Zelensky got his latest payday...and then asked for more

Here is what America doesn't do - annex other country's lands. Russhists are in that bussiness today.
Russia is fighting an existential threat posed by a hostile military alliance on its western border. The entire geography of the US was acquired by outright theft, genocide of indigenous populations, and annexation

The Hispanic Experience - Stolen Birthright
No one was complaining in Mariupol about Azov before kind invaders came there to spread Russian World. Strange coincidence, isn't it?
It's either Trump-level ignorance or a deliberate lie.

Mariupol—Civilians denounce the crimes of the fighters of the neo-nazi Azov Regiment | MR Online

"I ask him if he knows by any chance what really happened in the Mariupol maternity hospital and theatre, about which the Western media have recently made their headlines.

"And there surprise, Nikolay knows what happened there, he saw with his own eyes, how the maternity hospital was transformed into a military position and a firing position by the fighters of the Azov regiment (which he still calls Azov battalion by the way).

"He confirms that the hospital had been evacuated to another area and was therefore no longer in working order.

"He also explains that the dramatic theatre in Mariupol was not destroyed at all by a bombing by the Russian army, but that the fighters of the Azov regiment blew it up!

"See Nikolay’s interview with English subtitles..."
Russia is fighting an existential threat
Strange you say that, because no one invaded Russia or even threatened it.

And if you actually use your little head- who was least postitioned to invade Russia? Ukraine, who would quickly get turned into a large nuclear hole in the ground in the highly unlikely scenario of successful convetional invasion towards Moscow.

So lets try fixing your statement so it makes even a little bit of sense.

Russia Ukraine is fighting an existential threat

Now thats perfectly understandable - Russian president declared that they are not a real country. Russian army then invaded, annexed Ukranian territories, leveled their cities, tried to take over their capital and assasinate Ukranian leadership.
Why is any of this worthwhile at all to anyone, who are the taxpayers that approve of this, and tell us, kindly, if you don’t mind, where do you live so that we may punch you in your stupid faces?

This isn’t the Soviet Union. They’re not trying to spread global communism.

Ukraine has already not fallen, but regained ground - why should we have given two shits if Putin had taken it entirely? Not our problem. Not worth all this money we don’t fucking have being thrown at it. People who approve of this money being spent are scum - you’re just the worst.
The entire geography of the US was acquired by outright theft, genocide of indigenous populations, and annexation
If you have to resort to what-about-isms from 1800s to sustain your justifications then you clearly have none.

If you had any functioning braincells you'd know you look like a total clown when you do that.

Yes, used to be a lot of land grabbing in 1800's. Emperialistic monarchs who stole lands for their country used to be hailed as national heros.

Times have changed, but Russian excuses and justifications are still stuck in brutal antiquity, like most of their country.
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That’s the magic of Russian propaganda.

When theyve convinced you that you can’t believe anything, anything can be true.
What Russian propaganda? Could you be specific in exposing it?
Why is any of this worthwhile at all to anyone, who are the taxpayers that approve of this, and tell us, kindly, if you don’t mind, where do you live so that we may punch you in your stupid faces?

This isn’t the Soviet Union. They’re not trying to spread global communism. Ukraine has already not fallen, but regained ground - why should we have given two shits if Putin had taken it entirely? Not our problem.

Same with Taiwan, right? Why should we give two shits if China takes Taiwan?

The answer is that there is value to maintain internal norms like you don’t get to invade other countries.
Strange you say that, because no one invaded Russia or even threatened it.

And if you actually use your little head- who was least postitioned to invade Russia? Ukraine, who would quickly get turned into a large nuclear hole in the ground in the highly unlikely scenario of successful convetional invasion towards Moscow.

So lets try fixing your statement so it makes even a little bit of sense.

Russia Ukraine is fighting an existential threat

Now thats perfectly understandable - Russian president declared that they are not a real country. Russian army then invaded, annexed Ukranian territories, leveled their cities, tried to take over their capital and assasinate Ukranian leadership.
Dumb as usual.
Nobody wants to annex Russia. That place is a dumpster fire.
The US wants regime change in Moscow in hopes of spurring another round of looting Russian resources in the same way the Harvard Boys did in the 1990s.

How Harvard Lost Russia

The long-term US goal appears to require breaking Russia into several distinct republics each controlled by western puppets (like Zelensky)

A western plot to balkanize Russia gets leaked. But the one Russia has will never get leaked
The US wants regime change in Moscow in hopes of spurring another round of looting Russian resources in the same way the Harvard Boys did in the 1990s.

How Harvard Lost Russia

The long-term US goal appears to require breaking Russia into several distinct republics each controlled by western puppets (like Zelensky)

A western plot to balkanize Russia gets leaked. But the one Russia has will never get leaked
Dumb Joe stated he wants regime change in Russia. Somehow the warmongers here believe the USG is blameless and above criticism, while they assign every possible nefarious motive to Putin.

Biden’s Comments About Putin Were an Unforced Error

The words of every world leader matter right now, and none more than those of the president of the United States.
But Biden broke his long streak of message discipline during a speech in Poland today, when he added an apparently unscripted ending: “For God’s sake, this man”—meaning Putin—“cannot remain in power.”
Biden’s Comments About Putin Were an Unforced Error
The US wants regime change in Moscow in hopes of spurring another round of looting Russian resources in the same way the Harvard Boys did in the 1990s.
Absolutely. We don't like represive autocrats. But unless attacked, our methods are not of millitary sort, but economic, cultural and diplomatic.

Heartened in America are those of the most aggressive mindset, because this invasion was a huge gift to them from Putin:

It completely isolated Russia from the West and within a few years will send their economy into the 90's
It has destroyed the myth of capable Russian army and has already killed off about 100,000 young Russians along with most of their conventional capacity.
It is causing another million young Russians to flee to other countries.
It has directly strengthened NATO and is expanding it's borders to with 100 miles of st.Petersburg with Sweden and Finland joining right now.

Putin's regime and possibly entire Russian Federation is now facing a collapse comparable to Russian Empire's implosion that was the result of their WWI mis-adventures.

Russophobes could not imagine this sort of rapid self-destruction of a Russian regime in their wildest 2021 dreams.

Lets have a moment of silence for Russia's last official Tsar.

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The invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan were launched to advance US economic interests. That reality was spun by talk of human rights and democracy building. Killing, maiming, and displacing millions of innocent civilians does NOT produce worthwhile, self-governing societies, and that was probably by design. The one thing any nation whose economy demands war and debt can never afford to be without is an enemy.
Nope. You are full of shit.

Both wars were big economic losers for US and we will pay bills for them for many many years to come.
Most people see the humor there. Idiots won’t.
Braindead rightwingers still sore about Trump's Ukranian mis-adventures are the only ones that find humor in it.

Supporting Ukraine is a serious, noble cause, not prostitution.
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Maybe some people need to be reminded, we promised Ukraine we would help defend them. For that promise they got rid of thousands of nuclear weapons.

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