Your Choice: Liberalism or the Constitution

Ooops.....I forgot...Quasimodo is your pet name.

Now....did you just lie?

"Maybe one of those re-education camps fascists like you support,...."

Care to retract and beg forgiveness...?

Or can you quote me as to support of fascism?

This is funny. knee pad-wearing, dimocrap scum shill Brian Williams even lied in his APOLOGY for lying (which was brought about by the Foreign Press, BTW)

The scumbag said he 'misremembered' about being shot down by an RPG while riding in a Helicopter.

Suck a what? How do you 'misremember' being shot down?

dimocraps are lying scum. ALL of them.

That's the point I'm making. Not just a few of them. Not just the Lying Cocksucker in Chief. Not just his Sec State, not just the rapist, Clinton.....

ALL of them. every last one.

Lying is part of their makeup and training....we see it daily on the USMB...I just noted two of 'em.

Here's the historical origin:

Georges Eugène Sorel (2 November 1847 in Cherbourg – 29 August 1922 in Boulogne-sur-Seine) was a French philosopher and theorist of revolutionary syndicalism. His notion of the power of myth in people's lives inspired Marxists and Fascists, it is, together with his defense of violence, the contribution for which he is most often remembered. Georges Sorel - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"His identification of the need for a deliberately-conceived "myth" to sway crowds into concerted action was put to use by the Fascist and Communist movements of the 1920s and after. " Georges Sorel
Edgey.....I just heard part of the story on the news.....he lied about being in harms way?

Hey....remember this:
"Hillary Clinton has been regaling supporters on the campaign trail with hair-raising tales of a trip she made to Bosnia in March 1996. In her retelling, she was sent to places that her husband, President Bill Clinton, could not go because they were "too dangerous."
... In a speech earlier this week, she talked about "landing under sniper fire" and running for safety with "our heads down."
Sniper Fire and Holes In Clinton s Recollection

Yeah, they're having a big time about it over on the Media Board in here.

Fun stuff. dimocrap scum are running for the exits.

"...dimocrap scum are running for the exits."

I'd a thought they'd want him on the ticket with the fake Indian in '16.....
This thread is yet another example of the arrogance and ignorance typical of the OP and common to most on the right; particularly their ignorance of the Constitution and its case law.

1. "This thread is yet another example of the arrogance ...."

Arrogance? Confidence? Well, I do blur the line....

...but it's your fault!

My post destroy yours with such metronomic could I be other than?

2."....ignorance of the Constitution and its case law."

Destroying you is so 'fish in the barrel' that I have to help you out just to cut the boredom.

See...if you had any cachet, any possibility that you were'd be able to give a half dozen or so errors in my posts.

Actually, I know more about the Constitution than you do.
Case law, as you know is simply made up.

But you you remain C_Chamber_Pot, the Quasimodo of the USMB.

3.Bet you look like him, too....

View attachment 36507

You need counseling. Maybe one of those re-education camps fascists like you support, though I'm confident you would be transferred right quickly to a Locked Psychiatric Facility.

Oh, poor thing.....I caught you lying and now you had to run off and hide.....

You can come back....we'll just blame it on senescence.....
Republicans love the constitution. When they aren't trying to change it. Which is all the time. Do we need examples? So many to choose from.

So many???

Yet you couldn't come up with one.

I love showing what a fraud you are.

How about I provide an example of Liberalism vs the showing how corrupt individuals, Liberal/Progressive/Democrats, attempt to subvert the Constitution.

13. If a corrupt individual such as Obama manages to assume power, he can simply ignore the restrictions of the Constitution.

The current occupant of the White House abhors the second amendment....
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

One would believe that Obama understands 'infringed.' It means limited or undermined encroached upon.

But this thug has no intention to honor the Constitution....even though he swore this oath:
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

You wouldn't vote for a liar like that.......would you?

Instead, he directed his administration to pressure banks, financial institutions, credit agencies to withdraw from doing business with lawful private institutions in the gun business.

