**** Your Flag. New Social Media Challenge?

Fight the power. Is this about censorship? There is one word you can not type in it's horrible glory on the USMB. The N word. Anything else is fine. Try it. Burn flags, that's one thing. But online censorship, what is this, North Korea? Post THAT word , then delete the post afterwards. All you get is ******.

Free speech is a guaranteed right. But on a privately owned website, the speech limits are what the owners of the website say they are.
Fight the power. Is this about censorship? There is one word you can not type in it's horrible glory on the USMB. The N word. Anything else is fine. Try it. Burn flags, that's one thing. But online censorship, what is this, North Korea? Post THAT word , then delete the post afterwards. All you get is ******.

Free speech is a guaranteed right. But on a privately owned website, the speech limits are what the owners of the website say they are.
You are right. The voice of reason. So why the pretense? I mean, we CAN get our message across with saying certain other words that are equally offensive. So you avoid my question, why sensor the word n++++r? why draw the line THERE? And who decides that?
Fight the power. Is this about censorship? There is one word you can not type in it's horrible glory on the USMB. The N word. Anything else is fine. Try it. Burn flags, that's one thing. But online censorship, what is this, North Korea? Post THAT word , then delete the post afterwards. All you get is ******.

Free speech is a guaranteed right. But on a privately owned website, the speech limits are what the owners of the website say they are.
You are right. The voice of reason. So why the pretense? I mean, we CAN get our message across with saying certain other words that are equally offensive. So you avoid my question, why sensor the word n++++r? why draw the line THERE? And who decides that?

The owners of the website, or those they designate to make such choices.

Yes, they only ban one word. But I can't think of another word that is as inflammatory as that word.

That said, I don't see what the policies of a single website have to do with the topic at hand.
Last year, the “Ice Bucket Challenge” captivated America, as people from all walks of life dumped ice water on themselves or others to benefit ALS.
New Social Media Challenge Will Outrage Anyone Who Loves America Top Right News
A new challenge, popular among some Black students, is not so noble.
In fact it will absolutely disgust anyone who loves and cherishes America, and anyone who has ever worn a uniform of our armed forces.
The “challenge” is to stomp on the American flag, chanting “**** yo Flag!” along with various anti-American, anti-White or “social justice” phrases.
Hi guys, maybe you can tell me, why persons who think that our country is too bad for them are still living here and receive(i'm sure that most of them ain't workers and haven't got a job) social benefits?
Why they can talk about equality and justice by such ways without any consequences?!

People burn flags, stomp on flags, etc. and so on because they know it will piss off people like you. Every time you react-you give them precisely what they want.

The ball really is in your court.
Well, that's an interesting take on it. I agree.

Of course, if someone starts some kind of anti-gay (I am not advocating for this to happen Carby, just so you know) challenge, then those who are offended by it should not respond because its just what they want them to do.

Why so stupid?

Are you suggesting that gay people might start an anti gay challenge?
Swing and a miss

No it wasn't. Do you think the post I responded to was a home run? The people who the OP is scared of are Americans. They are carrying out a protest of sorts expressing dissatisfaction with their government. Their actions do not mean that they are anti-American.

It has nothing to do with anti-gay people challenging gay rights.

The pitch was high and outside. I called it right.
A black girl pulls up next to me at a service station, with the stereotyped loud rap noise blaring while I was trying to use my cell phone, I couldn't even hear myself think. I asked her to turn her volume down, she became abusive and hateful. She called me allsorts of vile names. I got mad, and called her a n*****r. The UNIVERSE seemed to stop, cops show up and accuse me disturbing the peace. WHAT is the big deal about that word? Hypocrisy, blacks use it all the time. I hate that word, but give me a break.
Last year, the “Ice Bucket Challenge” captivated America, as people from all walks of life dumped ice water on themselves or others to benefit ALS.
New Social Media Challenge Will Outrage Anyone Who Loves America Top Right News
A new challenge, popular among some Black students, is not so noble.
In fact it will absolutely disgust anyone who loves and cherishes America, and anyone who has ever worn a uniform of our armed forces.
The “challenge” is to stomp on the American flag, chanting “**** yo Flag!” along with various anti-American, anti-White or “social justice” phrases.
Hi guys, maybe you can tell me, why persons who think that our country is too bad for them are still living here and receive(i'm sure that most of them ain't workers and haven't got a job) social benefits?
Why they can talk about equality and justice by such ways without any consequences?!

