Your right to bear arms has already been infringed. Give it up!


VIP Member
Oct 31, 2012
There are already a plethora of 'arms' that you cannot own so who cares if they take more? All or nothing !
In the USA we can own chain guns, quad-fifty's, heavy machine guns, mortars, anti-aircraft guns and cannons. Those listed require a special permit but we can purchase, own, and shoot them legally. In addition to those "class III" weapons we can own and fire any other gun not classified as "class III" by purchasing it. WE already have to go through the background checks and waiting periods but we can buy them.

If you want to support the second go here:
Ruger - Protect Your Rights
click on the "Take action now" link on the right side of the page.
In the USA we can own chain guns, quad-fifty's, heavy machine guns, mortars, anti-aircraft guns and cannons. Those listed require a special permit but we can purchase, own, and shoot them legally. In addition to those "class III" weapons we can own and fire any other gun not classified as "class III" by purchasing it. WE already have to go through the background checks and waiting periods but we can buy them.

If you want to support the second go here:
Ruger - Protect Your Rights
click on the "Take action now" link on the right side of the page.

We'll forward this to the ATF, FBI, NSA.... a virtual alphabet soup of Federal Officers will be looking into you and your fetish... I mean, Hobby.
You do understand that you cannot take what you do not know exists. Right?
In the USA we can own chain guns, quad-fifty's, heavy machine guns, mortars, anti-aircraft guns and cannons. Those listed require a special permit but we can purchase, own, and shoot them legally. In addition to those "class III" weapons we can own and fire any other gun not classified as "class III" by purchasing it. WE already have to go through the background checks and waiting periods but we can buy them.

If you want to support the second go here:
Ruger - Protect Your Rights
click on the "Take action now" link on the right side of the page.

We'll forward this to the ATF, FBI, NSA.... a virtual alphabet soup of Federal Officers will be looking into you and your fetish... I mean, Hobby.
government rat !!hitler would have loved you !!
Lemming I don't know what you're talking about. You can buy anything you want short of a nuclear missle.
You do understand that you cannot take what you do not know exists. Right?

The J-Star system is more than capable of detecting the hidden guns.

So don't waist your time trying to hide them in the attic, basement, inside the drywall or even bury them, THEY WILL BE DETECTED, THEY WILL BE FOUND, and YOU will be charged with serious crime of concealing the guns and punished accordingly.

Now having said all this, you should all consider being a part of the system instead of a victim of the system, get others to give up there guns and join the legal fight against armed citizens, and maybe your name will be put on the protected rolls, do yourself a favor...... PU..HUA........... Just give up the guns now if you know whats good for ya.
Just give up the guns.
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You do understand that you cannot take what you do not know exists. Right?

The J-Star system is more than capable of detecting the hidden guns.

So don't waist your time trying to hide them in the attic, basement, inside the drywall or even bury them, THEY WILL BE DETECTED, THEY WILL BE FOUND, and YOU will be charged with serious crime of concealing the guns and punished accordingly.

No having said all this, you should all consider being a part of the system instead of a victim of the system, get others to give up there guns and join the legal fight against armed citizens, and maybe your name will be put on the protected rolls, do yourself a favor...... PU..HUA........... Just give up the guns now if you know whats good for ya.
Just give up the guns.
That's OK WE have a plan when the time comes. It's amazing what like minded law enforcement patriots and former military can do when they have a common goal.
In the USA we can own chain guns, quad-fifty's, heavy machine guns, mortars, anti-aircraft guns and cannons. Those listed require a special permit but we can purchase, own, and shoot them legally. In addition to those "class III" weapons we can own and fire any other gun not classified as "class III" by purchasing it. WE already have to go through the background checks and waiting periods but we can buy them.

If you want to support the second go here:
Ruger - Protect Your Rights
click on the "Take action now" link on the right side of the page.

We'll forward this to the ATF, FBI, NSA.... a virtual alphabet soup of Federal Officers will be looking into you and your fetish... I mean, Hobby.
government rat !!hitler would have loved you !!

Hazlnut would have happily dropped the zyklon-b tables into the gas chambers at Auschwitz if ordered to do so. He would have volunteered for the job.
Stopping point? What stopping point. There will be no stopping on this slope made slippery by your unending tears. Your right to be entertained is no longer sacred. Boo hoo hoo.
You do understand that you cannot take what you do not know exists. Right?

The J-Star system is more than capable of detecting the hidden guns.

