Zelensky got his latest payday...and then asked for more

In fact,dollars to donuts and 5 will getcha 10 that it's
no coincidence that it was Trump's polite and thanking
phone call to Zelensky after his becoming Ukraine President,
that was virtually the basis { starting point } for President Trump's
First Impeachment.They { The Scum media and Democrats } lied
in order to accuse Trump of applying a Quid Pro Quo in that
Zelensky Phone call.It was Joe Biden who openly was caught
in a video while meeting with The World Economic Forum
" threatening to withhold $ 1 Billion in aid to Ukraine if
the lead Prosecutor Investigating Burisma Holdings was not
fired.And they have less than 6 hours to get it done."
Because Crazed Joe has a plane to catch.Son Hunter was making
upwards of $ 82,ooo a month as Burisma Board member.
Was Zelensky being used as some pawn in making sure Trump
was nabbed to rights for using a Quid Pro Quo " when in the
Zelensky Phone call.Somone needs to find that out.
Hahahahahaha. You’re funny
Not too funny when Tucker Carlson pointed out what
we have just learned.From a highly credible Source.
That the CIA was used in some way in the Kennedy
Assassination.Like many have suspected the last 60 years.
Said source maintaing a simple tool used for years.
The word Fake.Like the plot to suppress the Hunter Biden Laptop
breaking story.Where the FBI was used.Meaning our agencies
have been using " Fake " in reporting and narratives.
Like the Gretchen Whitmer Kidnapping.Like the Faked 51
Intelligence officers used to justify the hunter Biden Laptop
as " Misinformation ". Instead the word " Faked ". Because that's
what our Agencies are involved in.Like are Borders are Not
" Open ". Like ... we're not in a Recession.The Afghanistan Withdrawal
was no biggy.Voter suppression is rampant.I guess that explains
how Georgia had most votes cast in his history this election cycle.
We the people are being stooged.So why not use a short little stooge
like Zelensky who can't seem to shave and wear anything but sweats
or a Green T-shirt.But has no problemo Begging for Money.
Not too funny when Tucker Carlson pointed out what
we have just learned.From a highly credible Source.
That the CIA was used in some way in the Kennedy
Assassination.Like many have suspected the last 60 years.
Said source maintaing a simple tool used for years.
The word Fake.Like the plot to suppress the Hunter Biden Laptop
breaking story.Where the FBI was used.Meaning our agencies
have been using " Fake " in reporting and narratives.
Like the Gretchen Whitmer Kidnapping.Like the Faked 51
Intelligence officers used to justify the hunter Biden Laptop
as " Misinformation ". Instead the word " Faked ". Because that's
what our Agencies are involved in.Like are Borders are Not
" Open ". Like ... we're not in a Recession.The Afghanistan Withdrawal
was no biggy.Voter suppression is rampant.I guess that explains
how Georgia had most votes cast in his history this election cycle.
We the people are being stooged.So why not use a short little stooge
like Zelensky who can't seem to shave and wear anything but sweats
or a Green T-shirt.But has no problemo Begging for Money.
I love how you rail against the fake news MSM but then believe whatever you’re spoon fed from opinion propaganda guys like Tucker. Hilarious

This is your source….

Carlson responded: “I mean, I lie if I’m really cornered or something. I lie.”

He added: “I really try not to. I try never to lie on TV. I just don’t ― I don’t like lying [but] I certainly do it, you know, out of weakness or whatever.”

I spent a good deal of my life training to kill Russians, Islamic terrorists, and Iranians. You have a problem with that?
A school teacher trained to kill?

Seems odd, but I guess you have to deal with parents who object to CRT...

In a war the objective is to kill the enemy.

We are not in a war with Russia, despite how badly Biden and you want us to be.

I support the right of Ukrainians to defend themselves from an invader - but take no pleasure in Russians being killed so that Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin can embezzle US Taxpayer money.
I love how you rail against the fake news MSM but then believe whatever you’re spoon fed from opinion propaganda guys like Tucker. Hilarious

This is your source….

