Young GOP Congressman schools Andrea Mitchell on Obamacare!

The same reason the president and his family don't go on Obamacare is the same reason he doesn't ride in a Taxi or fly first class. Try to figure out why.

You seriously get dumber by the day.

Obama doesn't fly commercial for two reasons - the first is time (passing through security, enduring flight delays, having lay overs, etc.). The second is his security. What does Obamacare have to do with his time or his security? :bang3:

Obama doesn't ride in a taxi (not capitalized you fuck'n moron) due to security. What does Obamacare have to do with his security? :bang3:

Is this really the best work you are capable of? I mean, I know the task is impossible (trying to defend the indefensible), but you really can't do any better than this nonsensical garbage?!?
It's good to see young Republicans who won't fall on their knees before the press, but stand up to them.

Give me a ray of hope for the future.

Why won't they stand up to the teaparty though?

Why would they stand up against a group whose only focus is to obey the law? :cuckoo:

You asswipes have violated the U.S. Constitution for over 100 years now. The American people have finally had enough and sent real Americans (not communists like Harry Reid, marxists like Barack Hussein, or socialists like Nancy Pelosi) to D.C. to restore this once great nation.

Why does adhering to the U.S. Constitution scare you so much? Oh wait - let me guess - you're another libtard parasite who lives off of the American tax payer? Food. Housing. Healthcare. Transportation. All provided by someone else? Yeah, it makes sense. Your party was the party who started the Civil War against Republican Abraham Lincoln because you guys refused to give up your slaves.
Note to Jaaman -- idiotic rambling and diarrhea of the mouth is NOT schooling.

The twerp congressman is just another kool-aide (tea) drinker.

What's the point of debating a person detached from reality?

I always know when you guys have been pinned so far into a corner by an intelligent point you can't dispute that you're seething with frustration because you resort to the Dumbocrat tactic of personal insults followed by the 3rd grade response of "this person is not worth responding too"... :lmao:

Please calmly and rationally explain to me which point by the Congressman was "detached from reality"? Should be very simple based on your vitriol above, right?
The same reason the president and his family don't go on Obamacare is the same reason he doesn't ride in a Taxi or fly first class. Try to figure out why.

Um, because he's afraid someone will recognize him and kick his candy a$$?

The same reason the president and his family don't go on Obamacare is the same reason he doesn't ride in a Taxi or fly first class. Try to figure out why.

You seriously get dumber by the day.

Obama doesn't fly commercial for two reasons - the first is time (passing through security, enduring flight delays, having lay overs, etc.). The second is his security. What does Obamacare have to do with his time or his security? :bang3:

Obama doesn't ride in a taxi (not capitalized you fuck'n moron) due to security. What does Obamacare have to do with his security? :bang3:

Is this really the best work you are capable of? I mean, I know the task is impossible (trying to defend the indefensible), but you really can't do any better than this nonsensical garbage?!?

You are astoundingly stupid.

Do you read the crap you post before you hit "Submit Reply".

[ame=]Billy Madison - Ultimate Insult (Academic Decathlon)[Forum Weapon][How To Troll][Ignorance Is Bliss] - YouTube[/ame]
The same reason the president and his family don't go on Obamacare is the same reason he doesn't ride in a Taxi or fly first class. Try to figure out why.

Um, because he's afraid someone will recognize him and kick his candy a$$?


Something like that.

[ame=]Reagan Assassination Attempt - YouTube[/ame]
The same reason the president and his family don't go on Obamacare is the same reason he doesn't ride in a Taxi or fly first class. Try to figure out why.

Um, because he's afraid someone will recognize him and kick his candy a$$?


Something like that.

[ame=]Reagan Assassination Attempt - YouTube[/ame]

I get your drift.. So he would of died if he was covered under Obamacare?


Today's so called "journalists" are a disgrace.

A typical interview from someone on MSNBC...

MSNBC interviewer: congressman MR X why is the GOP in favor of banning popcorn in movie theaters.

MR X: We are not!

MSNBC interviewer: Don't you think that is not the right thing to do?

Mr.X: I don't know where you are getting this.We are not banning popcorn in movie theaters.

MSNBC interviewer: Aren't you worried about a backlash against the GOP for banning popcorn?

MR X: I can't make it any clearer.We have no intention to ban this favorite of the American movie goer.

MSNBC Interviewer: What about the children who go to the movies and look forward to popcorn how do you feel about denying this treat to little children..?

MR X: I'm sorry Andrea I need to cut this short I have to get back to the House to cast my vote on....(whatever vote is on the floor that day)

Andrea:Well there it is folks, the GOP is holding firm on their position that they want to ban popcorn for all Americans.

We will be right back after the break...
Of course the libs on here will have one of two responses.
"Why didn't the Congressman answer her questions?!!!!!"
"He was being an asshole"..
It's the same shit with every liberal cause or talking point issue.
In their mind, it's fact. The tactic used to silence those with questions or another viewpoint is to reword the same question several times until the reporter gets the answer they want to hear. This is due to the fact that the reporter is convinced whatever the topic of the interview is, he or she already has all the facts and the questions are not to gather facts, but to make the interviewee prove a negative.
This interview by Mitchell is typical. Straight out of the lib playbook.
In my view Mitchell just summarized her entire career.
He was operating under the same marching orders that all of the other Republicans are. It sure takes very little to satisfy you all, Republicans are at 5% approval. You should be embarrassed that the teaparty took over, it was so easy for them. How humiliating for you.

