Your Favorite Things About Israel


When the word spread, the Israelites brought large quantities of grain, wine, oil, honey, and all kinds of agricultural produce, and tithes of all, in large amounts
II Chronicles 31:5 (The Israel Bible™)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

v’-khif-ROTZ ha-da-VAR hir-BU v’-NAY yis-ra-AYL ray-SHEET da-GAN tee-ROSH
v’-yitz-HAR ud-VASH v’-KHOL t’-vu-AT sa-DEH u-ma-SAR ha-KOL la-ROV hay-VEE-u

Physical and Spiritual Nourishment
The gifts brought to the Beit Hamikdash (Holy Temple) are examples of biblical commandments that only apply in the Land of Israel. A portion of the crops grown in the land were dedicated to God, to remind us that despite the tremendous human effort involved in their production, our crops are ultimately a gift from God. Additionally, agricultural gifts were presented to the religious leaders of Israel. Since the religious leadership did not have a portion of the land, they were dependent on the rest of the nation for their physical nourishment. In return, their religious contribution elevated the remainder of the nation's existence in the land. Such is life in the Land of Israel- the physical and spiritual are continuously intertwined.
He made its posts of silver, Its back of gold, Its seat of purple wool. Within, it was decked with love by the maidens of Yerushalayim
Song of Songs 3:10 (The Israel Bible™)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

a-mu-DAV a-SAH KHE-sef r’-fee-da-TO za-HAV mer-ka-VO ar-ga-MAN to-KHO ra-TZUF a-ha-VAH mi-b’-NOT y’-ru-sha-LA-im

Jerusalem, the World's Metropolis
In a number of places throughout Song of Songs, the maidens or daughters of Yerushalayim (Jerusalem) represent the daughters of the world. The medieval commentator Rashi explains that in the future, Yerushalayim will be the metropolis of the world and all nations will accept its centrality. Though the nations of the world will one day accept Yerushalayim as their political and religious capital, the Jewish People have always believed it to be their eternal capital, providing inspiration and the means for fulfilling their spiritual needs even in exile.

There lies a big problem. Ever since Israel turned this near wasteland without any oil into a thriving metropolis, there came hoards of "Palestinians to claim "it's their land."

So he blessed them that day, saying, “By you shall Yisrael invoke blessings, saying: Hashem make you like Efraim and Menashe.” Thus he put Efraim before Menashe
Genesis 48:20 (The Israel Bible™)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

vai-VA-r’-KHAYM ba-YOM ha-HU lay-MOR b’-KHA y’-va-RAYKH yis-ra-AYL lay-MOR
y’-sim-KHA e-lo-HEEM k’-ef-RA-yim v’-khim-na-SHEH va-YA-sem et ef-RA-yim lif-NAY

The Blessing of the Sons
Derived from the above verse, to this day Jewish parents bless their sons each Shabbat(Sabbath) with the words, "May Hashem (God) make you like Efraim and Menashe." What is so unique about this pair of Biblical brothers? The two sons of Yosef (Joseph) played a significant role in the formation of the Jewish People. They were the first of Avraham's (Abraham's) family to be born in Egypt. Despite their physical distance from the Land of Israel, they remained loyal to the traditions of their ancestors. Efraim and Menashe, therefore, represent the key to the survival of the Jewish People and their return to Israel. For this reason, these brothers were chosen as special role models for the Children of Israel.

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