Your Vote Doesn't Matter, and There is No Point.


Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2021
Fort Worth, TX
That's why:

- Donald Trump tried 60 times in court to toss out your vote
- The Republican party has introduced over 150 bills to limit your vote
- The Democratic party just introduced an 800 page bill to expend your vote
- Ads are run for the entire election cycle asking for your vote.

Yeah, votes totally don't matter. Don't bother. Nothing to see here.
That's why:

- Donald Trump tried 60 times in court to toss out your vote
- The Republican party has introduced over 150 bills to limit your vote
- The Democratic party just introduced an 800 page bill to expend your vote
- Ads are run for the entire election cycle asking for your vote.

Yeah, votes totally don't matter. Don't bother. Nothing to see here.
Your opinion LITERALLY doesn't matter foreigner. Don't bother sharing it. Nothing of substance to see here.
That's why:

- Donald Trump tried 60 times in court to toss out your vote
- The Republican party has introduced over 150 bills to limit your vote
- The Democratic party just introduced an 800 page bill to expend your vote
- Ads are run for the entire election cycle asking for your vote.

Yeah, votes totally don't matter. Don't bother. Nothing to see here.
Try telling the truth. The courts refused to hear evidence. Republicans are trying to make the votes subject to ID and signature verification. That 800 page bill is unconstitutional. And you are an idiot.
Speaking as a Democrat, I'm embarrassed for the OP, he's neither accepted what occured last election and he doesn't understand why our Democrat's bill is an alarming threat. It just seems you give us Democrats inches we want even more corruption involved in our elections. Be nice if some of my fellow Democrats could read, comprehend, and understand the cause for things. Maybe then we start to comprehend the effect of our thoughts and actions.

Other than that I'm a Democrat through & through. Hillary was probably my favorite, but Kamala is fucking hot man, I'd do that in a twist and have her poster.
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That's why:

- Donald Trump tried 60 times in court to toss out your vote
- The Republican party has introduced over 150 bills to limit your vote
- The Democratic party just introduced an 800 page bill to expend your vote
- Ads are run for the entire election cycle asking for your vote.

Yeah, votes totally don't matter. Don't bother. Nothing to see here.
Your opinion LITERALLY doesn't matter foreigner. Don't bother sharing it. Nothing of substance to see here.
not a foreigner,just a kid in america who is in junior high school.
That's why:

- Donald Trump tried 60 times in court to toss out your vote
- The Republican party has introduced over 150 bills to limit your vote
- The Democratic party just introduced an 800 page bill to expend your vote
- Ads are run for the entire election cycle asking for your vote.

Yeah, votes totally don't matter. Don't bother. Nothing to see here.
Try telling the truth. The courts refused to hear evidence. Republicans are trying to make the votes subject to ID and signature verification. That 800 page bill is unconstitutional. And you are an idiot.
well he has not reached puberty yet Lastamender so what do you expect? :abgg2q.jpg: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg:
That's why:

- Donald Trump tried 60 times in court to toss out your vote
- The Republican party has introduced over 150 bills to limit your vote
- The Democratic party just introduced an 800 page bill to expend your vote
- Ads are run for the entire election cycle asking for your vote.

Yeah, votes totally don't matter. Don't bother. Nothing to see here.
Do you pay your own bills?
If you do, do you know how much more you can be taxed until you have to ask someone for financial help?
Speaking as a Democrat, I'm embarrassed for the OP, he's neither accepted what occured last election and he doesn't understand why our Democrat's bill is an alarming threat. It just seems you give us Democrats inches we want even more corruption involved in our elections. Be nice if some of my fellow Democrats could read, comprehend, and understand the cause for things. Maybe then we start to comprehend the effect of our thoughts and actions.

