Your Favorite Things About Israel

I really enjoy the archeological sites and museums, especially the ones outside the cities. I do not like the 'old cities' much at all, they give me claustrophobia they're so cramped. Even some of the small towns are annoying. There are some pretty decent eateries, though, and the bakeries always make me feel like I'm starving. I'm used to Texas and traveling at high speeds for long distances, and being able to see for miles and miles.

Proclaim further: Thus said God of Hosts: My towns shall yet overflow with bounty. For Hashem will again comfort Tzion; He will choose Yerushalayim again
Zechariah 1:17 (The Israel Bible™)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

OD k’-RA lay-MOR KOH a-MAR a-do-NAI tz’-va-OT OD t’-fu-TZE-nah a-RAI mi-TOV
v’-ni-KHAM a-do-NAI OD et tzi-YON u-va-KHAR OD bee-ru-sha-LA-im

Zechariah's Prophecies
The prophet Zecharya lives at a very exciting time in Jewish history, when the Persian King Darius allows his Jewish subjects to return to Yerushalayim (Jerusalem) and rebuild the Beit Hamikdash (Holy Temple). While there are some who heed the call, many do not respond with the proper enthusiasm. Zecharya tries to encourage the children of Israel to return by reiterating God’s promises and blessings regarding the land of Israel. According to many commentators these prophecies apply not only to the time of Zecharya, but also to the days of the future redemption. Recent years have begun to see the fulfillment of these prophecies, as many cities in Israel flourish again, and God has chosen Yerushalayim by returning His children to the holy city.
Best way to go touring in Israel; they have new campgrounds and parks opening up the last 3 years or so that are decently priced and in good locations.

“Why didn’t this beautiful option exist in Israel — the perfect place to tour with motor homes and caravans? The answer is regulation,” explains Eran Nitzan, who was director of infrastructure and investment at the Tourism Ministry in December 2012, when the ministry and the Israel Nature and Parks Authority introduced imported international-standard caravans for hire at an event in Ein Hemed National Park.

“It was impossible to sell or rent the vehicles from a business point of view,” Nitzan tells ISRAEL21c. “So we worked with the Ministry of Transportation and the Ministry of Finance and found a way to encourage this field by deregulating the taxes and licensing.”

He predicted that many tourists will be opting to explore Israel from north to south this way. “There is a huge sector in the tourist field of millions of people who travel by caravan,” he said.

Camper tourism rolls out in Israel

We go with the camper vans, lots more parking options and few public places with parking bother you unless you're littering or loud and obnoxious or something. Motor homes are a pain in the ass ion some of the roads and smaller towns, and frankly ridiculous to use in a small country anyway. The small camper/vans don't need dump stations, either. We like it a lot better than the kibbutz guest house route and hotel blandness. Rental rates are cheaper than a lot of places in the U.S., which surprised us.
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My servant Moshe is dead. Prepare to cross the Yarden, together with all this people, into the land that I am giving to the Israelites
Joshua 1:2 (The Israel Bible™)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

mo-SHEH av-DEE MAYT v’-a-TAH KUM a-VOR et ha-yar-DAYN ha-ZEH a-TAH v’-khol ha-AM ha-ZEH el ha-A-retz a-SHER a-no-KHEE no-TAYN la-HEM liv-NAY yis-ra-AYL

Joshua and Our Generation
Sefer Yehoshua, (Book of Joshua), is the first book of the Prophets. It is certain that our generation, which has witnessed the creation, building and flowering of the State of Israel, the ingathering of the exiles and the miraculous military victories can relate to the themes and messages of the Book of Joshua. Of all future generations, we are the ones who must derive inspiration and instruction from Sefer Yehoshua. After more than two thousand years of bitter exile, the Jewish People have returned home and can serve Hashem (God) as a free people in its own land. This dream of generations of Jewish history has now become a reality. Sefer Yehoshua surely speaks to our generation.
Day of Rememberence -
Rabbi Chaim Ben Attar - The "Or HaChaim"


Rabbi Chaim Ben Attar, author of Or HaChaim, was born in 1696 in the city of Sali, Morocco to his father Rabbi Moshe ben Rabbi Chaim of a Sephardic family, and received his Torah from his father's father, after whom he was named.

In the year 5677 he married the home of Rabbi Moshe ben Rabbi Shem Tov Ibn Atar, who was the cousin of his father and advisor to the king. He made a living by weaving gold and silver clothes.

Immigration to Israel

In the month of Av, 1741, he boarded the ship with thirty of his disciples and their family on their way to Eretz Yisrael via Alexandria.

They settled in Acre at first, and from there continued to Tiberias.
At the end of the year 5702, they moved to Jerusalem where he established two accademies, one for the revealed Torah and one for the occult.
His famous disciple was the Chida - Rabbi Chaim Yosef David Azulai. The Baal Shem Tov testified to Rabbi Chaim ben Atar that he was worthy of being a messiah in his generation.

Public activity
Rabbi Chaim Ben Attar was involved in the needs of the community and supported the Torah scholars while abroad, and contributed to the expansion of the Jewish community in Eretz Israel.

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Ushpizin -one of the sweetest Israeli films, classic Jewish comedy.

Moshe and Mali Bellanga are an impoverished, childless, Hasidic baalei teshuva ("returnees to Judaism") couple in the Breslov community in Jerusalem. After Moshe is passed over for a stipend he expected, they cannot pay their bills, much less prepare for the upcoming Jewish holiday of Sukkot.

Moshe admires a particularly beautiful etrog, or citron, one of the four species required for the holiday observance. They console themselves by recalling a saying of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov that difficult times are a test of faith. After some anguished prayer, they receive an unexpected monetary gift on the eve of the holiday[2]and Moshe buys the etrog for 1000 shekels (approx. $300), a large sum of money that is much more than he can afford.

The couple is visited by a pair of escaped convicts, one of whom knew Moshe in his earlier, non-religious life. The convicts become their guests (ushpizin) in the sukkah....


Your God Hashem is in your midst, A warrior who brings triumph. He will rejoice over you and be glad, He will shout over you with jubilation. He will soothe with His love
Zephaniah 3:17 (The Israel Bible™)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

a-do-NAI e-lo-HA-yikh b’-kir-BAYKH gi-BOR yo-SHEE-a ya-SEES a-LA-yikh b’-sim-KHAH ya-kha-REESH b’-A-ha-va-TO ya-GIL a-LA-yikh b’-ri-NAH

Rejoice and Sing

The prophet Tzefanya (Zephaniah) describes the result of Hashem‘s (God's) triumphant judgement. Having eradicated evil from the world, He will allow the remnant of Israel to live safely in its land, knowing that God dwells among the people of Israel. Hashem will rejoice and sing when He sees His people dwelling in their land without fear of evil.
On the bus from Tel Aviv to Samaria and back again, David Hermelin talked to us about approaches to those who vilify Israel. Perhaps the entire trip can be summed up by the following response he suggests to those who question Jewish rights to Judea and Samaria:

You do not get to judge whether or not I have a right to live in my land. I do not really care what you think about that and I am not going to try to persuade you of anything. But if you want to know what my experience is, I am happy to discuss this with you.

(full article online)

Tripping in Samaria And Talking With Settlers | Israel Diaries

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