Zelensky got his latest payday...and then asked for more

What's the "context" of Azov war crimes in Mariupol?

"On 20 March 2022, while we were conducting a humanitarian mission near Sartana, on the north-eastern outskirts of Mariupol, we came across many civilians who had recently fled Mariupol thanks to the advance of Russian and DPR (Donetsk People’s Republic) troops.

"One of them, Nikolay, agreed to talk on camera about the crimes committed by the neo-Nazi Azov regiment against the inhabitants.

"A testimony confirmed by other civilians who managed to evacuate the city."

Mariupol—Civilians denounce the crimes of the fighters of the neo-nazi Azov Regiment | MR Online

Which wouldn't have happened had Russia not illegally invaded the Ukraine, right?
Absolutely. We don't like represive autocrats. But unless attacked, our methods are not of millitary sort, but economic, cultural and diplomatic.
The US isn't warlike?
So when did Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Somalia, and Iraq attack the US?
Money to help Ukraine is an investment in democracy...an investment in stopping fascism. No wonder MAGAts object.
Braindead rightwingers still sore about Trump's Ukranian mis-adventures are the only ones that find humor in it.

Supporting Ukraine is a serious, noble cause, not prostitution.
Maybe some people need to be reminded, we promised Ukraine we would help defend them. For that promise they got rid of thousands of nuclear weapons.
They didn’t have operational control over those nukes. The Russians did.

The point that you compared apples to oranges and look the other way as the president of the country you prop up commits atrocities against his own people, and most likely Russian POWs, in the name of democracy while demanding more money from the United States.

Tell me how much of that money is going to be used to persecute the Orthodox Catholics and others who Zelensky decides he can oppress in his own country?



I brought in the “apples” to show how dumb your point of blaming the provocateur was. Putin invaded and murdered. Don’t deflect from that to blame your own country. What a horrible thing to do
They didn’t have operational control over those nukes. The Russians did.
Ukraine agreed to give up THEIR nuclear weapons in exchange for security guarantees from Russia and UK.

So they disarmed and Russia later turned around and annexed their lands.

This is what making deals with Russians is like.
I brought in the “apples” to show how dumb your point of blaming the provocateur was. Putin invaded and murdered. Don’t deflect from that to blame your own country. What a horrible thing to do

When the United States representatives (Joe Biden and Congress) ask for accountability for both the American tax dollars being spent and the way prisoners and the native population is being treated by their... president in the name of democracy, along with attempting to open peace negotiations, I might change my mind.


It completely isolated Russia from the West and within a few years will send their economy into the 90's
It has destroyed the myth of capable Russian army and has already killed off about 100,000 young Russians along with most of their conventional capacity.
It is causing another million young Russians to flee to other countries.
Europe will have to choose between functioning as a US puppet or engaging as sovereign states with the BRICS economies. The US unipolar moment has passed, and the world is better for it.
Europe will have to choose between functioning as a US puppet or engaging as sovereign states with the BRICS economies. The US unipolar moment has passed, and the world is better for it.
Classic false choice.

Nobody needs all or nothing relationships and your half baked anti-American bullshit.
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Ukraine agreed to give up THEIR nuclear weapons in exchange for security guarantees from Russia and UK.

So they disarmed and Russia later turned around and annexed their lands.

This is what making deals with Russians is like.
Lol. You missed a few steps there Naziboy.
It's either Trump-level ignorance or a deliberate lie.

Mariupol—Civilians denounce the crimes of the fighters of the neo-nazi Azov Regiment | MR Online

"I ask him if he knows by any chance what really happened in the Mariupol maternity hospital and theatre, about which the Western media have recently made their headlines.

"And there surprise, Nikolay knows what happened there, he saw with his own eyes, how the maternity hospital was transformed into a military position and a firing position by the fighters of the Azov regiment (which he still calls Azov battalion by the way).

"He confirms that the hospital had been evacuated to another area and was therefore no longer in working order.

"He also explains that the dramatic theatre in Mariupol was not destroyed at all by a bombing by the Russian army, but that the fighters of the Azov regiment blew it up!

"See Nikolay’s interview with English subtitles..."

Again zero Mariupol hospitals bombed before Russians showed up.

Strange coincidence, right? No cause and effect that you can find there, right?

When the United States representatives (Joe Biden and Congress) ask for accountability for both the American tax dollars being spent and the way prisoners and the native population is being treated by their... president in the name of democracy, along with attempting to open peace negotiations, I might change my mind.



Yeah, people are dying at the hands of a dictator who is invading a neighboring country. Fiscal responsibility is important but not nearly as important as the lives being lost.
Yeah, people are dying at the hands of a dictator who is invading a neighboring country. Fiscal responsibility is important but not nearly as important as the lives being lost.


It sounds as though they're dying by the hands of the president who is supposed to be protecting the people of that country also.

Sounds like you don't support accountability in that either... figures.


Nope. You are full of shit.

Both wars were big economic losers for US and we will pay bills for them for many many years to come.
Both wars were big winners for the US investor class especially those who profit from mass murder.

It sounds as though they're dying by the hands of the president who is supposed to be protecting the people of that country also.

Sounds like you don't support accountability in that either... figures.



If that’s what you’re hearing then you are mistake… I’m all for accountability but when you’re changing the focus from lives being lost to call for an audit then your priorities are all out of whack. The president of Ukraine is busy defending his country from an invader. I haven’t heard you say one critical thing about Putin…. Instead You’re pointing at Ukraine and the USA. Whats up with that?!

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