Your kids stink.

Poppycock. Kids are germ factories, any adult who works in medical or teaching field knows this. Particularly children of working parents, who are exposed to huge numbers of people every day in the normal course of school/daycare/home, and the variety of environments that go along with moving them between caregivers/school and home.

And the whole urban myth about "children need less medicine not more, it will make them more healthy" is complete claptrap. Kids continue to be at risk for infectious diseases...and the risk increases when they, and the people they come into contact with, are not treated/immunized against those diseases.
while I agree with you on things, especially Israel, to say that kids produce
germs is idiotic. Children are born with a immune system. They get infected and their bodies form anti-bodies. A child who is unhygienic has can easily spread germs which can threaten the normal nascent immune system of others. Grow up and learn, or better not to become a parent.
The study agrees with me, sorry. But I did not mean to imply they create all the germs...simply that they harbor and redistribute them at an alarming rate.
Meathead and Koshergirl, aren't you talking about the same thing - that children need to be clean, because hygiene helps preventing spreading the germs around? what is you beef with each other?
Including MRSA, BTW
I have no idea what his problem is, except he seems to believe the urban myth that children are more healthy if they aren't given antibiotics or immunizations when they are warranted...and he maintains that kids aren't germ factories.

Which is complete balderdash.
And he apparently thinks I'm a dingbat for providing a link to the article where the World Health Organization maintains the same.
well, we all are germ factories, and our mouth is the most dirty part ( excluding the rectum ))))
but unlike kids adults do not have such a close contact with each other and with surrounding objects, plus adults already have built their antibodies against the common offending agents.

I think you both talk about the same, only he could have objected to the terminology of the "factory" which is somewhat provoking to think that kids are brewing the new batches of germs, which obviously is not the case, but since their contact is easier and quicker than adults, the spread is faster as well.
No, they actually have more microbes, which means they do actually breed their own, as well as picking them up. Of course they do!
No, they actually have more microbes, which means they do actually breed their own, as well as picking them up. Of course they do!


you mean they "invent " their own?

I won't dispute it as it can be true ( from the possibility standpoint) I just do not see where from, except that small children if left be are simply dirtier, since they can not take care for themselves and that is exactly why they need parents to do that for them.
No, I mean they act as petrie dishes.

Though we all have our own resident microbes that we can spread to others...that might not harm us but do harm other people. MRSA for resides, lives and reproduces inside our bodies...staph also. Influenza virus enters our bodies and then is shed by our bodies, multiplies, morphs...we have resident and alien microbes.
Where did anyone state that nothing should have been said?? There's a right way and a wrong way to handle such a situation...most people would agree that it wasn't properly addressed.

Yes, the teacher could have handled this situation better. But many of the people are acting like the teacher is the devil over this. I think it an over reaction....... An over reaction to the truth.

I think that statement is an over reaction...calling a preschool teacher out for such immature behavior is not treating her as the devil, just being truthful that she mishandled the situation. I'm not saying she doesn't deserve a second chance, but a lot of parents wouldn't be willing to let what is most precious to them be put at risk during her learning curve.

OK, let's go with that bolded statement: if the child is so precious to them, why would the parents fail to keep the kid clean, and to teach the child to keep him/herself clean, or dress them in clean clothes, or whatever it took to maintain a minimum hygiene so that other people would feel repulsed enough to react the way this teacher did.
While I still agree she handled the situation poorly, up here, she could very well have notified child protective services. Teachers who suspect abuse or neglect are required by law to report their suspicions. How would little Johnny's or Janie's mommy and daddy feel if the DFYS people came a-knockin'.
Show me a post where ANYONE in this thread said the teacher was the devil. Link it. Post the post number. Show me. Can't, can ya?

Oh, and do find some posts where the messenger is being shot. That note was insulting. It was worded coldly. It was sent home WITH the children. No one on one. No pulling the parent aside. No anything except to tell them their kids stink and she doesn't want to touch them.

Now...shall I wait for the links and post numbers I asked for? Probably not, since none exist.

Not only was it sent home WITH the children, but she put a place on that note for the child to sign it along with the parent. She let those kids know in no uncertain terms that she thought they stunk.

I was wondering about that. The issue concerns 3-4 yr-olds, does it not? Not only can they most likely not read the note, how the heck could they be expected to sign it?
That's just a nice, pc way of saying the same thing. They're "different" abled lol. Everybody is unique, there are no wrong answers, I get it.
So...anyway...pretend this is YOUR kid with THIS teacher. What would you do? What would you want done with the teacher? Punishment? Lessons on tact? Nothing?

Hm. Simply punishment will, most probably, not result in understanding.

