Your Favorite Things About Israel

Methinks you are portraying Palestinian Food as Israeli,Naughty,Naughty 60's...steve

The dishes are painted by Palestinians...the food is middle eastern, which Israel is a part of. A nice blend.

Nice Try Coy but there were so few Jews at the time when these Dishes were invented,just another form of plagerising sic of all things Palestinian...I do like your term Middle Eastern to support your ungracious and incorrect THEORY but you know that

Methinks you are portraying Palestinian Food as Israeli,Naughty,Naughty 60's...steve

The dishes are painted by Palestinians...the food is middle eastern, which Israel is a part of. A nice blend.

Nice Try Coy but there were so few Jews at the time when these Dishes were invented,just another form of plagerising sic of all things Palestinian...I do like your term Middle Eastern to support your ungracious and incorrect THEORY but you know that

Coyote is talking about Plates.
Painting Plates to sell them. It is a business.
Not creating dishes, which happen to be from all over the area, and most are not known what the origin of each is.

And as far as Palestinian dishes, as in those created since the Arabs decided to call themselves "Palestinians" in 1964.......

Which one of these are considered to be originated by a Palestinian since 1964?

List of Palestinian dishes - Wikipedia

Palestinian cuisine - Wikipedia

Now, does anyone know which of these dishes/cuisine can be called specifically Palestinian in origin?

Methinks you are portraying Palestinian Food as Israeli,Naughty,Naughty 60's...steve

The dishes are painted by Palestinians...the food is middle eastern, which Israel is a part of. A nice blend.

Nice Try Coy but there were so few Jews at the time when these Dishes were invented,just another form of plagerising sic of all things Palestinian...I do like your term Middle Eastern to support your ungracious and incorrect THEORY but you know that

Coyote is talking about Plates.
Painting Plates to sell them. It is a business.
Not creating dishes, which happen to be from all over the area, and most are not known what the origin of each is.

And as far as Palestinian dishes, as in those created since the Arabs decided to call themselves "Palestinians" in 1964.......

Which one of these are considered to be originated by a Palestinian since 1964?

List of Palestinian dishes - Wikipedia

Palestinian cuisine - Wikipedia

Now, does anyone know which of these dishes/cuisine can be called specifically Palestinian in origin?

60's many moons ago I worked for EL AL on their Tourist Coaches,mainly Christians from the mid west of the USA Baptists actually,mainly Mothers and Daughters visiting the Holy Land/places
Haifa,Nazareth,Lake Tiberias,Meggiedo,Acre/Akko and back to Haifa was my main route(That's ROOT not ROUT as you say in the US)
I started a business with a Palestinian Nazereth..
selling satches sic,of "Soil from the Holy Land" and Genuine,Bottles of "Holy Water from Marys Well" at US$5 a time...The ladies Loved me as I was the only person selling them and as small items they could take PLENTY OF THEM comfortably back to the US...better than those colourful gaudie,hangings made of synthetics from Egypt as I remember,that lasted a few washes...I bet they are still sold there...……....your date of 1964 is way out, try 1064 or earlier 764 etc,.

I don't know a lot about Palestinians Ceramic painting but I am sure you are right,I knew a Palestinian Guy in Haifa who made ceramic and wooden Items that Jewish folk put on their door surrounds often with a paper notation inside... on the right hand facing you....and would be touched as entering a home or room...I do apologise for not remembering the name of this Item,forgive me as they are an important feature,in Jewish family life...steve by the way,Jews and Palestinians got on very well in those days,at Barmitvas SIC,and weddings...there were always Palestinian families invited by there Jewish brethren and as I said they got on extremely well...I think they had known each other for generations...It is Sad what has happened in Israel...Yeah Zionists ...I know

Have a gooday steve

Methinks you are portraying Palestinian Food as Israeli,Naughty,Naughty 60's...steve

The dishes are painted by Palestinians...the food is middle eastern, which Israel is a part of. A nice blend.

Nice Try Coy but there were so few Jews at the time when these Dishes were invented,just another form of plagerising sic of all things Palestinian...I do like your term Middle Eastern to support your ungracious and incorrect THEORY but you know that

Coyote is talking about Plates.
Painting Plates to sell them. It is a business.
Not creating dishes, which happen to be from all over the area, and most are not known what the origin of each is.

And as far as Palestinian dishes, as in those created since the Arabs decided to call themselves "Palestinians" in 1964.......

Which one of these are considered to be originated by a Palestinian since 1964?

List of Palestinian dishes - Wikipedia

Palestinian cuisine - Wikipedia

Now, does anyone know which of these dishes/cuisine can be called specifically Palestinian in origin?

Goodness the Falafel sold by the street vendor in front of the Cinema on the main road of Nazareth(all changed today) was so superior to anything I HAD TASTED BEFORE OR SINCE

60'S I HAVE GREAT AFFECTION FOR COYOTE and you for that matter but you both need reminders...Sometimes...LOL...steve

Methinks you are portraying Palestinian Food as Israeli,Naughty,Naughty 60's...steve

The dishes are painted by Palestinians...the food is middle eastern, which Israel is a part of. A nice blend.