Carlson responded: “I mean, I lie if I’m really cornered or something. I lie.”

He added: “I really try not to. I try never to lie on TV. I just don’t ― I don’t like lying [but] I certainly do it, you know, out of weakness or whatever.”

Herr democrat, Tucker has a VASTLY higher rate of accuracy than the NY Times.

Tucker didn't spread conspiracy theories about "Russian Collusion" the way the Times did. Tucker didn't lie to cover up treasonous acts by the FBI in ordering social media to censor American citizens in order rig the 2020 election the way the Times did.

You fling shit at your betters, but you look like a clown doing it.
A mess.

Trying to see where you lot draw the line.

Russia is coming darn close to a form of genocide.

What an absurd bit of propaganda.

Alright, where is this "genocide" by Russia?

Most of the DNC controlled media claims 30 Russians are killed for every brave, noble Ukrainian... Where is this "genocide?"
He didn’t admit the impeachment was parody genius… he used parody to dramatize the transcript of trumps phone call to emphasize the point he was trying to make. If you really couldn’t see that obvious point then that’s your problem
of course he did...the entire impeachment was based on that call...and he had to resort to parody to make his case to the public....that's why when he had to present the case at trial in the Senate with actual real evidence, he looked foolish
Herr democrat, Tucker has a VASTLY higher rate of accuracy than the NY Times.
Hahahaha… this may have been the funniest thing I’ve ever heard you say. Thanks for that :)

Can you please show the rate of accuracy for each of the above?
and he had to resort to parody to make his case to the public
He didn’t have to resort to parody. He chose to use it as a form of emphasizing his point during one statement in a sea of many. Several days and weeks of deliberation and interviews and analysis is what made their case
Herr democrat, Tucker has a VASTLY higher rate of accuracy than the NY Times.

Tucker didn't spread conspiracy theories about "Russian Collusion" the way the Times did. Tucker didn't lie to cover up treasonous acts by the FBI in ordering social media to censor American citizens in order rig the 2020 election the way the Times did.

You fling shit at your betters, but you look like a clown doing it.
My guess is that Herr Democrat never read the Mark Levin
Best seller ... - Unfreedom of the Press - { 2020 } 277 pgs.
Levin only a Six-time N.Y.Times bestselling author.
He explains how The Times { on purpose } during WWII refused
to report on much of the Holocaust.
Then ya gots this same slimeball N.Y.Times garnering a
double Pulitzer { awarded for Two N.Y.Times writers }
on their " Russiangate " crapola.
Never fear ... Trump filed a lawsuit against the Pulitzer Prize
Board for jointly awarding the N.Y.Times and Washington Post
for the National Reporting Prize over coverage of the
Russian Collusion Scandal. That lawsuit filed a couple weeks
You think it’s a fact because some media source you believe tells you it’s a fact?! Wonderful, you’re a puppet!
You're a huge ... strike that ... Gigantic ... better still monstrosity
of combined ignurnce and Unamerican duplicity.
You wouldn't know the abject truth if it cuddled you before
going on yer afternoon naps.
Get how I linked a Positive { Truth } and an apparent negative { Abject }
N'cest pas ... Herr befuddled.
We spent $2 trillion in Afghanistan and lost 3,000 lives

Republicans never demanded an accounting of the money.
But use US money to defeat Putin and they are outraged
They also aren’t outraged at the support we give Israel against the Arab states and Iran. What Russia is doing to Ukranian people borders on genocide between bombing infrastructure in the winter, civilian targets, schools, hospitals etc. Then tbere is what they are doing with captured populations. Putin is bringing back the former “glory“ of Stalin and the Holdomor.
Just pointing out that democrats don't mind a war as long as they're the ones supporting it.
They’re no different than Republicans in that regard. I would not agree with boots on the ground.

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