Other than that I'm a Democrat through & through. Hillary was probably my favorite, but Kamala is fucking hot man, I'd do that in a twist and have her poster.

cool to see finally see a DEMOCRAT that accepts it that the election was stolen,i did not think any on this board existed.:clap2: i hope you were not being serious though on Hitlery,the clintons have people have had hundreds of people arkansawed off who knew too much of their scandals,they are globalists part of the new world order to destroy america along with biden and and obama and bush. the last decent dem we had in office that represented the party well was carter,he was the last president before trump who did not start wars.biden has got the war machine going again.
That's why:

- Donald Trump tried 60 times in court to toss out your vote
- The Republican party has introduced over 150 bills to limit your vote
- The Democratic party just introduced an 800 page bill to expend your vote
- Ads are run for the entire election cycle asking for your vote.

Yeah, votes totally don't matter. Don't bother. Nothing to see here.
Do you pay your own bills?
If you do, do you know how much more you can be taxed until you have to ask someone for financial help?
despite what he says he lives at home so i doubt that he does.
That's why:

- Donald Trump tried 60 times in court to toss out your vote
- The Republican party has introduced over 150 bills to limit your vote
- The Democratic party just introduced an 800 page bill to expend your vote
- Ads are run for the entire election cycle asking for your vote.

Yeah, votes totally don't matter. Don't bother. Nothing to see here.
Do you pay your own bills?
If you do, do you know how much more you can be taxed until you have to ask someone for financial help?
despite what he says he lives at home so i doubt that he does.
He is a Purple Doper Diaper Baby leaning towards Red.
That's why:

- Donald Trump tried 60 times in court to toss out your vote
- The Republican party has introduced over 150 bills to limit your vote
- The Democratic party just introduced an 800 page bill to expend your vote
- Ads are run for the entire election cycle asking for your vote.

Yeah, votes totally don't matter. Don't bother. Nothing to see here.
Try telling the truth. The courts refused to hear evidence. Republicans are trying to make the votes subject to ID and signature verification. That 800 page bill is unconstitutional. And you are an idiot.

The Republicans have already admitted that they can't win an election on ideas or issues, the only way they can be competitive is to suppress the vote.

AMY CONEY BARRETT: I'm interested in knowing why the RNC is in the case. So, you know, the DNC had standing, and the district court said that it had standing, to challenge the out-of-precinct policy because the policy placed a greater imperative on Democratic organizations to educate their voters and because the policy harmed its members who would have voted out of precinct. What's the interest of the Arizona RNC here in keeping, say, the out-of-precinct voter ballot disqualification rules on the books?
MICHAEL CARVIN: Because it puts us at a competitive disadvantage relative to Democrats. Politics is a zero-sum game. And every extra vote they get through unlawful interpretations of Section 2 hurts us. It's the difference between winning an election 50-49 and losing an election 51 to...

It's pretty clear that the more Republicans can suppress the votes of those who tend to vote for the other party, the better their chances of winning. The Democrat's approach is the opposite - the more voters they can enfranchise from historically DISENFRANCHISED groups (who are more likely to vote Democrat) the better their chances of winning.

Which is the better strategy? If it's all about maintaining power regardless of it's effect on democracy - go with the Republicans. If it's all about maintaining power through encouraging as many people to vote as possible (legally) then go with the Democrats.

We all know political parties want to have power...the real question is which avenue towards that end, is better for America.

And please, no crap about fraud. All elections have small degrees of fraud (and no, it most certainly not just one side or the other, after all, in the last election, the only confirmed dead voter actually voted for Trump)...but the penalties for fraud are very high and despite vigorous investigation, no major fraud was uncovered. Allegations without investigation resulting in indictments and convictions in a court are worthless so don't bother.
That's why:

- Donald Trump tried 60 times in court to toss out your vote
- The Republican party has introduced over 150 bills to limit your vote
- The Democratic party just introduced an 800 page bill to expend your vote
- Ads are run for the entire election cycle asking for your vote.

Yeah, votes totally don't matter. Don't bother. Nothing to see here.
Republican voter supression propaganda.
That's why:

- Donald Trump tried 60 times in court to toss out your vote
- The Republican party has introduced over 150 bills to limit your vote
- The Democratic party just introduced an 800 page bill to expend your vote
- Ads are run for the entire election cycle asking for your vote.

