Yuge! President Trump Draws MASSIVE Crowd Size To Fourth of July Celebration Of Our Military

ummmmmm hey dems!!!! its over....the 2020 election is over and if you are donating to a democrat hopeful you are throwing your money away.....

Look at that crowd!!!!
Being a smart aleck doesn’t change the facts, it was a huge crowd-
View attachment 267873

And it was raining most of the day

DC has a huge crowd every year for the 4th. This is not a new thing because of Trump

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Please provide the source for your 2012 picture
Being a smart aleck doesn’t change the facts, it was a huge crowd-
View attachment 267873

And it was raining most of the day

DC has a huge crowd every year for the 4th. This is not a new thing because of Trump

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View attachment 267885

Please provide the source for your 2012 picture
From pulling up images with the search term dc Fourth of July
Wow. Super negativity from the Junior. Not good. He's really bought into that Russian troll divide and conquer routine, hasn't he?

The filthy TDS afflicted Left in this country can't even enjoy a 4th of July celebration. They have to put hate on our country, the military and patriotism.

He is right. It is a war between America and the forces that want to destroy it.
Actually, I DID enjoy our 4th of July celebration. Parade, hotdogs and hamburgers on the grill with friends, fireworks and even a couple of beers. There are flags on every other utility pole all the way through town and one on many porches, too.
So fuck you.
Would have never happened if not for Rrump.
True. We NEVER celebrated the 4th of July like that until Trump was elected.
Actually, we used to, until the left decided America is bad.
I was being sarcastic. It has always been the same. The only thing new is that Trump is a topic to avoid at the picnic table...like discussing diarrhea over dessert.
I like Melania's dress. I absolutely can't bear to watch that bullshit. Didn't try last night and since the Pres was not accidentally run over by one of his tanks, I'm not going to try watching the "highlights" today. Yes, D.C. deserves a parade but it doesn't need to be on tv anymore than anyone else's does, and the tanks look totally retarded, as I told you they would.

This was just another cheap maneuver by Trump to steal the limelight and get huge free campaign ad time.

Did you cry?

Maybe you cuddled your Che doll for comfort?
Over 100 million gallons of snowflake melt reported by National Weather Service.
Trump's July 4 gimmick is now history. Lower than normal July 4 turnout for DC. A teleprompter speech he fouled up with a silly GAF. No military parade. Kept his kids out of view and site. Nepotism catching up. World laughing at his daughter Ivanka.
Thank God for America's bold patriotic President doing this historical event. The pictures don't lie. Yesterday was a proud day to be an American celebrating our independence and our founders Nationalist heritage. It's just a matter of time before America becomes great again by becoming a full fledge Nationalist Nation.

President Trump Notes 'Great Crowd' at Salute to America
Thread title is wrong. Should read:

"tRump fails to deter normal sized Fourth of July crowd with his banana republic nonsense."

The tRump thing has really become OLD, and just makes you look silly, immature, childish and without substance.
Reality TV at its weakest - a Trump 2020 campaign photo op gathering at taxpayer expense .

......Didn't try last night and since the Pres was not accidentally run over by one of his tanks........

That statement qualifies you as a sick demented piece of filth.

Oh, and also an idiot. There were no mobile tanks where the president was. Earlier in the day there were a grand total of about 4 vehicles in the parade. That is what fucking big mouth pigs like you got all wadded up about, a couple of tanks. John F Kennedy has more tanks and missiles at his inaugural, something that imbeciles like you don't even know.. You're an idiot and a lowlife. You're also a disgrace to my gender.

The inaugural parade for President John F. Kennedy on Jan. 20, 1961.
Give the old bat a break. Her doctors recently changed her meds.
Thank God for America's bold patriotic President doing this historical event. The pictures don't lie. Yesterday was a proud day to be an American celebrating our independence and our founders Nationalist heritage. It's just a matter of time before America becomes great again by becoming a full fledge Nationalist Nation.

President Trump Notes 'Great Crowd' at Salute to America

And the new attire is MAGA. Around here people had the normal red white and blue tablecloths and bunting...but a huge proportion had on the MAGA hats and shirts. I did. One guy had a huge Trump flag flying on his boat
I think from here on out that’s going to be what people think of on the 4th. Donald Trumps defeat of the fifth columnists who hate America...a second American revolution.

And you think that it is a good thing that the focus has shifted from the country to a single man?

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I can live with it. The new George Washington.
Thank God for America's bold patriotic President doing this historical event. The pictures don't lie. Yesterday was a proud day to be an American celebrating our independence and our founders Nationalist heritage. It's just a matter of time before America becomes great again by becoming a full fledge Nationalist Nation.

President Trump Notes 'Great Crowd' at Salute to America

And the new attire is MAGA. Around here people had the normal red white and blue tablecloths and bunting...but a huge proportion had on the MAGA hats and shirts. I did. One guy had a huge Trump flag flying on his boat
I think from here on out that’s going to be what people think of on the 4th. Donald Trumps defeat of the fifth columnists who hate America...a second American revolution.

And you think that it is a good thing that the focus has shifted from the country to a single man?

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I watched the 4th of July celebration the President didn't make it about him. He was about the greatness of America's military and the American people. The only people who have made it about one person are the very people who piss their pants when he takes a breath.
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Geezer Trump was unable to read his teleprompter, and so the senile dumb fuck decided to make up some history, claiming the Continental Army was named after George Washington, and "took over airports".

Took over airports!

Also, they fought at Fort McHenry. BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!'

Someone needs to prescribe Aricept for the dotard.

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