Your Stories of how Gay Marriage ruined your Marriage

Here's another sad one.....

Gay marriage ruined my life. I have been silent until now, comforted by the knowledge that only a few renegade states allow the despicable practice. But when I saw that the debate was being held at the highest level, I decided to share my story, so that more people could better understand the disastrous effects that gay marriage would have on the American family.

I was happily married to my high school sweetheart for seven years and we had a five-year-old son named Bobby, whom we of course conceived in wedlock. We had a nice home in Iowa, in a town full of hard working, God-fearing Americans, who respected the sacred institution of marriage. Then one day a gay couple moved in next to us and my life began to unravel.

It started with my son. He saw the couple kiss one day and asked why, "Those men are kissing each other, the way you and mommy do?"

I explained that God gave us free will, the right to choose our own actions, and that some people use this free will to choose negative actions, like engaging in sodomy, bestiality, or ingesting black tar heroin. He was so upset by their choice to be gay that the next day, while playing on the jungle gym, he slipped, fell, and broke his arm. The school nurse called my wife, who was busy placing an apple pie on the windowsill to cool, but I had taken our only car to work, so she was forced to ask our gay neighbors to borrow their car, which they allowed, clearly knowing what would happen next.

While texting me the upsetting news about our son, my wife ran a red light, was t-boned by an 18 wheeler, and died immediately.

Inconsolable, my life splintered like the bones in my son’s arm, I turned to the only thing that could truly bring me comfort: black tar heroin. Now orphaned and confused, my son began a romantic relationship with a donkey and started his own business replacing hotel Bibles with the Koran.

This story is not easy for me to tell, but I have scraped myself out of a gutter (literally) and glued my fingernails back on so that I can type this for you. We must act. We must not let the communists in the White House ruin the American family, and with it, the American way of life that was so carefully constructed by the founding fathers, and blessed by our Lord.

How Gay Marriage Will Destroy the American Family - PolicyMic

Reductio ad absurdum

But damn aren't you the cutest most clever poster ever!!!!
you speak latin oh goodee, bonitas non est pessimis est meliorem? ad praesens ova cras pullis sunt meliora ad quem ad quod

Libet meum ovis latere apricum velit.
Its objection due to the process used. I have no objection to the states changing the marriage contract they recognize via legislative action. However there is no RIGHT to gay marriage in the federal constitution, just as there is no right to abortion in it. These are derived concepts created by a judicial branch that has been exceeding its mandate for the past 30 years.

Is there a right to any marriage defined in the US Constitution?

Nope. its a contract run by the states. The only constitutional impact is via loving, as the constitution's equal protection crosses racial lines. There is nothing equal about gay marriage and straight marriage.

that being said if the contracts are made the same via legislative action I have no issue with it. If put to a vote in a referendum I would probably vote for it. If a judge says its somehow a right however, (usually the same judge who says I don't have a right to own or carry a firearm) I will fight it until the end.
What if the ruling of the court is that marriage equality represents a right to equal access to the protections of a marriage contract? It's a matter of accessing the law, not being restricted from it due to your legal lifestyle which some find 'icky'. Justice protects the unpopular rights from the tyranny of the minority.
The whole deal comes down to "so what?" So what if someone who opposes gay marriage has the weakest of reasons? The truth is that whenever the issue is brought before the people it has been turned down by a relatively wide bi-partisan margin. The ONLY reason that gay marriage is legal in most states is because ONE judge said so. In PA the ruling of ONE judge will not be appealed according to the Governor. Why? In my opinion because it is an election year.

Never the less whenever we vote is the question ever asked, "do you have a good reason for voting the way you do?"

What we get is BS threads like this one that asks for defense of a statement never made. The flying monkeys then all chime in.

The opinion for marriage equality has been pro majority for four years and is growing.

