Your Favorite Things About Israel

Our Redeemer—LORD of Hosts is His name— Is the Holy One of Yisrael
Isaiah 47:4 (The Israel Bible™)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

go-a-LAY-nu a-do-NAI tz’-va-OT sh’-MO k’-DOSH yis-ra-AYL

Our Redeemer

Yeshayahu (Isaiah) portrays Babylon in its humiliation as a female in deep distress, working at a wheel, exposed in the marketplace. Suddenly, Israel (or Yeshayahu himself) exclaims, “Our Redeemer –LORD of hosts is His name, the Holy One of Yisrael.” This highlights the difference between Israel and Babylon. Though punished and exiled, Hashem (God) is always present for the Israelites, offering hope and encouragement that they will be redeemed and returned to their land. Babylon, on the other hand, remains friendless and alone.
The goal of the new services, available this summer, is to put Jerusalem on par with other major cities around the world, such as London, Paris and New York.

In cooperation with OTIPASS, JDA initiated the “Jerusalem City Pass,” a ticket that can be purchased before arriving in Israel. Valid for a week, it can be used to save time spent on small payments and standing in lines, includes free inner-city bus and light-rail use, and offers discounts for main attractions throughout Israel’s capital.

(full article online)

Visitor Pass ‘Connects the Dots’ in the City of Jerusalem

When you approach a town to attack it, you shall offer it terms of peace
Deuteronomy 20:10 (The Israel Bible™)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

kee tik-RAV el EER l’-hi-la-KHAYM a-LE-ha v’-ka-RA-ta ay-LE-ha l’-sha-LOM

Make Peace, Not War
Before going to war, the Children of Israel are commanded to first offer their enemies the opportunity to make peace. According to some commentators, this applies even to the nations living in the parts of the Land of Israel promised to the Children of Israel. Although the land was given the the People of Israel as an inheritance, they must first and foremost try to live in peace with their neighbors. The State of Israel has taken this Biblical verse very seriously. Israel has returned land captured in defensive wars and offered to give up even more of its land in exchange for peace with its neighbors.

The captain of Hashem’s host answered Yehoshua, “Remove your sandals from your feet, for the place where you stand is holy.” And Yehoshua did so
Joshua 5:15 (The Israel Bible™)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

va-YO-mer sar tz’-VA a-do-NAI el y’-ho-SHU-a shal na-al-KHA may-AL rag-LE-kha KEE ha-ma-KOM a-SHER a-TAH o-MAYD a-LAV KO-desh HU va-YA-as y’-ho-SHU-a KAYN

Holy Ground
Upon entering the Land of Israel, Yehoshua (Joshua) is told to remove his shoes because the place where he is standing is holy. This is reminiscent of the similar command given to Moshe (Moses) while standing at the burning bush on the mountain of God, Mount Sinai. But there is a critical difference. Unlike Sinai, which attained temporary holiness, the place upon which Yehoshua stood is eternally sacred for it was the ground of the Land of Israel.

He made its posts of silver, Its back of gold, Its seat of purple wool. Within, it was decked with love by the maidens of Yerushalayim
Song of Songs 3:10 (The Israel Bible™)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

a-mu-DAV a-SAH KHE-sef r’-fee-da-TO za-HAV mer-ka-VO ar-ga-MAN to-KHO ra-TZUF a-ha-VAH mi-b’-NOT y’-ru-sha-LA-im

Jerusalem, the World's Metropolis
In a number of places throughout Song of Songs, the maidens or daughters of Yerushalayim (Jerusalem) represent the daughters of the world. The medieval commentator Rashi explains that in the future, Yerushalayim will be the metropolis of the world and all nations will accept its centrality. Though the nations of the world will one day accept Yerushalayim as their political and religious capital, the Jewish People have always believed it to be their eternal capital, providing inspiration and the means for fulfilling their spiritual needs even in exile.

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