Zelensky got his latest payday...and then asked for more

Ukraine has every right to defend itself. The US has no obligation to send money to that grifting dump but our worthless Rs and Ds must launder for their families. Our govt is antithetical to this country and the US constitution. They are a clear and present danger to this country.
Nope. You are full of shit.

Both wars were big economic losers for US and we will pay bills for them for many many years to come.
You’re terribly slow. You don’t understand the reasons why the USG goes to war. It’s never about benefiting the people fool. It’s about benefiting the oligarchy, political class, and the war profiteers. Fool!
Ukraine has every right to defend itself. The US has no obligation to send money to that grifting dump but our worthless Rs and Ds must launder for their families. Our govt is antithetical to this country and the US constitution. They are a clear and present danger to this country.
When will the people finally figure this out?
Those aren’t our nations treasures… people are. And it’s people who are being killed in Ukraine. You need a serious priority check


If that's the case then when is the United States president Joe Biden going to show his leadership skills and call Putin and ask to negotiate peace to save lives instead of funding a war to feed the military industrial complex?



If that's the case then when is the United States president Joe Biden going to show his leadership skills and call Putin and ask to negotiate peace to save lives instead of funding a war to feed the military industrial complex?



Your Christmas wish came true!

Your Christmas wish came true!


So in your mind it takes the Russian president to display leadership while ours sits on his a$$ eating ice cream as he sniffs little girls hair while listening to demands from a foreigner about how we need to fund the military industrial complex.



So in your mind it takes the Russian president to display leadership while ours sits on his a$$ eating ice cream as he sniffs little girls hair while listening to demands from a foreigner about how we need to fund the military industrial complex.



No that’s not what’s in my mind at all. Why would you say that?!

It was Biden and his cabinet that provoked the Russian bear causing the loss of life and the Ukrainian president Biden supports uses that excuse to butcher their own people, orthodox Catholics, who call for peace.



Interesting so you’re blaming the provocateur and not the person who actually committed the atrocities ?? That’s interesting. If a girl goes out wearing a skirt and gets raped, do you blame her or the guy that raped her? Cause your logic her puts blame on the girl and not the guy.
Interesting so you’re blaming the provocateur and not the person who actually committed the atrocities ?? That’s interesting. If a girl goes out wearing a skirt and gets raped, do you blame her or the guy that raped her? Cause your logic her puts blame on the girl and not the guy.


Comparing apples and oranges I see.

Then why not have Biden put more troops and nukes in Taiwan and South Korea while you're at it?

I notice you neglected to touch the atrocities Zelensky is committing against his own people all for the love of money.



Comparing apples and oranges I see.

Then why not have Biden put more troops and nukes in Taiwan and South Korea while you're at it?

I notice you neglected to touch the atrocities Zelensky is committing against his own people all for the love of money.



talk about apples and oranges. Biden isn’t sending nukes to Ukraine. Also Ukraine is at war, Taiwan and S Korea are not.

It was Biden and his cabinet that provoked the Russian bear causing the loss of life and the Ukrainian president Biden supports uses that excuse to butcher their own people, orthodox Catholics, who call for peace.



Putin decided to go kill Ukranians and Russians because Biden? Total fucking idiocy.
talk about apples and oranges. Biden isn’t sending nukes to Ukraine. Also Ukraine is at war, Taiwan and S Korea are not.


It was Kamala Harris, Joe Biden's vice president, who wanted to make Ukraine part of NATO before the invasion.

So don't worry. Putting more troops and nukes in the Ukraine, South Korea, and Taiwan shouldn't cause any problem....... It's not like we'd be raping Russia, China, or North Korea; or are you saying our skirts involved in those countries would be too enticing that they might try raping us?


It was Kamala Harris, Joe Biden's vice president, who wanted to make Ukraine part of NATO before the invasion.
So what?! That doesn’t excuse Putin invading Ukraine and murdering 1000s of people. What the hell kind of point are you trying to make?!
Braindead rightwingers still sore about Trump's Ukranian mis-adventures are the only ones that find humor in it.

Supporting Ukraine is a serious, noble cause, not prostitution.
What Trump Ukraine misadventures? Biden is the one who’s bringing us to the brink of another needless war.

The situation in Ukraine should be none of our business beyond diplomacy.
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So what?! That doesn’t excuse Putin invading Ukraine and murdering 1000s of people. What the hell kind of point are you trying to make?!


The point that you compared apples to oranges and look the other way as the president of the country you prop up commits atrocities against his own people, and most likely Russian POWs, in the name of democracy while demanding more money from the United States.

Tell me how much of that money is going to be used to persecute the Orthodox Catholics and others who Zelensky decides he can oppress in his own country?


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Dumb Joe stated he wants regime change in Russia. Somehow the warmongers here believe the USG is blameless and above criticism, while they assign every possible nefarious motive to Putin.

Biden’s Comments About Putin Were an Unforced Error

The words of every world leader matter right now, and none more than those of the president of the United States.
But Biden broke his long streak of message discipline during a speech in Poland today, when he added an apparently unscripted ending: “For God’s sake, this man”—meaning Putin—“cannot remain in power.”
Biden’s Comments About Putin Were an Unforced Error
I think many of them honestly believe they are the "good guys" regardless of how much misery/destruction/terrorism the US inflicts on populations half-a-world away. We should all worry about what happens when the terror comes home to roost.

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