Public opinion of same-sex marriage in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

From Wikipedia, From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Public opinion polls in the United States since 2010 show majority support for legal recognition of same-sex marriage. Majority public support for same-sex marriage has solidified, as polls since 2010 consistently indicate support above 50%.[1] Support has increased steadily for more than a decade, with supporters first achieving a majority in 2010.[2][3][4][5] An August 2010 CNN poll became the first national poll to show majority support for same-sex marriage,[6] with nearly all subsequent polls showing majority support.[7][8][9][10]

Support for same-sex marriage generally correlates with younger age (younger than 50),[11] higher education, and residence in the Northeast, West Coast[12] and some parts of the Midwest, and lack of religious fundamentalism. Women are also more likely to be in support than men.[8][13]

Public opinion polls in the United States since 2010 show majority support for legal recognition of same-sex marriage. Majority public support for same-sex marriage has solidified, as polls since 2010 consistently indicate support above 50%.[1] Support has increased steadily for more than a decade, with supporters first achieving a majority in 2010.[2][3][4][5] An August 2010 CNN poll became the first national poll to show majority support for same-sex marriage,[6] with nearly all subsequent polls showing majority support.[7][8][9][10]

Support for same-sex marriage generally correlates with younger age (younger than 50),[11] higher education, and residence in the Northeast, West Coast[12] and some parts of the Midwest, and lack of religious fundamentalism. Women are also more likely to be in support than men.[8][13]

If you were to look at the age demographics of the support posture; it trends ever younger which spells real trouble for the conservative dominated Republican party. Whereas LGBT are a very small voting block, those sympathetic to their issues represent an enormous, dual-gender, multi-cultural demographic.

It would be nice for one of the "manly men" here to ask the other "internet tough guys" what they are so afraid of but I guess that's not in the code of the knuckle-draggers; to call out another homophobe in public.

A majority of young people support the constitutionally guaranteed equality that dinosaur tee potty types are against.
Strawman argument is a strawman argument. Being against Judical fiat gay marriage does not mean you have to think it can ruin someone else's marriage.

Using your tactic, tell me how the pistol owned by your law abiding neighbor and concealed carried all these years has ruined your life somehow.
My neighbor shot his wife and daughter with a pistol. A pistol was used as a weapon in a drive by shooting in the East End two blocks from my nephew's home.

Meanwhile, a same sex couple three doors from me got married, bought the home they were renting, installed new windows, roof and siding and bought their wedding invitations from my brother's print shop.

But how did MY pistol affect you?

It didn't, but it could. That's the point that you refuse to acknowledge.

There is NO chance, zero that any gay marriage will impact you, or anyone else.

What do the "christians" on teh board think of this?

What do the "christians" on teh board think of this?

More importantly, what do christians think of Jude 1 and Romans 1? You know, where it is spelled out clearly and concisely that anyone aiding or abetting even a homosexual cultural promotion, like allowing them to "marry", goes to the pit of fire forever alongside the damned..

What is my story of how gay marriage harms regular marriage? Don't have one because it doesn't. What it does harm is children's developing minds and later their bodies ravaged by HIV-by-example:

Please tell us your stories of how marriage equality has infringed on your civil and religious liberties?

There isn't such a thing as "marriage equality". Polygamists, incest, minors, gays, none of them can be married in all but 3 states.

This topic is a non sequitor. The subject isn't whether or not a bizarre sexual orientation/imprinting can harm another marriage. It's what harm the message we send to children that "gay is the acme of social achievement [marriage]" is.

With HIV rampant and the main vector of spreading that being attempting to reproduce with the lower intestinal tract ["anal sex"], we owe it to kids in their formative years to not encourage them in any way to pursue that activity.

But the author of this thread already knows that. His bid is to divert..
This is the difference between bod and other people. She answered the question that it doesn't affect can rightwinger don't like to answer the gay marriage issue because it shows them to be wrong.

Government actors don't count, because grabbers don't want to stop THEM from owning guns. I am saying if gay marriage is "OK" because it doesn't impact other marriages, shouldn't me owning a gun be "OK" because I don't impact anyone around me as well?
Is specious logic your friend? If it is, I'd run away from it because it is not serving you well.

its the logic started by the thead. I didn't make it, I'm just commenting here.

And because you don't like the answer you get all condescending, like most liberal twats do.
My neighbor shot his wife and daughter with a pistol. A pistol was used as a weapon in a drive by shooting in the East End two blocks from my nephew's home.

Meanwhile, a same sex couple three doors from me got married, bought the home they were renting, installed new windows, roof and siding and bought their wedding invitations from my brother's print shop.

But how did MY pistol affect you?

It didn't, but it could. That's the point that you refuse to acknowledge.

There is NO chance, zero that any gay marriage will impact you, or anyone else.

ask the baker and the photographer who are being forced to go against their beliefs to keep their businesses about that.

