Zelensky has threatened to punish any Christian caught worshiping in "unapproved ways."

You have to take into account Japan's unacceptable behavior and illegal expansionism that provoked the U.S. retaliation toward Japan that was short of war. Was that justified? It can be debated but it is a fact that Japan had become an aggressor and threat to America's friends and formal allies. Japan's atrocities toward its neighbors are well documented.

Yamamoto intended to destroy the entire U.S. military naval capability via the attack on Pearl Harbor even as he feared he would be awakening a 'sleeping giant.' With no U.S. Navy, Japan could control the entire Pacific. But his fears of awakening that giant turned out to be well founded.
Back then we didn't have people like MAGAt Trumptards walking around spreading our ENEMY's propaganda like they are doing here on this board with Russia.
And George W. Bush should not have been so naive to think nation building in Afghanistan was anything practical or possible. Retaliation was necessary, but the initial strike and targeting Taliban leaders was sufficient retaliation for 9/11.

As for Iraq, if our military leaders all really did believe Saddam had a massive stockpile of WMD and would use it, maybe a first strike was called for. I don't know. But for sure, once it was determined the stockpile did not exist, we should have liberated Kuwait and gone home immediately. Saddam would have returned to his palace(s) but likely would not have risked any further expansionism.
Retribution? No. There could never be enough retribution to square it, but we owed it to the 2,977 killed on American soil, to find, capture and kill the mastermind, while meting out as much death and destruction to any that wanted to get in the way, until we accomplish the mission. But, then, we should have left.

Yeap, and some of you thought Putin was the enemy.
Putin is the enemy. If you speak out against his war, you can go to prison for 15 years, or be poisoned to death.


I believe anything on Tucker Carlson's show about as much as I believe in UFOs or psychics.
Actually, many independent journalists on the ground in Ukraine have reported the Russian army has judiciously tried to avoid killing civilians.
Whereas, the Ukrainian forces have no problem with mass shelling their own Ukrainian towns and cities when the Russian army is occupying them. Regardless if Ukrainian people are still living there.
Because the Ukrainian propaganda spin masters and the lying U.S. / EU media will blame the civilian deaths on the Russian army.

Tried to avoid killing civilians? OHRLY?

Quit making excuses for fucking Putin you fucking raghead. They've bombed elementary school playgrounds. Putin should burn in fucking hell.

Yea, he's doing a real swell job of avoiding civilian casualties. He's only killed or injured 18,000 innocent people including over 1200 children.

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Your post isn't wrong, just awfully incomplete.

Let me fix it for you:

Ukraine is fighting for its freedom from russian rule.

Donetsk and Luhansk are fighting for their freedom from Ukrainian rule.

And Russia is fighting to stop US military bases from threatening its borders.

3 casus belli absolutely legitimate.

As Esdraelon correctly stated in a previous post, it's not a black and white conflict, except to super patriotic american clowns, "I'm for my country and its allies right or wrong" kind of posters who can only think in 1 dimension (the interest of their countries).
If parts of Ukraine wish to secede, that’s Ukraine’s business. Not Russia’s.

There is no threat to Russia from the US. NATO is not an offensive threat to Russia. There’s no danger of a US / NATO invasion of Russia.

There is a Russian threat posed to several nations in Europe. Putin wants the former Soviet states back under Russia’s control. That possibility is not realistic at this time, but it remains a possibility and will be until Putin is no longer in power.
Actually, many independent journalists on the ground in Ukraine have reported the Russian army has judiciously tried to avoid killing civilians.
Whereas, the Ukrainian forces have no problem with mass shelling their own Ukrainian towns and cities when the Russian army is occupying them. Regardless if Ukrainian people are still living there.
Because the Ukrainian propaganda spin masters and the lying U.S. / EU media will blame the civilian deaths on the Russian army.
No. Russia is targeting civilians. That’s not even arguable.

They are trying to break the will of Ukrainian people by having them live in a constant state of fear and terror.
If parts of Ukraine wish to secede, that’s Ukraine’s business. Not Russia’s.

There is no threat to Russia from the US. NATO is not an offensive threat to Russia. There’s no danger of a US / NATO invasion of Russia.
According to who? You? NATO existed as a counter to the WARSAW pact and the USSR. Those haven’t existed for decades. Since the time of the dissolution of the USSR NATO has done nothing but grow. Something we assured Russia wouldnt happen when they agreed to give all the satellite countries their independence. Why does NATO continue to grow or even exist?

From the Russian perspective NATO started moving East long before they made any effort to move west.

There is a Russian threat posed to several nations in Europe. Putin wants the former Soviet states back under Russia’s control. That possibility is not realistic at this time, but it remains a possibility and will be until Putin is no longer in power.
Yes but why? What’s the reason behind the aggression. Acting like the west hasnt played a part in this debacle is fantasy.
Zelensky nor biden can have Russia interference in their child trafficking and money laundering. The killing of Russian nationals in Ukraine,, nor the US Bioweapons labs...46 of them in UKraine.
Let`s not forget about the Jewish space lasers starting wildfires! For your own good, get back on your medications.
Based on who backs who in this thread and who flies that stupid Ukrainian flag we should all fully know who the world puppet is in this war designed to lead to mass population control world War.
Because so many of these Eastern European countries have spent half a century, or more, under the communist heel, and now they wish to catch up with the civilized world and join the West. They can do as they please.
That is not what NATO is for and not being in NATO wouldn’t stop you from doing so. NATO is a military alliance not an economic or cultural one
Putin is the enemy. If you speak out against his war, you can go to prison for 15 years, or be poisoned to death.


I believe anything on Tucker Carlson's show about as much as I believe in UFOs or psychics.
Remember when W. spouted "You are either with us or against us". That was a warning. A warning from the powerful. And he was called a "chimp" from Progs.

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