YouTube is becoming a mess.


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
Youtube use to be pretty much the best source to find unedited videos of current events you see on the main stream media.
But that is not the case anymore.
You simply can't find them anymore as Youtube buries them (my opinion)
Some of it is not YouTube's fault. The growth of social media the past 5 years is turning social media into a barrage of idiots. People posting up garbage videos with attention getting words splashed across the screen
This garbage has taken over Youtube. And Youtube promotes it. Why? - Ad revenue. Which is all they care about.
If stupid shit videos get a million views, then YouTube is going to promote stupid shit videos.
Because the mushroom head average American - that is what they want.
They don't want to see unedited real content.

It is getting to the point of impossibility to get good information anymore.
There is no truth anymore, only conjecture. Web searches usually return whatever results the technocracy wants you to believe, and Google is probably the worst of all. They do a lot of filtering out of results when you're searching for something, but there are tricks to circumvent some of that. For example, using the plus sign and quotation marks when searching for something can be useful for zeroing in on exactly what you're looking for.
Youtube use to be pretty much the best source to find unedited videos of current events you see on the main stream media.
But that is not the case anymore.
You simply can't find them anymore as Youtube buries them (my opinion)
Some of it is not YouTube's fault. The growth of social media the past 5 years is turning social media into a barrage of idiots. People posting up garbage videos with attention getting words splashed across the screen
This garbage has taken over Youtube. And Youtube promotes it. Why? - Ad revenue. Which is all they care about.
If stupid shit videos get a million views, then YouTube is going to promote stupid shit videos.
Because the mushroom head average American - that is what they want.
They don't want to see unedited real content.

It is getting to the point of impossibility to get good information anymore.
I found a vid that's visually informative. Look how small this lil guy is like no bigger than a bunny rabbit! The muntjac is the 2nd smallest deer in the world which makes for a perfect size indoor/outdoor pet. One would need a SECURE fenced yard/area to keep cats & flying predators from carting them off, then killing & eating them. Cute lil farts they are!

Youtube use to be pretty much the best source to find unedited videos of current events you see on the main stream media.
But that is not the case anymore.
You simply can't find them anymore as Youtube buries them (my opinion)
Some of it is not YouTube's fault. The growth of social media the past 5 years is turning social media into a barrage of idiots. People posting up garbage videos with attention getting words splashed across the screen
This garbage has taken over Youtube. And Youtube promotes it. Why? - Ad revenue. Which is all they care about.
If stupid shit videos get a million views, then YouTube is going to promote stupid shit videos.
Because the mushroom head average American - that is what they want.
They don't want to see unedited real content.

It is getting to the point of impossibility to get good information anymore.
You really only need to know that Utube gives you more of what you like. If you like politics then they will up the ante with extremist politics. And then if you buy into that, they up the ante again and again. That can be prevented.
I found a vid that's visually informative. Look how small this lil guy is like no bigger than a bunny rabbit! The muntjac is the 2nd smallest deer in the world which makes for a perfect size indoor/outdoor pet. One would need a SECURE fenced yard/area to keep cats & flying predators from carting them off, then killing & eating them. Cute lil farts they are!

The males have 2 inch canine teeth, they can bite.
Youtube use to be pretty much the best source to find unedited videos of current events you see on the main stream media.
But that is not the case anymore.
You simply can't find them anymore as Youtube buries them (my opinion)
Some of it is not YouTube's fault. The growth of social media the past 5 years is turning social media into a barrage of idiots. People posting up garbage videos with attention getting words splashed across the screen
This garbage has taken over Youtube. And Youtube promotes it. Why? - Ad revenue. Which is all they care about.
If stupid shit videos get a million views, then YouTube is going to promote stupid shit videos.
Because the mushroom head average American - that is what they want.
They don't want to see unedited real content.

It is getting to the point of impossibility to get good information anymore.
I find the YouTube App on my TEE VEE streaming device, better than a lot of the free streaming services for content, when it comes to educational content.

Although, some of the videos sneak in some "political NWO content, socialist," I know what that is, and about 95% of what they have is good stuff. I like to keep up to date on the State of the Art on certain fields of study that interest me.

I'll play a lot of strategy games, that last hours and hour long, so I know good content when I come across it. Amatuers, from the professionals.

For instance, I have listened to/watched a lot of docs on empires, this lady here did a great one on Rome where I learned some good stuff. .

Mostly because of her access to museums and antiquity sites. OTH, some of the stuff she pushed, I knew was false. Like the shit she was pushing about what the Ice Core samples implied about the Rome Empire? bunk. That doesn't prove what she states. If she had said, it, "may indicate," instead of implying definitely, sure. But at the time the Roman Empire was at its height, the Olmecs were at theirs, and the Shang were likewise at theirs, these two were just as powerful and advanced.

