Your thoughts on this, please.


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013
We are a community of racial realists and idealists. We are White Nationalists who support true diversity and a homeland for all peoples. Thousands of organizations promote the interests, values and heritage of non-White minorities. We promote ours. We are the voice of the new, embattled White minority!

What is wrong with this ^? Is it racist? What if it said:

We are a community of racial realists and idealists. We are Black/Hispanics/Asian Nationalists who support true diversity and a homeland for all peoples. Thousands of organizations promote the interests, values and heritage of non-black/hispanic/asians. We promote ours. We are the voice of the new embattled black/hispanic/hispanic minority!

Would that be racist too? Or is each race promoting their own because someone MUST sit on the back of the bus and each are fighting to sit in the front of the bus. This is not including Native Americans who don't want to ride in the bus either way...probably because they are above such bullshit.

Anyway..I have fought racism and bigotry for most of my life. I fell in love with a black man but unfortunately it was not in our stars to be together. I have dated hispanics. I married a native american. People are people. We all have red blood, all have navels, all have hearts and souls. Our skin color is as different as our eye color and hair color but we are still all human beings.
With that said..I am fed up with the newest attack mode by blacks AND whites against anyone saying a word or doing something considered politically incorrect while those waggling their fingers and threatening to kill "nigga crackers" are untouched and therefore they are free to keep on keeping on with this race war over shit that happend prior to the civil war and most of us never owned slaves and were as poor as they were once they were freed. The elite owned slaves. My family didn't. But I am white..therefore, according to some illiterate pond scum from Haiti that got all ghetto said cracker is not racist..but ****** is. Unless one is black.

Which means I can go to the grocery store and greet every white person as a cracker, right? Bet they wouldn't like it much, any more than I would like insulting them since it IS a racist remark.

When is the double standard going to stop? And what is going to happen until it does? Riots. Death. Killings. More racist tensions.

And for those who don't know, the first quote is from Stormfront. I find NOTHING wrong with what that statement says on their front page. What makes it so different and wrong compared to BET tv, Miss Black America, Black Spelling bees, Black Voices, etc etc etc? Why can't WE have Miss White America, White Spelling bees, White voices and not be labeled?

This has nothing to do with the zimmerman or deen cases. It is a current problem eveyrone faces and I'm sick of it all. So tell me. Why is Stormfront considered so bad...and the opposite places are considered non racist?

Or is MLK considered an Uncle Tom too?
We are a community of racial realists and idealists. We are White Nationalists who support true diversity and a homeland for all peoples. Thousands of organizations promote the interests, values and heritage of non-White minorities. We promote ours. We are the voice of the new, embattled White minority!

What is wrong with this ^? Is it racist? What if it said:

We are a community of racial realists and idealists. We are Black/Hispanics/Asian Nationalists who support true diversity and a homeland for all peoples. Thousands of organizations promote the interests, values and heritage of non-black/hispanic/asians. We promote ours. We are the voice of the new embattled black/hispanic/hispanic minority!

Would that be racist too? Or is each race promoting their own because someone MUST sit on the back of the bus and each are fighting to sit in the front of the bus. This is not including Native Americans who don't want to ride in the bus either way...probably because they are above such bullshit.

Anyway..I have fought racism and bigotry for most of my life. I fell in love with a black man but unfortunately it was not in our stars to be together. I have dated hispanics. I married a native american. People are people. We all have red blood, all have navels, all have hearts and souls. Our skin color is as different as our eye color and hair color but we are still all human beings.
With that said..I am fed up with the newest attack mode by blacks AND whites against anyone saying a word or doing something considered politically incorrect while those waggling their fingers and threatening to kill "nigga crackers" are untouched and therefore they are free to keep on keeping on with this race war over shit that happend prior to the civil war and most of us never owned slaves and were as poor as they were once they were freed. The elite owned slaves. My family didn't. But I am white..therefore, according to some illiterate pond scum from Haiti that got all ghetto said cracker is not racist..but ****** is. Unless one is black.

Which means I can go to the grocery store and greet every white person as a cracker, right? Bet they wouldn't like it much, any more than I would like insulting them since it IS a racist remark.

When is the double standard going to stop? And what is going to happen until it does? Riots. Death. Killings. More racist tensions.

