Zelensky got his latest payday...and then asked for more

Yes, it actually did, with that first Russian military incursion happening in 2014. Save the gaslighting for your fellow commiesimps.

No, you don't have to explain why you back genocidal fascists. We know. The most hardcore of the Trump cultists see Russia as an antiwoke christofascist utopia.

It sucks for them that the decadent feminist woke armies of the west are slaughtering the so very manly men of Russia.

It also sucks for them, seeing what a tiny minority they are. Even the majority of Republicans think that Putinsuckers are scum.

On the bright side for the Putinsuckers, they can still get that major tingle up the leg that they get whenever Putin kills some more civilians.
I honestly do not understand the love affair the left has with Zelensky.

I also don’t understand how having him in the Capitol and at the White House is supposed to help the peace process.

What is the end game here?
what absurd narrative? The Merchant of Death was released...this is absolutely 100 percent true.

Don't lecture me about people dying, when you cheered the release of this killer....

It's embarrasing to make sure we keep track of the millions of dollars in weapons we are sending there? Really? hahah it's absurd to hear you talk about people dying, when you don't even care where the weapons we send over there end up, and who they end up with.....maybe you forgot...the Merchant of Death is back out there...
Where do you think those weapons end up? I will tell you. Dead Russians. There! Audit complete.
A Patriot battery costs $1.5 million each.
A Patriot missile costs $4 million each.
Will Lloyd Austin tell us how many battery's and missiles we are sending to Ukraine?
No way.
Austin sat on the Board of Directors for Raytheon.
Raytheon produces the Patriot Missle System.
Right now, the answer is "ONE!".
We have no strategy except to give Ukraine more cash, and Biden is risking war with Russia by putting US boots on the round in Ukraine by sending Patriots to Ukraine.
US boots on the "ground"? How do you figure that?

What do Patriots have to do with war against Russia, which we have successfully avoided thus far?

You people scream for audits, yet how will you do that without putting US "boots on the ground" in Ukraine?
US boots on the "ground"? How do you figure that?

What do Patriots have to do with war against Russia, which we have successfully avoided thus far?

You people scream for audits, yet how will you do that without putting US "boots on the ground" in Ukraine?

There WILL be US soldiers advisors setting the PAC-2 systems up.

Boots on the ground or spooks on the ground - it's all the same.

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