Your Favorite Things About Israel

Hashem loves the gates of Tzion, more than all the dwellings
of Yaakov

Psalms 87:2 (The Israel Bible™)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

o-HAYV a-do-NAI sha-a-RAY tzi-YON mi-KOL mish-k’-NOT ya-a-KOV

Jerusalem Gates

This psalm praises Hashem’s (God's) connection to Tzion (Zion). In order to express God’s love for Yerushalayim (Jerusalem), the psalmist writes: “Hashem loves the gates of Tzion, more than all the dwellings of Yaakov.” The wall currently surrounding Jerusalem’s Old City, built in 1538 by the Ottoman sultan Suleiman the Magnificent, has several gates around its perimeter. The gate at the southwestern corner of the wall is called “Zion Gate,” or Shaar Tzion in Hebrew, from this verse. However, the Arabic name for this gate is David’s Gate, referring to the traditional location of David’s tomb. The Zion Gate is also quite significant in modern Israeli history; it was through this gate that the Palmach Brigade of the Israeli army broke into the Old City during the 1948 War of Independence, releasing the Jewish quarter from its isolation.

The likes of what we heard we have now witnessed in the city of God of hosts, in the city of our God— may Hashem preserve it forever!
Psalms 48:9 (The Israel Bible™)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

ka-a-SHER sha-MA-nu KAYN ra-EE-nu b’-EER a-do-NAI tz’-va-OT b’-EER e-lo-HAY-nu
e-lo-HEEM y’-kho-n’-NE-ha ad O-lam

Daily Praise
In the times of the Beit Hamikdash (Holy Temple), a special psalm was sung by the Leviim(Levites) on each of the seven days of the week. In the absence of the Beit Hamikdash, Jews continue to say these daily Tehillim (Psalms) at the end of the morning prayers, in memory of the times when the Temple stood and in hopes of its redemption and restoration. About this psalm, Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks writes, is “a hymn of praise to the beauty and endurance of Yerushalayim, the city that outlived all those who sought to conquer it.”

Yehuda became His holy one, Yisrael, His dominion
Psalms 114:2 (The Israel Bible™)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

HAY-ta ye-HU-da le-KAD-sho yis-RA-el mam-she-LO-tav

How to Achieve Holiness

Hashem (God) exhorts the People of Israel to be a holy nation. The Torah (Bible) outlines how to achieve holiness through the observance of Biblical law. Most of the laws pertain to man's interaction with his fellow, but several are also ritualistic. Examples of the former include required portions to charity, honest business dealings and treating our neighbors as we wish to be treated. Examples of the latter include keeping the Sabbath, being meticulous in the laws of sacrifices and not worshiping idols.

He endows your realm with well-being, and satisfies you with choice wheat
Psalms 147:14 (The Israel Bible™)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

ha-SAM g’-vu-LAYKH sha-LOM KHAY-lev khi-TEEM yas-bee-AYKH

The Source of Strength

While the Bible makes frequent mention of military affairs and speaks often of soldiers, the important principle that emerges is found in this verse: Ha–sam g’vulaych shalom ( ). Translated here as ‘He endows your realm with well-being,’ these words literally mean ‘He who makes your borders peaceful.’ We must always remember that ultimately, our own efforts do not matter. Rather, Hashem (God) is behind all of our successes. Though the modern Israeli army is one of the strongest in the world, it continuously remembers the true source of its strength.
Israel is a democracy.
Do you know what a democracy is ??

Ancient Athens was a democracy.
When Netanyahu wife gets caught committing fraud it makes me wonder if they are good people who should be trusted.

Same as the trumps
Read the first post of this thread, please, before answering.
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Thank you.

Look to Hashem and keep to His way, and He will raise you high that you may inherit the land; when the wicked are cut off, you shall see it
Psalms 37:34 (The Israel Bible™)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

ka-VAY el a-do-NAI ush-MOR dar-KO vee-ro-mim-KHA la-RE-shet A-retz b’-hi-ka-RAYT
r’-sha-EEM tir-EH

The Virtue of Patience
Who is worthy to inherit the Land of Israel? The psalmist comforts the righteous one who sees only the arrogant succeeding in the world. He speaks of the fleeting existence of the wicked and notes that they will ultimately fall. However, those who have faith in Hashem(God), wait patiently for Him, and who are humble, veer from evil and engage in acts of righteousness, will eventually inherit Eretz Yisrael (the Land of Israel) and inhabit it.

And the squares of the city shall be crowded with boys and girlsplaying in the squares
Zechariah 8:5 (The Israel Bible™)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

u'-re-KHO-bot ha-IR YEE-ma-LU ye-la-DEEM ve-ye-la-DOT me-sa-kha-KEEM BEER-kho-vot-TAY-ha

Prophecy is Alive
We know more about Zecharya (Zechariah) than we do about most other prophets. Like Ezekiel and Jeremiah, he was a priest, and his grandfather, Ido, is mentioned among the priests in Ezra and Nechemya. His contemporaries include the prophet Chagai, who began prophesying two months before him, and the high priest Yehoshua. However, his message differs from that of Chagai, whose single-minded focus was the encouragement of the Jewish people to build the Temple. To this message, Zecharya adds a religious and moral dimension. He encourages the people to repent, emphasizes that God’s rule stands in contrast to military might – “Not by might, nor by power, but by My spirit” (4:6).
Israel is a democracy.
Do you know what a democracy is ??

Ancient Athens was a democracy.
When Netanyahu wife gets caught committing fraud it makes me wonder if they are good people who should be trusted.

Same as the trumps
Read the first post of this thread, please, before answering.
There will be no answering posts like this which move away from the topic of the thread.

Thank you.

So, it's not okay for me to like Israel's form of government?
I didn't expect a lot of replies anyway.
The topic is really about Israeli culture and tourism, then?
The Israeli system of government is based on parliamentary democracy.[1] The Prime Minister of Israel is the head of government and leader of a multi-party system. Executive power is exercised by the government. Legislative power is vested in the Knesset. The Judiciary is independent of the executive and the legislature. The political system of the State of Israel and its main principles are set out in 11 Basic Laws. Israel does not have a written constitution.[2]
I thanks Israel for giving us Howard stern first and foremost. Mel brooks. Albert Einstein. Lots more.... Sarah Silverman

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