Nice Try Coy but there were so few Jews at the time when these Dishes were invented,just another form of plagerising sic of all things Palestinian...I do like your term Middle Eastern to support your ungracious and incorrect THEORY but you know that

Coyote is talking about Plates.
Painting Plates to sell them. It is a business.
Not creating dishes, which happen to be from all over the area, and most are not known what the origin of each is.

And as far as Palestinian dishes, as in those created since the Arabs decided to call themselves "Palestinians" in 1964.......

Which one of these are considered to be originated by a Palestinian since 1964?

List of Palestinian dishes - Wikipedia

Palestinian cuisine - Wikipedia

Now, does anyone know which of these dishes/cuisine can be called specifically Palestinian in origin?

What is apparent on that list is a big focus on meat, which is common among many nomadic Bedouins, while lack of figs, eggs and fish dishes, which is traditionally a big part of the Levantine cuisine.
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Methinks you are portraying Palestinian Food as Israeli,Naughty,Naughty 60's...steve

The dishes are painted by Palestinians...the food is middle eastern, which Israel is a part of. A nice blend.

Nice Try Coy but there were so few Jews at the time when these Dishes were invented,just another form of plagerising sic of all things Palestinian...I do like your term Middle Eastern to support your ungracious and incorrect THEORY but you know that

Coyote is talking about Plates.
Painting Plates to sell them. It is a business.
Not creating dishes, which happen to be from all over the area, and most are not known what the origin of each is.

And as far as Palestinian dishes, as in those created since the Arabs decided to call themselves "Palestinians" in 1964.......

Which one of these are considered to be originated by a Palestinian since 1964?

List of Palestinian dishes - Wikipedia

Palestinian cuisine - Wikipedia

Now, does anyone know which of these dishes/cuisine can be called specifically Palestinian in origin?

60's many moons ago I worked for EL AL on their Tourist Coaches,mainly Christians from the mid west of the USA Baptists actually,mainly Mothers and Daughters visiting the Holy Land/places
Haifa,Nazareth,Lake Tiberias,Meggiedo,Acre/Akko and back to Haifa was my main route(That's ROOT not ROUT as you say in the US)
I started a business with a Palestinian Nazereth..
selling satches sic,of "Soil from the Holy Land" and Genuine,Bottles of "Holy Water from Marys Well" at US$5 a time...The ladies Loved me as I was the only person selling them and as small items they could take PLENTY OF THEM comfortably back to the US...better than those colourful gaudie,hangings made of synthetics from Egypt as I remember,that lasted a few washes...I bet they are still sold there...……....your date of 1964 is way out, try 1064 or earlier 764 etc,.

I don't know a lot about Palestinians Ceramic painting but I am sure you are right,I knew a Palestinian Guy in Haifa who made ceramic and wooden Items that Jewish folk put on their door surrounds often with a paper notation inside... on the right hand facing you....and would be touched as entering a home or room...I do apologise for not remembering the name of this Item,forgive me as they are an important feature,in Jewish family life...steve by the way,Jews and Palestinians got on very well in those days,at Barmitvas SIC,and weddings...there were always Palestinian families invited by there Jewish brethren and as I said they got on extremely well...I think they had known each other for generations...It is Sad what has happened in Israel...Yeah Zionists ...I know

Have a gooday steve

Wuallaq ant hmar al'usturaliu, halas mae qasas alf laylat walayla.

I Hashem, in My grace, have summoned you, and I have grasped you by the hand. I created you, and appointed you a covenant people, a light of nations
Isaiah 42:6 (The Israel Bible™)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

a-NEE a-do-NAI k’-ra-TEE-kha v’-TZE-dek v’-akh-ZAYK b’-ya-DE-kha v’-e-tzor-KHA
v’-e-ten-KHA liv-REET AM l’-OR go-YIM

The Jewish Mission
This famous phrase captures the mission statement of the People of Israel. For most of Jewish history, the role of “light unto the nations” has been understood primarily as a private call to have a positive influence on the world by living an ethical life and setting a personal example of righteous behavior. Rarely was anyone on the outside ever interested in what the Jews as a nation had to say, and so the concept of ‘ohr goyim’ was an ideal that individual Jews strived for. However, Yeshayahu (Isaiah) is calling for so much more. The “light” in his stirring description is capable of opening the eyes of the blind and leading the imprisoned out of darkness. The establishment of the State of Israel and its role on the international stage calls for a transformation of the “light unto the nations” metaphor from a passive, individual candle, to a powerful blaze, firing up the nations and igniting the world with righteousness. The State of Israel represents the historic opportunity for the People of Israel to fulfill their religious destiny as a nation.