Yeah, votes totally don't matter. Don't bother. Nothing to see here.

Speaking as a Democrat, I'm embarrassed for the OP, he's neither accepted what occured last election and he doesn't understand why our Democrat's bill is an alarming threat. It just seems you give us Democrats inches we want even more corruption involved in our elections. Be nice if some of my fellow Democrats could read, comprehend, and understand the cause for things. Maybe then we start to comprehend the effect of our thoughts and actions.

Other than that I'm a Democrat through & through. Hillary was probably my favorite, but Kamala is fucking hot man, I'd do that in a twist and have her poster.

Did anyone tell you that you have low standards?
That's why:

- Donald Trump tried 60 times in court to toss out your vote
- The Republican party has introduced over 150 bills to limit your vote
- The Democratic party just introduced an 800 page bill to expend your vote
- Ads are run for the entire election cycle asking for your vote.

Yeah, votes totally don't matter. Don't bother. Nothing to see here.

Good, don't vote then.
Speaking as a Democrat, I'm embarrassed for the OP, he's neither accepted what occured last election and he doesn't understand why our Democrat's bill is an alarming threat. It just seems you give us Democrats inches we want even more corruption involved in our elections. Be nice if some of my fellow Democrats could read, comprehend, and understand the cause for things. Maybe then we start to comprehend the effect of our thoughts and actions.

Other than that I'm a Democrat through & through. Hillary was probably my favorite, but Kamala is fucking hot man, I'd do that in a twist and have her poster.

Did anyone tell you that you have low standards?

All the time. It wasn't always this way, seemed once I registered Democrat things started to slide by coincidence.
That's why:

- Donald Trump tried 60 times in court to toss out your vote
- The Republican party has introduced over 150 bills to limit your vote
- The Democratic party just introduced an 800 page bill to expend your vote
- Ads are run for the entire election cycle asking for your vote.

Yeah, votes totally don't matter. Don't bother. Nothing to see here.
Try telling the truth. The courts refused to hear evidence. Republicans are trying to make the votes subject to ID and signature verification. That 800 page bill is unconstitutional. And you are an idiot.

The Republicans have already admitted that they can't win an election on ideas or issues, the only way they can be competitive is to suppress the vote.

AMY CONEY BARRETT: I'm interested in knowing why the RNC is in the case. So, you know, the DNC had standing, and the district court said that it had standing, to challenge the out-of-precinct policy because the policy placed a greater imperative on Democratic organizations to educate their voters and because the policy harmed its members who would have voted out of precinct. What's the interest of the Arizona RNC here in keeping, say, the out-of-precinct voter ballot disqualification rules on the books?
MICHAEL CARVIN: Because it puts us at a competitive disadvantage relative to Democrats. Politics is a zero-sum game. And every extra vote they get through unlawful interpretations of Section 2 hurts us. It's the difference between winning an election 50-49 and losing an election 51 to...

It's pretty clear that the more Republicans can suppress the votes of those who tend to vote for the other party, the better their chances of winning. The Democrat's approach is the opposite - the more voters they can enfranchise from historically DISENFRANCHISED groups (who are more likely to vote Democrat) the better their chances of winning.

Which is the better strategy? If it's all about maintaining power regardless of it's effect on democracy - go with the Republicans. If it's all about maintaining power through encouraging as many people to vote as possible (legally) then go with the Democrats.

We all know political parties want to have power...the real question is which avenue towards that end, is better for America.

And please, no crap about fraud. All elections have small degrees of fraud (and no, it most certainly not just one side or the other, after all, in the last election, the only confirmed dead voter actually voted for Trump)...but the penalties for fraud are very high and despite vigorous investigation, no major fraud was uncovered. Allegations without investigation resulting in indictments and convictions in a court are worthless so don't bother.
It is the Democrats that cannot win elections on issues. The massive and obvious fraud has proven that. Voter suppression has nothing to do with requiring ID. That is the issue. Republicans want legal votes to count, not illegal ones. You are projecting, and of course, lying again.

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