Pretty much the textbook definition of 'infringing' on the gun rights of citizens.


LAS VEGAS—Banned from financial services that are essential to running a business, firearms sellers attending the world’s largest gun exhibition last week in Las Vegas spoke out against the government’s controversial program known as Operation Choke Point.

“We continue to hear from dealers and others in our industry that suddenly, out of the blue, they have been cut off by financial services or credit card processors or banks,” said Larry Keane, Senior Vice President of the National Shooting Sports Foundation.
Ready Aim Fire Choke Point Draws Heat From Gun Industry

So why didn't the President get a constitutional amendment?

Oh....right....because he's a Liberal....and there is the choice:

"Liberalism or the Constitution"

Does the 2nd amendment protect the right of felons convicted of gun crimes to get out of prison and on the same day going and buying any gun they desire,

no questions asked?

And here, a return performance at open mic night....the NYLiar!

His act includes only two tricks:

Trick #1....lies

Trick #2....obfuscation and changing the subject.

Today it's Trick #2 on display:

For today, NYLIar chooses Trick #2!!!!

So....instead of having to agree that the government’s controversial program known as Operation Choke Point, cutting off financial services or credit card processors or banks to lawful businesses, is an underhanded way of infringing citizens protections under the second amendment....

...the Liar attempts to change the subject to felons doing something or other.

So denying felons the purchase of guns, no questions asked, is infringement?
"Conservatives believe that custom and tradition result in individuals living in peace."

Does that include the tradition of denying women the vote?

Republicans got women the right to vote.

Democrats used the filibuster against it.

Learn some history.

Learn the difference between conservatives and liberals. Those were CONSERVATIVES who fought against giving the women the vote.

The Progressives, led by Theodore Roosevelt at the time, were supporters of women's suffrage.

The Progressives you seek to demonize on a regular basis. Yes, those Progressives. Your enemies from our history.

Tap dance all you like.....Republicans forced Democrats to give women the vote.

Does anyone else agree with PoliticalChic that there is not nor ever has been either a liberal Republican or a conservative Democrat?

Anyone want to defend her idiocy?
Republicans love the constitution. When they aren't trying to change it. Which is all the time. Do we need examples? So many to choose from.

So many???

Yet you couldn't come up with one.

I love showing what a fraud you are.

How about I provide an example of Liberalism vs the showing how corrupt individuals, Liberal/Progressive/Democrats, attempt to subvert the Constitution.

13. If a corrupt individual such as Obama manages to assume power, he can simply ignore the restrictions of the Constitution.

The current occupant of the White House abhors the second amendment....
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

One would believe that Obama understands 'infringed.' It means limited or undermined encroached upon.

But this thug has no intention to honor the Constitution....even though he swore this oath:
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

You wouldn't vote for a liar like that.......would you?

Instead, he directed his administration to pressure banks, financial institutions, credit agencies to withdraw from doing business with lawful private institutions in the gun business.

Pretty much the textbook definition of 'infringing' on the gun rights of citizens.


LAS VEGAS—Banned from financial services that are essential to running a business, firearms sellers attending the world’s largest gun exhibition last week in Las Vegas spoke out against the government’s controversial program known as Operation Choke Point.

“We continue to hear from dealers and others in our industry that suddenly, out of the blue, they have been cut off by financial services or credit card processors or banks,” said Larry Keane, Senior Vice President of the National Shooting Sports Foundation.
Ready Aim Fire Choke Point Draws Heat From Gun Industry

So why didn't the President get a constitutional amendment?

Oh....right....because he's a Liberal....and there is the choice:

"Liberalism or the Constitution"

Does the 2nd amendment protect the right of felons convicted of gun crimes to get out of prison and on the same day going and buying any gun they desire,

no questions asked?

And here, a return performance at open mic night....the NYLiar!

His act includes only two tricks:

Trick #1....lies

Trick #2....obfuscation and changing the subject.