But the dove could not find a resting place for its foot, and returned to him to the ark, for there was water over all the earth. So putting out his hand, he took it into the ark with him
Genesis 8:9 (The Israel Bible™)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

v’-lo ma-tz’-AH ha-yo-NAH ma-NO-akh l’-khaf rag-LAH va-TA-shov ay-LAV el ha-tay-VAH kee MA-yim al p’-NAY khol ha-A-retz va-yish-LAKH ya-DO va-yi-ka-KHE-ha va-ya-VAY o-TAH ay-LAV el ha-tay-VAH

The Dove and the Jewish People
Throughout Talmudic literature, the Jewish people are compared to the dove. Once a dove meets her mate, she never leaves him for another, and a dove, even when her offspring are taken, will never abandon her nest. In a similar fashion, the Children of Israel are faithful to God. The Sages of the Midrash comment that the dove that Noach (Noah) sent foreshadows the journey of the Jewish people throughout history. Just as the dove found no rest for the sole of its foot, so the Jews will find no solace in exile. Just as the dove returned to the ark seeking shelter, so the Jews will return from exile to the Land of Israel. Like Noach’s dove, the people have remained faithful to Hashem (God), and now, after thousands of years of absence, have returned to His land.
Thank you so much 60's for this information,we too are great tomato growers,mainly Italian migrants from the 1950's and 60's revolutionised growing here the trouble is over the past 10-15 years a lot of hyroponic growing has reduced the quality and taste as they strive for bigger crops on a continual daily basis,this has vastly reduced the flavour but as you say GEngineering do reduce the pesky pests,most of these tomatoes are not grown in soil but a filtered solution.It would be similar in Israel 60's

60's I read recently that a for a Tomato grown in Italy(Near Versuvious/Napoli) in get the same nutrient value today you would have to eat 32 Tomatoes,let alone the flavour value!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!….Trouble today is,the sellers think the buyer wants a certain size,firmness and colour(which is bulldust) this creates such waste.

In markets from Tel-Aviv to Napoli to Marsaille to Mexico City,you see the locals buying huge or small,mishapen all colours as they are grown in soil traditionally and tasty Tom's...and I bet your Mum/Mom bought them with relish indeed.

Actually Supermarkets are a curse demanding a certain size and colour...the waste as I said is horrific and disgraceful considering how hungry parts of the world are....have a Great Day 60's and rebel a little against modern day conformity and food production...All that Glitters ain't always Gold....60's....steve
Methinks you are portraying Palestinian Food as Israeli,Naughty,Naughty 60's...steve
The dishes are painted by Palestinians...the food is middle eastern, which Israel is a part of. A nice blend.
Nice Try Coy but there were so few Jews at the time when these Dishes were invented,just another form of plagerising sic of all things Palestinian...I do like your term Middle Eastern to support your ungracious and incorrect THEORY but you know that
Coyote is talking about Plates.
Painting Plates to sell them. It is a business.
Not creating dishes, which happen to be from all over the area, and most are not known what the origin of each is.

And as far as Palestinian dishes, as in those created since the Arabs decided to call themselves "Palestinians" in 1964.......

Which one of these are considered to be originated by a Palestinian since 1964?

List of Palestinian dishes - Wikipedia

Palestinian cuisine - Wikipedia

Now, does anyone know which of these dishes/cuisine can be called specifically Palestinian in origin?
60's many moons ago I worked for EL AL on their Tourist Coaches,mainly Christians from the mid west of the USA Baptists actually,mainly Mothers and Daughters visiting the Holy Land/places
Haifa,Nazareth,Lake Tiberias,Meggiedo,Acre/Akko and back to Haifa was my main route(That's ROOT not ROUT as you say in the US)
I started a business with a Palestinian Nazereth..
selling satches sic,of "Soil from the Holy Land" and Genuine,Bottles of "Holy Water from Marys Well" at US$5 a time...The ladies Loved me as I was the only person selling them and as small items they could take PLENTY OF THEM comfortably back to the US...better than those colourful gaudie,hangings made of synthetics from Egypt as I remember,that lasted a few washes...I bet they are still sold there...……....your date of 1964 is way out, try 1064 or earlier 764 etc,.

I don't know a lot about Palestinians Ceramic painting but I am sure you are right,I knew a Palestinian Guy in Haifa who made ceramic and wooden Items that Jewish folk put on their door surrounds often with a paper notation inside... on the right hand facing you....and would be touched as entering a home or room...I do apologise for not remembering the name of this Item,forgive me as they are an important feature,in Jewish family life...steve by the way,Jews and Palestinians got on very well in those days,at Barmitvas SIC,and weddings...there were always Palestinian families invited by there Jewish brethren and as I said they got on extremely well...I think they had known each other for generations...It is Sad what has happened in Israel...Yeah Zionists ...I know

Have a gooday steve

Wuallaq ant hmar al'usturaliu, halas mae qasas alf laylat walayla.
got the gist but Translate for me Rylah thanks steve

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