Your Mission..should you accept


Diamond Member
May 20, 2014
You have been offered the position of Sex Tsar. Marriage is near an all time low. Birth rates are worse than the Russian Federation which has been in this crises for several yrs alrdy but have only managed roughly 10% increase, marking the urgency of your situation. Your rates are among the lowest in the developed world. Cash incentives being used in other countries while having some effect are not enough to prevent a falling population figure. Something else is needed to arrest the decline but what?
Spain creates position to help more people fall pregnant | Daily Mail Online
Russia - Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) - Country Comparison
I would roll back FCC regulations to allow more nudity and sex on tv. Some of those Cinemax soft core flicks are smoking hot. If we bombard tv with this stuff 24/7, then there will be a lot of horny people.

We could also facilitate high volume copulation if we roll back equal rights for women and make them chattel. Society will expect women to stay home and take care of the home, and to get knocked up.

Finally, legalize polygamy. Every virile guy gets at least 5 wives to bang.
I would roll back FCC regulations to allow more nudity and sex on tv. Some of those Cinemax soft core flicks are smoking hot. If we bombard tv with this stuff 24/7, then there will be a lot of horny people.

We could also facilitate high volume copulation if we roll back equal rights for women and make them chattel. Society will expect women to stay home and take care of the home, and to get knocked up.

Finally, legalize polygamy. Every virile guy gets at least 5 wives to bang.
I dont think the lack of visual stimulation is the problem. The ability of the whores R US society to broadcast their nudity to the four winds with the click of a button is beyond description, Feminism has become the handmaiden of objectification.
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Interesting question. Places like Japan are seeing this problem right now. Apparently it's because of economics, and high cost of living + fast paced life style. Both parents have to/want to work and don't have time to make babies.

I think that pretty much says to me that it's about stress. I know that I'm not so likely to want to do the deed if I'm feeling stressed.

I'd talk the President/Tsar/PM into giving everyone a 2 week paid holiday ;)
Sex tsar? Well, if it was up to me. Most of you could never reproduce and those that were allowed would need a damned good examination. Can you afford it? Do you really NEED to reproduce? Do you ADD to the human race? We would ask some serious questions.

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