Zelensky has threatened to punish any Christian caught worshiping in "unapproved ways."

I seriously doubt that. .. :cool:
The western Europeans have always looked down on the Russians with grand designs on invading Russia and ethnically cleansing the slavic people in a land grab for centuries. Napoleon and Hitler both tried it but it didn't work out.
Now the Globalists in the U.S. and EU have taken up the mantle of destroying Russia and ruling country.
In all due respect, 'ruling Russia' is not part of the agenda of the globalist NWO. The goal is the Marxist view of a unified world, one world government, in which everybody lives in harmony under the same laws, rules, policies that of course will be centered on the new 'woke' sociopolitical and scientific ideology. And if the self appointed leaders happen to become filthy rich in the process, so be it.

Somehow I don't think either Zelensky or Putin are part of all that.
The Minsk Agreement--actually there were two--did not address NATO at all as I recall but did help broker an uneasy peace between Russia and the Ukraine. At any rate Putin declared it null and void when he invaded the Ukraine last year.
Putin abided by the Minsk Agreement for 8 years while none of the other signers ever did.
I seriously doubt that. .. :cool:
The western Europeans have always looked down on the Russians with grand designs on invading Russia and ethnically cleansing the slavic people in a land grab for centuries. Napoleon and Hitler both tried it but it didn't work out.
Now the Globalists in the U.S. and EU have taken up the mantle of destroying Russia and ruling country.
This isn't centuries. We are talking about the first quarter of this particular century. They need to go home and build their economy on something other than just oil and raise the standard of living for all Russian in their own country, while leaving everybody else, the fk alone. It would work and they and the rest of Europe would be better off for it. If the breakaway countries wanted to be under their dominance, they would have stayed, back in the 1980s. They want their freedom, and are fighting for their independence from Russia rule, and nobody in the world blames them, but Putin and Russia supporters.
Putin abided by the Minsk Agreement for 8 years while none of the other signers ever did.
I can't speak to that with any informed knowledge. But other than prisoner release and such, I don't recall that Russia was called on to do anything. Seems like all the reforms were supposed to be within the Ukraine?
We ought to stay the hell home more, also. I am glad we are out of Afghanistan, and should never have gone into Iraq.
We ought to stay the hell home more, also. I am glad we are out of Afghanistan, and should never have gone into Iraq.
This is where it gets really sticky. The U.S. refused to get into WWII until Japan bombed us followed by our declaration of war on Japan followed by declaration of war on us by Japan's ally Germany. (There are some conspiracy theorists to this day that say FDR's administration facilitated that to justify getting into the war. No agreement at all among historians one way or the other though.)

But because we maintained diplomatic relations with Hitler and refused to get into the war for so long, multiple European countries were overrun by the Nazis and six million Jews were murdered. And putting down Hitler would require far more resources, took far more time, and resulted in far more deaths than if we had just defended Poland from Hitler's aggression in the first place.

But then would it have been one of those wars that are fought until both sides just quit leaving nothing resolved? What is likely to happen with this war between the Ukraine and Russia?

As it was we and the allies fought Germany, Italy, and Japan to unconditional surrender allowing us to dictate the terms for peace. And all three of those countries are now non-aggressive, peaceful countries who present no threat to their neighbors or the USA and are in fact our allies and trading partners.

So what is the right thing to do? What produces the best possible outcome justifying the cost? It is so hard to say.

I do know I supported President Trump 100% in his determination to keep us out of endless wars that accomplish nothing.
Originally posted by White 6
They want their freedom, and are fighting for their independence from Russia rule, and nobody in the world blames them, but Putin and Russia supporters.

Your post isn't wrong, just awfully incomplete.

Let me fix it for you:

Ukraine is fighting for its freedom from russian rule.

Donetsk and Luhansk are fighting for their freedom from Ukrainian rule.

And Russia is fighting to stop US military bases from threatening its borders.

3 casus belli absolutely legitimate.

As Esdraelon correctly stated in a previous post, it's not a black and white conflict, except to super patriotic american clowns, "I'm for my country and its allies right or wrong" kind of posters who can only think in 1 dimension (the interest of their countries).
We ought to stay the hell home more, also. I am glad we are out of Afghanistan, and should never have gone into Iraq.
And all those years, precious resources wasted, precious blood wasted, and we left Afghanistan in the hands of the Taliban as it was before that war. And also after unbelievable huge amounts of U.S. treasure and American blood, Iraq, with a broken and ineffective government and unfettered terrorism, is no better off than it was under Saddam.
This is where it gets really sticky. The U.S. refused to get into WWII until Japan bombed us followed by our declaration of war on Japan followed by declaration of war on us by Japan's ally Germany. (There are some conspiracy theorists to this day that say FDR's administration facilitated that to justify getting into the war. No agreement at all among historians one way or the other though.)

But because we maintained diplomatic relations with Hitler and refused to get into the war for so long, multiple European countries were overrun by the Nazis and six million Jews were murdered. And putting down Hitler would require far more resources, took far more time, and resulted in far more deaths than if we had just defended Poland from Hitler's aggression in the first place.

But then would it have been one of those wars that are fought until both sides just quit leaving nothing resolved? What is likely to happen with this war between the Ukraine and Russia?