And for those who don't know, the first quote is from Stormfront. I find NOTHING wrong with what that statement says on their front page. What makes it so different and wrong compared to BET tv, Miss Black America, Black Spelling bees, Black Voices, etc etc etc? Why can't WE have Miss White America, White Spelling bees, White voices and not be labeled?

This has nothing to do with the zimmerman or deen cases. It is a current problem eveyrone faces and I'm sick of it all. So tell me. Why is Stormfront considered so bad...and the opposite places are considered non racist?

Like any other organization, Stormfront has an innocuous mission statement which has a univereal appeal. It would be a a very poor marketing strategy not to. Even the country that we live in called itself. "the land of the free" at a time when not everyone was free.

Don Black (white nationalist)

For other people of the same name, see*Don Black.Stephen Donald BlackBornStephen Donald BlackJuly 28, 1953*(age*59)Athens, AlabamaNationalityAmericanAlma materUniversity of Alabama[1]Known*forStormfrontSpouse(s)Chloe Black[2]ChildrenDerek Black[3]WebsiteStormfrontDon Black*(born*Stephen Donald Black[4]*on July 28, 1953) is an*American*white nationalist*and*white supremacist.[5][6]*He is the founder, and current*webmaster, of the*Stormfront*internet forum.[7]*He was a*Grand Wizard*in the*Ku Klux Klan*and a member of the*American Nazi Party*in the 1970s.[8][9][10]*He was convicted in 1981 for attempted armed overthrow of the*Dominican*government in violation of the U.S.*Neutrality Act.[11][12]*In 1997 his telephone number was connected with the racial harassment of a black woman,[13]*but is disputed by Black himself.*[14]

Early life

Don Black was born in*Athens, Alabama, and became an activist at an early age when he began passing out racist newspapers*White Power*and the*Thunderbolt*at his high school. This led to a decision by the local school board to ban the distribution of political literature. Black countered by mailing literature to student addresses obtained from school handbooks. He said in an interview that growing up in the South during the turmoil of the*civil rights movement*made him aware from a "White" political perspective.[15]In the summer of 1970, after his junior year at*Athens High School, Black traveled to*Savannah, Georgia, to work on the gubernatorial campaign of*J.B. Stoner, a*segregationist*and leader of the*National States' Rights Party*(NSRP). It was in this election that*Jimmy Carter*won the Georgia governorship. Don Black was asked to obtain a copy of the NSRP membership list by Robert Lloyd, a leader of the*National Socialist White People's Party, formerly known as the*American Nazi Party.[16]*At the time, Black was a member of the Party's youth branch, the National Socialist Youth Movement.Also working on the Stoner campaign was Jerry Ray, brother of*Martin Luther King's assassin*James Earl Ray. On July 25, 1970, Jerry Ray shot Black (who was 16 at the time) in the chest with a .38-caliber*hollow-point bullet*to stop him from taking files from Stoner's campaign office.[17]*Ray was acquitted of all charges, saying he shot in self-defense after Black reached for what appeared to be a weapon.[18][19][20]Black finished his senior year at*Madison Academy (Alabama), a private school in*Huntsville. Then after high school, Black graduated from the*University of Alabamain*Tuscaloosa*in 1975.[1]
Why can't WE have Miss White America, White Spelling bees, White voices and not be labeled?

Well for what its worth I consider Miss BLACK America, Black Spelling bees, Black voices to be racist, too.

Does that help?

How about if I added that while I consider such race-based things sort of silly, I also think people ought to be allowed to have them?

Still doesn't help does it?

I think my major argument with my LEFTIES chums is their abject REFUSAL to acknowledge that WHITE PEOPLE get fucked over, too.

Most of them fail to do that because to do so would demand that they acknowldge that they are largely the BENEFACTORS of CLASSISM.

You see, as long as people are OBSESSED BY RACE, they mostly don't have time to acknowledge that CLASS is a FAR GREATER problem in our society.

Incidently...if we dealt with CLASSISM, we'd also deal with RACISM, but good luck trying to convince my TRUSTAFARIAN pals that.
Why can't WE have Miss White America, White Spelling bees, White voices and not be labeled?

Well for what its worth I consider Miss BLACK America, Black Spelling bees, Black voices to be racist, too.

Does that help?

How about if I added that while I consider such race-based things sort of silly, I also think people ought to be allowed to have them?

Still doesn't help does it?