And "could" is not enough to deny my Constitutional rights, of which owning a firearm is a right, and gay marriage is not, no matter what a bunch of un-elected lawyers says about it.

What do the "christians" on teh board think of this?

More importantly, what do christians think of Jude 1 and Romans 1? You know, where it is spelled out clearly and concisely that anyone aiding or abetting even a homosexual cultural promotion, like allowing them to "marry", goes to the pit of fire forever alongside the damned..

What is my story of how gay marriage harms regular marriage? Don't have one because it doesn't. What it does harm is children's developing minds and later their bodies ravaged by HIV-by-example:

Please tell us your stories of how marriage equality has infringed on your civil and religious liberties?

There isn't such a thing as "marriage equality". Polygamists, incest, minors, gays, none of them can be married in all but 3 states.

This topic is a non sequitor. The subject isn't whether or not a bizarre sexual orientation/imprinting can harm another marriage. It's what harm the message we send to children that "gay is the acme of social achievement [marriage]" is.

With HIV rampant and the main vector of spreading that being attempting to reproduce with the lower intestinal tract ["anal sex"], we owe it to kids in their formative years to not encourage them in any way to pursue that activity.

But the author of this thread already knows that. His bid is to divert..

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What do the "christians" on teh board think of this?

My church is fine with gay couples.

The Witnessing and Blessing
of a Lifelong Covenant
Liturgical Resources for Blessing
Same-Sex Relationships
Extracted from Liturgical Resources 1:
I Will Bless You and You Will Be a Blessing
Authorized for provisional use
by the 77th General Convention of The Episcopal Church
(July 2012)
under the direction and subject to the permission
of the bishop exercising ecclesiastical authority
Is there a right to any marriage defined in the US Constitution?

Nope. its a contract run by the states. The only constitutional impact is via loving, as the constitution's equal protection crosses racial lines. There is nothing equal about gay marriage and straight marriage.

that being said if the contracts are made the same via legislative action I have no issue with it. If put to a vote in a referendum I would probably vote for it. If a judge says its somehow a right however, (usually the same judge who says I don't have a right to own or carry a firearm) I will fight it until the end.
What if the ruling of the court is that marriage equality represents a right to equal access to the protections of a marriage contract? It's a matter of accessing the law, not being restricted from it due to your legal lifestyle which some find 'icky'. Justice protects the unpopular rights from the tyranny of the minority.

The courts would be wrong. They would be pandering to popular (or popular with the right people) opinion. They are not interpreting law as per the constitution, but making new law, which is the exclusive right of the legislative branch. If equal protection was absolute I should be able to abort a baby i created through impregnating someone, I should not be held liable to the draft when women are not, and i should be able to carry a firearm from one state to another without worrying about the laws changing from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.

What do the "christians" on teh board think of this?

Disagreeing politically is not bashing gays with a bible. When you have to stoop to this to silence political disagreement, you show yourselves to the thought police wanna-be's you really are.

Yes but again, the politics is not in your favor on this topic. You're making no political argument unless you think that less support is somehow better for your political aspirations.

What's next, the argument that gravity is a rumor since it's not mentioned specifically in the Constitution?

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Nope. its a contract run by the states. The only constitutional impact is via loving, as the constitution's equal protection crosses racial lines. There is nothing equal about gay marriage and straight marriage.

that being said if the contracts are made the same via legislative action I have no issue with it. If put to a vote in a referendum I would probably vote for it. If a judge says its somehow a right however, (usually the same judge who says I don't have a right to own or carry a firearm) I will fight it until the end.
What if the ruling of the court is that marriage equality represents a right to equal access to the protections of a marriage contract? It's a matter of accessing the law, not being restricted from it due to your legal lifestyle which some find 'icky'. Justice protects the unpopular rights from the tyranny of the minority.

The courts would be wrong. They would be pandering to popular (or popular with the right people) opinion. They are not interpreting law as per the constitution, but making new law, which is the exclusive right of the legislative branch. If equal protection was absolute I should be able to abort a baby i created through impregnating someone, I should not be held liable to the draft when women are not, and i should be able to carry a firearm from one state to another without worrying about the laws changing from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.