Today it's Trick #2 on display:

For today, NYLIar chooses Trick #2!!!!

So....instead of having to agree that the government’s controversial program known as Operation Choke Point, cutting off financial services or credit card processors or banks to lawful businesses, is an underhanded way of infringing citizens protections under the second amendment....

...the Liar attempts to change the subject to felons doing something or other.

So denying felons the purchase of guns, no questions asked, is infringement?

So....instead of having to agree that the government’s controversial program known as Operation Choke Point, cutting off financial services or credit card processors or banks to lawful businesses, is an underhanded way of infringing citizens protections under the second amendment....

...the Liar attempts to change the subject to felons doing something or other.
"Conservatives believe that custom and tradition result in individuals living in peace."

Does that include the tradition of denying women the vote?

Republicans got women the right to vote.

Democrats used the filibuster against it.

Learn some history.

Learn the difference between conservatives and liberals. Those were CONSERVATIVES who fought against giving the women the vote.

The Progressives, led by Theodore Roosevelt at the time, were supporters of women's suffrage.

The Progressives you seek to demonize on a regular basis. Yes, those Progressives. Your enemies from our history.

Tap dance all you like.....Republicans forced Democrats to give women the vote.

Does anyone else agree with PoliticalChic that there is not nor ever has been either a liberal Republican or a conservative Democrat?

Anyone want to defend her idiocy?

And there it is!

NYLiar's first lie of the day!

"...agree with PoliticalChic that there is not nor ever has been either a liberal Republican or a conservative Democrat..."

Of course the liar can't find anyplace I've ever said that. are now eligible for the "Brian Williams Lie of the Day" award.

Republicans love the constitution. When they aren't trying to change it. Which is all the time. Do we need examples? So many to choose from.

So many???

Yet you couldn't come up with one.

I love showing what a fraud you are.

How about I provide an example of Liberalism vs the showing how corrupt individuals, Liberal/Progressive/Democrats, attempt to subvert the Constitution.

13. If a corrupt individual such as Obama manages to assume power, he can simply ignore the restrictions of the Constitution.

The current occupant of the White House abhors the second amendment....
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

One would believe that Obama understands 'infringed.' It means limited or undermined encroached upon.

But this thug has no intention to honor the Constitution....even though he swore this oath:
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

You wouldn't vote for a liar like that.......would you?

Instead, he directed his administration to pressure banks, financial institutions, credit agencies to withdraw from doing business with lawful private institutions in the gun business.

Pretty much the textbook definition of 'infringing' on the gun rights of citizens.


LAS VEGAS—Banned from financial services that are essential to running a business, firearms sellers attending the world’s largest gun exhibition last week in Las Vegas spoke out against the government’s controversial program known as Operation Choke Point.

“We continue to hear from dealers and others in our industry that suddenly, out of the blue, they have been cut off by financial services or credit card processors or banks,” said Larry Keane, Senior Vice President of the National Shooting Sports Foundation.
Ready Aim Fire Choke Point Draws Heat From Gun Industry

So why didn't the President get a constitutional amendment?

Oh....right....because he's a Liberal....and there is the choice:

"Liberalism or the Constitution"

Does the 2nd amendment protect the right of felons convicted of gun crimes to get out of prison and on the same day going and buying any gun they desire,

no questions asked?

And here, a return performance at open mic night....the NYLiar!

His act includes only two tricks:

Trick #1....lies

Trick #2....obfuscation and changing the subject.

Today it's Trick #2 on display:

For today, NYLIar chooses Trick #2!!!!

So....instead of having to agree that the government’s controversial program known as Operation Choke Point, cutting off financial services or credit card processors or banks to lawful businesses, is an underhanded way of infringing citizens protections under the second amendment....

...the Liar attempts to change the subject to felons doing something or other.

So denying felons the purchase of guns, no questions asked, is infringement?

So....instead of having to agree that the government’s controversial program known as Operation Choke Point, cutting off financial services or credit card processors or banks to lawful businesses, is an underhanded way of infringing citizens protections under the second amendment....