And it took you how long to make up this nonsense?
I find it amazing that 5% of liberals approve of republicans.
It should be ZERO.
Those libs will be found, identified and have their membership cards revoked.
Lol... did you see her facial expression change when he told her he was in obamacare. Priceless!

Obama's ignorance and arrogance is astounding. For five years he has demanded "give me what I want and then I will negotiate with you". And every time they gave it to him, he turned around and said "go fuck yourself".

If he was willing to negotiate, what difference does it make whether it is now or later? Answer: because once they no longer have leverage over him, he will tell them to go fuck themselves and will not give them one thing.

In his 5 years, he has not conceded one single request of the GOP. Not one. Not even a small one. Zip. Zero. Nothing.

He's been Lucy for 5 years and he doesn't understand now why Charlie Brown won't kick the ball... :eusa_doh:
We are dealing with the mind of an egomaniac.
It is HIS word which is law.
He was operating under the same marching orders that all of the other Republicans are. It sure takes very little to satisfy you all, Republicans are at 5% approval. You should be embarrassed that the teaparty took over, it was so easy for them. How humiliating for you.

Watching libtards like Sarah here become completely unhinged because they no longer have a GOP full of liberals to capitulate to her socialist demands is fucking hilarious.

Can you imagine what how nasty, miserable, and unhinged she would become of the entire GOP was made up of actual conservatives? :lol:

You're the only unhinged one here, old hag. :lol:

Ahh yes. The old liberal fallback position. Name calling.
Well done!
It's good to see young Republicans who won't fall on their knees before the press, but stand up to them.

Give me a ray of hope for the future.

Why won't they stand up to the teaparty though?

Why would they want to?
Tea Party conservatives are steadily taking over the GOP.
We no longer have any use for capitulating RINO's...
We're going to fire more and replace them with true conservatives who understand that the only way we can get this country moving forward again is to pare down social programs that do not work and replace them with ones that actually help those truly in need.
Then shrink the size of government to a manageable girth. Re-energize the private sector rolling back barriers government has created.
Prosperity comes from the business of business. It is squashed by big government.
Why won't they stand up to the teaparty though?

Becuse they don't to. It's the establisment Republicans like McCain who are the problem

In other words, they don't know the teaparty is really slowly eating the Republican party? The Koch Brothers are even backing off and disassociating themselves from the shutdown/default. Boehner was wrong to do what the teaparty wanted him to do.

Most rational people know that thus the 5% congressional approval rating. Sheesh.

Ok..We are quite done with you.
You have contributed nothing other than your own conjecture created by the reality with which you've surrounded yourself.
Reading your posts conjures up visions of someone throwing balls of paper at the surf in the hopes the paper will make it to Europe. Futile. And irrational
It's good to see young Republicans who won't fall on their knees before the press, but stand up to them.

Give me a ray of hope for the future.

Why won't they stand up to the teaparty though?

Why would they stand up against a group whose only focus is to obey the law? :cuckoo:

You asswipes have violated the U.S. Constitution for over 100 years now. The American people have finally had enough and sent real Americans (not communists like Harry Reid, marxists like Barack Hussein, or socialists like Nancy Pelosi) to D.C. to restore this once great nation.

Why does adhering to the U.S. Constitution scare you so much? Oh wait - let me guess - you're another libtard parasite who lives off of the American tax payer? Food. Housing. Healthcare. Transportation. All provided by someone else? Yeah, it makes sense. Your party was the party who started the Civil War against Republican Abraham Lincoln because you guys refused to give up your slaves.

Libs avoid and despise anything that has the potential of limiting their motives.
Basically, if it contains rules, libs will find a way around it.
If they can't. They simply ignore it.
Then they will impugn anyone who insists the rules must apply to all.
For example. When I mention to a lib that the US Constitution is a limiting document, libs go haywire and present all kinds of nonsense in an attempt to state something to the contrary.
Lol... did you see her facial expression change when he told her he was in obamacare. Priceless!

He's not in ObamaCare the way most people who earn an income the size of a Congressman's income are. He's receiving a special exemption in the form of a giant taxpayer funded subsidy for his insurance. He's shielded from getting the full ObamaCare experience.
The GOP keeps making serious stratetic and tactical blunders. After making the 2012 election about ObamaCare and being handed their ass with the voters reaffirming Obama and ObamaCare, they then held their breath until they turned blue. They voted 40 times to defund ObamaCare in the House, wasting god knows how much taxpayer money in the process knowing full well it would never get past the Senate or Obama after already failing to get past the voters of America.

Not getting their way, they then threw a full temper tantrum and shut down the government, demanding once again that ObamaCare be defunded.

Now we see a subtle backpedaling by the GOP. They sent out a no-name young sacrifical lamb to tell Mrs. Greenspan they just want the tax penalties delayed for a year.

That probably would have been negotiable if they hadn't overreached to begin with.

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