Zelensky got his latest payday...and then asked for more


Got-dammit are you liberoidal douchebags dumber than fucking dirt.
No one said it is.

But it is 800 billion that we spend.

Maybe time to stop skipping your meds?
I know you love the blame game but fact remains Russian invaded Ukraine and people are dying… you go ahead and keep calling for the auditors though. My concern is with the poor people loosing family and friends to this war.
Where is all this 'concern' for people losing family and friends in Tigray or Sanaa? Oh right, your media masters forgot to tell to care about those brown people dying in wars. Sort of makes your 'concerns' seem disingenuous.
No one said it is.

But it is 800 billion that we spend.

Maybe time to stop skipping your meds?
Doesn't matter one way or the other, sub-cretin....Tenpercentsky egged on this stupid war, and Murica has absolutely ZERO vital national interest in propping up that criminal punk.

You want to fight, pack up your narrow ass and alligator mouth and go fight Russia.
Where is all this 'concern' for people losing family and friends in Tigray or Sanaa? Oh right, your media masters forgot to tell to care about those brown people dying in wars. Sort of makes your 'concerns' seem disingenuous.
No concern whatsoever either, for the hundreds of thousands (millions?) of slave laborers in China....As long as these virtue signalling chowderheads get their Nikes under the tree, it's all good.
No concern whatsoever either, for the hundreds of thousands (millions?) of slave laborers in China....As long as these virtue signalling chowderheads get their Nikes under the tree, it's all good.
A country whose #1 priority is defending another nation’s borders must not have any serious problems of its own.

Does anyone want an audit of this money?

I wonder if Hunter is working deals on the side to make sure the money keeps flowing to the Ukraine and his old man is getting his 10% cut. It wouldn’t surprise me in the least.
The topic is not a false choice between feeding our needy and helping Ukraine defend itself against Russian invasion.

We do both just fine.
This war was never about bringing democracy to Ukraine or protecting it from aggression.

This was always about laundering our money to the military industrial complex & further enriching the U.S. oligarchy.
A country whose #1 priority is defending another nation’s borders must not have any serious problems of its own.

The "make love not war" generation now wants endless escalation of a war that has nothing to do with them.

This war was never about bringing democracy to Ukraine or protecting it from aggression.

This was always about laundering our money to the military industrial complex & further enriching the U.S. oligarchy.
If these schmendricks were still honest "liberals" they'd know that intuitively.

But they've turned into everything that they hated in the '60s 70s....Freud would have a field day with these kooks.
Doesn't matter one way or the other, sub-cretin....Tenpercentsky egged on this stupid war, and Murica has absolutely ZERO vital national interest in propping up that criminal punk.

You want to fight, pack up your narrow ass and alligator mouth and go fight Russia.
Moron, Russia started this war, no one else.
Moron, Russia started this war, no one else.
The war didn't start with the Russian military incursion, sub-moron.....You really are a total fucking rube about the history of the region.

Regardless, Murica has absolutely NO national interest in Ukraine, unless you count that "interest" as using the 3rd most corrupt shithole on the planet as their personal and political money laundry.
You think Ukraine, who is being invaded by Russians needs to give freedom of speech to pro-Russia party and let them pump out Russian propaganda to Ukrainians during this war?

It's also ILLEGAL in Russia to publicly protest or talk about this war without following narrow talking points from Russian state. How come you don't call them fascists?
Rationalizing tyranny
The war didn't start with the Russian military incursion, sub-moron.....You really are a total fucking rube about the history of the region.
That's exactly how it started ignoramus.

First in Crimea, then in Eastern Ukraine, then full invasion.

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