...the Liar attempts to change the subject to felons doing something or other.

You've forgotten what the topic of your thread is. Do you need a hint?
"Conservatives believe that custom and tradition result in individuals living in peace."

Does that include the tradition of denying women the vote?

Republicans got women the right to vote.

Democrats used the filibuster against it.

Learn some history.

Learn the difference between conservatives and liberals. Those were CONSERVATIVES who fought against giving the women the vote.

The Progressives, led by Theodore Roosevelt at the time, were supporters of women's suffrage.

The Progressives you seek to demonize on a regular basis. Yes, those Progressives. Your enemies from our history.

Tap dance all you like.....Republicans forced Democrats to give women the vote.

Does anyone else agree with PoliticalChic that there is not nor ever has been either a liberal Republican or a conservative Democrat?

Anyone want to defend her idiocy?

And there it is!

NYLiar's first lie of the day!

"...agree with PoliticalChic that there is not nor ever has been either a liberal Republican or a conservative Democrat..."

Of course the liar can't find anyplace I've ever said that. are now eligible for the "Brian Williams Lie of the Day" award.


So you concede that there have been liberal Republicans and conservative Democrats?
So many???

Yet you couldn't come up with one.

I love showing what a fraud you are.

How about I provide an example of Liberalism vs the showing how corrupt individuals, Liberal/Progressive/Democrats, attempt to subvert the Constitution.

13. If a corrupt individual such as Obama manages to assume power, he can simply ignore the restrictions of the Constitution.

The current occupant of the White House abhors the second amendment....
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

One would believe that Obama understands 'infringed.' It means limited or undermined encroached upon.

But this thug has no intention to honor the Constitution....even though he swore this oath:
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

You wouldn't vote for a liar like that.......would you?

Instead, he directed his administration to pressure banks, financial institutions, credit agencies to withdraw from doing business with lawful private institutions in the gun business.

Pretty much the textbook definition of 'infringing' on the gun rights of citizens.


LAS VEGAS—Banned from financial services that are essential to running a business, firearms sellers attending the world’s largest gun exhibition last week in Las Vegas spoke out against the government’s controversial program known as Operation Choke Point.

“We continue to hear from dealers and others in our industry that suddenly, out of the blue, they have been cut off by financial services or credit card processors or banks,” said Larry Keane, Senior Vice President of the National Shooting Sports Foundation.
Ready Aim Fire Choke Point Draws Heat From Gun Industry

So why didn't the President get a constitutional amendment?

Oh....right....because he's a Liberal....and there is the choice:

"Liberalism or the Constitution"

Does the 2nd amendment protect the right of felons convicted of gun crimes to get out of prison and on the same day going and buying any gun they desire,

no questions asked?

And here, a return performance at open mic night....the NYLiar!

His act includes only two tricks:

Trick #1....lies

Trick #2....obfuscation and changing the subject.

Today it's Trick #2 on display:

For today, NYLIar chooses Trick #2!!!!

So....instead of having to agree that the government’s controversial program known as Operation Choke Point, cutting off financial services or credit card processors or banks to lawful businesses, is an underhanded way of infringing citizens protections under the second amendment....

...the Liar attempts to change the subject to felons doing something or other.

So denying felons the purchase of guns, no questions asked, is infringement?

So....instead of having to agree that the government’s controversial program known as Operation Choke Point, cutting off financial services or credit card processors or banks to lawful businesses, is an underhanded way of infringing citizens protections under the second amendment....

...the Liar attempts to change the subject to felons doing something or other.

You've forgotten what the topic of your thread is. Do you need a hint?

Still trying to avoid the subject?

Trick #2, huh?
Republicans got women the right to vote.

Democrats used the filibuster against it.

Learn some history.

Learn the difference between conservatives and liberals. Those were CONSERVATIVES who fought against giving the women the vote.

The Progressives, led by Theodore Roosevelt at the time, were supporters of women's suffrage.

