Your Stories of how Gay Marriage ruined your Marriage

What's the basis for opposition unless it's essentially one's morals? There's no validly proven effect on traditional marriage or society as a whole.

Its objection due to the process used. I have no objection to the states changing the marriage contract they recognize via legislative action. However there is no RIGHT to gay marriage in the federal constitution, just as there is no right to abortion in it. These are derived concepts created by a judicial branch that has been exceeding its mandate for the past 30 years.

That's an oxymoron Marty. The courts don't declare gay marriage, they rule that laws treating gay marriage differently from straight marriage have no rational basis. Abortion is another matter. So again, what can opposition be to gay marriage be unless it's based on some myth?

You have no rational objection to abortion. This whole thread is nothing but BS based on BS lie in the OP. The OP made a statement attributing it to people who never make that statement and now it has once again gone where the liberal left takes everything, bashing Christians. You might as well join in and tell us how great your church is for standing for nothing. Not that the gay marriage thing is a religious thing. It is just that people, the majority that vote, don't think we need to redefine marriage it was even proved in California of all places.
What if the ruling of the court is that marriage equality represents a right to equal access to the protections of a marriage contract? It's a matter of accessing the law, not being restricted from it due to your legal lifestyle which some find 'icky'. Justice protects the unpopular rights from the tyranny of the minority.

The courts would be wrong. They would be pandering to popular (or popular with the right people) opinion. They are not interpreting law as per the constitution, but making new law, which is the exclusive right of the legislative branch. If equal protection was absolute I should be able to abort a baby i created through impregnating someone, I should not be held liable to the draft when women are not, and i should be able to carry a firearm from one state to another without worrying about the laws changing from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.

All you'd need to win the debate was one, one single, rational reason to treat gays differently in being able to marry. Just one.

The rational reason is the marriage contract as understood by american law has always been one man, one woman. To change it requires changing the contract, and that requires legislative approval at the state level, where the laws establishing marriage contracts were created. If the states want to do it, its fine, it is not fine, however, for a court to make something up "just because"

My reason for opposing JUDICIALLY MANDATED gay marriage is rational and sound. you just don't like it or agree with it.
But how did MY pistol affect you?

It didn't, but it could. That's the point that you refuse to acknowledge.

There is NO chance, zero that any gay marriage will impact you, or anyone else.

Did gay marriage impact Melissa's Sweetcakes? How about Photography by Elayne? I was sued by a lesbian couple for refusing to paint a wedding portrait. Did gay marriage impact me? Did gay marriage impact Marcia Walden who lost her job for referring a lesbian couple to a more competent counselor?
The adverse impacts were not due to marriage equality but by the stubborn bigots who left all that money on the table as they rose and indignantly walked away. If you refuse service to paying customers, don't bitch that their money was tainted. Look in the mirror to find the moron who refused business.
Government actors don't count, because grabbers don't want to stop THEM from owning guns. I am saying if gay marriage is "OK" because it doesn't impact other marriages, shouldn't me owning a gun be "OK" because I don't impact anyone around me as well?
Is specious logic your friend? If it is, I'd run away from it because it is not serving you well.

its the logic started by the thead. I didn't make it, I'm just commenting here.

And because you don't like the answer you get all condescending, like most liberal twats do.
Hey! I'm not the one dragging folks down a primrose path pavesd with gun arguments here!
What's the basis for opposition unless it's essentially one's morals? There's no validly proven effect on traditional marriage or society as a whole.

Its objection due to the process used. I have no objection to the states changing the marriage contract they recognize via legislative action. However there is no RIGHT to gay marriage in the federal constitution, just as there is no right to abortion in it. These are derived concepts created by a judicial branch that has been exceeding its mandate for the past 30 years.

That's an oxymoron Marty. The courts don't declare gay marriage, they rule that laws treating gay marriage differently from straight marriage have no rational basis. Abortion is another matter. So again, what can opposition be to gay marriage be unless it's based on some myth?

Yes they do. They say its a right, then BOOM gay marriage. A contract created by a law created by a legislature created the marriage contract. Only the legislature can change it, unless the states or federal constitution are amended to make marriage a right for gay people.

