Youtube Being Censored, We Can't Question the Government on Youtube

Mike Cernovich Says Social Media Censorship Is A ‘Warm-Up’ For Christian Persecution - This explain the sudden so called concern the evangelical right wing has concerning online censorship.

No question that is true.

Christians are victim #1 of the Stalinist democrats. Persecution of Christians is already in full swing. Note how that kunt Joy Behr declared Christians "insane" just as patron saint of the democrats. Josef Stalin did before imprisoning and murdering 10's of millions of Christians.

Bake the cake Christian, your masters have spoken!
Listen, you alt right clowns: you don't get it both ways.

Either you support private enterprise or you don't.
No question that is true.Christians are victim #1 of the Stalinist democrats. Persecution of Christians is already in full swing. Note how that kunt Joy Behr declared Christians "insane" just as patron saint of the democrats. Josef Stalin did before imprisoning and murdering 10's of millions of Christians.Bake the cake Christian, your masters have spoken!
The weight of all that persecution must be a heavy burden. All that torment and pain. You have my sympathy.
The weight of all that persecution must be a heavy burden. All that torment and pain. You have my sympathy.

Snark is so ineffective.

Why you Stalinists think that works on anyone outside of the moron flock is astounding. I don't watch Jimmy Kimmel or the Hate Show with Colbert.

Youtube's Terms of Service have been changed so that nobody can discuss anything that they have decided is a "Hoax". Youtube is getting more and more strict with people it doesn't agree with.

Private company, don't like their rules, start your own company, you whining little baby.

You clearly didn't read the thread, I've already said they can conduct bad business practice if they like. This thread wasn't a complaint, but a prompt to discuss the topic.

If I was whining, I'd have done my best impression of the left every time Trump says or does anything. I'd call you a "baby" to mock you, but I don't need adhoms, since I can debate without them.

You have been doing a great impression of a whining Trump snowflake all along.

Yet I haven't whined about anything, just made factual statements. Your projection is noted, though.

If you weren't the one whining, you wouldn't have felt the need to reply to a post that wasn't directed at you, with nothing but an adhom.
Mike Cernovich Says Social Media Censorship Is A ‘Warm-Up’ For Christian Persecution - This explain the sudden so called concern the evangelical right wing has concerning online censorship.

No question that is true.

Christians are victim #1 of the Stalinist democrats. Persecution of Christians is already in full swing. Note how that kunt Joy Behr declared Christians "insane" just as patron saint of the democrats. Josef Stalin did before imprisoning and murdering 10's of millions of Christians.

Bake the cake Christian, your masters have spoken!

Which is why of course millions of Christians are being murdered in America every
Snark is so ineffective.Why you Stalinists think that works on anyone outside of the moron flock is astounding. I don't watch Jimmy Kimmel or the Hate Show with Colbert.
Ineffective, perhaps, but truthful. I call it sarcasm.

I call it infantile. But that describes the left in general; witless, lowbrow buffoons.
Which is why of course millions of Christians are being murdered in America every

That is your dream, but at this time you have to satisfy yourself with denying them housing and school admission, and firing them from jobs, as well as forced labor.
"Free speech is needed in order to have a competition of ideas"

we don't need any ideology to tell us what to think or believe!!!

that's why it's WRONG cancelling accounts because people have conservative they are doing now.

and that's extactly why we need this

I love this country, but how do we fight the anti American bandwagon that is the left? Voting for Trump dosen't quite get the freaking point across to those thick headed twits. What are we supposed to do? Liberals want free speech when it's them trolling and otherwise questioning, needling and spiting hairs ad infinitem. But when they are questioned? Break out the Valium kiddos. Boo hoo, we are haters and phobics and have neuroses pointed out...Liberals on the other hand... are they perfect ?
"Free speech is needed in order to have a competition of ideas"

we don't need any ideology to tell us what to think or believe!!!

that's why it's WRONG cancelling accounts because people have conservative they are doing now.

and that's extactly why we need this

I oppose government regulation of the internet, including the Facebook and Youtube monopolies.

Youtube is about to be torn to shreds by the expanding Hulu and Vudu offerings that now allow uploads and channels.

Facebook will not hold it's monopoly without government enforcing the monopoly. Just as MySpace fell, so will Facebook.

Let the market sort it out.
Dale the Doofus has returned from his journey to the Beyond Lands

Jake Smarmy, what are the "Beyond Lands"? Is that where you spent your sabbatical when you were banned?

P.S Try putting more effort into your lame flames of "nothingness" are not giving me much to work with here.


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