The Progressives you seek to demonize on a regular basis. Yes, those Progressives. Your enemies from our history.

Tap dance all you like.....Republicans forced Democrats to give women the vote.

Does anyone else agree with PoliticalChic that there is not nor ever has been either a liberal Republican or a conservative Democrat?

Anyone want to defend her idiocy?

And there it is!

NYLiar's first lie of the day!

"...agree with PoliticalChic that there is not nor ever has been either a liberal Republican or a conservative Democrat..."

Of course the liar can't find anyplace I've ever said that. are now eligible for the "Brian Williams Lie of the Day" award.


So you concede that there have been liberal Republicans and conservative Democrats?

Admitting you lied, eh?
Republicans love the constitution. When they aren't trying to change it. Which is all the time. Do we need examples? So many to choose from.

So many???

Yet you couldn't come up with one.

I love showing what a fraud you are.

How about I provide an example of Liberalism vs the showing how corrupt individuals, Liberal/Progressive/Democrats, attempt to subvert the Constitution.

13. If a corrupt individual such as Obama manages to assume power, he can simply ignore the restrictions of the Constitution.

The current occupant of the White House abhors the second amendment....
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

One would believe that Obama understands 'infringed.' It means limited or undermined encroached upon.

But this thug has no intention to honor the Constitution....even though he swore this oath:
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

You wouldn't vote for a liar like that.......would you?

Instead, he directed his administration to pressure banks, financial institutions, credit agencies to withdraw from doing business with lawful private institutions in the gun business.

Pretty much the textbook definition of 'infringing' on the gun rights of citizens.


LAS VEGAS—Banned from financial services that are essential to running a business, firearms sellers attending the world’s largest gun exhibition last week in Las Vegas spoke out against the government’s controversial program known as Operation Choke Point.

“We continue to hear from dealers and others in our industry that suddenly, out of the blue, they have been cut off by financial services or credit card processors or banks,” said Larry Keane, Senior Vice President of the National Shooting Sports Foundation.
Ready Aim Fire Choke Point Draws Heat From Gun Industry

So why didn't the President get a constitutional amendment?

Oh....right....because he's a Liberal....and there is the choice:

"Liberalism or the Constitution"

Does the 2nd amendment protect the right of felons convicted of gun crimes to get out of prison and on the same day going and buying any gun they desire,

no questions asked?

And here, a return performance at open mic night....the NYLiar!

His act includes only two tricks:

Trick #1....lies

Trick #2....obfuscation and changing the subject.

Today it's Trick #2 on display:

For today, NYLIar chooses Trick #2!!!!

So....instead of having to agree that the government’s controversial program known as Operation Choke Point, cutting off financial services or credit card processors or banks to lawful businesses, is an underhanded way of infringing citizens protections under the second amendment....

...the Liar attempts to change the subject to felons doing something or other.

So denying felons the purchase of guns, no questions asked, is infringement?

So....instead of having to agree that the government’s controversial program known as Operation Choke Point, cutting off financial services or credit card processors or banks to lawful businesses, is an underhanded way of infringing citizens protections under the second amendment....

...the Liar attempts to change the subject to felons doing something or other.

Operation Choke Point no longer exists.
So many???

Yet you couldn't come up with one.

I love showing what a fraud you are.

How about I provide an example of Liberalism vs the showing how corrupt individuals, Liberal/Progressive/Democrats, attempt to subvert the Constitution.

13. If a corrupt individual such as Obama manages to assume power, he can simply ignore the restrictions of the Constitution.

The current occupant of the White House abhors the second amendment....
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

One would believe that Obama understands 'infringed.' It means limited or undermined encroached upon.

But this thug has no intention to honor the Constitution....even though he swore this oath:
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

You wouldn't vote for a liar like that.......would you?

Instead, he directed his administration to pressure banks, financial institutions, credit agencies to withdraw from doing business with lawful private institutions in the gun business.

Pretty much the textbook definition of 'infringing' on the gun rights of citizens.