Haven't seen it, but it is protected speech under the 1st amendment.
Not according to Rick Monday.

So, they can stomp on the flag, but I have the right to take that flag, as long as no force is involved, think any DA's in this country would prosecute me? Seriously?
Fight the power. Is this about censorship? There is one word you can not type in it's horrible glory on the USMB. The N word. Anything else is fine. Try it. Burn flags, that's one thing. But online censorship, what is this, North Korea? Post THAT word , then delete the post afterwards. All you get is ******.

Free speech is a guaranteed right. But on a privately owned website, the speech limits are what the owners of the website say they are.
You are right. The voice of reason. So why the pretense? I mean, we CAN get our message across with saying certain other words that are equally offensive. So you avoid my question, why sensor the word n++++r? why draw the line THERE? And who decides that?

The owners of the website, or those they designate to make such choices.

Yes, they only ban one word. But I can't think of another word that is as inflammatory as that word.

That said, I don't see what the policies of a single website have to do with the topic at hand.
Wow, freedom of speech and burning flags and censorship, You don't see the connection? You CAN burn a flag and offend people, but you CAN'T use one word here without getting a smackdown. You don't get that? Nice avatar, perhaps we should ban YOU for promoting smoking. Hardy har har.
Fight the power. Is this about censorship? There is one word you can not type in it's horrible glory on the USMB. The N word. Anything else is fine. Try it. Burn flags, that's one thing. But online censorship, what is this, North Korea? Post THAT word , then delete the post afterwards. All you get is ******.

Free speech is a guaranteed right. But on a privately owned website, the speech limits are what the owners of the website say they are.
You are right. The voice of reason. So why the pretense? I mean, we CAN get our message across with saying certain other words that are equally offensive. So you avoid my question, why sensor the word n++++r? why draw the line THERE? And who decides that?
The owners..Why are you soooo slow on this issue?? It's been how many dayz you have been on a tear cause the non-racist you must post the word niggah....
Last year, the “Ice Bucket Challenge” captivated America, as people from all walks of life dumped ice water on themselves or others to benefit ALS.
New Social Media Challenge Will Outrage Anyone Who Loves America Top Right News
A new challenge, popular among some Black students, is not so noble.
In fact it will absolutely disgust anyone who loves and cherishes America, and anyone who has ever worn a uniform of our armed forces.
The “challenge” is to stomp on the American flag, chanting “**** yo Flag!” along with various anti-American, anti-White or “social justice” phrases.
Hi guys, maybe you can tell me, why persons who think that our country is too bad for them are still living here and receive(i'm sure that most of them ain't workers and haven't got a job) social benefits?
Why they can talk about equality and justice by such ways without any consequences?!

Haven't seen it, but it is protected speech under the 1st amendment.
Not according to Rick Monday.

So, they can stomp on the flag, but I have the right to take that flag, as long as no force is involved, think any DA's in this country would prosecute me? Seriously?

I would think that would be theft of private property.
Last year, the “Ice Bucket Challenge” captivated America, as people from all walks of life dumped ice water on themselves or others to benefit ALS.
New Social Media Challenge Will Outrage Anyone Who Loves America Top Right News
A new challenge, popular among some Black students, is not so noble.
In fact it will absolutely disgust anyone who loves and cherishes America, and anyone who has ever worn a uniform of our armed forces.
The “challenge” is to stomp on the American flag, chanting “**** yo Flag!” along with various anti-American, anti-White or “social justice” phrases.
Hi guys, maybe you can tell me, why persons who think that our country is too bad for them are still living here and receive(i'm sure that most of them ain't workers and haven't got a job) social benefits?
Why they can talk about equality and justice by such ways without any consequences?!

People burn flags, stomp on flags, etc. and so on because they know it will piss off people like you. Every time you react-you give them precisely what they want.

The ball really is in your court.
Well, that's an interesting take on it. I agree.

