Zelensky got his latest payday...and then asked for more

If not manning them, the US will have to train Ukrainians in Germany. Patriots require a lot more people to run them than other air defense systems. That's because they are a lot more effective. Again, they are 'game changers'...and Putin knows this.

I am not sure how long it will take to train Ukrainians to operate them, if the go this route.

So you want to risk open war with Russia because you THINK he talks out of his ass and will actually do nothing....like Biden.

Our country is weak financially, our SPR are almost bottomed out, we are getting our to from our enemies (Russian allies), and iur Commander and Chief is a dementia-ravaged, compromised nutbag who has been sabotaging our country.

This administration has not been able to keep track of supplies, weapons, or cash sent to Ukraine. They are not the pro-Democracy nation ee have been led to believe.

I just think we are putting a lot on the line blindly...

Not to.mention tbat Biden has been wrong about every foreign policy he has ever made.

We are getting oil from what countries that are Russian allies?? Who?

Once we give them the supplies and weapons, why is it our responsibility o track it? I'll bet you track money you give to your kids and/or grandkids so close, they think you are an asshole.

Will you please learn to proofread your posts? You come across like a retarded Marine.
We are getting oil from what countries that are Russian allies?? Who?

Once we give them the supplies and weapons, why is it our responsibility o track it? I'll bet you track money you give to your kids and/or grandkids so close, they think you are an asshole.

Will you please learn to proofread your posts? You come across like a retarded Marine.
What a patbetic post. Your attempted'points' cone across as weak and petty, Rear Admiral.

Who are we getting / trying to get o from that are allies with Russia/Putin? Venezuela, the Butcher of Khashoggi?

Biden helped Putin be able to extort NATO allies / European nations by forcing them to he dependent on Russian Energy.

Trump encouraged European nations to end depe dency on Russia, td them the US could provide for their energy needs ... then Biden came along and ended US energy production, forcing them back to dependence on Russia.
- I wonder if Putin sent Joe a Thank You card (and some cash) for that.

Why should we track supplies, weapons, and cash we send to Ukraine?

- Accountability to the American people whose tax dollars pay for it.

- So this administration does not arm any more terrorists

- So no more Ponzi Schemes put money in Democrats' pockets AGAIN

I thought you were smarter than that, Rear Admiral, and that you gave a damn. Guess I was wrong.
What a patbetic post. Your attempted'points' cone across as weak and petty, Rear Admiral.

Who are we getting / trying to get o from that are allies with Russia/Putin? Venezuela, the Butcher of Khashoggi?

Biden helped Putin be able to extort NATO allies / European nations by forcing them to he dependent on Russian Energy.

Trump encouraged European nations to end depe dency on Russia, td them the US could provide for their energy needs ... then Biden came along and ended US energy production, forcing them back to dependence on Russia.
- I wonder if Putin sent Joe a Thank You card (and some cash) for that.

Why should we track supplies, weapons, and cash we send to Ukraine?

- Accountability to the American people whose tax dollars pay for it.

- So this administration does not arm any more terrorists

- So no more Ponzi Schemes put money in Democrats' pockets AGAIN

I thought you were smarter than that, Rear Admiral, and that you gave a damn. Guess I was wrong.
Venezuela? A drop in a bucket?

Saudi Arabia? In case you forgot, they told Biden to take a fucking hike on increasing their production. BTW, Kashoggi was an Osama lover who derived everything he got.

You have obviously never dealt with military supplies or weapons. Once you use it, it is gone. No one takes the time to sit around documenting what they killed Russians with, especially when someone is shooting at you.

Far be it from me to defend Brandon, but what terrorists has he funded recently?
Venezuela? A drop in a bucket?

Saudi Arabia? In case you forgot, they told Biden to take a fucking hike on increasing their production. BTW, Kashoggi was an Osama lover who derived everything he got.

You have obviously never dealt with military supplies or weapons. Once you use it, it is gone. No one takes the time to sit around documenting what they killed Russians with, especially when someone is shooting at you.

Far be it from me to defend Brandon, but what terrorists has he funded recently?

1. Fail.

2. Yup, the butcher told Biden to f* off after Biden went there and begged for help in impacting the midterms.

I didn't say they were Biden's pals...and you say Khashoghi deserved to be tortured and cut into small pieces. Damn, Rear Admiral, I dodn't know you supported terrorists and murderers.

3. You are wrong, as usual, and you are justifying a failure to reponsibly manage millions of dollars of tax payer-funded equipment / weapons and billions of dollars in cash.

Yeah, what's the big deal if the Biden administration arms terrorists - its not like its the 1st he and Barry did so...and its certainly not the 1st time a Biden / a Democrat has enrichehomirlelf from some foreign scam / ponzi scheme.

4. Barry and Biden armed terrorists out of Benghazi and Mexican Cartels. Now the Biden administration has armed terrorists in Africa.

No big deal though, right. Its not like they can control.who our weapons / cash go to.

1. Fail.

2. Yup, the butcher told Biden to f* off after Biden went there and begged for help in impacting the midterms.

I didn't say they were Biden's pals...and you say Khashoghi deserved to be tortured and cut into small pieces. Damn, Rear Admiral, I dodn't know you supported terrorists and murderers.

