Zelensky got his latest payday...and then asked for more

Hahahaha… this may have been the funniest thing I’ve ever heard you say. Thanks for that :)

Can you please show the rate of accuracy for each of the above?

The NY Times lied for 3 years to promote the Russian Collusion Conspiracy theory.

Case closed.
He didn’t have to resort to parody. He chose to use it as a form of emphasizing his point during one statement in a sea of many. Several days and weeks of deliberation and interviews and analysis is what made their case

He fucking lied - and you bought it until he was outed - THEN the Reich claimed it was "parody."

It was perjury in an attempted coup.
They also aren’t outraged at the support we give Israel against the Arab states and Iran. What Russia is doing to Ukranian people borders on genocide between bombing infrastructure in the winter, civilian targets, schools, hospitals etc. Then tbere is what they are doing with captured populations. Putin is bringing back the former “glory“ of Stalin and the Holdomor.
How do you know the MSM isn't pulling { reporting }
the same crap { outrageous lies } it does regarding most everything
Trump.The MSM and Democrats only used Putin in an effort to
ensnare Trump.With some outlandish myth over a paid
Steele Dossier.So now that the Stinkin Liars and Frauds of the
besmirched U.S. Media conglomerate have their new tool
{ This little Zelensky } to foment whatever new agenda they need,
then it's all just hunky dory ... is that about the size of it.
This same little Ukrainian stooge who went out of his way to
Ban the biggest Church in Ukraine.He's no more a truth teller
and man of integrity than either Eric Swalwell and Adam Schiff
combined.And that's being kind.
What an absurd bit of propaganda.

Alright, where is this "genocide" by Russia?

Most of the DNC controlled media claims 30 Russians are killed for every brave, noble Ukrainian... Where is this "genocide?"
I said coming close, not that is genocide.

Repeated bombing of civilian infrastructure and utilities, especially in the winter. Deliberately targeting civilians. Ethnic cleansing of Ukranian civilians in captured areas. Erasing Ukrainian culture in captured areas.

Ethnic cleansing is going on in other ways as well.
How do you know the MSM isn't pulling { reporting }
the same crap { outrageous lies } it does regarding most everything

Who needs MSM when it’s coming out of tbe mouths of your own politicos?

The MSM and Democrats only used Putin in an effort to
ensnare Trump.With some outlandish myth over a paid
Steele Dossier.So now that the Stinkin Liars and Frauds of the
besmirched U.S. Media conglomerate have their new tool
{ This little Zelensky } to foment whatever new agenda they need,
then it's all just hunky dory ... is that about the size of it.
This same little Ukrainian stooge who went out of his way to
Ban the biggest Church in Ukraine.He's no more a truth teller
and man of integrity than either Eric Swalwell and Adam Schiff
combined.And that's being kind.
I said coming close, not that is genocide.

Repeated bombing of civilian infrastructure and utilities, especially in the winter. Deliberately targeting civilians. Ethnic cleansing of Ukranian civilians in captured areas. Erasing Ukrainian culture in captured areas.

Ethnic cleansing is going on in other ways as well.

So, complete bullshit?

No surprise.

In my opinion, the invasion of a sovereign nation is a criminal act, regardless of whether the whole thing was cooked up with Joe Biden or not.

That said, bombing cities is part of every war since bombs were invented.

AND you of the fascist left claim that Ukraine kills dozens, if not hundreds of Russians for every Ukrainian killed. Yeah, I know you're lying - but that is the constant drumbeat from the left.

Sorry, the bullshit from you warmongers and merchants of death is beyond the pale.
Lol. Russia still occupies Ukraine territory. So much for doing great. Ukrainians are suffering terribly, but you don’t give a shit.
Funny, but the Ukrainians aren't demanding that Ukraine surrender to the Russians.

Only the Christofascist wing of American conservatism is backing that. Go fig. It seems the Russian policy of genociding half the population in occupied areas has their support.
Funny, but the Ukrainians aren't demanding that Ukraine surrender to the Russians.

Only the Christofascist wing of American conservatism is backing that. Go fig. It seems the Russian policy of genociding half the population in occupied areas has their support.

Fucking liar.

You hate Christians - as a Christophobic bigot - so you lie - which is part of your being as a Nazi.

Let's see these Christians you hate "demanding" Ukraine surrender to Russia?

Right - as I said, you're just a fucking liar - typical Nazi.
The NY Times lied for 3 years to promote the Russian Collusion Conspiracy theory.
And you're lying badly by claiming there was no collusion. That isn't debatable. Even the Republican senate confirmed it.

There's no need to keep lying like that. Your masters are already aware of what an obedient authoritarian lackey you are. They consider you to be one of their most reliable Useful Idiots.
You hate Christians - as a Christophobic bigot - so you lie - which is part of your being as a Nazi.
The Nazis also made up stories of how the Jews/liberals were attacking them, to justify their ongoing violence against Jews/liberals.

Is there any belief of any sort that you hold which isn't identical to that of the Nazis? Because I can't see one.

Let's see these Christians you hate "demanding" Ukraine surrender to Russia?
We get it. No need to hammer on the point.

The decadent woke armies of the west are curbstombing your manly man Russian heroes.

Not only is fascism losing militarily, your entire worldview is being discredited in front of the whole world.

You're clearly not taking it well.

Good. Your fascist tears nourish the souls of patriots. Mmmmm. So yummy. More plz.
View attachment 741169
We need to laugh at this dystopian shit we’re watching, because otherwise we’d cry.
Hopefully our laughter won't be interrupted by center-of-the-sun temperatures?

