Young med student dies after second jab

What's the point you're making in your OP
The whole point of his dog whistle theater is that he can't say. He knows we all know his point. And he knows it doesn't stand up under scrutiny. So he is just basically begging for attention.
How sad. A young med student has died.

Obsessed Med student dies suddenly weeks after second COVID jab

She's an LWNJ moonbat. So she probably overdosed on street drugs.
She recently got the deadly vaccine. Barely two months ago. Sad.
Nice non sequitur fallacy, fucking retard.

You have provided no evidence that the vaccine had anything to do with her death, moron.

What is sad is that you are one of those idiots who bought into RFK junior's a disinformation and Joe Biden's TDS inspired alarmism regarding Trump's vaccine.

Oh look! Now Biden is one of the first in line to get the vaccine that Trump made available to him.

My, my, my... how quickly Biden's fear of Trump's Operation Warp Speed vaccine changed.
If Trump didn't have the election stolen from him ...he won Bigly .... I still wouldn't take the mrna gene therapy friggin way
What's the point you're making in your OP
The whole point of his dog whistle theater is that he can't say. He knows we all know his point. And he knows it doesn't stand up under scrutiny. So he is just basically begging for attention.
Nobody has found anything that I have said or anything in the article to be anything but the TRUTH. You should not see the truth as a dog whistle. It is simply the truth.
Nobody has found anything that I have said or anything in the article to be anything but the TRUTH.
Yes, the intellectual sissy dog whistle tactic is old and very recognizable. You don't have to explain it to anyone.
It is amazing how much you hate the truth. You obviously cannot dispute the inconvenient truth, so you call it a dog whistle. If you know that everything in the article and everything I post is the truth, why don't you just admit it? The rest of the commies here gave up on this thread when they realized that everything in the article and everything I have said is is the truth, but you cannot let it go. You hate the truth.
We all know that there were no instances of sudden death before the COVID vaccine was released.
We all know that there were no instances of sudden death before the COVID vaccine was released.
You should start a thread about this new topic. Have you found anything in the article or anything I have said to be untrue?
Nobody has found anything that I have said or anything in the article to be anything but the TRUTH.
Yes, the intellectual sissy dog whistle tactic is old and very recognizable. You don't have to explain it to anyone.
It is amazing how much you hate the truth. You obviously cannot dispute the inconvenient truth, so you call it a dog whistle. If you know that everything in the article and everything I post is the truth, why don't you just admit it? The rest of the commies here gave up on this thread when they realized that everything in the article and everything I have said is is the truth, but you cannot let it go. You hate the truth.
Hah, this is always part of the dog whistle, when the intellectual coward gets called out: everyone else just hates the truth.
What's the point of this post?
Are you saying that she died because she got the second jab two months beforehand?
The point of the post and the blog is to create and feed an illusion that the chance of averse effects to the vaccine is much higher than it actually is.

I guarantee the poor girl's family would see right through this and not take this steaming pile of shit thread as an homage to their dead loved one.
It's shitty to politicise the death of someone's daughter.

A friend of mine in her mid-twenties died while leaning over the cot of her baby daughter.
The "doctors" said it was a brain aneurysm but apparently she ate cornflakes that morning...coincidence?
I don't know but, I'm just asking questions.
Big Cereal know that many people die after eating their products.
Why is the media silent about Big Cereal? How many have to die before the thugs at CNN stop suppressing the info?
What's the point of this post?
Are you saying that she died because she got the second jab two months beforehand?
The point of the post and the blog is to create and feed an illusion that the chance of averse effects to the vaccine is much higher than it actually is.

I guarantee the poor girl's family would see right through this and not take this steaming pile of shit thread as an homage to their dead loved one.
It's shitty to politicise the death of someone's daughter.

A friend of mine in her mid-twenties died while leaning over the cot of her baby daughter.
The "doctors" said it was a brain aneurysm but apparently she ate cornflakes that morning...coincidence?
I don't know but, I'm just asking questions.
Big Cereal know that many people die after eating their products.
Why is the media silent about Big Cereal? How many have to die before the thugs at CNN stop suppressing the info?
Did you know EvMetro and and R Kelly have never been seen in the same room at the same time?

I'm not sayin', I'm just sayin'.
We're talking about the difference between one person dying of a vaccine compared to half a million dying from the virus the vaccine is supposed to protect against.
No, that is what YOU are talking about. No we.

Oh my word.

So, essentially your argument is "I can't take part in an adult discussion, you have to come down to my childish level"?
Let's just stick to what I really did say and what the article said. Have I said anything that is not true? Is there anything in the article that is not true?

Why should we keep this conversation to what you feel comfortable about?

Oh, right, because it's oh so convenient for you to ignore the fact that you're using the article to be like "oh, one person died"

Look, if you can't do adult conversation, just let me know and I won't talk to you again in the future. That simple. I'm NOT GOING DOWN TO A SIMPLE LEVEL.
Have I said anything that is not true? Is there anything in the article that isn't true?

Oh my word. Are we playing these childish games.

Go away.
We're talking about the difference between one person dying of a vaccine compared to half a million dying from the virus the vaccine is supposed to protect against.
No, that is what YOU are talking about. No we.

Oh my word.

So, essentially your argument is "I can't take part in an adult discussion, you have to come down to my childish level"?
Let's just stick to what I really did say and what the article said. Have I said anything that is not true? Is there anything in the article that is not true?

Why should we keep this conversation to what you feel comfortable about?

Oh, right, because it's oh so convenient for you to ignore the fact that you're using the article to be like "oh, one person died"

Look, if you can't do adult conversation, just let me know and I won't talk to you again in the future. That simple. I'm NOT GOING DOWN TO A SIMPLE LEVEL.
Have I said anything that is not true? Is there anything in the article that isn't true?

Oh my word. Are we playing these childish games.

Go away.
I heard someone went brain dead right after reading this pile of crap thread.
How sad. A young med student has died.

Obsessed Med student dies suddenly weeks after second COVID jab

She's an LWNJ moonbat. So she probably overdosed on street drugs.
She recently got the deadly vaccine. Barely two months ago. Sad.
Nice non sequitur fallacy, fucking retard.

You have provided no evidence that the vaccine had anything to do with her death, moron.

What is sad is that you are one of those idiots who bought into RFK junior's a disinformation and Joe Biden's TDS inspired alarmism regarding Trump's vaccine.

Oh look! Now Biden is one of the first in line to get the vaccine that Trump made available to him.

My, my, my... how quickly Biden's fear of Trump's Operation Warp Speed vaccine changed.
If Trump didn't have the election stolen from him ...he won Bigly .... I still wouldn't take the mrna gene therapy friggin way
And that's your personal choice.

Every individual should do their own risk/benefit analysis when deciding whether or not to get the shot.
Why not just take the first jab
You still get 80 percent cover and you don’t die .
The second jab is more dangerous

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