Zelensky challenges Trump to release plan to end Ukraine war with Russia


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
Funny that he hasn't asked Biden for his plan to end the war?

Offhand, I'd say that Trump's plan for ending the war is simple: stop funding it and let Zelenskyy fight his own battles himself. If his neighbors want to chip in, that is their business.

Then I'd guess Trump would either expect repayment of all we've loaned him or we take over the land for ourselves.

Biden is the only one that claimed to expect the war to go on forever.

I assume you have a link to this.

And apparently it will with Biden. 200+ Billion dollars and years

It is not just Biden, it is Congress, both Rs and Ds that approved most of that money. Why do you give them a free pass?

the Ukrainians are getting their clocks cleaned.

Not really, they have stood toe to toe with what used to be one of the most feared militaries in the world. Now Putin has had to turn to NK for help! If that does not scream of desperation, nothing does.

China meanwhile is more than happy to keep helping Russia just enough to let them totally destroy their country while draining our coffers in the meantime. China is the big winner of this war, soon Russia will be little more than a vassal state of China
I assume you have a link to this.
How many times must Joe tell you that we (he) is in this war indefinitely no matter how long? Do you think he said that because he has a plan to end it anytime soon?

It is not just Biden, it is Congress, both Rs and Ds that approved most of that money. Why do you give them a free pass?
Doesn't Joe Biden just write blank checks to Zelenskyy by executive edict?

Not really, they have stood toe to toe with what used to be one of the most feared militaries in the world.

Now Putin has had to turn to NK for help!
And they are getting all they need from NK and China. So what part of the fact that Joe has pissed away 200 billion dollars for nothing do you not get? Do you know what he could have done for America with 200 billion dollars? Meanwhile, it is going to cost another 600 billion to rebuild Ukraine. That is now almost 1 trillion dollars. Even of we beat Russia right now, we still lose.

How many times must Joe tell you that we (he) is in this war indefinitely no matter how long? Do you think he said that because he has a plan to end it anytime soon?

I have never heard him say it, but I do not follow his every word

Doesn't Joe Biden just write blank checks to Zelenskyy by executive edict?


And they are getting all they need from NK and China.

Yep, getting just enough to keep on fighting and depleting their military and country.

So what part of the fact that Joe has pissed away 200 billion dollars for nothing do you not get? Do you know what he could have done for America with 200 billion dollars? Meanwhile, it is going to cost another 600 billion to rebuild Ukraine. That is now almost 1 trillion dollars. Even of we beat Russia right now, we still lose.

So, it will like Afghanistan Part II, as that is about how much we spent there and got nothing out of it.

Pretty close to that much in Iraq for nothing.

Seems sooner or later we would learn...but the MIC never learns.

But again, it is not Biden alone, Biden cannot spend a dime that Congress has not authorized him to do so.
Not really, they have stood toe to toe with what used to be one of the most feared militaries in the world. Now Putin has had to turn to NK for help! If that does not scream of desperation, nothing does.

China meanwhile is more than happy to keep helping Russia just enough to let them totally destroy their country while draining our coffers in the meantime. China is the big winner of this war, soon Russia will be little more than a vassal state of China
I agreed with most of your post up until this point.

That conference recently in St. Petersburg, and the economic data released, even in Western media, belie your narrative here.

Russia has had some of the best economic growth on the planet this year. They no longer need the west's economic interaction to thrive.

They are able to conduct this war, and have a healthy thriving society at the same time. The only question is, how long will Russians tolerate their young men and boys getting killed for a war on their border, does the Russian public view this war as a war of existential survival? Most strategist, up to this point, feel they do.

As Putin noted in his speeches at that conference, he could quickly demolish and end this war in a matter of months or weeks if he so choose to, but it would come at a great cost to Russian lives, which no one wants. This has been an economic boon to Russia, China, and all of the global south, whom that west has treated up till this point, as little more than Neo-colonial resource states.

The longer this goes on, the more the dollar is going to be in trouble I am afraid.

We are losing, and losing badly. Only the upper-middle classes, and upper-class, insulated by establishment propaganda, are completely unaware of it.

I have never heard him say it, but I do not follow his every word

Here is one clip. Biden says he is in with Ukraine no matter what, 10 years, 20 years, 1 trillion, 10 trillion, AS LONG AS IT TAKES. No matter what the cost to America.
You can only say that so long as you put beating Russia over there (otherr side of the world) ahead of ANYTHING ELSE with this country. Scary.

And Ukraine hasn't defied Russia, WE HAVE. We have propped up Ukraine as our proxy army fighting FOR us.

Note how Joe had to literally READ VERBATIM his script off a piece of paper--- WHO wrote that for him???
Trump is the only one that claimed to be able to end it in a single day.

You are correct it is, he will bow down to Putin and say "it is all yours master"
Putin is going to get it anyway or at least part of it. When it comes to promises, Joe and the Progs before the 200 elections. Just saying. The most grievous and ugly one was when he promised toe a "unifier". Remember that? That was a huge one. Trump will end it by reducing the resources to Ukraine. The D.C. Politicians and others that went to Ukraine at the beginning of the conflict was strange. It was like we the citizens really do not have a say and we have elections for show and a crumb or two is thrown to the masses who elected the party in power.
I agreed with most of your post up until this point.

That conference recently in St. Petersburg, and the economic data released, even in Western media, belie your narrative here.

Russia has had some of the best economic growth on the planet this year. They no longer need the west's economic interaction to thrive.

They are able to conduct this war, and have a healthy thriving society at the same time. The only question is, how long will Russians tolerate their young men and boys getting killed for a war on their border, does the Russian public view this war as a war of existential survival? Most strategist, up to this point, feel they do.

As Putin noted in his speeches at that conference, he could quickly demolish and end this war in a matter of months or weeks if he so choose to, but it would come at a great cost to Russian lives, which no one wants. This has been an economic boon to Russia, China, and all of the global south, whom that west has treated up till this point, as little more than Neo-colonial resource states.

The longer this goes on, the more the dollar is going to be in trouble I am afraid.

We are losing, and losing badly. Only the upper-middle classes, and upper-class, insulated by establishment propaganda, are completely unaware of it.


Russia's economic rebound from a 2022 slump relies heavily on state-funded arms and ammunition production as Moscow prosecutes its war in Ukraine, masking problems that are hampering an improvement in Russians' living standards.
Putin is going to get it anyway or at least part of it.

Of course. We have to send military support half way around the world to even get there, meanwhile, Ukraine is right across the street from Putin.

It is inevitable that Russia wins unless we and other nations actually go FULL IN and start fighting a REAL WAR with everything we got, otherwise, there will be no end to this until we tire and exhaust ourselves and back out, like the USA has done countless other times.

Just ask the Kurds---- you can count on the USA, until we split in the middle of the night and leave you holding the bag, just so long as our military complex gets filthy rich in the process.

Russia's economic rebound from a 2022 slump relies heavily on state-funded arms and ammunition production as Moscow prosecutes its war in Ukraine, masking problems that are hampering an improvement in Russians' living standards.
Yup, It's bad all over.

It is sort of like the gaslighting over here. . . they keep telling us about all the wonderful jobs that the government added by all the government infrastructure spending. And all the new highs that the market hit, because of the influx of government war investments and infrastructure spending. . .

. . . but when folks go to buy food and gas? They want to elect a clown like Trump when they get the bill!


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