Zelensky got his latest payday...and then asked for more

oh no, there were plenty of rapes in the 1800s in Alabama...the Demaklan had it's grip on the State, and oppressed the population....rape was a common way of doing that to my sisters.

when have you spoken out against Xiden releasing this killer? YOu haven't

What are you, close to 200 years old?
US boots on the "ground"? How do you figure that?

What do Patriots have to do with war against Russia, which we have successfully avoided thus far?

You people scream for audits, yet how will you do that without putting US "boots on the ground" in Ukraine?
We're spending billions on this war.
How much of the money is being stolen by the Ukrainian leaders? How much is going to actually fight the war? Zelensky's speech looked like another Democrat "made for TV " production.
The fact that Ukraine is doing so well against Russia seems to indicate what it is being used for.
You know why?
Because the lazy nations that are 500 years older than us know how corrupt we are.
There is nothing righteous in funding someone else’s conflict.
How about opposing genocide?
Does anyone want an audit of this money?

If the US doesn't back up its allies, what is the US?
Did the right question how much WW1, WW2, the Korean War, the Vietnam War cost?

I mean, the US was only attacked in one of these wars, the others the US went willingly. Even WW2 the US could have stayed out of Europe.
Until Putin tosses a nuke. Then what?
The million dollar question.

Of course we could have done nothing and watch Putin swallow Ukraine, Latvia, Estonia, Georgia….all the way to Poland. Mass population transfers Stalin style. Another Holodomor.
If the US doesn't back up its allies, what is the US?
Did the right question how much WW1, WW2, the Korean War, the Vietnam War cost?

I mean, the US was only attacked in one of these wars, the others the US went willingly. Even WW2 the US could have stayed out of Europe.
Funny. Where was that reasoning when Bush was President?
The million dollar question.

Of course we could have done nothing and watch Putin swallow Ukraine, Latvia, Estonia, Georgia….all the way to Poland. Mass population transfers Stalin style. Another Holodomor.
That's the same exact reasoning Lyndon Johnson used in 1965 to send half a million troops to Viet Nam.

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