Of course, if someone starts some kind of anti-gay (I am not advocating for this to happen Carby, just so you know) challenge, then those who are offended by it should not respond because its just what they want them to do.

Why so stupid?

Are you suggesting that gay people might start an anti gay challenge?
Swing and a miss

No it wasn't. Do you think the post I responded to was a home run? The people who the OP is scared of are Americans. They are carrying out a protest of sorts expressing dissatisfaction with their government. Their actions do not mean that they are anti-American.

It has nothing to do with anti-gay people challenging gay rights.

The pitch was high and outside. I called it right.

if I go to a gay marriage rally carrying a sign that says, gays should NOT marry, then that does not make me anti-gay, it just makes me anti-gay marriage.

Same concept, yet you are in favor of one, and cant stand the other. Why is that?
Last year, the “Ice Bucket Challenge” captivated America, as people from all walks of life dumped ice water on themselves or others to benefit ALS.
New Social Media Challenge Will Outrage Anyone Who Loves America Top Right News
A new challenge, popular among some Black students, is not so noble.
In fact it will absolutely disgust anyone who loves and cherishes America, and anyone who has ever worn a uniform of our armed forces.
The “challenge” is to stomp on the American flag, chanting “**** yo Flag!” along with various anti-American, anti-White or “social justice” phrases.
Hi guys, maybe you can tell me, why persons who think that our country is too bad for them are still living here and receive(i'm sure that most of them ain't workers and haven't got a job) social benefits?
Why they can talk about equality and justice by such ways without any consequences?!

Haven't seen it, but it is protected speech under the 1st amendment.
Not according to Rick Monday.

So, they can stomp on the flag, but I have the right to take that flag, as long as no force is involved, think any DA's in this country would prosecute me? Seriously?

I would think that would be theft of private property.

As would I, but again I ask, do you actually believe a DA in this country would prosecute me?
Fight the power. Is this about censorship? There is one word you can not type in it's horrible glory on the USMB. The N word. Anything else is fine. Try it. Burn flags, that's one thing. But online censorship, what is this, North Korea? Post THAT word , then delete the post afterwards. All you get is ******.

Free speech is a guaranteed right. But on a privately owned website, the speech limits are what the owners of the website say they are.
You are right. The voice of reason. So why the pretense? I mean, we CAN get our message across with saying certain other words that are equally offensive. So you avoid my question, why sensor the word n++++r? why draw the line THERE? And who decides that?
The owners..Why are you soooo slow on this issue?? It's been how many dayz you have been on a tear cause the non-racist you must post the word niggah....
Burning flags offends me. But it doesn't get my messages deleted as a warning. Rap music offends me, they say all sorts of hateful things. What is the ONE word they repeat over and over again? Can't say it here, but they make millions and get record contracts saying that ONE word we shall not name. I get put in handcuffs and accused of disturbing the peace for saying THAT word out loud once in public, and I just got all my previous post deleted for saying what Snoopy dog or Ice cream or whatever rappers get paid to say because some wimps are overly sensitive? Thanks guys. Real heroes.
It's ironic that the greatest Country in the world guarantees the freedom to desecrate the Flag. The Bill of Rights also gives us the freedom to ridicule fools who don't have enough sense to appreciate it.
Fight the power. Is this about censorship? There is one word you can not type in it's horrible glory on the USMB. The N word. Anything else is fine. Try it. Burn flags, that's one thing. But online censorship, what is this, North Korea? Post THAT word , then delete the post afterwards. All you get is ******.

