Your Favorite Things About Israel


Ice cream on display at a shop in Rishon LeZion, Israel. Photo by Victoria Shapiro/

11 weird and wonderful Israeli ice cream flavors

May sinners disappear from the earth, and the wicked be no more. Bless Hashem, O my soul. Hallelujah
Psalms 104:35 (The Israel Bible™)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

yi-TA-mu kha-ta-EEM min ha-A-retz ur-sha-EEM OD ay-NAM ba-r’-KHEE naf-SHEE
et a-do-NAI ha-l’-lu-YAH

May Sinners Disappear From the Earth

Jewish tradition tells a story about a remarkable woman name Bruriah, who lived in the Land of Israel shortly after the second Temple period with her husband, the great sage Rabbi Meir. Rabbi Meir had been abused by vagrants, and prayed for their destruction. Bruriah quoted this psalm, and noted that the above verse should be understood as saying, "May sins disappear from the earth," and does not wish for the actual destruction of the sinners themselves. Once their evil behavior ends, they will no longer be sinners, for they will return to Hashem (God). Rabbi Meir accepted his wife's advice and prayed for his enemies to repent. Hashem accepted his prayers and the sinners returned from their evil ways.

May the earth yield its produce; may Hashem, our God, bless us
Psalms 67:7 (The Israel Bible™)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

E-retz na-t’-NAH y’-vu-LAH y’-va-r’-KHAY-nu e-lo-HEEM e-lo-HAY-nu

A Spiritual Barometer

The produce of the Land of Israel is a direct response to the behavior of its inhabitants. Hashem (God) makes this point very clear in the Bible, specifically in Deuteronomy, in which He links the concept of reward and punishment with the successful produce of the land. If the Children of Israel veer from God's path and turn to idolatry, Divine anger will arise and the land of Israel will fail to yield produce. This Divine reaction is actually a blessing, since the inhabitants of the Land of Israel are granted a barometer for their spiritual behavior. If there is famine and drought, they know that Hashem is angry, and they must inspect their actions. If there is plenty, God is happy with His nation and will continue to bless the land.

You shall faithfully observe all My laws and all My regulations, lest the land to which I bring you to settle in spew you out
Leviticus 20:22 (The Israel Bible™)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

ush-mar-TEM et kol khu-ko-TAI v’-et kol mish-pa-TAI va-a-see-TEM o-TAM v’-lo ta-KEE
et-KHEM ha-A-retz a-SHER a-NEE may-VEE et-KHEM SHA-mah la-SHE-vet BAH

The Gift of the Land

Hashem (God) warns the Children of Israel against embracing the abominations of the Canaanites lest they be expelled from their land. Hashem provides an example of such abominable behavior, containing a list of forbidden relationships in His eyes. The above verse states that the Children of Israel must follow the commandments or risk being thrown out of the land. This expression attributes human-like sensitivity to the Land of Israel. The land cannot bear impurity and abomination, and thus engaging in illicit relationships will result in exile. This is another example of the reality that the gift of the Land of Israel is dependent on the Children of Israel maintaining a high level of purity and faith since the land's sanctity can not tolerate immorality.

The Kohanim, the Leviim and some of the people, and the singers, gatekeepers, and the temple servants took up residence in their towns and all Yisrael in their towns
Ezra 2:70 (The Israel Bible™)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

va-yay-sh’-VU ha-ko-ha-NEEM v’-hal-vi-YIM u-min ha-AM v’-ham-sho-r’-REEM v’-ha-sho-a-REEM v’-ha-n’-tee-NEEM b’-a-ray-HEM v’-khol yis-ra-AYL b’-a-ray-HEM

Rebuilding the Ruins

In this chapter of the Book of Ezra, we learn that many of the Jewish families who returned from exile to the Land of Israel established new communities on the sites of their ruined towns and villages. As one travels across the landscape of the contemporary State of Israel, it is amazing to see this very process recurring. The communities of Beersheva, Kibbutz Dan, Givon and dozens of others were all reconstructed in the very same locations as their original, biblical namesakes. It is indeed wondrous to witness the fulfillment of Yirmiyahu's (Jeremiah's) prophecy "...children shall return to their country" (Jeremiah 31:16) and to see "all Yisrael in their towns."

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