Your right to bear arms has already been infringed. Give it up!

I spent 6 years in the US Army and served two tours of duty in Vietnam. I did things there that I don't brag about, and from time to time I still have nightmares about. But those are things I did only as a part of my job as a soldier - it's not who I am now.
I don't hunt, but only because it's more convenient for me to fill my freezer from the local grocery store than to kill and clean it myself. I don't shoot paintball and I don't run around in the woods "playing soldier" with a bunch of other guys who have no idea what war or combat are all about.
At the same time though, I do own weapons and I know very well how to use them. I hope I never ever have to point a weapon at another person because to do so would return me to those years that I try so hard to forget. But make no mistake. I'd not only point my weapon, I'd instantly and instinctively shoot to kill anyone who ever made the mistake of entering my home and threatening myself or my family.
I spent 6 years in the US Army and served two tours of duty in Vietnam. I did things there that I don't brag about, and from time to time I still have nightmares about. But those are things I did only as a part of my job as a soldier - it's not who I am now.
I don't hunt, but only because it's more convenient for me to fill my freezer from the local grocery store than to kill and clean it myself. I don't shoot paintball and I don't run around in the woods "playing soldier" with a bunch of other guys who have no idea what war or combat are all about.
At the same time though, I do own weapons and I know very well how to use them. I hope I never ever have to point a weapon at another person because to do so would return me to those years that I try so hard to forget. But make no mistake. I'd not only point my weapon, I'd instantly and instinctively shoot to kill anyone who ever made the mistake of entering my home and threatening myself or my family.

An opinion offered with humility, sincerity and reason, three qualities in short supply from some of our more, uh, militaristic friends.

Thanks for that.

I still wonder at whom people like this think they will ultimately be shooting, but I can never get a straight answer. On the other hand, I have no doubt that running around in the woods wearing cool camo and shootin' at stuff is great fun.


You have it wrong thats why.

Obama starts confiscating guns from lawful owners and Texas leaves the Union.

Obama takes provacative action

Many, many Texans will rally to the call of their State to stand up the Feds.

Domino effect in other RED states.

1861 all over again.
And you would be doing what Obama wants........Better to just Impeach the man....helping him destroy the country isn't the brightest idea.
How would you know what is happening in the law enforcement community?

Why must you ask a question that you already know the answer too?
I am a member of a militia that has 15 police officers from surrounding departments 10 deputy sheriffs from three county's a couple of N.C finest state troopers, Yada yada yada. I have already explain this too you.

You have told me that. But I do not believe you. I do not believe that police officers, Sherriff's deputies or State troopers would join a group that calls itself a "militia" and allows dummies like you to join.

I really don't give a fuck if you believe me or not, only one way to find out bring your ass on over to the Carolina's
Hell I don't believe most of the shit you say.
I spent 6 years in the US Army and served two tours of duty in Vietnam. I did things there that I don't brag about, and from time to time I still have nightmares about. But those are things I did only as a part of my job as a soldier - it's not who I am now.
I don't hunt, but only because it's more convenient for me to fill my freezer from the local grocery store than to kill and clean it myself. I don't shoot paintball and I don't run around in the woods "playing soldier" with a bunch of other guys who have no idea what war or combat are all about.
At the same time though, I do own weapons and I know very well how to use them. I hope I never ever have to point a weapon at another person because to do so would return me to those years that I try so hard to forget. But make no mistake. I'd not only point my weapon, I'd instantly and instinctively shoot to kill anyone who ever made the mistake of entering my home and threatening myself or my family.

An opinion offered with humility, sincerity and reason, three qualities in short supply from some of our more, uh, militaristic friends.

Thanks for that.

Almost typed baby killer huh?
Why must you ask a question that you already know the answer too?
I am a member of a militia that has 15 police officers from surrounding departments 10 deputy sheriffs from three county's a couple of N.C finest state troopers, Yada yada yada. I have already explain this too you.

You have told me that. But I do not believe you. I do not believe that police officers, Sherriff's deputies or State troopers would join a group that calls itself a "militia" and allows dummies like you to join.

One of two possibilties I think. Either they have fantasy militia's kinda like fantasy football and baseball. Select your "team" members and have fantasy wars with each others militia team. Maybe a couple of SWAT members for the clean up spot. A sherriff for leadoff. Local police for relief.

Or. They are all paint ballers and the "militia" is the paintball team that will take on the next counties "militia" paint ball team.

I used to paint ball. Played against a team one time that kept their ammo frozen and in coolers. Get hit by a semi frozen paint ball and it will knock you off your feet. Ever try that biggie?

Which one is correct biggie?

Don't do paint ball
I spent 6 years in the US Army and served two tours of duty in Vietnam. I did things there that I don't brag about, and from time to time I still have nightmares about. But those are things I did only as a part of my job as a soldier - it's not who I am now.
I don't hunt, but only because it's more convenient for me to fill my freezer from the local grocery store than to kill and clean it myself. I don't shoot paintball and I don't run around in the woods "playing soldier" with a bunch of other guys who have no idea what war or combat are all about.
At the same time though, I do own weapons and I know very well how to use them. I hope I never ever have to point a weapon at another person because to do so would return me to those years that I try so hard to forget. But make no mistake. I'd not only point my weapon, I'd instantly and instinctively shoot to kill anyone who ever made the mistake of entering my home and threatening myself or my family.

An opinion offered with humility, sincerity and reason, three qualities in short supply from some of our more, uh, militaristic friends.

Thanks for that.

Almost typed baby killer huh?

Since you ask, truth be told, I was thinking "loony".

Almost typed baby killer huh?

I heard that phrase far too many times when I returned from Vietnam. Worse, it came on numerous occasions from members of my own family. :frown:

I hate to think that some people would call our veterans that today. :mad:
...was long dead by the early 1960's. Only rights 'mericans got is what g'ment elites allow the peons to have. Don't believe it... just try taking a warrantless fed agency search of the property U rent from the g'ment to court!
Provocative action.


If Texas secedes what does Obama do ?

He waits till someone fires at a US soldier and then a war starts......History. Learn it. The only way rebellion works in this country is if the majority of the country joins not just two or three states.

See "takes provacative action" in previous post......Star of the West.

Other states ? See "domino effect" in previous post........late 1859 early 1860.

They said it could never happen then.

History. Learned it.
If Texas secedes what does Obama do ?

He waits till someone fires at a US soldier and then a war starts......History. Learn it. The only way rebellion works in this country is if the majority of the country joins not just two or three states.

See "takes provacative action" in previous post......Star of the West.

Other states ? See "domino effect" in previous post........late 1859 early 1860.

They said it could never happen then.

History. Learned it.

I did you need to it seems.
He waits till someone fires at a US soldier and then a war starts......History. Learn it. The only way rebellion works in this country is if the majority of the country joins not just two or three states.

See "takes provacative action" in previous post......Star of the West.

Other states ? See "domino effect" in previous post........late 1859 early 1860.

They said it could never happen then.

History. Learned it.

I did you need to it seems.

So educate me Shelby Foote. You're certain no State would ever leave dissolve its ties at the will of its citizens or is it just the Federals will kill em' back into the Union ?

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