All you'd need to win the debate was one, one single, rational reason to treat gays differently in being able to marry. Just one.
The courts would be wrong. They would be pandering to popular (or popular with the right people) opinion. They are not interpreting law as per the constitution, but making new law, which is the exclusive right of the legislative branch. If equal protection was absolute I should be able to abort a baby i created through impregnating someone, I should not be held liable to the draft when women are not, and i should be able to carry a firearm from one state to another without worrying about the laws changing from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.

There is a constitutional amendment protecting the right to bear arms specifically. Where in the constitution is the "right" to gay marry specifically provided for?

And when you go to the 14th Amendment, remember that "sex" is a noun and not a verb... Legally, that distinction makes all the difference in the world. Unless you're going to go for "religion". In which case you might have something...
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The opinion for marriage equality has been pro majority for four years and is growing.

Public opinion of same-sex marriage in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

From Wikipedia, From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Public opinion polls in the United States since 2010 show majority support for legal recognition of same-sex marriage. Majority public support for same-sex marriage has solidified, as polls since 2010 consistently indicate support above 50%.[1] Support has increased steadily for more than a decade, with supporters first achieving a majority in 2010.[2][3][4][5] An August 2010 CNN poll became the first national poll to show majority support for same-sex marriage,[6] with nearly all subsequent polls showing majority support.[7][8][9][10]

Support for same-sex marriage generally correlates with younger age (younger than 50),[11] higher education, and residence in the Northeast, West Coast[12] and some parts of the Midwest, and lack of religious fundamentalism. Women are also more likely to be in support than men.[8][13]

Public opinion polls in the United States since 2010 show majority support for legal recognition of same-sex marriage. Majority public support for same-sex marriage has solidified, as polls since 2010 consistently indicate support above 50%.[1] Support has increased steadily for more than a decade, with supporters first achieving a majority in 2010.[2][3][4][5] An August 2010 CNN poll became the first national poll to show majority support for same-sex marriage,[6] with nearly all subsequent polls showing majority support.[7][8][9][10]

Support for same-sex marriage generally correlates with younger age (younger than 50),[11] higher education, and residence in the Northeast, West Coast[12] and some parts of the Midwest, and lack of religious fundamentalism. Women are also more likely to be in support than men.[8][13]

If you were to look at the age demographics of the support posture; it trends ever younger which spells real trouble for the conservative dominated Republican party. Whereas LGBT are a very small voting block, those sympathetic to their issues represent an enormous, dual-gender, multi-cultural demographic.

It would be nice for one of the "manly men" here to ask the other "internet tough guys" what they are so afraid of but I guess that's not in the code of the knuckle-draggers; to call out another homophobe in public.

A majority of young people support the constitutionally guaranteed equality that dinosaur tee potty types are against.

As long as the GOP can make time stand still, they're going to be okay.
My neighbor shot his wife and daughter with a pistol. A pistol was used as a weapon in a drive by shooting in the East End two blocks from my nephew's home.

Meanwhile, a same sex couple three doors from me got married, bought the home they were renting, installed new windows, roof and siding and bought their wedding invitations from my brother's print shop.

But how did MY pistol affect you?

It didn't, but it could. That's the point that you refuse to acknowledge.

There is NO chance, zero that any gay marriage will impact you, or anyone else.

Did gay marriage impact Melissa's Sweetcakes? How about Photography by Elayne? I was sued by a lesbian couple for refusing to paint a wedding portrait. Did gay marriage impact me? Did gay marriage impact Marcia Walden who lost her job for referring a lesbian couple to a more competent counselor?
What do the "christians" on teh board think of this?

Disagreeing politically is not bashing gays with a bible. When you have to stoop to this to silence political disagreement, you show yourselves to the thought police wanna-be's you really are.

Yes but again, the politics is not in your favor on this topic. You're making no political argument unless you think that less support is somehow better for your political aspirations.

What's next, the argument that gravity is a rumor?


So basically you confirm my point. Since the politics are not in my favor (according to you) either I should shut up, or you can equate my opposition to gay marriage by judicial fiat to beating the snot out of gays. Thus all opinions you see as "not in my favor" should go away and you can rule your bunch of groupthink morons with peace and tranquility.

Gravity you can prove an measure, drop a ball against a long enough vertical ruler and have a stop watch and you can calculate it. This thread is about opinion, not fact, something assholes like you can never seem to grasp.

Go play in traffic.

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