Youngkin says Virginia won’t follow California’s clean car standards anymore

If you remember that VA was once ruled by democrats it all becomes clear
Somebody else pointed that out. Not being from that state, I never paid their politics much attention until coming to this board, somewhat following their last Gubernatorial election, where they elected Youngkin, and reading what is submitted here by USMB Members living in that state, on average just normal sounding folk.
As usual, this is just red meat for the rabid anti-environmentalists that make up the Republican Party. Because California is such a huge market, automakers will make cars for that market and then will sell those cars across the nation. ICE vehicles are on the way out no matter what the right thinks . Green energy is the future.

Car makers will make what sells.
I am not from Viginia, but I like Governor Youngkin, they elected to replace Northam, even if he was endorsed by Trump. And, he was wise enough not to let Trump campaign with him, so he had a chance to win.
And why was it that you didnt like President Trump again? Was it the low gasoline prices , low inflation, the prevention of illegal aliens invading this country? Or just Orange Man Bad Tweets?
And why was it that you didnt like President Trump again? Was it the low gasoline prices , low inflation, the prevention of illegal aliens invading this country? Or just Orange Man Bad Tweets?
Oh, he was a known swindler and crook in real estate, and a tenement slumlord, as well as convenient bankruptcies, shorting banks, investors, contractors (I won't mention lawyers). When he ran, he bragged about making deals with the mob, multiple time accused of rape, at least once by a minor. He sucked trying to hold military aide approved by Congress from Ukraine to force that country (to no avail) to help him get or create dirt on what was to be the Presidential Candidate, he would later lose to by vote margins he described as huge, on his win against equally low moral, Hillary. Not to forget how he ripped of impressionable kids with his Trump University, like the crook he is, nor should his management of charities, where he was found culpable for misdirecting funds to his own benefit, making it so he and nobody else in his whole criminal family could be on the board of another charity for the rest of his life. His hiring practices (for quality, was the pits, as many were simply crooks, agents of foreign government, tax cheats, etc. becoming the most felony admitted and convicted senior administration in the history of the country) and not to forget his firing practices. He fired one guy over public media, while the guy was across the country, too cowardly to face him and do it while he was home in Washington. In private business, that crap would have meant, like Paul thorn sang "It's a Great Day, to Whup Somebody's Ass" if he pulled that shit in The South. He crowed as if it was a big deal, when he got his budget passed by congress, and signed in a ceremony by him, only to rob money designated for repairing Hurricane damage at a base in Florida, along with the money for the junior high school of the enlisted men on another military base, as well as clean water and sewage on a Marine base, taking the money as if he had line item veto after the fact of the signing of the budget. It took two appeals before he found Trump friendly judges on that one. You can still see them on TV still gathering vets for the class action due to the cancers. I can't count how many decorated (even congressional medal winners) that died or were wounded he insulted and the families of the dead. He made fun of injured soldiers (soldiering for him) with traumatic brain injuries sustained on the battle field in an enemy missile attack. He let Putin talk him into allowing a cross border attack into US controlled part of Syria by Turkey, against allies that had fought with us, in which some of our own troops got injured and jailed terrorists escaped. Why Turkey attacked the prison while there is still just a mystery. Not to mention being the most divisive asshole that ever made twitter post. Then the lying sonovabitch tried to overthrow the legal results of the 2020 election and when he failed miserably, provoked an attack on Congress, to keep the results from being certified, failing that also. He was rightfully impeached twice, but the gutless Republicans in the Senate outnumbered the Democrats, and it being in the Senate, he skated again, even though these same people were in that joint session under attack by his mob, he would not call off. Now, his media mouthpiece FOXNEWS has had to pay $787 Million for known lies supporting his attempt to overthrow the election. The woman he libeled as a liar, when he attacked her, sticking his finger in her vagina, and losing in court to the tune of $5 Million Dollars for battery and defamation, then so stupid he ran his mouth more after the trial, not learning his lesson (as not too bright) and got hit with another $83.3 Million Dollars. Now found guilty on 34 straight felony counts. All in all, he is the biggest loser, I have ever heard of. This is just a short list of his failures as a man, a husband, a business man and former President. But, he is the best, people like could come up with, as your good with that kind of record, though everybody else knows him.






