

It's stunning to see Liberal Obama watch dogs in the media who use their position to defend him and to not even pay attention to the guests answer.
He was operating under the same marching orders that all of the other Republicans are. It sure takes very little to satisfy you all, Republicans are at 5% approval. You should be embarrassed that the teaparty took over, it was so easy for them. How humiliating for you.
Lol... did you see her facial expression change when he told her he was in obamacare. Priceless!

Obama's ignorance and arrogance is astounding. For five years he has demanded "give me what I want and then I will negotiate with you". And every time they gave it to him, he turned around and said "go fuck yourself".

If he was willing to negotiate, what difference does it make whether it is now or later? Answer: because once they no longer have leverage over him, he will tell them to go fuck themselves and will not give them one thing.

In his 5 years, he has not conceded one single request of the GOP. Not one. Not even a small one. Zip. Zero. Nothing.

He's been Lucy for 5 years and he doesn't understand now why Charlie Brown won't kick the ball... :eusa_doh:
Talk about marching orders...
Watching MSNBC you can see the usual suspects last week and this week making sure they get the Democrat buzzwords out there.....

political terrorism
political jihad.

Show after show MSNBC political analyst after analyst making sure they get those words into the conversation.

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