I am a strict constructionist when it comes to the constitution. When you look at it that way, my views make perfect sense. My argument here isn't about the outcome, its about the process.
Is specious logic your friend? If it is, I'd run away from it because it is not serving you well.

its the logic started by the thead. I didn't make it, I'm just commenting here.

And because you don't like the answer you get all condescending, like most liberal twats do.
Hey! I'm not the one dragging folks down a primrose path pavesd with gun arguments here!

Same logic, different topic. it shows the idiocy of bodie's original post.
Please tell us your stories of how marriage equality has infringed on your civil and religious liberties?

There isn't such a thing as "marriage equality". Polygamists, incest, minors, gays, none of them can be married in all but 3 states.

This topic is a non sequitor. The subject isn't whether or not a bizarre sexual orientation/imprinting can harm another marriage. It's what harm the message we send to children that "gay is the acme of social achievement [marriage]" is.

With HIV rampant and the main vector of spreading that being attempting to reproduce with the lower intestinal tract ["anal sex"], we owe it to kids in their formative years to not encourage them in any way to pursue that activity.

But the author of this thread already knows that. His bid is to divert..

What 3 states are those?
It hasn't...just like my owning of several guns hasn't ruined my neighbor's life. (BTW...which neighbor? The one on the left who is a sheriff's deputy? or the one on the right who BOTH husband and wife are Border Patrol agents?)
This is the difference between bod and other people. She answered the question that it doesn't affect can rightwinger don't like to answer the gay marriage issue because it shows them to be wrong.

Government actors don't count, because grabbers don't want to stop THEM from owning guns. I am saying if gay marriage is "OK" because it doesn't impact other marriages, shouldn't me owning a gun be "OK" because I don't impact anyone around me as well?
What...did you not understand the first time you asked this question...go and own as many guns as you like. I don't give a shit.

Government actors..what
It didn't, but it could. That's the point that you refuse to acknowledge.

There is NO chance, zero that any gay marriage will impact you, or anyone else.

Did gay marriage impact Melissa's Sweetcakes? How about Photography by Elayne? I was sued by a lesbian couple for refusing to paint a wedding portrait. Did gay marriage impact me? Did gay marriage impact Marcia Walden who lost her job for referring a lesbian couple to a more competent counselor?
The adverse impacts were not due to marriage equality but by the stubborn bigots who left all that money on the table as they rose and indignantly walked away. If you refuse service to paying customers, don't bitch that their money was tainted. Look in the mirror to find the moron who refused business.

The adverse impacts is from government forcing people to choose between their morality and their livelihood.

How is this only about business refusal? its about the butthurt couples suing the people and forcing them to accept their business or go out of it.
Someone is confused about the topic.

I find that many are. For example, those who are confused between the marriage of two consenting adults and criminal acts against minors...or animals. They cannot seem to tell the difference.

That being said......still looking for some stories of how legalized gay marriage has ruined someone's marriage.

Post your anecdotal evidence here.

Strawman argument is a strawman argument. Being against Judical fiat gay marriage does not mean you have to think it can ruin someone else's marriage.

Using your tactic, tell me how the pistol owned by your law abiding neighbor and concealed carried all these years has ruined your life somehow.

Except it is not a strawman argument. Many conservatives did say that gay marriage was a threat to the institution of marriage and that it would destroy that institution. We are now asking them to provide anecdotal evidence.
But how did MY pistol affect you?

It didn't, but it could. That's the point that you refuse to acknowledge.

There is NO chance, zero that any gay marriage will impact you, or anyone else.

ask the baker and the photographer who are being forced to go against their beliefs to keep their businesses about that.

And "could" is not enough to deny my Constitutional rights, of which owning a firearm is a right, and gay marriage is not, no matter what a bunch of un-elected lawyers says about it.

Was that because of legalized gay marriage or because of that state's Equal Protection laws? Why won't you answer?
Gay marriage in no way harmed my marriage. In fact, when I was married, I never thought of gay marriage, nor did I care all that much. I was busy providing for my family, moving my career along and doing my part as a citizen of a grown-up society. Still am, for that matter.
This is the difference between bod and other people. She answered the question that it doesn't affect can rightwinger don't like to answer the gay marriage issue because it shows them to be wrong.