I don't know. I would try to talk to her In private. If the letter is real, it has some signs of despair. So, since my kid was potty trained by the age of 18 months and had a daily bath and his clothes were changed daily, I would talk to the teacher in a manner of a friendly advice, that is, probably, easier and better to get to the offenders through the private conversation.
And then suggest something in the lies of what Sherry has written - how to encourage kids to be clean.
My son did not go to kindergarten until the age 5 and that is a much different child than a 3 or 4 year old.

If your child was house-broken and clean, I doubt you would have received such a letter in the first place.

Housebroken is what is taught to the puppy but I'm not criticizing you. I have often used the same term about children and it hit me as funny.


I agree this should have been handled differently and I wonder if it was written by a teacher but -

We used to volunteer in our grand children's kindergarten and on up classrooms. It was great fun and classroom sizes are just out of control. Teachers are underpaid and we often saw the teachers having to buy supplies for all of the kids out of their own pockets.

I wonder if any of these kids are homeless? We knew of homeless kids in the classrooms or kids who lived in cheap motels. The school did clothing and shoe drives to help those families.

The saddest little boy I ever saw was in our g'daughter's computer lab (in the 3rd grade, for Pete's sake!). He reeked of cigarette smoke and also of feces. He was filthy, with streaks down his face caused by tears. He had bruises on his arms that looked like they were caused by being grabbed hard. He was always hungry and just so shabby. He just seemed beaten by his life and he was only in the third grade.

There were attempts to get CPS to investigate but its the same story we always hear. Not enough investigators and his case was put on the bottom. Also, Jan Brewer just didn't give a fuck about kids and was actually known to say so. She cut funding a couple of times that I remember and against since I left.

Here's the real kicker though - This little boy would sit at his computer and never ever try to do whatever the task was. His hands were always jammed deep in his pockets and it looked like he was always playing with himself.

What it seemed like to me was not masturbation, not pleasuring himself but rather self-comforting. Like thumb sucking. And, it seemed to be constant.

Little tiny boy and his life already in ruins because, though we say we value our children, we really don't. Or at least, we don't care enough to spend the money to make real change.
Kids who masturbate at that age are being or have been sexually molested.

Did you report him?
Hm. Simply punishment will, most probably, not result in understanding.

I don't know. I would try to talk to her In private. If the letter is real, it has some signs of despair. So, since my kid was potty trained by the age of 18 months and had a daily bath and his clothes were changed daily, I would talk to the teacher in a manner of a friendly advice, that is, probably, easier and better to get to the offenders through the private conversation.
And then suggest something in the lies of what Sherry has written - how to encourage kids to be clean.
My son did not go to kindergarten until the age 5 and that is a much different child than a 3 or 4 year old.

If your child was house-broken and clean, I doubt you would have received such a letter in the first place.

Housebroken is what is taught to the puppy but I'm not criticizing you. I have often used the same term about children and it hit me as funny.


I agree this should have been handled differently and I wonder if it was written by a teacher but -

We used to volunteer in our grand children's kindergarten and on up classrooms. It was great fun and classroom sizes are just out of control. Teachers are underpaid and we often saw the teachers having to buy supplies for all of the kids out of their own pockets.

I wonder if any of these kids are homeless? We knew of homeless kids in the classrooms or kids who lived in cheap motels. The school did clothing and shoe drives to help those families.

The saddest little boy I ever saw was in our g'daughter's computer lab (in the 3rd grade, for Pete's sake!). He reeked of cigarette smoke and also of feces. He was filthy, with streaks down his face caused by tears. He had bruises on his arms that looked like they were caused by being grabbed hard. He was always hungry and just so shabby. He just seemed beaten by his life and he was only in the third grade.

There were attempts to get CPS to investigate but its the same story we always hear. Not enough investigators and his case was put on the bottom. Also, Jan Brewer just didn't give a fuck about kids and was actually known to say so. She cut funding a couple of times that I remember and against since I left.

Here's the real kicker though - This little boy would sit at his computer and never ever try to do whatever the task was. His hands were always jammed deep in his pockets and it looked like he was always playing with himself.

What it seemed like to me was not masturbation, not pleasuring himself but rather self-comforting. Like thumb sucking. And, it seemed to be constant.

Little tiny boy and his life already in ruins because, though we say we value our children, we really don't. Or at least, we don't care enough to spend the money to make real change.

I knew a woman who allowed her young son to run around with no pants. She had some new-fangled idea about potty training. The kid did decide that going out on the front porch to pee was OK. I figure, as long as he goes outside the house, what the hell... If only people would pay more attention to their children than they do their dogs?
Because if you, personally, didn't report him, then the fault lies with you.
If your child was house-broken and clean, I doubt you would have received such a letter in the first place.