3. You are wrong, as usual, and you are justifying a failure to reponsibly manage millions of dollars of tax payer-funded equipment / weapons and billions of dollars in cash.

Yeah, what's the big deal if the Biden administration arms terrorists - its not like its the 1st he and Barry did so...and its certainly not the 1st time a Biden / a Democrat has enrichehomirlelf from some foreign scam / ponzi scheme.

4. Barry and Biden armed terrorists out of Benghazi and Mexican Cartels. Now the Biden administration has armed terrorists in Africa.

No big deal though, right. Its not like they can control.who our weapons / cash go to.

1. Fail.

2. Yup, the butcher told Biden to f* off after Biden went there and begged for help in impacting the midterms.

I didn't say they were Biden's pals...and you say Khashoghi deserved to be tortured and cut into small pieces. Damn, Rear Admiral, I dodn't know you supported terrorists and murderers.

3. You are wrong, as usual, and you are justifying a failure to reponsibly manage millions of dollars of tax payer-funded equipment / weapons and billions of dollars in cash.

Yeah, what's the big deal if the Biden administration arms terrorists - its not like its the 1st he and Barry did so...and its certainly not the 1st time a Biden / a Democrat has enrichehomirlelf from some foreign scam / ponzi scheme.

4. Barry and Biden armed terrorists out of Benghazi and Mexican Cartels. Now the Biden administration has armed terrorists in Africa.

No big deal though, right. Its not like they can control.who our weapons / cash go to.

What do you mean fail?

Kashoggi was the fucking terrorist who was Osama's buddy. Did you forget that?

When I was first assigned to the Navy as an officer, I was responsible for tracking every bullet, shell, torpedo and missile. They were always counted BEFORE we started shooting. Afterwards, no one was shooting back!

Now you bring Barry into the discussion. Nice deflection back about a decade or so. Brandon probably never knew anything that happened. What armed terrorists in Africa? Have you been hitting the egg nog a little hard today? Again, Brandon has no idea what is happening.
What do you mean fail?

Kashoggi was the fucking terrorist who was Osama's buddy. Did you forget that?

When I was first assigned to the Navy as an officer, I was responsible for tracking every bullet, shell, torpedo and missile. They were always counted BEFORE we started shooting. Afterwards, no one was shooting back!

Now you bring Barry into the discussion. Nice deflection back about a decade or so. Brandon probably never knew anything that happened. What armed terrorists in Africa? Have you been hitting the egg nog a little hard today? Again, Brandon has no idea what is happening.

The fact that you support and defend journalists being tortured, butchered, and cut into pieces says just about everything that needs to be said about you, Rear Admiral.

Brandon doesn't know what's happening....you.mean President 'The Buck Stops Here'?

The fact that you support and defend journalists being tortured, butchered, and cut into pieces says just about everything that needs to be said about you, Rear Admiral.

Brandon doesn't know what's happening....you.mean President 'The Buck Stops Here'?

How do you know he was tortured, butchered and cut into pieces? Were you there? He was NOT just a journalist but a friend and supporter of Osama Bin Laden. That is why the Saudis wanted him dead. He should have known better than to visit their embassy in Turkey. He should have kept his ass here in America.

What does Harry Truman have to do with this?
How do you know he was tortured, butchered and cut into pieces?

Are you SERIOUS?

It was widely reported.

Biden vowed not to shake hands with the Butcher on his oil begging / election altering assistance request trip, which is why so much was made of Biden fist-bumping him instead.

You're just f*ing with me, right?!

You're not really this ignorant / clueless, right?

Are you SERIOUS?

It was widely reported.

Biden vowed not to shake hands with the Butcher on his oil begging / election altering assistance request trip, which is why so much was made of Biden fist-bumping him instead.

You're just f*ing with me, right?!

You're not really this ignorant / clueless, right?

All I ever saw reported is that his body was never found.

On 2 October 2018, Jamal Khashoggi, a Saudi dissident journalist was assassinated by agents of the Saudi government at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, Turkey. Khashoggi was ambushed and strangled by a 15-member squad of Saudi assassins.

A fist bump to an Arab is just as offensive as shaking hands.
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All I ever saw reported is that his body was never found.

A fist bump to an Arab is just as offensive as shaking hands.


Read the link I previously posted and tell me you are not as full of shit as a Christmas goose.
It might be "funny" but its pretty fucking accurate.

Maybe you missed the first Fake Impeachment hearings on President Trump?

The big issue was whether Trump advised to Ukrainians to investigate the Biden Crime Family.

Apparently, Zelenskyy et al listened to the hearings and decided that was a good idea.

And it paid off for them big time, as they have Sleepy Joe over the proverbial fucking barrel.
Yes because Trump wanted to find dirt to use against Biden so he wouldn’t run for prez. They couldn’t find any dirt
Those aren’t my acts. That’s your dishonest interpretation of my acts. In reality things are quite different
Please....I see you doing it all over this thread. ...you had a great opportunity to call out Xiden for his Putin handout, but you decided not to.

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