Never underestimate Joe's ability to f*ck things up.
Silly, most Ukrainians speak both Russian and Ukranian.

Ukrane's internationally recognized borders are not defined by what language they happen speak.
What percentage of Russian-speaking Ukrainians object to neo-Nazis shelling their schools and hospitals? When an illegal, US-supported coup displaced Ukraine's legitimate government in 2014, internationally recognized borders underwent a de-facto change
Funny, but the Ukrainians aren't demanding that Ukraine surrender to the Russians.

Only the Christofascist wing of American conservatism is backing that. Go fig. It seems the Russian policy of genociding half the population in occupied areas has their support.
Yet I’m not a conservative. So, there goes your foolish binary theory up in smoke.

I’ve not heard anyone demanding Ukraine surrender, so there again you’re fucked up.

Russian genocide? Weird I’ve not heard that but than, I don’t consume state run media propaganda as you do.
The NY Times lied for 3 years to promote the Russian Collusion Conspiracy theory.

Case closed.
Not even close to case closed. That’s just a generalized claim. It would be like me saying Tucker lies almost every time he talks. Case closed… do you consider that a winning argument or a retarded one?
He fucking lied - and you bought it until he was outed - THEN the Reich claimed it was "parody."

It was perjury in an attempted coup.
You don’t know what I bought and you clearly misunderstood the point he was making. I’m not surprised.
And you're lying badly by claiming there was no collusion.

I know - bigfoot had proof, but the Loch Ness Monster stole it.
That isn't debatable. Even the Republican senate confirmed it.

Actually dumbfuck, even the Grand Inquisitor said this;

{The Office considered in particular whether contacts between Trump Campaign officials and Russia-linked individuals could trigger liability for the crime of conspiracy-either under statutes that have their own conspiracy language (e.g. , 18 U.S.C. §§ 1349, 195l(a)), or under the general conspiracy statute (18 U.S.C. § 371). The investigation did not establish that the contacts described in Volume I, Section IV, supra, amounted to an agreement to commit any substantive violation of federal criminal law- including foreign-fnfluence and campaign-finance laws, both of which are discussed further below. The Office therefore did not charge any individual associated with the Trump Campaign with conspiracy to commit a federal offense arising from Russia contacts, either under a specific statute or under Section 371 's offenses clause. The Office also did not charge any campaign official or associate with a conspiracy under Section 371 's defraud clause. That clause criminalizes participating in an agreement to obstruct a lawful function of the U.S. government or its agencies through deceitful or dishonest means. See Dennis v. United States, 384 U.S. 855, 861 (1966); Hammerschmidt v. United States, 265 U.S. 182, 188 (1924); see also United States v. Concord Mgmt. & Consulting LLC, 34 7 F. Supp. 3d 38, 46 (D.D.C.2018). The investigation did not establish any agreement among Campaign officialsor between such officials and Russia-linked individuals-to interfere with or obstruct a lawful function of a government agency during the campaign or transition period. And, as discussed in Volume I, Section V.A, supra, the investigation did not identify evidence that any Campaign official or associate knowingly and intentionally participated in the conspiracy to defraud that the Office charged, namely, the active-measures conspiracy described in Volume I, Section II, supra. Accordingly, the Office did not charge any Campaign associate or other U.S. person with conspiracy}

BUT you just keep lying because, well, you're insane.

There's no need to keep lying like that. Your masters are already aware of what an obedient authoritarian lackey you are. They consider you to be one of their most reliable Useful Idiots.

The Nazis also made up stories of how the Jews/liberals were attacking them, to justify their ongoing violence against Jews/liberals.

Is there any belief of any sort that you hold which isn't identical to that of the Nazis? Because I can't see one.

We get it. No need to hammer on the point.

The decadent woke armies of the west are curbstombing your manly man Russian heroes.

Not only is fascism losing militarily, your entire worldview is being discredited in front of the whole world.

You're clearly not taking it well.

Good. Your fascist tears nourish the souls of patriots. Mmmmm. So yummy. More plz.

So stupid fuck, you really think you can lie reality away? Will you hunt down Nessy and get that proof Torquemada never could?

You grasp that you literally are insane, right?
Not even close to case closed. That’s just a generalized claim. It would be like me saying Tucker lies almost every time he talks. Case closed… do you consider that a winning argument or a retarded one?

That you needed the Conspiracy theory is irrelevant. The NY Times blatantly and bald-faced (correct term) lied in their vendetta against Trump on behalf of the Reich.

Any credibility they had at that point ended, They are no different than MSNBC or any other leftist hate site.

YOU believe them because they tell you what you want to hear. You tune out anything that doesn't support your party.

But they are simply not credible, not even in the same state as "credible."
What percentage of Russian-speaking Ukrainians object to neo-Nazis shelling their schools and hospitals?
Dummy, the only shelling there ever was happened was in areas where Russian armed & led separatists were exchanging shelling with Ukranian army.

Kharkov and Odessa were mostly Russian speaking, any bombing there? No. You know why? Because no separatists.

Sloviansk and Kramatorsk experienced extensive fighting and yes, bombing untill separatists got knocked the f out and peaceful life resumed.

Bloodshed in Ukraine was always on the hands of the Russian invaders.
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Corruption is a small price to pay for a proxy war with Russia.
44 billion is lot of money going to the Ukraine but that is only 2.5% of our budget. Most people seem to think that the expenditure is well worth stopping Putin's expansion of Russia. We spend a lot more than that in dollars and lives trying stop the communist in Viet Nam and failed.

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