Yuge! President Trump Draws MASSIVE Crowd Size To Fourth of July Celebration Of Our Military

Why do you people insist on making everything about Trump? Do you give him credit for the sun coming up this morning as well? Is there anything at all that you do not give Trump credit for?
Set your butthurt (for which I certainly give him credit) aside for just a second and tell me everything you give him credit for.

Two great SCOTUS picks.

His desire to get our troops out of the ME

His changes to the Fed regs that make it easier to fire dead weight.

For not making the speech last night a campaign speech but instead made it about the country.

His desire to privatize ATC.

So, what have you every disagreed with him on? Have you ever said an ill word about him?

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You could have just said "for MAGA". Less wordy. I have never said an "ill" word in my life, except for the word ill that is.
You call me a prig all the time. That's not nice.
Did I call you ill? Besides, you are priggish. WTF is an "ill" word anyway?
Why do you people insist on making everything about Trump? Do you give him credit for the sun coming up this morning as well? Is there anything at all that you do not give Trump credit for?
Set your butthurt (for which I certainly give him credit) aside for just a second and tell me everything you give him credit for.

Two great SCOTUS picks.

His desire to get our troops out of the ME

His changes to the Fed regs that make it easier to fire dead weight.

For not making the speech last night a campaign speech but instead made it about the country.

His desire to privatize ATC.

So, what have you every disagreed with him on? Have you ever said an ill word about him?

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You could have just said "for MAGA". Less wordy. I have never said an "ill" word in my life, except for the word ill that is.
You call me a prig all the time. That's not nice.
Did I call you ill? Besides, you are priggish. WTF is an "ill" word anyway?

Perhaps if you take the time to go back to high school and get your GED you will learn the meanings of words in the English language.

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Thank God for America's bold patriotic President doing this historical event. The pictures don't lie. Yesterday was a proud day to be an American celebrating our independence and our founders Nationalist heritage. It's just a matter of time before America becomes great again by becoming a full fledge Nationalist Nation.

President Trump Notes 'Great Crowd' at Salute to America
Thread title is wrong. Should read:

"tRump fails to deter normal sized Fourth of July crowd with his banana republic nonsense."
Democrats are already dragging out pictures of the early morning to show how few people were there.
Set your butthurt (for which I certainly give him credit) aside for just a second and tell me everything you give him credit for.

Two great SCOTUS picks.

His desire to get our troops out of the ME

His changes to the Fed regs that make it easier to fire dead weight.

For not making the speech last night a campaign speech but instead made it about the country.

His desire to privatize ATC.

So, what have you every disagreed with him on? Have you ever said an ill word about him?

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You could have just said "for MAGA". Less wordy. I have never said an "ill" word in my life, except for the word ill that is.
You call me a prig all the time. That's not nice.
Did I call you ill? Besides, you are priggish. WTF is an "ill" word anyway?

Perhaps if you take the time to go back to high school and get your GED you will learn the meanings of words in the English language.

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Are you speaking ill of me? I do that at times too but never with ill words, whatever those are.
The media ran headlines right up to the day of President Trump’s July 4 speech predicting only a “tiny crowd” would show up. How spectacularly wrong they were.
Media Predictions of “Tiny Crowd” For Trump July 4 Speech Proven Spectacularly Wrong
Of course all these losers do is lie!
As if this is anything new because really the media feeds their idiots the bait and they bite it hal these dumb ass Trump haters have no idea why they hate Trump other than a reaction to what their idiot friends tell them what they see online because stupid fks have no clue where truth media lays.
the MSM are total idiots
not only with untruths, and LIES---but basic grammar !!!!!!!!!
I like Melania's dress. I absolutely can't bear to watch that bullshit. Didn't try last night and since the Pres was not accidentally run over by one of his tanks, I'm not going to try watching the "highlights" today. Yes, D.C. deserves a parade but it doesn't need to be on tv anymore than anyone else's does, and the tanks look totally retarded, as I told you they would.

This was just another cheap maneuver by Trump to steal the limelight and get huge free campaign ad time.

What the fuck, I am well known for my disagreement and dislike of Trump...but come the fuck on...that tank comment was just stupid and borderline treasonous. People like you and your mirror images on the other side are the true danger to this country.

The 4th in DC is on TV the same reason New Years Eve in NY is. Do you whine about that?
Dear fucking Jesus. I MEANT that only something like that would entice me to watch it. Not that I went to bed praying for it or something. Ay Caramba.
People are mighty touchy....or is it just a good excuse to find fault with me, per usual?

you say dumb shit, I will call you out on it every time. You are not special, you are not getting any special treatment
And I'll return the favor. I AM special, though. Get with the program.

Yeah......you most certainly are.
Two great SCOTUS picks.

His desire to get our troops out of the ME

His changes to the Fed regs that make it easier to fire dead weight.

For not making the speech last night a campaign speech but instead made it about the country.

His desire to privatize ATC.

So, what have you every disagreed with him on? Have you ever said an ill word about him?

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You could have just said "for MAGA". Less wordy. I have never said an "ill" word in my life, except for the word ill that is.
You call me a prig all the time. That's not nice.
Did I call you ill? Besides, you are priggish. WTF is an "ill" word anyway?

Perhaps if you take the time to go back to high school and get your GED you will learn the meanings of words in the English language.

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Are you speaking ill of me? I do that at times too but never with ill words, whatever those are.