Government actors don't count, because grabbers don't want to stop THEM from owning guns. I am saying if gay marriage is "OK" because it doesn't impact other marriages, shouldn't me owning a gun be "OK" because I don't impact anyone around me as well?
What...did you not understand the first time you asked this question...go and own as many guns as you like. I don't give a shit.

Government actors..what

Most gun control freaks are perfectly fine with cops keeping their guns, its the rest of us they want disarmed.
Yep. You are. The topic was how changing definitions of marriages changes marriage so I provided an example to illustrate the point that it does. It was a point a child would have picked up on, seriously.

Do you have an example of a marriage ruined by legalized gay marriage?

Do you have an example of someone saying it ruined their marriage?

Freewill, there were plenty of people claiming that gay marriage WOULD ruin the institution of marriage. If you deny this you have either been sheltered or you are lying.
It didn't, but it could. That's the point that you refuse to acknowledge.

There is NO chance, zero that any gay marriage will impact you, or anyone else.

ask the baker and the photographer who are being forced to go against their beliefs to keep their businesses about that.

And "could" is not enough to deny my Constitutional rights, of which owning a firearm is a right, and gay marriage is not, no matter what a bunch of un-elected lawyers says about it.

Was that because of legalized gay marriage or because of that state's Equal Protection laws? Why won't you answer?

its because of both. Here's the trade, I'll give ya gay marriage for repeal of equal protection clauses when it comes to non-retail businesses. Deal?
The courts would be wrong. They would be pandering to popular (or popular with the right people) opinion. They are not interpreting law as per the constitution, but making new law, which is the exclusive right of the legislative branch. If equal protection was absolute I should be able to abort a baby i created through impregnating someone, I should not be held liable to the draft when women are not, and i should be able to carry a firearm from one state to another without worrying about the laws changing from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.

There is a constitutional amendment protecting the right to bear arms specifically. Where in the constitution is the "right" to gay marry specifically provided for?

And when you go to the 14th Amendment, remember that "sex" is a noun and not a verb... Legally, that distinction makes all the difference in the world. Unless you're going to go for "religion". In which case you might have something...

The 14th amendment guarantees equal protection under the law. Now....since the law provided legal marriage licenses to couples who are of opposite gender, they are required, per the 14th to provide the same for couples of the same gender.

Just like the government cannot withhold drivers' licenses from gay drivers while providing them to straight drivers.
I find that many are. For example, those who are confused between the marriage of two consenting adults and criminal acts against minors...or animals. They cannot seem to tell the difference.

That being said......still looking for some stories of how legalized gay marriage has ruined someone's marriage.

Post your anecdotal evidence here.

Strawman argument is a strawman argument. Being against Judical fiat gay marriage does not mean you have to think it can ruin someone else's marriage.

Using your tactic, tell me how the pistol owned by your law abiding neighbor and concealed carried all these years has ruined your life somehow.

Except it is not a strawman argument. Many conservatives did say that gay marriage was a threat to the institution of marriage and that it would destroy that institution. We are now asking them to provide anecdotal evidence.

they can say what they want. What this thread implies is that if you can somehow show gay marriage has not impacted any other marriage, then ANY opposition to gay marriage is somehow null and void.

Bodie needed to be more specific in her OP.
Disagreeing politically is not bashing gays with a bible. When you have to stoop to this to silence political disagreement, you show yourselves to the thought police wanna-be's you really are.

Yes but again, the politics is not in your favor on this topic. You're making no political argument unless you think that less support is somehow better for your political aspirations.

What's next, the argument that gravity is a rumor?


So basically you confirm my point.
No. You're not making an argument about the politics of it. Your argument is rooted in that you're grossed out by gay marriage.

Gravity you can prove an measure, drop a ball against a long enough vertical ruler and have a stop watch and you can calculate it. This thread is about opinion, not fact, something assholes like you can never seem to grasp.

No kidding. You have no facts, just your knee-jerk reaction to seeing two dudes kissing.
Do you have an example of a marriage ruined by legalized gay marriage?

Do you have an example of someone saying it ruined their marriage?

Freewill, there were plenty of people claiming that gay marriage WOULD ruin the institution of marriage. If you deny this you have either been sheltered or you are lying.

Post one where someone said it would ruin their marriage which is what was said in the OP. Or if you want it easier post someone saying that it would ruin marriage and their reasons for saying so.

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