So don't waist your time trying to hide them in the attic, basement, inside the drywall or even bury them, THEY WILL BE DETECTED, THEY WILL BE FOUND, and YOU will be charged with serious crime of concealing the guns and punished accordingly.

No having said all this, you should all consider being a part of the system instead of a victim of the system, get others to give up there guns and join the legal fight against armed citizens, and maybe your name will be put on the protected rolls, do yourself a favor...... PU..HUA........... Just give up the guns now if you know whats good for ya.
Just give up the guns.
That's OK WE have a plan when the time comes. It's amazing what like minded law enforcement patriots and former military can do when they have a common goal.

A man with a plan does not whine like a bitch.
The J-Star system is more than capable of detecting the hidden guns.

So don't waist your time trying to hide them in the attic, basement, inside the drywall or even bury them, THEY WILL BE DETECTED, THEY WILL BE FOUND, and YOU will be charged with serious crime of concealing the guns and punished accordingly.

No having said all this, you should all consider being a part of the system instead of a victim of the system, get others to give up there guns and join the legal fight against armed citizens, and maybe your name will be put on the protected rolls, do yourself a favor...... PU..HUA........... Just give up the guns now if you know whats good for ya.
Just give up the guns.
That's OK WE have a plan when the time comes. It's amazing what like minded law enforcement patriots and former military can do when they have a common goal.

A man with a plan does not whine like a bitch.
Who's whining? I'm just making a first amendment protected statement. Just trying to reassure the masses so they will not overreact and do something stupid. There are patriots with a plan within the law enforcement community.
How would you know what is happening in the law enforcement community?

Why must you ask a question that you already know the answer too?
I am a member of a militia that has 15 police officers from surrounding departments 10 deputy sheriffs from three county's a couple of N.C finest state troopers, Yada yada yada. I have already explain this too you.
How would you know what is happening in the law enforcement community?

Why must you ask a question that you already know the answer too?
I am a member of a militia that has 15 police officers from surrounding departments 10 deputy sheriffs from three county's a couple of N.C finest state troopers, Yada yada yada. I have already explain this too you.


I still wonder at whom people like this think they will ultimately be shooting, but I can never get a straight answer. On the other hand, I have no doubt that running around in the woods wearing cool camo and shootin' at stuff is great fun.

How would you know what is happening in the law enforcement community?

Why must you ask a question that you already know the answer too?
I am a member of a militia that has 15 police officers from surrounding departments 10 deputy sheriffs from three county's a couple of N.C finest state troopers, Yada yada yada. I have already explain this too you.


I still wonder at whom people like this think they will ultimately be shooting, but I can never get a straight answer. On the other hand, I have no doubt that running around in the woods wearing cool camo and shootin' at stuff is great fun.


That's OK you can go back to sleep now.
How would you know what is happening in the law enforcement community?

Why must you ask a question that you already know the answer too?
I am a member of a militia that has 15 police officers from surrounding departments 10 deputy sheriffs from three county's a couple of N.C finest state troopers, Yada yada yada. I have already explain this too you.

You have told me that. But I do not believe you. I do not believe that police officers, Sherriff's deputies or State troopers would join a group that calls itself a "militia" and allows dummies like you to join.
How would you know what is happening in the law enforcement community?

Why must you ask a question that you already know the answer too?
I am a member of a militia that has 15 police officers from surrounding departments 10 deputy sheriffs from three county's a couple of N.C finest state troopers, Yada yada yada. I have already explain this too you.

You have told me that. But I do not believe you. I do not believe that police officers, Sherriff's deputies or State troopers would join a group that calls itself a "militia" and allows dummies like you to join.

One of two possibilties I think. Either they have fantasy militia's kinda like fantasy football and baseball. Select your "team" members and have fantasy wars with each others militia team. Maybe a couple of SWAT members for the clean up spot. A sherriff for leadoff. Local police for relief.

Or. They are all paint ballers and the "militia" is the paintball team that will take on the next counties "militia" paint ball team.

I used to paint ball. Played against a team one time that kept their ammo frozen and in coolers. Get hit by a semi frozen paint ball and it will knock you off your feet. Ever try that biggie?

Which one is correct biggie?
I still wonder at whom people like this think they will ultimately be shooting, but I can never get a straight answer. On the other hand, I have no doubt that running around in the woods wearing cool camo and shootin' at stuff is great fun.


You have it wrong thats why.

Obama starts confiscating guns from lawful owners and Texas leaves the Union.

Obama takes provacative action

Many, many Texans will rally to the call of their State to stand up the Feds.

Domino effect in other RED states.

1861 all over again.

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