Zelensky got his latest payday...and then asked for more

US boots on the "ground"? How do you figure that?

What do Patriots have to do with war against Russia, which we have successfully avoided thus far?

You people scream for audits, yet how will you do that without putting US "boots on the ground" in Ukraine?

Well Rear Admiral, US troops operate Patriot Batteries. If the US is sending Patriot BatterieS to Ukraine you're talking US boots on the ground.

Patriot Batteries require operators, technicians, missile personel, enhineers to make a compound at least from which to operate, and security to guard / protect the batteties / personnel.

Putin has already threatened the US, warned Biden could syart a war if Biden provided more technology and direct support, like boots on the ground in Ukraine.

Patriots are a 'game changer'.

Putin may just take this as one step too far from Biden.

I am saying this is potentially a big risk, especially based on the Bide administration's inability so far to keep track of the money and arms we have been sending Ukraine.

I am saying Biden is taking a big sksk with Putin.

But maybe you KNOW Putin, maybe you KNOW what he will / won't do, maybe you KNOW what will or will drive him over the edge.

If you do, please share this with us ... and how you KNOW this.
Not surprised, once again you proved my point....you don't care about the people of Ukraine and lives being lost, when you support the Merchant of Death being handed back over to Putin.

you've lost all credibilty of the subject...Putin's puppet
Wrong a care very much. The two things as
Where is all this 'concern' for people losing family and friends in Tigray or Sanaa? Oh right, your media masters forgot to tell to care about those brown people dying in wars. Sort of makes your 'concerns' seem disingenuous.
Happy to support anybody in need who is being oppressed and killed in wars. I don’t know about the ones you speak of. Tell me what you’d like to see done.
Well Rear Admiral, US troops operate Patriot Batteries. If the US is sending Patriot BatterieS to Ukraine you're talking US boots on the ground.

Patriot Batteries require operators, technicians, missile personel, enhineers to make a compound at least from which to operate, and security to guard / protect the batteties / personnel.

Putin has already threatened the US, warned Biden could syart a war if Biden provided more technology and direct support, like boots on the ground in Ukraine.

Patriots are a 'game changer'.

Putin may just take this as one step too far from Biden.

I am saying this is potentially a big risk, especially based on the Bide administration's inability so far to keep track of the money and arms we have been sending Ukraine.

I am saying Biden is taking a big sksk with Putin.

But maybe you KNOW Putin, maybe you KNOW what he will / won't do, maybe you KNOW what will or will drive him over the edge.

If you do, please share this with us ... and how you KNOW this.
Civilians could do the same across the border in Poland.

Why do you need security if you are giving the battery to the Ukrainians?

Putin talks out of his most of the time. Haven't you noticed?

A purely defensive missile system is "one step too far"?

Why give Putin more credit than he deserves?

BTW, proofread your posts. You are posting like a retarded Marine.
you don't care about the people of Ukraine and lives being lost, when you support the Merchant of Death being handed back over to Putin.
another false and ignorant statement. Don’t speak about credibility when you make a habit out of lying about what other people believe and support.
The rest of NATO is small compared to the US. Many of them are exceeding their required expenditure of their GNP, especially those close to Russia.
I've been watching the news on YouTube and the anchors state the NATO nations are giving less than than their share.
Civilians could do the same across the border in Poland.

Why do you need security if you are giving the battery to the Ukrainians?

Putin talks out of his most of the time. Haven't you noticed?

A purely defensive missile system is "one step too far"?

Why give Putin more credit than he deserves?

BTW, proofread your posts. You are posting like a retarded Marine.

If not manning them, the US will have to train Ukrainians in Germany. Patriots require a lot more people to run them than other air defense systems. That's because they are a lot more effective. Again, they are 'game changers'...and Putin knows this.

I am not sure how long it will take to train Ukrainians to operate them, if the go this route.

So you want to risk open war with Russia because you THINK he talks out of his ass and will actually do nothing....like Biden.

Our country is weak financially, our SPR are almost bottomed out, we are getting our o from our enemies (Russian allies), and iur Commander and Chief is a dementia-ravaged, compromised nutbag who has been sabotaging our country.

This administration has not been able to keep track of supplies, weapons, or cash sent to Ukraine. They are not the pro-Democracy nation ee have been led to believe.

I just think we are putting a lot on the line blindly...

Not to.mention tbat Biden has been wrong about every foreign policy he has ever made.
Wrong a care very much. The two things as

Happy to support anybody in need who is being oppressed and killed in wars. I don’t know about the ones you speak of. Tell me what you’d like to see done.
two thing as???

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