Zelensky got his latest payday...and then asked for more

Is it possible Ukrainians were acting at the behest of Americans? Nuland?

You do know Nuland picked the leaders of Ukraine after the coup right?
How did they do that? Did they give all the competition polonium?
of course we supported it, just like of course Russia opposed it.

But quote something in that that suggests Americans actually organized and spearheaded Maidan as you claimed.
Robert Parry had this to day about the US contribution to "democracy" in Ukraine:

"Well, the United States has been trying to pry Ukraine away from a close relationship with Russia.

"Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland said in December to a group of business leaders that the United States had invested $5 billion,:oops: she said, in helping Ukraine achieve its European aspirations, that is, moving it away from Russia into the E.U.

"So, obviously, the United States has played a role in trying to achieve this antidemocratic transition.

"As much as they may call it democratic, overthrowing an elected leader is on its face not democratic."

Did the U.S. Carry Out a Ukrainian Coup?
A school teacher trained to kill?

Seems odd, but I guess you have to deal with parents who object to CRT...

In a war the objective is to kill the enemy.

We are not in a war with Russia, despite how badly Biden and you want us to be.

I support the right of Ukrainians to defend themselves from an invader - but take no pleasure in Russians being killed so that Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin can embezzle US Taxpayer money.
Not where I live. CRT is an unknown set of 3 initials.
Robert Parry had this to day about the US contribution to "democracy" in Ukraine:

"Well, the United States has been trying to pry Ukraine away from a close relationship with Russia.

"Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland said in December to a group of business leaders that the United States had invested $5 billion,:oops: she said, in helping Ukraine achieve its European aspirations, that is, moving it away from Russia into the E.U.

"So, obviously, the United States has played a role in trying to achieve this antidemocratic transition.

"As much as they may call it democratic, overthrowing an elected leader is on its face not democratic."

Did the U.S. Carry Out a Ukrainian Coup?

We invest many billions, in many countries that are interested in development open, democratic governing that respects human rights.

That promotes long term stability and is in our humanitarian, economic and national security interests.

None of that proves that America, not Ukranians themselves organized Maidan.
America maimed, murdered, and displaced millions of their civilians, so how, exactly, does that foster open societies?
You are talking about America invading totalitarian countries and taking out their totalitarian regimes - right? Thats how dummy.

Some of these invasions were mistakes no doubt, but it was certainly reasonable as far as an effort to try to get those countries to form worthwhile self-governing by first and foremost removing the autocrat regimes that would never allow it.

Here is what America doesn't do - annex other country's lands. Russhists are in that bussiness today.
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We invest many billions, in many countries that are interested in development open, democratic governing that respects human rights.

That promotes long term stability and is in our humanitarian, economic and national security interests.

None of that proves that America, not Ukranians themselves organized Maidan.
Invest??? Are you stupid?
Bullshit, the whole "neo-Nazi" thing has been taken way out of context. The only reason why the Ukraine is relying on a few neo-Nazis is because they have Russia trying to destroy their country.
What's the "context" of Azov war crimes in Mariupol?

"On 20 March 2022, while we were conducting a humanitarian mission near Sartana, on the north-eastern outskirts of Mariupol, we came across many civilians who had recently fled Mariupol thanks to the advance of Russian and DPR (Donetsk People’s Republic) troops.

"One of them, Nikolay, agreed to talk on camera about the crimes committed by the neo-Nazi Azov regiment against the inhabitants.

"A testimony confirmed by other civilians who managed to evacuate the city."

Mariupol—Civilians denounce the crimes of the fighters of the neo-nazi Azov Regiment | MR Online
What's the "context" of Azov war crimes in Mariupol?

"On 20 March 2022, while we were conducting a humanitarian mission near Sartana, on the north-eastern outskirts of Mariupol, we came across many civilians who had recently fled Mariupol thanks to the advance of Russian and DPR (Donetsk People’s Republic) troops.

"One of them, Nikolay, agreed to talk on camera about the crimes committed by the neo-Nazi Azov regiment against the inhabitants.

"A testimony confirmed by other civilians who managed to evacuate the city."

Mariupol—Civilians denounce the crimes of the fighters of the neo-nazi Azov Regiment | MR Online
Dumbass, who encircled Mariupol and leveled it?

No one was complaining in Mariupol about Azov before kind invaders came there to spread Russian World. Strange coincidence, isn't it?



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Dear Putinsuckers:

You're not being charged with a crime, so there's no need to try to stitch together a history of insanity.

Yes, your DearLeaderMessiahGodKingTrump needs to do that, which explains his latest screechings.

But you? No one cares about authoritarian lackey Putinsuckers. Being a whiny genocide-supporting fascist douche isn't illegal. You're all safe from prosecution. You don't need to pretend to be insane.

So, how's the gaslighting campaign working out? Any converts to DerPartei?


Dang. Sucks to be you. Maybe Goebbels and Alinsky weren't such great examples for you to follow. And with the Ruble crashing in value, your bank accounts must be taking a big hit. No wonder you're so grumpy.

Now, how does Russia tell you to respond to that? Run and check.

Give yourself a Christmas gift.

Check into a facility.
You are talking about America invading totalitarian countries and taking out their totalitarian regimes - right? Thats how dummy.

Some of these invasions were mistakes no doubt, but it was certainly reasonable as far as an effort to try to get those countries to form worthwhile self-governing by first and foremost removing the autocrat regimes that would never allow it.

Here is what America doesn't do - annex other country's lands. Russhists are in that bussiness today.
The invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan were launched to advance US economic interests. That reality was spun by talk of human rights and democracy building. Killing, maiming, and displacing millions of innocent civilians does NOT produce worthwhile, self-governing societies, and that was probably by design. The one thing any nation whose economy demands war and debt can never afford to be without is an enemy.

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