She would be A LOT better, if she would leave her politics out of her work, and stay in her lane. BUT? IMO opinion, as far as this sort of content, this is even better than a lot of what is available even on TEE VEE. And certainly better than most of the amateurs on YouTube.

Her coverage of Trajan's Villa in Spain was fascinating. . .

The Complete History Of The Roman Empire | Empire Without Limit (Full Series) | Odyssey​

I found a vid that's visually informative. Look how small this lil guy is like no bigger than a bunny rabbit! The muntjac is the 2nd smallest deer in the world which makes for a perfect size indoor/outdoor pet. One would need a SECURE fenced yard/area to keep cats & flying predators from carting them off, then killing & eating them. Cute lil farts they are!

Yeah, YouTube, for the most part, is a tough nut to crack. You have to work it.

It just isn't user friendly. It reflects the users interests now. You have to put some work into it, to search what you want.

A decade or so ago, the algorithm made it easier for folks that weren't as intelligent and interesting, to find the interesting/ non-corporate sponsored content.


I find if I ignore it while I am playing my game, (since the app is on auto,) after the long three hour vids are done playing, before long, ten minute, fifteen minute vids from either CNN or Fox news start playing.

. . . I mean seriously, how do you go from this. . .

A Neanderthal Odyssey: Everything We Know about the Neanderthals​

To fifteen minute vids on Trump scandals and Biden impeachments?

There is no truth anymore, only conjecture. Web searches usually return whatever results the technocracy wants you to believe, and Google is probably the worst of all. They do a lot of filtering out of results when you're searching for something, but there are tricks to circumvent some of that. For example, using the plus sign and quotation marks when searching for something can be useful for zeroing in on exactly what you're looking for.
YouTube has edited out so much of the current news that it's impossible to show it anymore or even talk about it.

You can't say "raped" or "Suicide" or "murdered" without violations of the terms of service.
You can't show war footage in any fashion.

So....people stopped. They have gone to other channels like Rumble, Telegram, Xitter and Reddit. Facebook? Nope....same rules as YouTube except worse.

On YouTube you can show a trans guy trying to get a baby to nurse on his hairy silicone filled breast but you can't get anyone to speak truth.
Yeah, YouTube, for the most part, is a tough nut to crack. You have to work it.

It just isn't user friendly. It reflects the users interests now. You have to put some work into it, to search what you want.

A decade or so ago, the algorithm made it easier for folks that weren't as intelligent and interesting, to find the interesting/ non-corporate sponsored content.


I find if I ignore it while I am playing my game, (since the app is on auto,) after the long three hour vids are done playing, before long, ten minute, fifteen minute vids from either CNN or Fox news start playing.

. . . I mean seriously, how do you go from this. . .

A Neanderthal Odyssey: Everything We Know about the Neanderthals​

To fifteen minute vids on Trump scandals and Biden impeachments?


YouTube is outstanding in history/science etc. I have no complaints there.
I am speaking of current news/politics.
Me: Watch one video with ben Shapiro.
YouTube: oh so you want to see 720 videos with Ben Shapiro?.. great! We will fill your screen for the next several days with Ben Shapiro!
YouTube is outstanding in history/science etc. I have no complaints there.
I am speaking of current news/politics.
Me: Watch one video with ben Shapiro.
YouTube: oh so you want to see 720 videos with Ben Shapiro?.. great! We will fill your screen for the next several days with Ben Shapiro!
Oh yeah, it's not someplace to go for political content.

I'm not even sure Rumble is a good place for that.

BitChute is ok, but it is biased to the extreme right, TBH.

LBRY, i.e., ODYSEE, is probably, the best. Just recently, in the past six months, the admin surprised me by making it embeddable on this site.

This particular platform, my biggest gripe, is it has a TERRIBLE search engine. OTH? It is powered by the block chain. So in that regard it is unique. I don't really understand how that all works, but it makes it uniquely immune to political &/or corporate influence I believe. Not sure though.

The government has even taken LRBRY/ to court, the bureaucracy hate them, IMO. (I'll post some news about that site, with some Odysee political embedded video below, if you are interested.)

Interview 1579 - Jeremy Kauffman Introduces LBRY and Odysee

Corbett • 09/29/2020 • 26 Comments
"Jeremy Kauffman joins us to discuss LBRY, an open-source, decentralized protocol that is helping creators share video content peer-to-peer through the LBRY app and Today we talk about the newly-launched LBRY web portal,, and how the LBRY app was (briefly) banned from the Google Playstore in the latest attempt to burn the LBRY of Alexandria."

Google Tries to Burn LBRY...But LBRY Fights Back​

(Story #3)

Interview 1763 - Nudge, Nudge, Wink, Wink - #NewWorldNextWeek

Corbett • 11/11/2022 • 30 Comments

Story #3: Destructive Ruling Against LBRY “Sets Dangerous Precedent” for Crypto In The US

Destructive ruling against LBRY "sets an extraordinarily dangerous precedent" for cryptocurrency in the US

PDF: Securities and Exchange Commission v. LBRY, Inc.

