"Z" the symbol of Freedom for mankind

All pro Putin propaganda all the time. ZunniBoi, you are a worthless troll.

Me thinks you are watching too much fake news.

Putin invaded the Ukraine and is responsible for what has happened…

Putin should be hung but my fear what come after him could make us wish to have Putin back…

Stop worshiping that false idol and look inward and understand Putin only cares about either putting a Pro-Moscow government in the Ukraine or taking the country over so he can rape the nation for it resources and money…
^^^^ Your pathetic attempt at humor is an abject failure...... :cuckoo:
There’s no way a dope like you could tell.

In any event, Putin is the bomber; the Ukrainian people are the victims of Putin’s war crime behavior. Not one word of your propaganda is worth diddly dog in light of those facts.

Elite Chechen Fighter Squads Wreak CHAOS in Ukraine​

What Happens When You Have No Rules of Engagement: Victory and Respect From Those You Defeated

These people were once violently anti-Russian. But, as also happened between the Japanese and us, they respected Putin's manly conquest of them and switched sides. It also helped that he mercilessly killed off all the jihadi nutcases.
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That’s not an unreasonable position for you to take, But we can’t deny all of the info we see just because we have reasonable hesitation about trusting the sources. It’s war. Both sides may lie and engage in propaganda. True.

That said, we do know that Ukraine isn’t bombing folks in Russia.
We Do Know That Germany Wasn't Bombing Folks in the USA

What about all the German and Japanese children our bombers killed in the last World War? No one with a mature and understanding mind should care about that; wars are fought between entire nations, not by armies settling things in isolated battlegrounds. The concept of "civilians" is an illusion of dreamy pacifist weaklings.

Making up words that don't fit reality is how the Illiterate Liberal Language Lords create the emotions they want us to have.
These people were once violently anti-Russian. But, unlike Americans, they respected Putin's manly conquest of them and switched sides. It also helped that he mercilessly killed off all the jihadi nutcases.
I heard a special weapons operator (he was either SEAL or SF) during an interview say the toughest fighters he'd faced in Iraq / Afghanistan were the Chechen fighters.
He said the Chechen's had a "fire in their belly" and showed no fear when engaged in battle.
We Do Know That Germany Wasn't Bombing Folks in the USA

What about all the German and Japanese children our bombers killed in the last World War? No one with a mature and understanding mind should care about that; wars are fought between entire nations, not by armies settling things in isolated battlegrounds. The concept of "civilians" is an illusion of dreamy pacifist weaklings.

Making up words that don't fit reality is how the Illiterate Liberal Language Lords create the emotions they want us to have.
What part about that has anything to do with today. Didn’t you get the memo? We cannot undo the past.
Because, as we all know, Russia - where this symbol first gained prominence - is the bastion of free thinking, democratic principles and is the leading light in the world today. They just love free speech there. Very tolerant too, of course.
Bitches of the World, Unite!

The internal affairs of foreign countries are none of our business. If Statists can't get away with 24/7 harassment at home, they can still get their sick control-freak kick out of being fag-nag busybodies meddling in outside countries. Unless, of course, those countries are an actual threat to us. Then they go on an apology tour, just like they want Putin to do to the Globalist Alliance.
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I heard a special weapons operator (he was either SEAL or SF) during an interview say the toughest fighters he'd faced in Iraq / Afghanistan were the Chechen fighters.
He said the Chechen's had a "fire in their belly" and showed no fear when engaged in battle.
Without a Draft, America Will Drift

It was similar with the Gurkhas and the British. I already knew about that transformation, but I was still amazed at Putin's effect on the Chechens. Our weak way of fighting, imposed because the ruling class's sons and flunkies are excluded from first-hand war experience, gains no respect anywhere our gender-confused military is sent off to.
The remarkable hero Vladimir Putin is fighting to help mankind defeat the NWO globalists who want to enslave humanity and rule the entire globe.
Endlessly looping and repeating your absolutely stupid and completely unpersuasive, dishonest propaganda doesn’t make it any less crappy.

I look forward to Putin’s assassination. I don’t care if it hurts. I just can’t wait to see the world greatly benefitted by his swift death.
Endlessly looping and repeating your absolutely stupid and completely unpersuasive, dishonest propaganda doesn’t make it any less crappy.

I look forward to Putin’s assassination. I don’t care if it hurts. I just can’t wait to see the world greatly benefitted by his swift death.
I don't read this whole thread but ANYONE who calls Putin a hero deserves to be....

Stoned to death
Thrown off a roof
Drown in the ocean in a cage
Flown to their deaths on a plane
Rapped by 52 MALE virgins

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