LAS VEGAS—Banned from financial services that are essential to running a business, firearms sellers attending the world’s largest gun exhibition last week in Las Vegas spoke out against the government’s controversial program known as Operation Choke Point.

“We continue to hear from dealers and others in our industry that suddenly, out of the blue, they have been cut off by financial services or credit card processors or banks,” said Larry Keane, Senior Vice President of the National Shooting Sports Foundation.
Ready Aim Fire Choke Point Draws Heat From Gun Industry

So why didn't the President get a constitutional amendment?

Oh....right....because he's a Liberal....and there is the choice:

"Liberalism or the Constitution"

Does the 2nd amendment protect the right of felons convicted of gun crimes to get out of prison and on the same day going and buying any gun they desire,

no questions asked?

And here, a return performance at open mic night....the NYLiar!

His act includes only two tricks:

Trick #1....lies

Trick #2....obfuscation and changing the subject.

Today it's Trick #2 on display:

For today, NYLIar chooses Trick #2!!!!

So....instead of having to agree that the government’s controversial program known as Operation Choke Point, cutting off financial services or credit card processors or banks to lawful businesses, is an underhanded way of infringing citizens protections under the second amendment....

...the Liar attempts to change the subject to felons doing something or other.

So denying felons the purchase of guns, no questions asked, is infringement?

So....instead of having to agree that the government’s controversial program known as Operation Choke Point, cutting off financial services or credit card processors or banks to lawful businesses, is an underhanded way of infringing citizens protections under the second amendment....

...the Liar attempts to change the subject to felons doing something or other.

Operation Choke Point no longer exists.

Do you admit you lie more frequently than you do anything else except breath?
Does the 2nd amendment protect the right of felons convicted of gun crimes to get out of prison and on the same day going and buying any gun they desire,

no questions asked?

And here, a return performance at open mic night....the NYLiar!

His act includes only two tricks:

Trick #1....lies

Trick #2....obfuscation and changing the subject.

Today it's Trick #2 on display:

For today, NYLIar chooses Trick #2!!!!

So....instead of having to agree that the government’s controversial program known as Operation Choke Point, cutting off financial services or credit card processors or banks to lawful businesses, is an underhanded way of infringing citizens protections under the second amendment....

...the Liar attempts to change the subject to felons doing something or other.

So denying felons the purchase of guns, no questions asked, is infringement?

So....instead of having to agree that the government’s controversial program known as Operation Choke Point, cutting off financial services or credit card processors or banks to lawful businesses, is an underhanded way of infringing citizens protections under the second amendment....

...the Liar attempts to change the subject to felons doing something or other.

Operation Choke Point no longer exists.

Do you admit you lie more frequently than you do anything else except breath?

FDIC retreats on Operation Choke Point - The Washington Post

Do you admit you might be the least informed RWnut on USMB?
And here, a return performance at open mic night....the NYLiar!

His act includes only two tricks:

Trick #1....lies

Trick #2....obfuscation and changing the subject.

Today it's Trick #2 on display:

For today, NYLIar chooses Trick #2!!!!

So....instead of having to agree that the government’s controversial program known as Operation Choke Point, cutting off financial services or credit card processors or banks to lawful businesses, is an underhanded way of infringing citizens protections under the second amendment....

...the Liar attempts to change the subject to felons doing something or other.

So denying felons the purchase of guns, no questions asked, is infringement?

So....instead of having to agree that the government’s controversial program known as Operation Choke Point, cutting off financial services or credit card processors or banks to lawful businesses, is an underhanded way of infringing citizens protections under the second amendment....

...the Liar attempts to change the subject to felons doing something or other.

Operation Choke Point no longer exists.

Do you admit you lie more frequently than you do anything else except breath?

FDIC retreats on Operation Choke Point - The Washington Post

Do you admit you might be the least informed RWnut on USMB?