I think my major argument with my LEFTIES chums is their abject REFUSAL to acknowledge that WHITE PEOPLE get fucked over, too.

Most of them fail to do that because to do so would demand that they acknowldge that they are largely the BENEFACTORS of CLASSISM.

You see, as long as people are OBSESSED BY RACE, they mostly don't have time to acknowledge that CLASS is a FAR GREATER problem in our society.

Incidently...if we dealt with CLASSISM, we'd also deal with RACISM, but good luck trying to convince my TRUSTAFARIAN pals that.

yup, everyone gets fucked over some time somewhere, some more than others.

And, if I recall correctly- white trash was a pejorative for a classe of white people, created by-...........................white people....

its what we do about it that counts.
Originally posted by katsteve2012
Stormfront has an innocuous mission statement which has a univereal appeal.

Multiculturalism/multiracialism has an innocuous mission statement too.

"Making the US a more racially diversified country".

But when you see what "racial diversity" has done to Brazil, turning half of South America into a third world shithole with unbelievably high rates of poverty, crime and homicide you suddenly realize its "mission" is not as "innocuous" as you first thought.
José;7461033 said:
Originally posted by katsteve2012
Stormfront has an innocuous mission statement which has a univereal appeal.

Multiculturalism/multiracialism has an innocuous mission statement too.

"Making the US a more racially diversified country".

But when you see what "racial diversity" has done to Brazil, turning half of South America into a third world shithole with unbelievably high rates of poverty, crime and homicide you suddenly realize its "mission" is not as "innocuous" as you first thought.

Yeah, that's what the Native American thought also.
José;7461033 said:
Originally posted by katsteve2012
Stormfront has an innocuous mission statement which has a univereal appeal.

Multiculturalism/multiracialism has an innocuous mission statement too.

"Making the US a more racially diversified country".

But when you see what "racial diversity" has done to Brazil, turning half of South America into a third world shithole with unbelievably high rates of poverty, crime and homicide you suddenly realize its "mission" is not as "innocuous" as you first thought.

Yeah, that's what the Native American thought also.

HA, HA, HA...

So very true, Moonglow... Good one. :clap2: :clap2:

A different kind of "shithole"... full of polluted water, air, mountains of garbage...

That was the Indian's idea of a true "shithole".
How do we even KNOW those quotes were real? I believe the OP, why lie? So, do posters think ONLY Caucasians are racist? Only white people do hateful and vile things based on race. Every other race is a victim. I think we are at the crux of the biscuit. So here my next question: How do you prove someone is a racist? How do you KNOW? A tingling groin? A rash? What scale, what measure, HOW do KNOW? Words aren't enough. Can you look into the eyes, read the mind and know the heart? I think we should stop using that word because it is harmful and divisive. And because you can't prove it.
I don't care what color/race anyone is as long as they are here legally, educate themselves, behave with class/dignity and contribute to their community/this country.
If they are welfare hags or criminals then I have no use/respect for them.
Why can't WE have Miss White America, White Spelling bees, White voices and not be labeled?

Well for what its worth I consider Miss BLACK America, Black Spelling bees, Black voices to be racist, too.

Does that help?

How about if I added that while I consider such race-based things sort of silly, I also think people ought to be allowed to have them?

Still doesn't help does it?

I think my major argument with my LEFTIES chums is their abject REFUSAL to acknowledge that WHITE PEOPLE get fucked over, too.

Most of them fail to do that because to do so would demand that they acknowldge that they are largely the BENEFACTORS of CLASSISM.

You see, as long as people are OBSESSED BY RACE, they mostly don't have time to acknowledge that CLASS is a FAR GREATER problem in our society.

Incidently...if we dealt with CLASSISM, we'd also deal with RACISM, but good luck trying to convince my TRUSTAFARIAN pals that.

yup, everyone gets fucked over some time somewhere, some more than others.

And, if I recall correctly- white trash was a pejorative for a classe of white people, created by-...........................white people....

its what we do about it that counts.

Just ask the Irish...
Until we are Americans first we will continue to have racism and class warfare.

When we can say I am an American of African decent, or an American of Mexican decent or Italian or Russian or German or what ever, But American first...Then we will finally be one people...

Example, we have a local Italian fest here in this little village. There is a is led by the American flag.... These people are not Italian Americans, they are Americans of Italian decent.

