Zelensky got his latest payday...and then asked for more

You have no idea whatsoever about the power politics being played in the region, fucking dope.

Idiot, I litterally follow this content in granular detail in my native Russian langauge.

You don't even know a small fraction of whats been going on there, so stop talking out of your ass.
Idiot, I litterally follow this content in granular detail my native Russian languge.

STFU about things you are clueless about.
Bull-fucking-shit.....Nothing yuou've posted indicates that you have the first fucking clue as to what is and has been going on over there....So quit fronting.

You're really stupid enough to think that Putin attacked Ukraine because he needed a fucking hobby, aren't you?
A WHOLE LOTTA Leftist / Globalists / Elites are mysteriously getting insanely rich in direct proportion to the money disappearing in Eastern Europe.
There seems to be little if any accounting for all that cash from taxpayers.

The Democrats want to dump Trillions into this mess.
Any possibility something nefarious / corrupt could be going on here?

Why do you hate America and freedom so much that you believe Russian propaganda?
Bull-fucking-shit.....Nothing yuou've posted indicates that you have the first fucking clue as to what is and has been going on over there....So quit fronting.

You're really stupid enough to think that Putin attacked Ukraine because he needed a fucking hobby, aren't you?
No dummy, although there are a few factors, Putin primarilly invaded Ukraine for daring to not live under Russian boot. For daring to refuse their shitty, repressive "Russian world" to join EU and establish an open, constitutional, democracy.

Putin is not concerned about someone starting a nuclear war with Russia, he is concerned that Ukraine will successfully integrate with the West and start living like they do, living better than Russians. If that happens he knows the West will upend his regime without firing a shot, it will simply fall apart from within and his legacy in history will not be like that of Peter The Great but of a backward, failed autocrat who damaged Russia for decades.
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The war didn't start with the Russian military incursion, sub-moron.....
Yes, it actually did, with that first Russian military incursion happening in 2014. Save the gaslighting for your fellow commiesimps.

No, you don't have to explain why you back genocidal fascists. We know. The most hardcore of the Trump cultists see Russia as an antiwoke christofascist utopia.

It sucks for them that the decadent feminist woke armies of the west are slaughtering the so very manly men of Russia.

It also sucks for them, seeing what a tiny minority they are. Even the majority of Republicans think that Putinsuckers are scum.

On the bright side for the Putinsuckers, they can still get that major tingle up the leg that they get whenever Putin kills some more civilians.
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The war didn't start with the Russian military incursion, sub-moron.....You really are a total fucking rube about the history of the region.

Regardless, Murica has absolutely NO national interest in Ukraine, unless you count that "interest" as using the 3rd most corrupt shithole on the planet as their personal and political money laundry.

God you’re a fucking moron.

You’d believe the world was flat and the moon was made of green cheese if your alt-right media told you.
At this point, let's give thanks for Joe Biden.

If Trump was in office, Russia would occupy Ukraine, NATO would no longer exist, and Russia would be ready to march on the rest of a fragmented europe. The Russians and Chicomms would be buying Republican politicians openly instead of covertly, and they'd be calling the shots in the USA.

The world dodged a massive bullet there.
The old cliche typical of a statist dupe. Completely unaware of the truth.

You and the rest of the far leftist/alt-right losers are the statists dupes, gimptard.

Why do you whore for war criminals?
Yes, it actually did, with that first Russian military incursion happening in 2014. Save the gaslighting for your fellow commiesimps.

No, you don't have to explain why you back genocidal fascists. We know. The most hardcore of the Trump cultists see Russia as an antiwoke christofacist utopia.

It sucks for them that the decadent feminist woke armies of the west are slaughtering the so very manly men of Russia.

It also sucks for them, seeing what a tiny minority they are. Even the majority of Republicans think that Putinsuckers are scum.

On the bright side for the Putinsuckers, they can still get that major tingle up the leg that they get whenever Putin kills some more civilians.
Yet another idiot. Proof our government controlled media fucks up too many Americans. Though they should know better by now.

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