How about this, Liar:
So....instead of having to agree that the government’s controversial program known as Operation Choke Point, cutting off financial services or credit card processors or banks to lawful businesses, is an underhanded way of infringing citizens protections under the second amendment....

...the Liar attempts to change the subject to felons doing something or other.
So denying felons the purchase of guns, no questions asked, is infringement?

So....instead of having to agree that the government’s controversial program known as Operation Choke Point, cutting off financial services or credit card processors or banks to lawful businesses, is an underhanded way of infringing citizens protections under the second amendment....

...the Liar attempts to change the subject to felons doing something or other.

Operation Choke Point no longer exists.

Do you admit you lie more frequently than you do anything else except breath?

FDIC retreats on Operation Choke Point - The Washington Post

Do you admit you might be the least informed RWnut on USMB?

How about this, Liar:
So....instead of having to agree that the government’s controversial program known as Operation Choke Point, cutting off financial services or credit card processors or banks to lawful businesses, is an underhanded way of infringing citizens protections under the second amendment....

...the Liar attempts to change the subject to felons doing something or other.

What is your point exactly?
So denying felons the purchase of guns, no questions asked, is infringement?

So....instead of having to agree that the government’s controversial program known as Operation Choke Point, cutting off financial services or credit card processors or banks to lawful businesses, is an underhanded way of infringing citizens protections under the second amendment....

...the Liar attempts to change the subject to felons doing something or other.

Operation Choke Point no longer exists.

Do you admit you lie more frequently than you do anything else except breath?

FDIC retreats on Operation Choke Point - The Washington Post

Do you admit you might be the least informed RWnut on USMB?

How about this, Liar:
So....instead of having to agree that the government’s controversial program known as Operation Choke Point, cutting off financial services or credit card processors or banks to lawful businesses, is an underhanded way of infringing citizens protections under the second amendment....

...the Liar attempts to change the subject to felons doing something or other.

So compare that to the likely unconstitutional anti-abortion bill that conservative Republicans tried to push through last month,

where does that leave us on who wants to underhandedly skirt the Constitution?
This thread is yet another example of the arrogance and ignorance typical of the OP and common to most on the right; particularly their ignorance of the Constitution and its case law.

1. "This thread is yet another example of the arrogance ...."

Arrogance? Confidence? Well, I do blur the line....

...but it's your fault!

My post destroy yours with such metronomic could I be other than?

2."....ignorance of the Constitution and its case law."

Destroying you is so 'fish in the barrel' that I have to help you out just to cut the boredom.

See...if you had any cachet, any possibility that you were'd be able to give a half dozen or so errors in my posts.

Actually, I know more about the Constitution than you do.
Case law, as you know is simply made up.

But you you remain C_Chamber_Pot, the Quasimodo of the USMB.

3.Bet you look like him, too....

View attachment 36507

You need counseling. Maybe one of those re-education camps fascists like you support, though I'm confident you would be transferred right quickly to a Locked Psychiatric Facility.

Oh, poor thing.....I caught you lying and now you had to run off and hide.....

You can come back....we'll just blame it on senescence.....

I haven't gone anywhere. There are only two reasons for your post ^^^: You are a liar, or you are challenged by reality. I tend to believe both are in play.
So....instead of having to agree that the government’s controversial program known as Operation Choke Point, cutting off financial services or credit card processors or banks to lawful businesses, is an underhanded way of infringing citizens protections under the second amendment....

...the Liar attempts to change the subject to felons doing something or other.

Operation Choke Point no longer exists.

Do you admit you lie more frequently than you do anything else except breath?

FDIC retreats on Operation Choke Point - The Washington Post

Do you admit you might be the least informed RWnut on USMB?

How about this, Liar:
So....instead of having to agree that the government’s controversial program known as Operation Choke Point, cutting off financial services or credit card processors or banks to lawful businesses, is an underhanded way of infringing citizens protections under the second amendment....

...the Liar attempts to change the subject to felons doing something or other.

What is your point exactly?


You've always been a liar, and will always be so.

Case closed.

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