Housebroken is what is taught to the puppy but I'm not criticizing you. I have often used the same term about children and it hit me as funny.


I agree this should have been handled differently and I wonder if it was written by a teacher but -

We used to volunteer in our grand children's kindergarten and on up classrooms. It was great fun and classroom sizes are just out of control. Teachers are underpaid and we often saw the teachers having to buy supplies for all of the kids out of their own pockets.

I wonder if any of these kids are homeless? We knew of homeless kids in the classrooms or kids who lived in cheap motels. The school did clothing and shoe drives to help those families.

The saddest little boy I ever saw was in our g'daughter's computer lab (in the 3rd grade, for Pete's sake!). He reeked of cigarette smoke and also of feces. He was filthy, with streaks down his face caused by tears. He had bruises on his arms that looked like they were caused by being grabbed hard. He was always hungry and just so shabby. He just seemed beaten by his life and he was only in the third grade.

There were attempts to get CPS to investigate but its the same story we always hear. Not enough investigators and his case was put on the bottom. Also, Jan Brewer just didn't give a fuck about kids and was actually known to say so. She cut funding a couple of times that I remember and against since I left.

Here's the real kicker though - This little boy would sit at his computer and never ever try to do whatever the task was. His hands were always jammed deep in his pockets and it looked like he was always playing with himself.

What it seemed like to me was not masturbation, not pleasuring himself but rather self-comforting. Like thumb sucking. And, it seemed to be constant.

Little tiny boy and his life already in ruins because, though we say we value our children, we really don't. Or at least, we don't care enough to spend the money to make real change.

I knew a woman who allowed her young son to run around with no pants. She had some new-fangled idea about potty training. The kid did decide that going out on the front porch to pee was OK. I figure, as long as he goes outside the house, what the hell... If only people would pay more attention to their children than they do their dogs?

hahahaha..I have to say, I let my kids run without unders on at times when they were in potty training. It was usually just a "he took off his unders and I haven't bothered to put them on"...with my daughter, it was like a constant battle to keep her pants on, sometimes I just didn't care so much, lol.

All my kids potty trained pretty early, no problems, no bed wetting, no masturbation issues. And they were always clean. At least 1x during the day, and I never let them have dirty faces or hands.
Housebroken is what is taught to the puppy but I'm not criticizing you. I have often used the same term about children and it hit me as funny.


I agree this should have been handled differently and I wonder if it was written by a teacher but -

We used to volunteer in our grand children's kindergarten and on up classrooms. It was great fun and classroom sizes are just out of control. Teachers are underpaid and we often saw the teachers having to buy supplies for all of the kids out of their own pockets.

I wonder if any of these kids are homeless? We knew of homeless kids in the classrooms or kids who lived in cheap motels. The school did clothing and shoe drives to help those families.

The saddest little boy I ever saw was in our g'daughter's computer lab (in the 3rd grade, for Pete's sake!). He reeked of cigarette smoke and also of feces. He was filthy, with streaks down his face caused by tears. He had bruises on his arms that looked like they were caused by being grabbed hard. He was always hungry and just so shabby. He just seemed beaten by his life and he was only in the third grade.

There were attempts to get CPS to investigate but its the same story we always hear. Not enough investigators and his case was put on the bottom. Also, Jan Brewer just didn't give a fuck about kids and was actually known to say so. She cut funding a couple of times that I remember and against since I left.

Here's the real kicker though - This little boy would sit at his computer and never ever try to do whatever the task was. His hands were always jammed deep in his pockets and it looked like he was always playing with himself.

What it seemed like to me was not masturbation, not pleasuring himself but rather self-comforting. Like thumb sucking. And, it seemed to be constant.

Little tiny boy and his life already in ruins because, though we say we value our children, we really don't. Or at least, we don't care enough to spend the money to make real change.

I knew a woman who allowed her young son to run around with no pants. She had some new-fangled idea about potty training. The kid did decide that going out on the front porch to pee was OK. I figure, as long as he goes outside the house, what the hell... If only people would pay more attention to their children than they do their dogs?

hahahaha..I have to say, I let my kids run without unders on at times when they were in potty training. It was usually just a "he took off his unders and I haven't bothered to put them on"...with my daughter, it was like a constant battle to keep her pants on, sometimes I just didn't care so much, lol.

All my kids potty trained pretty early, no problems, no bed wetting, no masturbation issues. And they were always clean. At least 1x during the day, and I never let them have dirty faces or hands.

I didn't say I disagreed. I just thought it unusual. But when you think of "housebreaking" a puppy, you think of teaching them to do their "business" outside, not in the house.

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