Your Trump VS Cruz Predictions Tomorrow. The Percentages.One Of Us May Get It Right.

I really think THIS will have a big effect on the voting.....


That crap will cost Trump not help him ...give it up with that stupidity
The funny thing about this for Cruz, is that his best case scenario is a win in Wisconsin paving the way for a 2nd place finish and a brokered convention, where the nomination will be stolen away from Trump. Has Cruz done enough to sell out to the establishment over the last few months? Or will they just go with Romney after they've decided the delegate count and popular vote don't matter?
Yeah everybody should should lay down for Trump right? Please.. Kasich should get the hell out so i'd be one on one
Trump asked for that today. He knows most of Kasich's votes would go his way. Kasich's been fellating the GOP establishment a lot longer than Cruz; so he's banking on a brokered convention and getting handed the nomination. But good luck to him beating out Romney or Ryan if that happens.

Trump would get a very small % of Kasich votes..Cruz would get most of them
The funny thing about this for Cruz, is that his best case scenario is a win in Wisconsin paving the way for a 2nd place finish and a brokered convention, where the nomination will be stolen away from Trump. Has Cruz done enough to sell out to the establishment over the last few months? Or will they just go with Romney after they've decided the delegate count and popular vote don't matter?
Yeah everybody should should lay down for Trump right? Please.. Kasich should get the hell out so i'd be one on one
Trump asked for that today. He knows most of Kasich's votes would go his way. Kasich's been fellating the GOP establishment a lot longer than Cruz; so he's banking on a brokered convention and getting handed the nomination. But good luck to him beating out Romney or Ryan if that happens.

Trump would get a very small % of Kasich votes..Cruz would get most of them
Nope sorry.

In a head-to-head matchup between Trump and Cruz — with Kasich voters re-allocated to their second choices — the Manhattan real-estate mogul earned 46 percent support, compared with 37 percent for Cruz and 12 percent undecided. While the Texas senator drew slim advantages among tea party supporters, white, born-again evangelicals and those describing themselves as very conservative, Trump drew far greater support from voters who described themselves as somewhat conservative, moderate or liberal, as well as among men, women and those 45 years and older.

Poll: Trump beats both foes head-to-head

The base wants Trump. They see Cruz for the scumbag he really is.
I really think THIS will have a big effect on the voting.....


That crap will cost Trump not help him ...give it up with that stupidity



stupidity is free all over this board

Up untiil now Ted has been UNACCEPTABLE to morally deprived DemoRATS...Ted's just shown them that he is just as morally corrupt as they are...a SURE WINNER! DemoRAT men will now be full of envy as they were with Blow Job Bill Clinton!
well, just in case I cant come up with the 19 Trillion dollar prize, will u guys take Huma alone for 35 minutes?
The funny thing about this for Cruz, is that his best case scenario is a win in Wisconsin paving the way for a 2nd place finish and a brokered convention, where the nomination will be stolen away from Trump. Has Cruz done enough to sell out to the establishment over the last few months? Or will they just go with Romney after they've decided the delegate count and popular vote don't matter?

If we have a contested convention, it means no one has the nomination. Thusnit is impossible for anyone to steal the nomination since no one had it to begin with.

Of course I know the reason you chose that language is because you want to stir up fighting amongst us
i am still predicting around 44.5 and 32.5. we are likely to be in for a major surprise.
i dont think any of us got it right yet,,,but i am only 2 points off with the donald

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