Thank God for America's bold patriotic President doing this historical event. The pictures don't lie. Yesterday was a proud day to be an American celebrating our independence and our founders Nationalist heritage. It's just a matter of time before America becomes great again by becoming a full fledge Nationalist Nation.

President Trump Notes 'Great Crowd' at Salute to America

Wherever he goes he draws huge crowds. The Left did not pay heed to that ahead of 2016...to their peril. I sure hope they're paying attention now

I kind of hope they aren’t.
The stateside media is Americas enemy....its like the old Soviet Union telling us the news each day...
Thank God for America's bold patriotic President doing this historical event. The pictures don't lie. Yesterday was a proud day to be an American celebrating our independence and our founders Nationalist heritage. It's just a matter of time before America becomes great again by becoming a full fledge Nationalist Nation.

President Trump Notes 'Great Crowd' at Salute to America

And the new attire is MAGA. Around here people had the normal red white and blue tablecloths and bunting...but a huge proportion had on the MAGA hats and shirts. I did. One guy had a huge Trump flag flying on his boat
I think from here on out that’s going to be what people think of on the 4th. Donald Trumps defeat of the fifth columnists who hate America...a second American revolution.
Thank God for America's bold patriotic President doing this historical event. The pictures don't lie. Yesterday was a proud day to be an American celebrating our independence and our founders Nationalist heritage. It's just a matter of time before America becomes great again by becoming a full fledge Nationalist Nation.

President Trump Notes 'Great Crowd' at Salute to America

Wherever he goes he draws huge crowds. The Left did not pay heed to that ahead of 2016...to their peril. I sure hope they're paying attention now

That was a huge tactical mistake by Clinton. Most of her events were designed to be "cozy" events with media, staffers, local democratic leaders, and campaign donors. She did not throw open the doors to the filthy masses at many of her events.
Thank God for America's bold patriotic President doing this historical event. The pictures don't lie. Yesterday was a proud day to be an American celebrating our independence and our founders Nationalist heritage. It's just a matter of time before America becomes great again by becoming a full fledge Nationalist Nation.

President Trump Notes 'Great Crowd' at Salute to America

And the new attire is MAGA. Around here people had the normal red white and blue tablecloths and bunting...but a huge proportion had on the MAGA hats and shirts. I did. One guy had a huge Trump flag flying on his boat
I think from here on out that’s going to be what people think of on the 4th. Donald Trumps defeat of the fifth columnists who hate America...a second American revolution.

And you think that it is a good thing that the focus has shifted from the country to a single man?

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The filthy TDS afflicted Left in this country can't even enjoy a 4th of July celebration. They have to put hate on our country, the military and patriotism.

He is right. It is a war between America and the forces that want to destroy it.
Actually, I DID enjoy our 4th of July celebration. Parade, hotdogs and hamburgers on the grill with friends, fireworks and even a couple of beers. There are flags on every other utility pole all the way through town and one on many porches, too.
So fuck you.
Would have never happened if not for Rrump.
The FACT he made it about our Independence, rather than simply another day of fun, made the difference, much to many peoples chagrine.
Ya, because American never knew what July 4th was all about until Donald Dork told us.
How old are you? Six?
I think so, considering most posts...
Thank God for America's bold patriotic President doing this historical event. The pictures don't lie. Yesterday was a proud day to be an American celebrating our independence and our founders Nationalist heritage. It's just a matter of time before America becomes great again by becoming a full fledge Nationalist Nation.

President Trump Notes 'Great Crowd' at Salute to America

Perhaps you haven't heard, but EVERY year, hundreds of thousands of people come to the Mall in Washington DC to celebrate Independence Day.
Wow. Super negativity from the Junior. Not good. He's really bought into that Russian troll divide and conquer routine, hasn't he?

The filthy TDS afflicted Left in this country can't even enjoy a 4th of July celebration. They have to put hate on our country, the military and patriotism.

He is right. It is a war between America and the forces that want to destroy it.
Actually, I DID enjoy our 4th of July celebration. Parade, hotdogs and hamburgers on the grill with friends, fireworks and even a couple of beers. There are flags on every other utility pole all the way through town and one on many porches, too.
So fuck you.
Would have never happened if not for Rrump.
The FACT he made it about our Independence, rather than simply another day of fun, made the difference, much to many peoples chagrine.
Ya, because American never knew what July 4th was all about until Donald Dork told us.
Zips right over your head.
Wow. Super negativity from the Junior. Not good. He's really bought into that Russian troll divide and conquer routine, hasn't he?

The filthy TDS afflicted Left in this country can't even enjoy a 4th of July celebration. They have to put hate on our country, the military and patriotism.

He is right. It is a war between America and the forces that want to destroy it.
Actually, I DID enjoy our 4th of July celebration. Parade, hotdogs and hamburgers on the grill with friends, fireworks and even a couple of beers. There are flags on every other utility pole all the way through town and one on many porches, too.
So fuck you.
Would have never happened if not for Rrump.
True. We NEVER celebrated the 4th of July like that until Trump was elected.
Actually, we used to, until the left decided America is bad.
Thank God for America's bold patriotic President doing this historical event. The pictures don't lie. Yesterday was a proud day to be an American celebrating our independence and our founders Nationalist heritage. It's just a matter of time before America becomes great again by becoming a full fledge Nationalist Nation.

President Trump Notes 'Great Crowd' at Salute to America
Thread title is wrong. Should read:

"tRump fails to deter normal sized Fourth of July crowd with his banana republic nonsense."
See post #68.

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