Yuppie-Spam: The Yale Frown [Comics/Democracy]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Americans love media language and the aesthetics of new age intellectualism as it relates to commercial networking. They want to sentimentalize 'traffic/matrix jargon' so it feels more elegiac and hopefully more 'human' in an otherwise machine-like commerce-oriented global labyrinth.

In other words, we want to celebrate 'Yuppie-Spam' (a form of new age media-highway/Internet-blogging socialization clubs) as representative of pedestrian interests in stylizing profiteerism. Otherwise, Wall Street will feel like a cemetery for academic rigor (and racism). After all, racism is created by myopia towards the 'humanness' of people-friendly networking in a peace-driven government.

What would professors at Yale University, for example, say about the valuation of media-etiquette?



Internet mail-order-brides comprised a population of moving people around the globe in search of the American Dream. However, serial-killers began stalking Internet mail-order-brides to dissuade foreigners from entering America and becoming citizens by virtue of multicultural legal marriages. These serial-killers were neo-prophets who called themselves 'The Strangers.'


These neo-prophets (The Strangers) were celebrities, Internet-blogging social critics, Ivy League fans, diplomats/politicians, and company leaders. They decided to engage in what was called 'Yuppie-Spam' by serially-blogging on the Internet about free-speech in the age of pornography and censorship in the age of capitalism. They seemed like the 'thinking minds' of America but were in fact merely pawns of a new global 'anti-dystopian crusader-oriented aesthetic.' Meanwhile, Hollywood (USA) was churning out countless escapism-centric comics-adapted vigilantism-daydream themed movies like The Avengers, Justice League, and Wonder Woman.


Suddenly, comic book writers/artists were drawing inspiration from the modern sea of unlimited Internet spam-traffic by suggesting that those who seemed like society critics on the Internet were basically 'bishops of Armageddon.' Be they good or bad, sane or psychotic, they were diplomats of the 'matrix.' Yale University professors might frown upon such 'pedestrianism-voodoo.'


Was the Apocalypse really near? Were movie-stars and secret killers with social grudges representatives of an age of anarchy and self-delusion? Where was the inspiration (really)? Would Jesus have to return with God's archangel Michael to talk about the 'weight' of modern Internet marketing and sports-consumerism culture in the USA. Would Yuppie-Spam prevail over the forces of Yale intelligentsia?


A beautiful comic book heroine/muse, a patriotic mermaid named Mara, was allied to the American paramilitary-crusaders known as 'G.I. Joes.' Mara wanted to support Yuppie-Spam on the grounds that it promoted general democratic humor. After all, light-hearted sociology was the best 'spiritual cure' to the depression caused by terrorism. However, Yale intelligentsia would reach out to Mara and convince her that orthodoxy is always preferable to socialization-jokes.


Nevertheless, The Strangers purchased an antique white frameworked piano and placed it in the front of their new church-house they built in a secret location in Virginia, USA. This piano was named the Bells of Mary, and it represented all of the pedestrian fury and ecstasy associated with unregulated Internet spam liberties. The piano was everything a cynic was not, but The Strangers believed it was the spiritual shield against the modern overwhelming 'noise' of law-pollution.


As Yale intelligentsia began talking about the coming of the beast which hails the complete triumph of the glory of the flesh over the sanctity of the humbled human mind, Yuppie-Spam continued to be a highway-signpost of general modern urban 'fanzine-consciousness.' However, social pundits wondered if all this contradictory socialization-themed debating was creating too much 'rebel-heat' for the imagination. Comics, which offered graphic stories/images about justice-nihilism and outlandish vigilantes, would have to restore American faith in accessible democracy. People needed to believe in bubble-gum.


Fortunately, a dark-world warlock-figure named Venger, a winged pseudo-vampire who rode a red-glowing black horse, crossed over into our dimension and began spying on human civilization. Venger noted the media-scandals, political corruption, and urban/civics problems confounding America's outstanding faith in capitalism traffic. Venger believed Yuppie-Spam was merely a form of 'linguistic graffiti.'

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One of The Strangers posted a stick-figure doodle of an impish evil elf symbolizing Christmastime consumerism cynicism/humor and general ritual-oriented sociopolitical commentary. After all, commerce had wed merchandising to lifestyle. The Evil Elf would have to help create some pockets of intellectual stimulation in an otherwise modern 'sea of customs.'


TRUMP: Yuppie-Spam is the new Kerouac, Carter!
CARTER: Yes, Mr. President, Yuppie-Spam is the new Lindbergh!
TRUMP: Are you interested in tabloids?
CARTER: I like the supermarkets that carry them liberally...
TRUMP: There's something 'easy' about consumer-convenience.
CARTER: That's the 'vitality' of capitalism.
TRUMP: We have to be wary of the 'leviathan/dragon' of cynicism.
CARTER: It's difficult coordinating rebelliousness with creativity.
TRUMP: Terrorism is the greatest threat to globalization.
CARTER: Americans honor the folklore surrounding justice.
TRUMP: Yes, Captain America and Supergirl both symbolize democratic-idealism.
CARTER: Yale intelligentsia believe Yuppie-Spam will be remembered as pro-computing.
TRUMP: It's at least a movement about accessible anarchy, controllable to government.
CARTER: Yes, the Internet is like a railroad and hence requires conductors to keep the peace.
TRUMP: If there's a World War III, Carter, it will be waged over Israel-Palestine.
CARTER: I wonder if all these military video-games promote free-speech and friendship.
TRUMP: I'm a big fan of the Call of Duty series.
CARTER: Microsoft scored huge with the Xbox...



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