The Jury is in. He Sucks!
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Oh, he was a known swindler and crook in real estate, and a tenement slumlord, as well as convenient bankruptcies, shorting banks, investors, contractors (I won't mention lawyers). When he ran, he bragged about making deals with the mob, multiple time accused of rape, at least once by a minor. He sucked trying to hold military aide approved by Congress from Ukraine to force that country (to no avail) to help him get or create dirt on what was to be the Presidential Candidate, he would later lose to by vote margins he described as huge, on his win against equally low moral, Hillary. Not to forget how he ripped of impressionable kids with his Trump University, like the crook he is, nor should his management of charities, where he was found culpable for misdirecting funds to his own benefit, making it so he and nobody else in his whole criminal family could be on the board of another charity for the rest of his life. His hiring practices (for quality, was the pits, as many were simply crooks, agents of foreign government, tax cheats, etc. becoming the most felony admitted and convicted senior administration in the history of the country) and not to forget his firing practices. He fired one guy over public media, while the guy was across the country, too cowardly to face him and do it while he was home in Washington. In private business, that crap would have meant, like Paul thorn sang "It's a Great Day, to Whup Somebody's Ass" if he pulled that shit in The South. He crowed as if it was a big deal, when he got his budget passed by congress, and signed in a ceremony by him, only to rob money designated for repairing Hurricane damage at a base in Florida, along with the money for the junior high school of the enlisted men on another military base, as well as clean water and sewage on a Marine base, taking the money as if he had line item veto after the fact of the signing of the budget. It took two appeals before he found Trump friendly judges on that one. You can still see them on TV still gathering vets for the class action due to the cancers. I can't count how many decorated (even congressional medal winners) that died or were wounded he insulted and the families of the dead. He made fun of injured soldiers (soldiering for him) with traumatic brain injuries sustained on the battle field in an enemy missile attack. He let Putin talk him into allowing a cross border attack into US controlled part of Syria by Turkey, against allies that had fought with us, in which some of our own troops got injured and jailed terrorists escaped. Why Turkey attacked the prison while there is still just a mystery. Not to mention being the most divisive asshole that ever made twitter post. Then the lying sonovabitch tried to overthrow the legal results of the 2020 election and when he failed miserably, provoked an attack on Congress, to keep the results from being certified, failing that also. He was rightfully impeached twice, but the gutless Republicans in the Senate outnumbered the Democrats, and it being in the Senate, he skated again, even though these same people were in that joint session under attack by his mob, he would not call off. Now, his media mouthpiece FOXNEWS has had to pay $787 Million for known lies supporting his attempt to overthrow the election. The woman he libeled as a liar, when he attacked her, sticking his finger in her vagina, and losing in court to the tune of $5 Million Dollars for battery and defamation, then so stupid he ran his mouth more after the trial, not learning his lesson (as not too bright) and got hit with another $83.3 Million Dollars. Now found guilty on 34 straight felony counts. All in all, he is the biggest loser, I have ever heard of. This is just a short list of his failures as a man, a husband, a business man and former President. But, he is the best, people like could come up with, as your good with that kind of record, though everybody else knows him.

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The Jury is in. He Sucks!
So someone like Joe Bribem who has taken money from China, has called black kids "roaches", honored a leader of the KKK at his eulogy, continued to use racial slurs all during his VP and today, people say that the "Senile" old fart who has the mental facility of a vegetable, you would vote for him? A friend wants to know.
The woman he libeled as a liar, when he attacked her, sticking his finger in her vagina, and losing in court to the tune of $5 Million Dollars for battery and defamation, then so stupid he ran his mouth more after the trial, not learning his lesson (as not too bright) and got hit with another $83.3 Million Dollars.
There is no evidence that ever happened except for her word years later

When we talk about a banana republic and lib kangaroo courts thats one of the examples that comes to mind for me

For the trump haters the means is justified by the end

Or in plain English getting trump is more important than fair play

Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin said Wednesday that the state will no longer follow car emissions standards set by California, despite his party’s failure to repeal or roll back a 2021 Democratic law that tied Virginia to those regulations.

“Once again, Virginia is declaring independence – this time from a misguided electric vehicle mandate imposed by unelected leaders nearly 3,000 miles away from the Commonwealth,” Youngkin said in a news release Wednesday morning. “The idea that government should tell people what kind of car they can or can’t purchase is fundamentally wrong.”

This is what happens when leftist dems hold control over an state, even briefly.....No sane person wants their state to be CA.....Except maybe those in NY. ;)
We need a secession redo so we can get rid of the ayehole states. Texans wanted to leave when a Black man was elected President. Go already!
How about the It's OK To Shit On The Sidewalk standard? Can we adopt that? Why must we always lag behind?

Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin said Wednesday that the state will no longer follow car emissions standards set by California, despite his party’s failure to repeal or roll back a 2021 Democratic law that tied Virginia to those regulations.

“Once again, Virginia is declaring independence – this time from a misguided electric vehicle mandate imposed by unelected leaders nearly 3,000 miles away from the Commonwealth,” Youngkin said in a news release Wednesday morning. “The idea that government should tell people what kind of car they can or can’t purchase is fundamentally wrong.”

This is what happens when leftist dems hold control over an state, even briefly.....No sane person wants their state to be CA.....Except maybe those in NY. ;)
Lot's of states don't follow California's clean air standards. It doesn't mean diddly squat. It's the CAR COMPANIES who tend to follow California standards because its such a huge market. Kinda like our children all getting their textbooks selected by ignorant Texas whack jobs. GM doesn't give a shit about Virginia.
Lot's of states don't follow California's clean air standards. It doesn't mean diddly squat. It's the CAR COMPANIES who tend to follow California standards because its such a huge market. Kinda like our children all getting their textbooks selected by ignorant Texas whack jobs. GM doesn't give a shit about Virginia.
Be that as it may no state should be forced to follow the example of another state.

Leftist dem population centers are a plague upon the land.
Be that as it may no state should be forced to follow the example of another state.
And no state is. If you want to whine about it, talk to the car companies. But since they're tending to their bottom line, don't expect to pay you much mind.
Leftist dem population centers are a plague upon the land.
Yeah, but without them we'd look a bit like Romania under Ceaușescu

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