As it was we and the allies fought Germany, Italy, and Japan to unconditional surrender allowing us to dictate the terms for peace. And all three of those countries are now non-aggressive, peaceful countries who present no threat to their neighbors or the USA and are in fact our allies and trading partners.

So what is the right thing to do? What produces the best possible outcome justifying the cost? It is so hard to say.

I do know I supported President Trump 100% in his determination to keep us out of endless wars that accomplish nothing.
We were actually "at war" in WWII long before the actual declaration.
In the background....low key.
Supplying arms to Britain and assisting China with naval blockades slowly choking Japan to death.
Which is why they bombed Pearl Harbor.

This is pretty much how all wars start for us.

We supply tanks to Russia's enemy.
Russia attacks us eventually.
We call it an "unprovoked attack" and officially declare war.

The writing is on the wall already, but it's old.
Nothing "new" is happening here.
This is where it gets really sticky. The U.S. refused to get into WWII until Japan bombed us followed by our declaration of war on Japan followed by declaration of war on us by Japan's ally Germany. (There are some conspiracy theorists to this day that say FDR's administration facilitated that to justify getting into the war. No agreement at all among historians one way or the other though.)

But because we maintained diplomatic relations with Hitler and refused to get into the war for so long, multiple European countries were overrun by the Nazis and six million Jews were murdered. And putting down Hitler would require far more resources, took far more time, and resulted in far more deaths than if we had just defended Poland from Hitler's aggression in the first place.

But then would it have been one of those wars that are fought until both sides just quit leaving nothing resolved? What is likely to happen with this war between the Ukraine and Russia?

As it was we and the allies fought Germany, Italy, and Japan to unconditional surrender allowing us to dictate the terms for peace. And all three of those countries are now non-aggressive, peaceful countries who present no threat to their neighbors or the USA and are in fact our allies and trading partners.

So what is the right thing to do? What produces the best possible outcome justifying the cost? It is so hard to say.

I do know I supported President Trump 100% in his determination to keep us out of endless wars that accomplish nothing.
Well, that is why we are supporting Ukraine against the Russian invasion now, rather than let it continue until we have to fight another one with our own kids on the line.
And all those years, precious resources wasted, precious blood wasted, and we left Afghanistan in the hands of the Taliban as it was before that war. And also after unbelievable huge amounts of U.S. treasure and American blood, Iraq, with a broken and ineffective government and unfettered terrorism, is no better off than it was under Saddam.
The war in Afghanistan started with the mission to get Bin Laden for the 9/11 attack. The rest was mission creep, the deadliest, most expensive in blood and treasure mistake that can be made in warfare of limited scope and defined objective. Obama should have had us getting the heck out, within 6 months of accomplishing the original primary mission.
We were actually "at war" in WWII long before the actual declaration.
In the background....low key.
Supplying arms to Britain and assisting China with naval blockades slowly choking Japan to death.
Which is why they bombed Pearl Harbor.

This is pretty much how all wars start for us.

We supply tanks to Russia's enemy.
Russia attacks us eventually.
We call it an "unprovoked attack" and officially declare war.

The writing is on the wall already, but it's old.
Nothing "new" is happening here.
You have to take into account Japan's unacceptable behavior and illegal expansionism that provoked the U.S. retaliation toward Japan that was short of war. Was that justified? It can be debated but it is a fact that Japan had become an aggressor and threat to America's friends and formal allies. Japan's atrocities toward its neighbors are well documented.

Yamamoto intended to destroy the entire U.S. military naval capability via the attack on Pearl Harbor even as he feared he would be awakening a 'sleeping giant.' With no U.S. Navy, Japan could control the entire Pacific. But his fears of awakening that giant turned out to be well founded.
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The war in Afghanistan started with the mission to get Bin Laden for the 9/11 attack. The rest was mission creep, the deadliest, most expensive in blood and treasure mistake that can be made in warfare of limited scope and defined objective. Obama should have had us getting the heck out, within 6 months of accomplishing the original primary mission.
And George W. Bush should not have been so naive to think nation building in Afghanistan was anything practical or possible. Retaliation was necessary, but the initial strike and targeting Taliban leaders was sufficient retaliation for 9/11.

As for Iraq, if our military leaders all really did believe Saddam had a massive stockpile of WMD and would use it, maybe a first strike was called for. I don't know. But for sure, once it was determined the stockpile did not exist, we should have liberated Kuwait and gone home immediately. Saddam would have returned to his palace(s) but likely would not have risked any further expansionism.
Whatever you say my Commie comrade.
No, HERE...are your commie comrades:

joe-biden-gettyimages-1267438366 (1).jpg

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Putin has been bombing civilian schools, hospitals and other infrastructure for almost a year.
Actually, many independent journalists on the ground in Ukraine have reported the Russian army has judiciously tried to avoid killing civilians.
Whereas, the Ukrainian forces have no problem with mass shelling their own Ukrainian towns and cities when the Russian army is occupying them. Regardless if Ukrainian people are still living there.
Because the Ukrainian propaganda spin masters and the lying U.S. / EU media will blame the civilian deaths on the Russian army.
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