Youngkin Wins Thread

Evidently parents do vote.

Exactly. :thup:

hello kitty said:
CNN saying democrats are losing to white identity politics.

of course they are. BUT it is the white identity politics of the left.

left hasn't figured this out...or maybe they can't wrap they little punkin heads around it....but. Nobody likes them.
Let me fix that for you...

Youngkin won tonight....once the republican vote count watchers go home...all of a sudden, youngkins win will turn into a votes are counted, and counted, and counted.....until mccauliffe wins in the morning hours......
Fraud, Fake News. Stolen Election, etc.

So what do you say when youngkin actually wins?
I'd say that conservatives and libs fed up with leftists got their butts out to vote today. They are fed up with the deceit and trickery of the demo'rats.
Gosh I'm stunned. Who else thought bringing in Cumala, the stuttering shit clown and the dog-eating muzzie faggot would drag the marxist shitstain across the finish line?

Yeah, me neither. What a fucking shit show. BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What's crazy is that President Trump was up 20+ with 90 percent of the vote in those key states. It goes to show we might be stepping up for real against the cheating.

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