Free speech is a guaranteed right. But on a privately owned website, the speech limits are what the owners of the website say they are.
You are right. The voice of reason. So why the pretense? I mean, we CAN get our message across with saying certain other words that are equally offensive. So you avoid my question, why sensor the word n++++r? why draw the line THERE? And who decides that?
The owners..Why are you soooo slow on this issue?? It's been how many dayz you have been on a tear cause the non-racist you must post the word niggah....
Burning flags offends me. But it doesn't get my messages deleted as a warning. Rap music offends me, they say all sorts of hateful things. What is the ONE word they repeat over and over again? Can't say it here, but they make millions and get record contracts saying that ONE word we shall not name. I get put in handcuffs and accused of disturbing the peace for saying THAT word out loud once in public, and I just got all my previous post deleted for saying what Snoopy dog or Ice cream or whatever rappers get paid to say because some wimps are overly sensitive? Thanks guys. Real heroes.
Use the proper usage then, negre, where the word originated from until lazy speech from southern white folk mispronounced it to varying degrees, or find another word to express you opinion....Unless you just feel the need to release the turret's syndrome in you..or it could be geriatric profanity disease..
It's ironic that the greatest Country in the world guarantees the freedom to desecrate the Flag. The Bill of Rights also gives us the freedom to ridicule fools who don't have enough sense to appreciate it.
Eh, it ain't hurting anything really........you ignore them, they will go away...
Fight the power. Is this about censorship? There is one word you can not type in it's horrible glory on the USMB. The N word. Anything else is fine. Try it. Burn flags, that's one thing. But online censorship, what is this, North Korea? Post THAT word , then delete the post afterwards. All you get is ******.

Free speech is a guaranteed right. But on a privately owned website, the speech limits are what the owners of the website say they are.
You are right. The voice of reason. So why the pretense? I mean, we CAN get our message across with saying certain other words that are equally offensive. So you avoid my question, why sensor the word n++++r? why draw the line THERE? And who decides that?

The owners of the website, or those they designate to make such choices.

Yes, they only ban one word. But I can't think of another word that is as inflammatory as that word.

That said, I don't see what the policies of a single website have to do with the topic at hand.
Wow, freedom of speech and burning flags and censorship, You don't see the connection? You CAN burn a flag and offend people, but you CAN'T use one word here without getting a smackdown. You don't get that? Nice avatar, perhaps we should ban YOU for promoting smoking. Hardy har har.

The flag stomping does not happen on a privately owned website. If it happened on your property you could make them leave. That is the same punishment as this website has.

But on public property, as has been shown, it does not apply.
Its a ritual to amp up their hate and alienation, to tear this country apart. Dividers not uniters.......love throwing their memes back at em
Last year, the “Ice Bucket Challenge” captivated America, as people from all walks of life dumped ice water on themselves or others to benefit ALS.
New Social Media Challenge Will Outrage Anyone Who Loves America Top Right News
A new challenge, popular among some Black students, is not so noble.
In fact it will absolutely disgust anyone who loves and cherishes America, and anyone who has ever worn a uniform of our armed forces.
The “challenge” is to stomp on the American flag, chanting “**** yo Flag!” along with various anti-American, anti-White or “social justice” phrases.
Hi guys, maybe you can tell me, why persons who think that our country is too bad for them are still living here and receive(i'm sure that most of them ain't workers and haven't got a job) social benefits?
Why they can talk about equality and justice by such ways without any consequences?!

People burn flags, stomp on flags, etc. and so on because they know it will piss off people like you. Every time you react-you give them precisely what they want.

The ball really is in your court.
Well, that's an interesting take on it. I agree.

Of course, if someone starts some kind of anti-gay (I am not advocating for this to happen Carby, just so you know) challenge, then those who are offended by it should not respond because its just what they want them to do.

Why so stupid?

Are you suggesting that gay people might start an anti gay challenge?
Swing and a miss

No it wasn't. Do you think the post I responded to was a home run? The people who the OP is scared of are Americans. They are carrying out a protest of sorts expressing dissatisfaction with their government. Their actions do not mean that they are anti-American.

It has nothing to do with anti-gay people challenging gay rights.

The pitch was high and outside. I called it right.
He said if SOMEONE(not gays) started an anti-gay thread people should just let them and not respond
Getting ready for the next show.....first fruit of their efforts ..... S. California victim of baseball bat hate-crime attack dies - SFGate RIALTO, Calif. (AP) — A Southern California man who was beaten with a baseball bat has died and authorities say they'll seek a murder charge in the alleged hate crime attack. Twenty-two-year-old Jeremiah Bell of Fontana was later arrested. Police say investigators believe Bell, who is black, didn't know Barron but decided to assault the first person he saw who wasn't African-American.

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