Zelensky got his latest payday...and then asked for more

That's right. Even the Republican Senate was lying about Trump. Poor widdle you! The whole world is conspiring against you!

The one lying is you - you insane Nazi fool.

No wonder you're always so grumpy. I suppose the constant losing also wears you down, along with the way everyone points and laughs. And the knowing the eternity of hellfire you face can't be pleasant either.

You know what to do now. Run back into your bubble. Seal up that SafeSpace, and don't let any reality in. Or just go orally pleasure some more Nazis. Doing what you're best at always cheers you up, and after, you can beg them for new lies.

Mammoth Mamaries is the cautionary tale of fentanyl abuse.

Don't use drugs kiddies, or you'll end up like this babbling Nazi...
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You really think the Ukrainian government is a democracy.

You crazy! Lmfao.

Hillary Clinton designed, for the first time, a place that is designed for graft. The coup allowed Ukraine to become a nation with one purpose, embezzling and laundering US taxpayer money.
Well, why do you support Putin?

Why do you support Hitler?

Frankly, $100 Billion for the kinds of results we are getting, are pretty good.

I know, Quid Pro and the bois have embezzled fully half of it - a GREAT haul.

Compared to the 2.3 TRILLION we spent in Afghanistan or the 2 Trillion we've spent in Iraq.

It's only been 6 months - you'll find a way to get it to those levels.

BTW - the figures overlap - you try and make it look like we spent 4.3 trillion - we didn't. It was 2.7 combined.
Hillary Clinton designed, for the first time, a place that is designed for graft. The coup allowed Ukraine to become a nation with one purpose, embezzling and laundering US taxpayer money.
And it seems the country of Ukraine does not mind it. Of course, innocent citizens always suffer. Like we are experiencing here in the United States now.
WTF? Did you just seriously say that McCain and Biden....spearheaded the Maidan revolution from the other side of earth?

Proof positive you are completely out of your fucking mind and have ZERO connection to reality.

America supported pro-democratic, open society groups. Always has, always will. But there is zero evidence Americans had any role in organizing Maidan protests.

While Maidan revolution was underway America was busy negotiating with Russians on keeping Yanukovich in power in Ukraine untill special elections take place in 6 months.
Russians accepted and Yanukovich announced that a deal with reached with opposition...he then disapeared, running off to Russia.
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Given the history of Ukraine and what the Russians did under Lenin and Stalin, I can't work up ANY sympathy for Russians in Ukraine. What Russia did from 1917 to 1930 was Genocide - flat out.
Imho, we should not forget the country of "Ukraine" was much different during those years you mention. Most of what is today western Ukraine was part of Poland which probably explains why 40,000 Poles are fighting inside Ukraine today wearing Ukrainian uniforms. How might those Poles (and NATO) react when Russia crushes Zelensky's forces east of the Dnipro River?
WTF? Did you just seriously say that McCain and Biden....spearheaded the Maidan revolution from the other side of earth?

Proof positive you are completely out of your fucking mind and have ZERO connection to reality.

America supported pro-democratic, open society groups. Always has, always will. But there is zero evidence Americans had any role in organizing Maidan protests.

While Maidan revolution was underway America was busy negotiating with Russians on keeping Yanukovich in power in Ukraine untill special elections take place in 6 months.
Russians accepted and Yanukovich announced that a deal with reached with opposition...he then disapeared, running off to Russia.
America supported pro-democratic, open society groups. Always has, always will. But there is zero evidence Americans had any role in organizing Maidan protests.
Where was the American support for democratic, open society groups in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and Syria? How about Mossadegh in Iran, Fulgencio Batista in Cuba, Anastasio Somoza in Nicaragua, Fernando Marcos, Mobuto Sese Seko, Augusto Pinchet, Syngman Rhee, and Suharto?

America is all about the money.

Always has been.

Always will be.
Where was the American support for democratic, open society groups in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and Syria?
?? Why don't you look it up before opening your dumb mouth.

America supported them, doesn't mean it's going to make them take over gov.
The one lying is you - you insane Nazi fool.

Dear Putinsuckers:

You're not being charged with a crime, so there's no need to try to stitch together a history of insanity.

Yes, your DearLeaderMessiahGodKingTrump needs to do that, which explains his latest screechings.

But you? No one cares about authoritarian lackey Putinsuckers. Being a whiny genocide-supporting fascist douche isn't illegal. You're all safe from prosecution. You don't need to pretend to be insane.

So, how's the gaslighting campaign working out? Any converts to DerPartei?


Dang. Sucks to be you. Maybe Goebbels and Alinsky weren't such great examples for you to follow. And with the Ruble crashing in value, your bank accounts must be taking a big hit. No wonder you're so grumpy.

Now, how does Russia tell you to respond to that? Run and check.
While Maidan revolution was underway America was busy negotiating with Russians on keeping Yanukovich in power in Ukraine untill special elections take place in 6 months.
Russians accepted and Yanukovich announced that a deal with reached with opposition...he then disapeared, running off to Russia.
He disappeared after US-supported neo-Nazis murdered police officers and took control of government buildings with the blessings of Biden, McCain, and Victoria Nuland.

Revolution of Dignity - Wikipedia

"On 21 February, an agreement between President Yanukovych and the leaders of the parliamentary opposition was signed that called for the formation of an interim unity government, constitutional reforms and early elections.[32]

"The following day, police withdrew from central Kyiv, which came under effective control of the protesters.

"Yanukovych fled the city.[33]

"That day, the Ukrainian parliament voted to remove Yanukovych from office by 328 to 0 (72.8% of the parliament's 450 members)."
He disappeared after US-supported neo-Nazis murdered police officers and took control of government buildings with the blessings of Biden, McCain, and Victoria Nuland.

Revolution of Dignity - Wikipedia

"On 21 February, an agreement between President Yanukovych and the leaders of the parliamentary opposition was signed that called for the formation of an interim unity government, constitutional reforms and early elections.[32]

"The following day, police withdrew from central Kyiv, which came under effective control of the protesters.

"Yanukovych fled the city.[33]

"That day, the Ukrainian parliament voted to remove Yanukovych from office by 328 to 0 (72.8% of the parliament's 450 members)."

And? What did you just say that contradicted what I've said.

Yanukovich fled to Russia like the scared little tratorous chicken shit that he was.
?? Why don't you look it up before opening your dumb mouth.

America supported them, doesn't mean it's going to make them take over gov.
America maimed, murdered, and displaced millions of their civilians, so how, exactly, does that foster open societies?

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