SEC: Government Destroyed Documents Regarding Pre-9/11 Put Options
SEC: Government Destroyed Documents Regarding Pre-9/11 Put Options - Washington's Blog
BitChute was the only alternative to YouTube at one point, so the right wingers who got banned on YouTube moved to BitChute. Now there are a lot more options, though Odysee is one of the few that is really free speech.
{Israel needs to Nuke Gaza before those animals take note of how serious their enemy is. Muslims brag about how there are more than a billion muslims in the world, and I want to remind THEM that humanity now has the capability of killing a billion people in just minutes.}

That comment got removed and youturd sent me a message about posting. their editors are shit eating dogs with more power than they deserve. Their editors need to be edited.
BitChute was the only alternative to YouTube at one point, so the right wingers who got banned on YouTube moved to BitChute. Now there are a lot more options, though Odysee is one of the few that is really free speech.
Some have begun migrating to Rumble of late....they don't use YouTube as much and are making the transition as fast as possible. YouTube (which is an extension of Google) going more and more Democrat party is disconcerting as they have a HUGE advantage as the top Search Engine and Email and Mobile Phone software platform. (Aside from Apple)

Meaning that even your search engine is no longer going to look for the websites/information you wish to find. When the day comes that "Chocolate Cake Recipes" results with some manner of how to attract gay black males I'm out for sure. Until that time congress is NOT going to do anything...and don't expect them to as the hearings are controlled and run by those who own stock in Google (and other SM giants) and have their election campaigns paid for by SM giants.
{Israel needs to Nuke Gaza before those animals take note of how serious their enemy is. Muslims brag about how there are more than a billion muslims in the world, and I want to remind THEM that humanity now has the capability of killing a billion people in just minutes.}

That comment got removed and youturd sent me a message about posting. their editors are shit eating dogs with more power than they deserve. Their editors need to be edited.
Lots of people are coming to realize that Netanyahu opened the wrong can of worms.

It's now out in the open and the world's support is solidly in favour of the Palestinian people.

The former situation was a walk in the park for the Zionisit apartheid regime. Now a billion Muslims and 6 billion others are peeling back the pity propaganda by America and seeing the reality of Zionist crimes against humanity that's been going on for 75 years!
Lots of people are coming to realize that Netanyahu opened the wrong can of worms.

It's now out in the open and the world's support is solidly in favour of the Palestinian people.

The former situation was a walk in the park for the Zionisit apartheid regime. Now a billion Muslims and 6 billion others are peeling back the pity propaganda by America and seeing the reality of Zionist crimes against humanity that's been going on for 75 years!
The support for Israel in the USA is a clear majority. Not with the overly vocal few who support terrorism and subjugation by Muslim extremists.
Lots of people are coming to realize that Netanyahu opened the wrong can of worms.

It's now out in the open and the world's support is solidly in favour of the Palestinian people.

The former situation was a walk in the park for the Zionisit apartheid regime. Now a billion Muslims and 6 billion others are peeling back the pity propaganda by America and seeing the reality of Zionist crimes against humanity that's been going on for 75 years!
You are anti-Semitic, what a surprise. You do realize that Israel is BY FAR the most civilized culture and nation in the Middle East, right? BY FAR. Learn a bit about history and the world please.
Some have begun migrating to Rumble of late....they don't use YouTube as much and are making the transition as fast as possible. YouTube (which is an extension of Google) going more and more Democrat party is disconcerting as they have a HUGE advantage as the top Search Engine and Email and Mobile Phone software platform. (Aside from Apple)

Meaning that even your search engine is no longer going to look for the websites/information you wish to find. When the day comes that "Chocolate Cake Recipes" results with some manner of how to attract gay black males I'm out for sure. Until that time congress is NOT going to do anything...and don't expect them to as the hearings are controlled and run by those who own stock in Google (and other SM giants) and have their election campaigns paid for by SM giants.
I recently got a Rumble account. It remains to be seen whether it's truly a free speech site or a Musk-tier free speech site.
I recently got a Rumble account. It remains to be seen whether it's truly a free speech site or a Musk-tier free speech site.
Funker moved there and they have a bunch of really gruesome videos that even though I have an abnormally strong stomach, I do not want to watch a lot of it. (War is brutal amd ugly and Hollywood can't really make stuff like they show...which is the reality of war. But YouTube banned them as well over a video that had them just tossing back a few beers and talking about normal stuff...not even politics. (Which was kinda obnoxious)
But a girl putting a temporary tattoo on her cooch is just fine and slipped into my feed just because they figured out I'm a guy is just fine? That's nuts IMHO.

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