I know most people look at it more of Black and white but it goes so much further........
José;7461089 said:
José;7461033 said:
Multiculturalism/multiracialism has an innocuous mission statement too.

"Making the US a more racially diversified country".

But when you see what "racial diversity" has done to Brazil, turning half of South America into a third world shithole with unbelievably high rates of poverty, crime and homicide you suddenly realize its "mission" is not as "innocuous" as you first thought.

Yeah, that's what the Native American thought also.

HA, HA, HA...

So very true, Moonglow... Good one. :clap2: :clap2:

A different kind of "shithole"... full of polluted water, air, mountains of garbage...

That was the Indian's idea of a true "shithole".

Conveniently it was excluded that I also stated "like any other organization".
We are a community of racial realists and idealists. We are White Nationalists who support true diversity and a homeland for all peoples. Thousands of organizations promote the interests, values and heritage of non-White minorities. We promote ours. We are the voice of the new, embattled White minority!

What is wrong with this ^? Is it racist? What if it said:

We are a community of racial realists and idealists. We are Black/Hispanics/Asian Nationalists who support true diversity and a homeland for all peoples. Thousands of organizations promote the interests, values and heritage of non-black/hispanic/asians. We promote ours. We are the voice of the new embattled black/hispanic/hispanic minority!

Would that be racist too? Or is each race promoting their own because someone MUST sit on the back of the bus and each are fighting to sit in the front of the bus. This is not including Native Americans who don't want to ride in the bus either way...probably because they are above such bullshit.

Anyway..I have fought racism and bigotry for most of my life. I fell in love with a black man but unfortunately it was not in our stars to be together. I have dated hispanics. I married a native american. People are people. We all have red blood, all have navels, all have hearts and souls. Our skin color is as different as our eye color and hair color but we are still all human beings.
With that said..I am fed up with the newest attack mode by blacks AND whites against anyone saying a word or doing something considered politically incorrect while those waggling their fingers and threatening to kill "nigga crackers" are untouched and therefore they are free to keep on keeping on with this race war over shit that happend prior to the civil war and most of us never owned slaves and were as poor as they were once they were freed. The elite owned slaves. My family didn't. But I am white..therefore, according to some illiterate pond scum from Haiti that got all ghetto said cracker is not racist..but ****** is. Unless one is black.

Which means I can go to the grocery store and greet every white person as a cracker, right? Bet they wouldn't like it much, any more than I would like insulting them since it IS a racist remark.

When is the double standard going to stop? And what is going to happen until it does? Riots. Death. Killings. More racist tensions.

And for those who don't know, the first quote is from Stormfront. I find NOTHING wrong with what that statement says on their front page. What makes it so different and wrong compared to BET tv, Miss Black America, Black Spelling bees, Black Voices, etc etc etc? Why can't WE have Miss White America, White Spelling bees, White voices and not be labeled?

This has nothing to do with the zimmerman or deen cases. It is a current problem eveyrone faces and I'm sick of it all. So tell me. Why is Stormfront considered so bad...and the opposite places are considered non racist?

I think racially based organizations, television programs/channels, etc. are divisive. It highlights differences (real or perceived) and basically promotes segregation.

That said, I don't see any reason they can't exist for any racial or ethnic group. I think they are fairly foolish, but that doesn't mean they should be stopped.

I have never been to Stormfront. Based on what I've read about the site here, I'd imagine that mission statement is not really indicative of the content of the site, but I can't say for sure unless I go look myself.

The only issue I have with the statement is the use of 'white minority'. At least in the US, whites are clearly not a minority. Even if estimates I've seen are correct, and whites will drop under 50% of the total population sometime in the next few decades, whites would still be the single largest racial group. I think that calling whites a new embattled minority is not only trying to appeal to people's emotion, but also a tacit admission that being a minority in this country inherently leads to persecution, discrimination, etc. I find that a poor message.
We are a community of racial realists and idealists. We are White Nationalists who support true diversity and a homeland for all peoples. Thousands of organizations promote the interests, values and heritage of non-White minorities. We promote ours. We are the voice of the new, embattled White minority!

What is wrong with this ^? Is it racist?

You need to ask yourself these questions:

Where, exactly, is the ‘white homeland’?

How will this ‘homeland’ be realized?

Does this mean non-whites will be compelled to return to their ‘homelands,’ whether they want to or not?

When you have the answers to the above, you may be able to answer your own.

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