Your kids stink.

My youngest was fairly scared of the toilet, and went through a stage where he would *hide* to go poop...I usually noticed when it happened but I know at least once I found poop behind the couch hahahahaha...
When I was potty training my daughter, I thought "lead by example" was a good way to go. I set up a little kids potty in the bathroom and as opportunity presented itself, we'd "go potty" together. Although I was always quite careful, it worked well until I caught her with her panties down, pressing her belly button to pee. Alas, we had to revert to a jelly bean as a reward for good performance. know that as an adult she is going to wonder why the heck she is compulsive about poking her belly button when she pees, and she is not going to understand the jelly bean craving afterwards!
I know, I'm amazed that my kids turned out as good as they did, too.

And as I tell my older boys, since I got to practice on them, these two younger ones are having a MUCH better upbringing! They have done their part!
Yup. I'm the oldest. I'm the smallest. Guess my parents learned how to feed 'em by what they learned from me.
And you know what? My daughter recently reported that the oldest granddaughter has requested an hour earlier wake up in order to make sure she gets a shower and "does" her hair before school. No stinky kids in my family!
I still have to watch the youngest lol..He's 10 now. He's good about bathing...not so good about actually washing his hair...and I am currently battling with him about his habit of hiding his dirty underwear!!

What the heck! That has got to be a genetic thing. I've told him that if he doesn't want anyone to see them, then he can just wash them himself, no biggy, but I'm tired of him eternally *running out* of underwear, which I then find under the bed, in his closet, you name it hahaha..

I am grateful that he changes them at least.
At least he changes them. That's a step in the right direction. Lot's of guys don't learn how to do for themselves until they leave home and have to. Amazing, what they actually can do when no one does it for them.
The daughter gave the grandkids each their own alarm clock a couple of years ago. They are responsible for getting up and ready for school, including making their own lunches. The daughter gets up with them, but they really don't want momma to have to get them out of bed. She's explained that she won't always be there and they have to learn to do things for themselves. If they want a snack, they get it themselves. She makes them wash their own clothes if they fail to get the dirty stuff into the family laundry basket. They are quiet, respectful, and self-sufficient. I like them.
No, I mean they act as petrie dishes.

Though we all have our own resident microbes that we can spread to others...that might not harm us but do harm other people. MRSA for resides, lives and reproduces inside our bodies...staph also. Influenza virus enters our bodies and then is shed by our bodies, multiplies, morphs...we have resident and alien microbes.


we all are petri dishes to some degree, but children might be more suitable.

Children do have a bit different metabolism so this is entirely possible
and kids, depending on the age have a big differences in dosing many medications.
Yes, the teacher could have handled this situation better. But many of the people are acting like the teacher is the devil over this. I think it an over reaction....... An over reaction to the truth.

I think that statement is an over reaction...calling a preschool teacher out for such immature behavior is not treating her as the devil, just being truthful that she mishandled the situation. I'm not saying she doesn't deserve a second chance, but a lot of parents wouldn't be willing to let what is most precious to them be put at risk during her learning curve.

OK, let's go with that bolded statement: if the child is so precious to them, why would the parents fail to keep the kid clean, and to teach the child to keep him/herself clean, or dress them in clean clothes, or whatever it took to maintain a minimum hygiene so that other people would feel repulsed enough to react the way this teacher did.
While I still agree she handled the situation poorly, up here, she could very well have notified child protective services. Teachers who suspect abuse or neglect are required by law to report their suspicions. How would little Johnny's or Janie's mommy and daddy feel if the DFYS people came a-knockin'.

I'm not sure why it keeps going over some people's heads that it's not about assuming that the teacher was directing it at every parent...clearly she is targeting specific children, but chose to address the situation to everyone. It's not only the insensitive way she went about it, but that she insults even the responsible parents. I wouldn't trust a teacher who would think that such a method of delivery was appropriate. I'm sure that at least some parents of children in her class, who aren't guilty of the charge, would not appreciate such a note...and even though they might be sympathetic to her dilemma, it was handled immaturely at best. I wouldn't blame any parent who had the attitude to let her live and learn at the expense of children other than their own. Parents don't have to defend making choices that they think are in the best interest of their children, and if someone proves themselves to possess poor judgment under one set of circumstances, why should they be given the benefit of the doubt to not repeat it under other circumstances.
Now..if your kid had that teacher...what would you want done? And what would you do about what she wrote and sent home WITH your kid?

I'd wanna know the names of the nasty ones so I can tell my kid to stay away from them. Don't need a case of lice coming in the front door.
I find it very American that the parents of the unkempt kids are offended yet completely ignore the idea that they are in fact physically offending others.

Keep you kids clean!

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