Zelensky got his latest payday...and then asked for more

er as Adam Shifty told you to see it via parody.
Got no clue what you’re talking about. You got some brainwashed narrative you’re trying to stereotype me as and you’re trying way too hard.
Please....I see you doing it all over this thread. ...you had a great opportunity to call out Xiden for his Putin handout, but you decided not to.
Not my place to do that. Unlike you, I don’t parrot propaganda headlines that I read from partisan news sources. Fact is you knew nothing about this “merchant of death” prior to the exchange and you know nothing about the inner workings of the deal. But you read a few articles and now think you know it all. That’s funny
Got no clue what you’re talking about. You got some brainwashed narrative you’re trying to stereotype me as and you’re trying way too hard.
Oh you don't recall Adam Shifty having to admit his impeachment on the Ukraine call was parody? I do...and you just repeated what he claimed happened.

Schiff slammed for chalking up ‘disturbing’ fictional account of Trump-Ukraine call to ‘parody’​

No, they are dying while defending their country against a foreign invader. Simple as that. You want to be on the right side? You help them.
Fire all the politicians lining their pockets there and get back to me. Only fools believe they arent getting layndered money off of it.

Or do you still think hunter was needed by a gas company thete???

Only fools believe that. Biden should be un prison along with most politicians for it.
Not my place to do that. Unlike you, I don’t parrot propaganda headlines that I read from partisan news sources. Fact is you knew nothing about this “merchant of death” prior to the exchange and you know nothing about the inner workings of the deal. But you read a few articles and now think you know it all. That’s funny
It's not your place as a voter to do that? Really? wow. Sounds like another cop out for you, as you cvontinue to support Xiden and his Pro-Russia policy
I have no problem wirh Ukraine killing Russians . I have a problem wirh politicians getting filthy rich off of it.

Put their sorry asses in a catapult and launch their sorry butts at Russia.
"Excuse"??? Moron, why the hell would Ukraine allow a pro-Russian party to spread Russian propaganda while they are getting invaded by them?

You Russian sock puppets sure know how to mark yourself up beyond any doubt.
You star-spangled war whores can't even define which "Ukrainians" are hurt by Russian propaganda as opposed to those "Ukrainians" who have been maimed, murdered, and displaced by neo-Nazi thugs enforcing an illegal, US-supported coup in 2014.

Why is that?
Oh you don't recall Adam Shifty having to admit his impeachment on the Ukraine call was parody? I do...and you just repeated what he claimed happened.

Schiff slammed for chalking up ‘disturbing’ fictional account of Trump-Ukraine call to ‘parody’​

I don’t remember that… can you point to the quote where he admitted it was parody? I didn’t see it in your link
You star-spangled war whores can't even define which "Ukrainians" are hurt by Russian propaganda as opposed to those "Ukrainians" who have been maimed, murdered, and displaced by neo-Nazi thugs enforcing an illegal, US-supported coup in 2014.

Why is that?
Silly, most Ukrainians speak both Russian and Ukranian.

Ukrane's internationally recognized borders are not defined by what language they happen speak.
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Fire all the politicians lining their pockets there and get back to me. Only fools believe they arent getting layndered money off of it.

Or do you still think hunter was needed by a gas company thete???

Only fools believe that. Biden should be un prison along with most politicians for it.
It’s a pretty lazy attack to harp over aid during war time when people are dying. With that said, I have no problem keeping an account of the money and holding any abusers accountable after the dust settles.

Companies can hire whoever they want. That’s not a matter of need it’s a matter of want and they wanted Hunter.

Now you’re here calling for imprisonment without evidence?! That makes you just as bad as those you claimed did that to Trump over the past few years. Congrats!!
It’s a pretty lazy attack to harp over aid during war time when people are dying. With that said, I have no problem keeping an account of the money and holding any abusers accountable after the dust settles.

Companies can hire whoever they want. That’s not a matter of need it’s a matter of want and they wanted Hunter.

Now you’re here calling for imprisonment without evidence?! That makes you just as bad as those you claimed did that to Trump over the past few years. Congrats!!
Blah blah blah

The pilitucians are kayndering money there fuck them.

I dont care about aid killing Russians til they leave. Guess you dont care politucians line their pockets while stepping on the dead.

If you like that its a personal problem and not mine.
really? there is a video half way down the article. maybe you should stop lying
Haha, me stop lying?! Is this one of those turn the table tactics you’re trying cause I’ve called you out on several lies you’ve told about me?! That’s pathetic.

The statement your referring to wasn’t Schiff admitting the impeachment was a parody, that’s another dishonest claim on your part… Schiff was referring to a summary he made of the phone call where he added his interpretation of the message he thought Trump was trying to send to Zelensky in order to prove a point. What Schiff did wasn’t necessary and he deserved the criticism as our nations leaders should act more appropriately and always just stick to the facts without all the added color. Something many politicians are falling away from. But it was also very obvious what he was doing and what point he was trying to make. Now you’re here lying about it. Grow up.
The pilitucians are kayndering money there fuck them.
Mr know it all thinks he knows it all even though he knows nothing first hand about the situation. Did you read about “Pilitucians kayndering money” somewhere or are you just making ignorant assumptions?
Haha, me stop lying?! Is this one of those turn the table tactics you’re trying cause I’ve called you out on several lies you’ve told about me?! That’s pathetic.

The statement your referring to wasn’t Schiff admitting the impeachment was a parody, that’s another dishonest claim on your part… Schiff was referring to a summary he made of the phone call where he added his interpretation of the message he thought Trump was trying to send to Zelensky in order to prove a point. What Schiff did wasn’t necessary and he deserved the criticism as our nations leaders should act more appropriately and always just stick to the facts without all the added color. Something many politicians are falling away from. But it was also very obvious what he was doing and what point he was trying to make. Now you’re here lying about it. Grow up.
parody…you repeated Shifty admitted parody. I provided the video of him admitting it…
parody…you repeated Shifty admitted parody. I provided the video of him admitting it…
He didn’t admit the impeachment was parody genius… he used parody to dramatize the transcript of trumps phone call to emphasize the point he was trying to make. If you really couldn’t see that obvious point then that’s your problem
This Zelensky is a Goddamned little Liar/Fraud and beggar.
Tucker Carlson owns him.He is being used by the MSM and
Democrats in almost the same manner as the BlackLivesMatter
Narrative.The Left needs a bogeyman.So that explains.
So that means they need someone to go after the Bogeyman.
Zelensky fit the bill,almost perfectly.Ukraine is corrupt and
the Bidens are tied at the hip with that corruption.
So why not exploit use of Zelensky.The corrupted MSM
can use the Press and leftists to use Putin as their punching bag.
The same way they did with Dick Cheney and Trump to this day.
The Left Needs { Requires a bully approach }. Putin was no problem
one bit while Trump was in office.In fact,the left and Democrats used
Putin to discredit Trump.It worked only so far as James Comey being
exposed as a Liar and Fraud and then the same crap with Muellers
Special Counsel.
Pat Buchanan has the best historic case to be made as to this
Ukrainian Crisis.He's been fairly spot-on the entire year.

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